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I'm a huge fan of lists. They are a great way to follow accounts that relate to a topic or interest. For example, my most recent Twitter List is for #FormulaOne in honor of the 5th season of #DriveToSurvive.…

I'm a big fan of #PicardSeason3 (the first two seasons sucked) so I created a Twitter List of the cast and crew:…

When the whole #ProjectVeritas coup was going down I created a Twitter List that included all PV and PV-adjacent folks so I could keep up with the mutiny against @JamesOKeefeIII:…
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#StandWithJames 01

We, the Whistleblowers of Project Veritas stand with James O'Keefe.

#StandWithJames 02

Official statement from Project Veritas Whistleblowers & Insiders 1/2

#StandWithJames 03

Official statement from Project Veritas Whistleblowers & Insiders 2/2

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真実の追求を理念とするジャーナリスト集団の #NPO である #ProjectVeritas
同じく医療者たちの #Cochrane@AFLDSorg


その内紛には全て #メガファーマ の巨大な利権とお金が絡むワクチンの問題が同期している🤣

(1/ )
@AFLDSorg まずは #Cochrane の内紛

2018年、当時世界的に接種が推進されていた #HPVワクチン を後推しするコクランレビューが発表されたが、その論文の重大な欠陥や利益相反の問題を指摘した設立者のひとりで中心的な理事のPeter Gøtzsche @PGtzsche1 氏が不当にも追放された

(2/  )…
そして今回の #ProjectVeritas CEOのJames O'keefe氏の解任劇

解任理由にワクチンの問題は上げられていないが、O'keefe氏はPfizerの潜入取材による重大暴露スクープを発表して #ProjectVeritas の評価を大きく高めることに貢献したばかり

(3/  )

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So Project Veritas put out this super lame post about why they got rid of James O'Keefe and it's full of holes that James covered in his Final Video to his Team. Do they really think people aren't going to listen to him and the facts?

@JamesOKeefeIII Put out the videos that was shared around yesterday that makes it clear that he thinks this is about Pfizer. Why else would the company be removing him from the company and going after him like this? Do they really think they are PV?
So Far @Project_Veritas has lost all the Followers and subscribers it gained during the Pfizer Expose. They dropped over 300k so far on @twitter alone and it's clear there is no sign of stopping. It's like the Board wants to complete ruin Project Veritas.…
Read 17 tweets
Did Pfizer kill #ProjectVeritas or was it Daniel Strack, Barry Hinkley, and Matt Tyrmand's egos? The complete story + timeline of events detailing how three men decided that Project Veritas didn't need @JamesOKeefeIII.…
This is an update to my previous coverage of the #ProjectVeritas @JamesOKeefeIII saga titled: "The Effort to Silence James O'Keefe" Please subscribe to my Substack. Thanks!…
Members of the Project Veritas board are beginning to pay the price for their refusal to step down:
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Optics are everything in some organizations. For the officers and directors of Project Veritas, the one thing that bothered them more than any other was @JamesOKeefeIII's sailboat. In private conversations with Project Veritas folks, his little boat came up over and over again -……
The officers and directors of Project Veritas are pretending that they didn't realize that part of @JamesOKeefeIII's schtick and appeal were his antics - singing, dancing, dressing up - that is how he started and he's never changed. An early example:
The Project Veritas board is pretending they didn't know that part of @JamesOKeefeIII allure was the fact that he was an entertainer AND a journalist. Ironically, they're 'shocked, shocked, I tell you' that James spends PV money on dance videos like this:
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#ProjectVeritas donors sent a cease and desist notice to the organization arguing that removing @JamesOKeefeIII would violate Virginia state law. Love some legal analysis from @RobGouveiaEsq @barnes_law @RekietaLaw h/t @OldRowSwig
Read the update:…
The most shocking thing I've discovered from the Project Veritas mutiny are the conservatives who HATE @JamesOKeefeIII. I have at least a dozen messages from conservatives who I respect who have recommended that I stop supporting James...
If you don't want to work with @JamesOKeefeIII you don't have to. Just leave and start your own company. You don't have a right to steal #ProjectVeritas from its founder. Just quit.
Read 4 tweets
Kijk eens. Dit is een prachtige link die deze man hier legt.

De relatie tussen enerzijds Ralph Baric, DE expert in het genetisch manipuleren van verschillende virussen.

Dit keer gaat het over het Dengue virus. Een kort draadje. #ProjectVeritas
Baric is de laatste auteur, zoals wel vaker, en is dus eindverantwoordelijk voor de studie.

Daar is niets bijzonders aan, ik wil het alleen maar laten zien. Het onderzoek werd verricht aan zijn universiteit, de University of North-Carolina.
Uit de abstract:

"More importantly, using protein engineering and directed evolution of the prM cleavage site, we engineered genetically stable mature DENVs in all serotypes independent of cell or host, usually with minimal impact on viral yield."
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🧵Here is a research paper from Spring of 2022 on Directed Evolution. You might notice that Ralph Baric is one of the authors listed at the bottom. It's also important to note that Pfizer (see Project Veritas video) is listed in the acknowledgements. Image
2) Those familiar with my friend, the late Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko, are well aware of who Ralph Baric is.

I STRONGLY suggest that you check out this Telegram post from Zev on Dec 21st, 2021 (partially pictured) and look at the links that go with it.… ImageImage
3) Dr. Zelenko @ZelenkoZev posted this on his Telegram on March 31st, 2022:

"This paper from 2015 describes how Dr. Ralph Baric and his colleagues in Wuhan bio-engineered a bat corona virus to be infectious to human beings." Image
Read 10 tweets
Project Veritas says they have verified Jordan T. Walker as Pfizer Director, Research & Development Strategic Operations. This is bullshit, and I'm forced to take a break from trading shitcoins to show it.

#ProjectVeritas #JordonTrishtonWalker #Pfizer
According @JamesOKeefeIII and @RWMaloneMD Jordan Trishton Lee Walker is a Doctor Med at Doctor Med at U of Texas Southwestern medical school. Someone took the time to aggregate all available info about him here:…

And it makes no sense and I'll prove it.
According to their information, he worked as a urology resident physician Jan 2018 to Nov 2019, when he joined Boston Consulting Group. He published papers from Jan 2016 until Feb 2019.…
Read 9 tweets
Kyllä me #judaisti-#siionisti-#kasaari-#natsit sitten naurettiin.
- Sinisilmäiset #goyimit kaikkein mieluimmin alentuvat pelleiksimme, sotivat puolestamme, tuhoavat maansa ja kansansa omalla kustannuksellaan ja nuolevat saappaamme puhtaiksi, lastensa verestä. ImageImage
#EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following #COVIDVaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100% | Mar 22, 2022
- From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,814,420) are SERIOUS injuries.
https://tinyurl. com/24j2ssbj Image
#Darpa-#Roulette-#mRNA, #Idolatry in the Twenty First Century.
80 #Canadian MDs “#boosted” and dead | Oct 20, 2022
- Though many #doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign.
Read 36 tweets
Alright, I promised a thread, didn’t I?

The #Midterms2022 didn’t go as we expected because they had to cheat us out of a Red Wave and I can prove it.

PS: @elonmusk, if your algorithm bands me during this, I’ll never forgive you.
Let’s start with Michigan. Voters came out in sweeping numbers. So much so that they felt threatened enough to ballot dump more than once in the race between Tom Barrett and Elissa Slotkin
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Former President Trump and the #DOJ have each submitted 2 candidates to serve as an independent #SpecialMaster to review documents the #FBI seized from the former president’s Mar-a-Lago residence.

Learn about the 4 candidates👇…
The first of Trump’s choices is Raymond J. Dearie, who began his federal judicial service in 1986, the year he was nominated by then-President Ronald Regan and confirmed by the Senate to be a U.S. district judge for the Eastern District of New York.
Trump’s second pick is Paul Huck Jr., who is the founder of the Huck Law firm and former partner at the multinational law firm Jones Day, according to the court filing.

Previously, Huck served as Florida deputy attorney general from 2003 to 2007.
Read 6 tweets
Decided to consolidate my #BidenCrimeFamilly Posts into a thread, so that everyone has the resources. There is probably more, but this is a good start #BigTech #ElectionIntegrity #pedo #censorship
At the same time, everyone knew this was real. Here is the FBI document stating they had the laptop…
Read 38 tweets
BREAKING: #ProjectVeritas Undercover- @nytimes National Security Correspondent, @AllMattNYT, Contradicts His Own #January6th Reporting,“There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol.”…
CONT: @AllMattNYT, “It was like, me and two other colleagues who were there [#January6th] outside and we were just having fun!” #ProjectVeritas (2/6)
CONT: @AllMattNYT,“I know I’m supposed to be traumatized, but like, all these colleagues who were in the [Capitol] building and are like 'Oh my God it was so scary!’ I’m like, ‘f*ck off!’” #ProjectVeritas (3/6)
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Tuesday, January 18, 2022
News you can use.

Try not to laugh...
#ErikPrince and James O'Keefe are the ratf*ck extroardinaires #RogerStone Steve #Bannon needed. Sprinkle a little #Flynn in there, and you've got a military grade political hack squad ready to fill their own pockets no matter how bad it is for the U.S.

Read 33 tweets
Christmas came early for our @dhillonlaw clients #projectveritas #jamesokeefe today! NY Trial court issued devastating opinion ruling that the @nytimes improperly obtained and published its litigation adversary’s non-waived privileged communications:
More excerpts from the opinion:
3/ I’m working to get full opinion up will link it, but bottom line is the @nytimes’ discovery and litigation misconduct was repeatedly called out by Justice Wood, and he threatens prompt sanctions if the paper doesn’t comply!! Kudos to @libbylocke who won this! @ClareLockeLLP
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#ExposePharma #ProjectVeritas
No wonder they don’t want us using HCQ or Ivermectin…
Adding #ExposeMedicalLabs to #ExposePharma They’re all related.…
ACON Laboratories Flowflex COVID-19 Home Test—a new rapid antigen test that can be purchased over-the-counter
#ExposePharma #ExposeLabs Image
Read 57 tweets
#CovidVaxExposed #plandemia #DictaduraSanitaria #YoNoMeVauno #ProjectVeritas publica entrevista de enfermera denunciante del gobierno federal con grabaciones secretas: "No quieren mostrar que la kakuna es un porqueria... no estan reportando los efectos adversos" SUBTITULADO 1/5
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Links between the organisers &groups behind anti-#lockdown protests are VERY interesting.
Project Veritas is a far-right political dirty tricks operation &disinformation group linked to ultraconservative Republicans, mercenary head Erik Prince, a former MI-6 spy, &is well funded.
The right wing dirty tricks group #ProjectVeritas is cozy with Murdoch’s SkyNews:
“Isn’t it interesting how these revelations from Project Veritas are only being carried on Sky News Australia after dark and also in America on Fox News.”…
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@HouseGOP @SenateGOP @GOPLeader @GOPChairwoman @SenToddYoung Even the fund managers are making sure that the small companies get benefits even if there are no legislations implemented by the Republicans in Congress. @SenatorBraun ?
David Leigh and the @guardian have subsequently and repeatedly violated @wikileaks security conditions
@iankatz admitted in December 2010 meeting that this condition was not being followed by the Guardian.
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We all knew this. Now we finally have a scumbag who admits it

@CNN Director Reveals the Truth Behind CNN's COVID-19 Death Toll Counter #FearPorn #Ratings⬇️ #ProjectVeritas @brianstelter @jaketapper…
“COVID? Gangbusters with ratings, right? Which is why we [CNN] constantly have the [COVID-19] death toll on the side, which I have a major problem with – with how we’re tallying how many people die every day,” Chester says in the video.
He explains a perverse incentive regarding the numbers. “Like, why isn’t it high enough, you know, today? Like, it would make our point better if it was higher. And I’m like, what am I f***ing rallying for? That’s a problem that we’re doing that.”
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IRF-RT DC run by Greg Mitchell (The Mitchell Firm) had a session on to push: India's designation as CPC

Moderator: Matias Perttula
Their Speakers:
Govind Acharya @amnestyusa
Sunita Vishwanath @Hindus4HR
Rasheed Ahmed @IAMCouncil
John Prabhudoss @Fiacona_us

cc: @IndianEmbassyUS
They have painted these LIES:
1. Hindu Nationalist as FASCIST. #Hindutva as extremist
2. Since 2014 Modi government, Hindu Nationalist Fascists started mistreating so-called minority community (Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs)
3. #LoveJihad laws are hurtting 'LOVE'

Read 20 tweets
Postal Worker Admits Fabricating Allegations Of #BallotTampering 😳

"A #Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top #Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service...…
... investigators that he fabricated the allegations, according to three people briefed on the investigation and a statement from a House congressional committee. #RichardHopkins’ claim that a postmaster in #Erie, Pa., instructed postal workers to backdate #ballots mailed...
... after #ElectionDay was cited by Sen. #LindseyGraham (R-S.C.) in a letter to the Department of Justice calling for a federal investigation. Attorney General #WilliamBarr subsequently authorized federal prosecutors to open probes into credible allegations...
Read 14 tweets

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