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#Information cascade alert!

The US #intelligence agencies are supposed to reveal all information they have with respect to the #OriginOfCovid

I wanted to use the opportunity to explain exactly what you will see happening in the media, no matter the content of those reports
🧵 Image
First, let's talk about expectations.

From the get-go, it is absolutely clear that there is no #smoking gun or similar to be expected.

The intelligence services all had access to the same information and most assessments are low confidence, with 4 agencies favoring #zoonosis. Image
Within the 'manmade' mythology, too many unverified stories are taken as gospel truth.

Overall, the best LLs can hope for is that the IC can verify some #circumstantial evidence that they have spun into their #mythology; but honestly, I highly doubt that.
Read 18 tweets
Herkese selamlar havadan yani #airdrop olarak 30$ kazanma floodu ile karşınızdayım :)

Destek için beğeni ve RT yaparsanız çok mutlu olurum.

Bilgisayarı olmayanlar üzülmesin, telefondan da yapılabiliyor. Hadi hemen başlayalım 👇 Image
Coinbase eskiden beri quiz gibi görevler yaparak birçok kez para dağıttı

Şimdi yine öyle bir dönemden geçiyoruz. Direkt olarak çekilebilir para dağıtıyor.

Öncelikle coinbase hesabınız yoksa bir coinbase hesabı açmalısınız. Varsa mutlaka eski hesabınıza girin.
Şimdi ise bir coinbase wallet indirmemiz gerekiyor ben bu işlemleri telefondan yaptım.

Bu arada çok ufak bir miktar fee ödememiz gerekiyor.

Cüzdanlarınızı yorumlara bırakın 40 kişiye fee için para atacağım :) Image
Read 14 tweets
🚀 The biggest #AMM on #Optimism with only $20M MC but holding $250M TVL

Just add $Velo @VelodromeFi to my portfolio!

MC: $20M; Price: $0.08

The OP eco will heat up again and all things've been done for the next big boom of $Velo

A thread on $Velo 🚪 why you shouldn't fade it Image
1️⃣ OP's bedrock upgrade

▪️ Bedrock is a huge upcoming upgrade for the Optimism chain that allows for reduced fees and transfer times up to 4x faster.

▪️ To catch details about Bedrock and the current state of Optimism, read this thread 👇🏻
2️⃣ A quick introduction to Velodrome.

▪️ Velodrome is an #AMM and a liquidity marketplace built on #Optimism, Velodrome is a fork of #Solidity.

▪️ Velodrome aims to provide the deepest liquidity, lowest slippage, and the best rates on the market for its users.
Read 14 tweets
越来越内卷的空投,OP、ARB 之后,还会有大毛吗?

#OP#ARB 之后,”撸毛“这个事业现在越来越”内卷“,接下来的 #zkSync 更是”卷王“。

所以,以后还会有像 OP、ARB 这样的大毛吗?还是说以后小毛和被反撸会成为常态?


1. 空投可以建立强大社区




Read 10 tweets
Smart Money(聪明钱)是一个有趣的链上挖掘工作。
今天我来解密,如何把握它们,并且如何寻找? Image
使用的工具软件准备: #Nansen#DeBank#Dune
专业用户,可使用 #Python +API 接口,做更深度数据挖掘工作。
上述工具, #Nansen#DeBank 建议走付费通道,将打开新的一扇大门。假如使用得当,可开启开挂人生。 ImageImageImageImage
#Nansen 教学举例。
其中聪明钱买入了有 #BLUR #ROKO #GPT #AURA #ZERO 等。
其中聪明钱卖出了有 #HFT #SOV #THEO #SHIK

假如其中有不熟悉的项目,去项目官网,推特,查看和挖掘。 Image
Read 10 tweets
Synthetix #SNX vizyonu nedir ?

Teknik detaylara boğmadan SADE anlaşılır olması için anlattım‚ umarım faydalı olur 1/21 🧵

@synthetix_io Ethereum üzerine inşa edilmiş‚ sentetik(türev) varlıklar için bir likidite katmanıdır. Bu varlıklara platformda ‘’Synth" adı veriliyor.
Hayal gücünüzü zorlamanız için örnek veriyorum güvenilir merkeziyetsiz bir fiyat akışına sahip olan (Oracle) her şeyin sentetik halini yaratmak mümkündür. Örneğin bir kalem düşünün eğer gerçek hayatta alınıp satılan bir kalemin fiyat verisi anlık olarak elimdeyse..
Bu kalemin sentetik türevinin alınıp satıldığı bir pazar yaratabilirim. En güzel örneklerden biriside petroldür.. Kimse petrole elini sürmez ama sentetik türevini alıp satar finans piyasalarında. Trilyonlarca $ büyüklüğünde bir pazardan bahsediyoruz.
Read 21 tweets
If you miss #Arb #OP and you want to Know more about @Scallop_io and what the team has been cooking 🧑‍🍳 for their communities, this is a must-read.
A thread 🧵. Image
@Scallop_io is the next-generation interest rate machine for Sui, places an emphasis on user-friendliness, and provides premium bonds as well as high-interest loans and borrowing for the sui ecosystem.
The ecology of ocean-themed NFTs in the @Scallop_io protocol's on-chain collectibles offers functional advantages like access to ecosystem features or increased yield. Players can showcase their NFTs in the Scallop Tank, which is just plain entertaining.
Read 8 tweets
Worldcoin launched its World ID protocol.
The project aimed at establishing digital identity via biometrics stored on-chain🔐
It can potentially help developers establish whether a real person is behind a digital action👶

#WorldID #DecentralizedID
Worldcoin's biometric identity verification system, the Orb, scans users' irises to establish unique personhood in the digital world.

At launch, World ID can be bridged to networks beyond Ethereum like Optimism, Arbitrum, as well as Polygon.

#Arbitrum #Optimism #ARB #OP #Eth
Worldcoin's documentation states that it uses zero-knowledge proofs, allowing individuals to prove something is true without revealing what that thing is, to establish personhood.

#ZKP #ZK #personhood
Read 4 tweets
#Claudia‘s Notes


昨晚的Space回放已经超过了5000人,结束后还有很多人在回味。后台有很多人在DM我出一期回顾,今天我整理了前半段(没被炸前)的Quick Notes,供大家参考。

1. 投研先分板块,看技术路线进展,按价值轮动规律做。板块重要性高于alpha。从正确的板块里找alpha。大资管,不在乎小容量的alpha,要赚到的是行业以年为单位的beta。最难的是分配板块资金、完成板块切换。
2. 公链主要价值:#稳定币#借贷#DEX#NFTFi。因为最重要的杠杆就是稳定币、权益代币、LP pair。

3. 团队:路径依赖不好,赛道三天不看就很难跟上了。跟踪某个赛道每天的变化,知道这个赛道要起来了。团队每个人负责跟踪一个角落,这是团队的意义。
Read 10 tweets
2023 is a MASSIVE year for

• Rollups
• Modular

Knowing these narratives early can easily result in financial freedom if one does the work.

🧵👇Here is a breakdown of the narrative and 20+ projects

👂Too busy to read?
👂⬇️ Listen to AI Chloe while browsing.
The upcoming years are shaping up to be a battle of ZK, Rollups and highly modular projects.

But what the hell are zero snark(y) and optimistic roll ups? And why does it matter?
In this thread I‘ll explain:

W h a t?
W h y?

8 interesting zk, rollup and modular projects (Released)

8 upcoming zk, rollup and modular projects
Read 50 tweets
She's waking up from her deep slumber.

✅ Partnerships with $AAVE and $LINK secured.
💭 Rumours of #ZK (Zero Knowledge) upon the horizon?
🔥 A soon to be hybrid #OP and #ZK Rollup L2 Chain.
🔨 Revamp of Andromeda Explorer?

@MetisDAO... you beauty🌿

Let's check in... 🧵👇 Image
In this thread, we will uncover the following;

1⃣ What is Metis?
2⃣ News and Rumours
3⃣ #ZK Coming?
4⃣ $AAVE
5⃣ Chainlink
6⃣ Redesign of Andromeda Explorer
7⃣ Faster and Cheaper
8⃣ $100m Ecosystem Fund
9⃣ Metis Builder Mining
🔟 Metis Ecosystem
1⃣ What is $Metis?

Metis is a hard fork of @optimismFND and utilises the Optimistic Rollup framework. $Metis is an EVM-compatible Layer 2 scaling solution built on Ethereum that allows for cheaper (cheapest relative to other L2s at 0.02 cents per tx) and faster transactions. Image
Read 31 tweets
1 /明年财富主旋律系列,现在布局好时机,直接上干的
#SSV 质押赛道
(1)明年 3月 #ETH 上海升级的利好,
目前TVL数据仅次于排名第一的 #MRK
也会跟上 #ETH 的节奏,目前价格1.038U
Read 6 tweets
1) Bei Symptomen nicht nur auf EINEN neg. #Schnelltest verlassen. Der Test schlägt oft erst einige Tage später an.
2) Zuverlässige Selbsttests(auch bei geringer Viruslast): Longsee, Citest.
3) Abstrich: hintere Rachenwand,dann Nase. Gründlich!
4) Tupfer einige Min in der Pufferlösung stehen lassen. Gut ausdrücken.Ergebnis nach angegebener Zeit ablesen.Strich kommt manchmal erst zum Schluss. Auch schwacher Strich=pos.!
5) Auch bei pos. #Selbsttest zuhause hat man Anspruch auf kostenlose #PCR!…
6) #Inkubationszeit liegt z.Z. im Durchschnitt bei 3-4 Tagen.Bei Kindern auch länger.
7) #Covid-#Symptome sind vielfältig.Nicht nur Fieber/Gliederschmerzen/Husten/Hals- &Kopfschmerzen, auch #Bauchschmerzen, #Übelkeit, #Durchfall. Sogar nur ganz leichter #Schnupfen.
Read 11 tweets
With a TVL of around $930M, #Optimism is one of the most popular scaling solutions for @ethereum!

Let's dive deeper to understand what @optimismFND is, how optimistic rollups work, its tokenomics, and more 🧵👇
1/ What is #Optimism?
• Optimism is a Layer 2 solution for #Ethereum to help end-users access dApps with cheaper transactions and achieve a smoother user experience.
• According to @DefiLlama, Optimism currently ranks #8 for the most popular chains by TVL.
2/ How does #Optimism work?
• It works by using optimistic rollups to bundle multiple off-chain transactions in large batches before sending them to the main #Ethereum network.
• This enables Optimism's Layer 2 blockchain to inherit all the security features from Ethereum.
Read 6 tweets
1/x Prior to #DevconVI, at #RollupDay, @VitalikButerin talked about “Hardening rollups with multi-proofs”. Here is a thread of brief summary.
2/x Nowadays, almost all #rollup protocols are still on “training wheels”, as proofs are either in development or can be easily overridden by simple governance.
3/x Even if we have proof systems ready say validity proof for zk-rollups, due to the complexity of the generated proofs, it’s quite tough to ensure there’s no bug in the proof. One example below, for a simple code snippet in #PSE zk-EVM impl, it has 34,469 lines of circuit code.
Read 18 tweets
Kinh nghiệm của mình dành cho anh vốn bé trong mùa này là nên chơi theo dòng tiền của của 1 số hệ sinh thái mới ra, có thể trend chỉ vài ngày hoặc vài tuần nhưng nếu bắt được sớm thì mua con gì cũng sẽ win
mấy hệ sinh thái mới thì giai đoạn này đa số nên mua mấy con làm #DEX sau đó là mấy con #farming hoặc là #NFT
Theo follow đó mình đã bắt được khá nhiều trend sớm gần đây như: #dogechain #ethw #arbitrum #op .Nên nhớ là chỉ ăn sóng đầu không nên kỳ vọng quá lâu trong giai đoạn này
Read 8 tweets
Heads up! 🚨
With the pending election & ops in full force, there's been an increase in the infiltration of bot accts.
Bots may be benign but their directive can be changed & they have full access to your acct if not blocked.
Some being followed are having functional difficulties Image
Some bot accts are old & are hacked or purchased, some are new.
When did they start tweeting?
Does it make sense for when the acct was created?
Who do they follow? Who follows them?
They are usually connected to a botnet.

What's a botnet?
Find out here.… Image
Once you learn what to look for, bot accts are easily identified. 🤖🤖

Some have the plain NPC pfp like @imehran1997 & have 0 or a few tweets. Others like @BriyarKhodayar are slightly more developed and have been given a pfp.
They should ALL be blocked if they are following you. ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
1/ The $OP airdrop was worth $50k at it's peak, and the same will happen for @arbitrum 🪂

Here's EVERYTHING you need to know to be eligible for the $ARBI Airdrop 🔥

🧵 THREAD 🧵 Image
@arbitrum 2/ TL;DR 🎙

@arbitrum still doesn’t have its own token, so we're expecting one anytime soon 👀

Here's what one of the co-founders of @OffchainLabs that builds @arbitrum tweeted after #OP airdrop was announced 👇

@arbitrum @OffchainLabs 3/ What I'll cover in this thread:

◼️ What is an Airdrop
◼️ What is Arbitrum #ARBI
◼️ Eligibility Checklist 101

Let's get started! Buckle Up 💺
Read 31 tweets
Cập nhật góc nhìn về thị trường ngày 29/08/2022:
1. Sau phát biểu của FED ngày 26 vừa qua, toàn thị trường tài chính trải qua đợt sụt giảm nghiêm trọng. Hồi sáng nay Stock futures mở cừa toàn là màu đỏ, tuy nhiên cho đến bh đã khả quan hơn, khi mà các chỉ số bắt đầu dừng giảm và có xu hướng hồi phục.
2. Góc nhìn về #BTC của mình từ giờ cho đến đầu quý 4 vẫn như cũ, chủ yếu sideway lượn sóng trong vùng 19-24k, đợt này khó mà giảm sâu quá xuống dưới 19k$ được. Vì về cơ bản số lượng stablecoin ở ngoài đang rất nhiều, rất nhiều người chờ đợi #BTC giảm
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#OP buy setup, chia 3 phần vốn, rải mua từ giá hiện tại (quanh 1.07x) Sẽ mua thêm nếu về vùng quanh 0.8$, và DCA tăng giá, mua thêm nếu break trên 1.1$. Kèo này VOL to, đánh vốn lớn được. #BTC đang rất gần vùng mua rồi, #OP sẽ rất sáng nếu #BTC hồi lên 21k$
#BTC sát vùng mua rồi, khó giảm sâu trong đợt này. Giờ là thời điểm ra tiền, quăng lưới bắt sóng hồi. #BTC lên 21k thì #OP #FLOW #ROSE mất con coin L1 L2 này rất sáng
Cho anh em có niềm tin 😁
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was #CoronaVirus mit #UkraineWar zu tun hat?

und was beides mit dem 9. märz 1522 zu tun hat? #Aschermittwoch

500 jahre #wurstessen in zürich
#soziologie beobachtet und beschreibt das soziale.

was ist das #soziale?
- nicht das biologische
- nicht das psychische

und positiv formuliert?
- kommunikation.

was ist #kommunikation?
- das, was für das biologische LEBEN und für das psychische BEWUSSTSEIN ist.
positiv formuliert?
- kommunikation ist eine 3-fache selektion:
1. information
2. mitteilung
3. verstehen

aber bitte verstehe nicht nur den ausdruck "verstehen" nicht zu rasch:

- nicht menschen.
Read 39 tweets
Ihr oder jemand aus Eurer Familie muss sich einer #Operation unterziehen? Oder bekommt eine #Narkose?
Tut mir einen Gefallen, bereitet Euch vor.
Ein paar Tipps (die gerne ergänzt werden dürfen) für die #Vorbereitung auf eine #OP #Anästhesie #Krankenhaus
Esst etwas, trinkt etwas, nehmt Euch zu essen und zu trinken mit. Im Krankenhaus gibt es entweder nichts (Corona!1! Kantine nur für Mitarbeiter*innen...) oder es ist teuer.
In den seltensten Fällen muss man nüchtern antreten, falls ihr Euch unsicher seid, fragt vorher nach.
Bringt etwas zum Zeitvertreib mit. Eine Lieblingszeitschrift (@alphahuhn Verbrechen!), ein Tablet, Bücher, eigenes Spielzeug für die Kinder - ihr werdet es brauchen.
Personalmangel überall und digitales Mittelalter (Zettelwirtschaft) sorgen für stundenlange Wartezeiten.
Read 11 tweets
Studie belegt #Modelle: Schulen treiben die Pandemie
Diese Studie zeigt, dass in der 2. #Welle der #Lockdown wenig brachte. Erst durch das zusätzliche Schliessen der Geschäfte und #Schulen setzte in Deutschland eine positive Wirkung ein #twlz #RKI #KMK…
Wissenschaftliche Evidence - #Schulen treiben die #Pandemie: Wie haben #RKI/#KMK nach 18 Monaten #Kitas und #Schulen aufgestellt? Keine #Raumluftkonzepte, nicht einmal #Hepaluftfilter, keine geeigneten Hygienepläne, kaum vorbereitet auf Distanzlernen #twlz
zur Krönung: Die #Maskenpflicht wird in den meisten Bundesländern - für die nicht pandemiegerechten #Kitas /#Schulen - aufgehoben. Anstatt #Raumluftkonzepte und #FFP3 beginnt nach den Sommerferien die nächste Runde Infektions-Roulette - diesmal mit #Delta
Read 261 tweets

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