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1/ 🚨New pre-print online!🚨"School Shootings Increase NRA Donations" explores how the pro-gun political right in the US counter-mobilizes after school shootings. I provide causal estimates for substantive and lasting increases in donations to the NRA.…🧵👇 ImageImage
2/ The US has experienced a tragic increase in school and mass shootings. Most studies focus on effects on support for gun regulations and voting. To understand (the absence of) changes in gun regulation, we must consider the full range of political.
3/ Gun owners are a highly active political constituency. Yet, we lack systematic quantitative evidence on how their participation changes after school shootings amid threats of gun regulation.
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ONE political party + the #NRA are terrorizing us
#Americans demand
💙An end to the rule of the #NRA
#WTP deserve:
💙"LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
#WTP require
💙Politicians who keep us safe

#Vote for #GunSafety

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Our #Guns are sold legally to people who take them to #Mexico (200K per year) that are then used by gangs & drug lords.

They then cause crime & terror that causes many to flee illegally to #America

Our #BorderCrisis is supported by the #NRA fight against #GunControl (comment)
I 100000000000000% support mexico's effort to stop the gun merchants who should take better care not to sell to people who take guns to drug lords Image
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Across the United States, in most places it's legal to kill someone in self-defense even if you could run away.
#standyourground #gunsinamerica #gundeaths #gunsales #NRA #ALEC #dutytoretreat #firearms #gundata #selfdefense Image
Since 2005, the NRA and the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council have helped make these so-called "stand your ground" laws the norm. #standyourground #gundeaths #NRA #ALEC #dutytoretreat #firearms #gundata #selfdefense MORE:…
As more states adopted the recommended language of special interest groups, gun manufacturing rose significantly. READ MORE:…
#standyourground #gunsinamerica #gundeaths #gunsales #NRA #ALEC #dutytoretreat #firearms #gundata #selfdefense ImageImage
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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Fighting the privacy wars, state by state; and more!

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#Pluralistic 1/ Image
Next Thu (Mar 2) I'm in #Brussels for #Antitrust, Regulation & Political Economy, with a who's-who of EU and US trustbusters. Both in-person and virtual attendance are free:

On Fri (Mar 3), I'll be in #Graz for @elevatefestival: 2/
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1/ Who is to blame for America’s gun madness? The answer is simple… "GOP politicians on the take, greed driven gun manufacturers without a heart or soul, #ALEC, the #KochNetwork and a small minority of truly sick #gun addicts all have blood on their hands"
2/ "When #Koch became a leader of #ALEC back in 1995, ALEC's publications proudly touted its #gun agenda and the #SecondAmendment right to bear arms, in contrast to it's recent attempts to distance itself from this agenda."…
3/ In 2005, #NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer pushed the "Castle Doctrine" bill to create legal immunity for shooters claiming self-defense. It was "unanimously adopted by the private and public sector members at that meeting."

The bill came to be known as "Stand Your Ground" Image
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Darya, daughter of Alexander #Dugin was killed in a car bomb attack near the village of Bolshiye Vyazyomy. Sources speculate it could have been either the Kremlin or Ukraine responsible.
Who is Darya Dugin?
She was very outspoken about her hatred for Ukrainians.
"Ukrainians are not humans. They all deserve to die."
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#DariaDugin, daughter of #AlexanderDugin, has been #Assassinated via #CarBomb near #Moscow.

#AleksandrDugin is a prominent #Russian strategist sometimes called #PutinsBrain. He’s thought to have inspired #Putin to pursue the annexation of #Crimea, the... [1/2]
...#SpecialMilitaryOperation in #Ukraine, as well as the concepts of #Novorossiya and the #FairWorldOrder.

The #Assassination of the #FWO strategist’s daughter #DariaDugina is comparable to elimination of #NWO strategist #HenryKissinger’s daughter. [2/2]
The elimination of #DariaDugin represents a potential #Escalation between #NewWorldOrder and #FairWorldOrder. If #Russia assesses that #NWO actors are involved, the #Russians are likely to pursue #TitForTat. If #Washington’s proxy in #Kiev is determined the perpetrator... [1/2]
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Dans notre série :
« Nos conspis franchouillards ne sont que les "petits télégraphistes" des fachos US »

Aujourd'hui Laurent #Mucchielli

Lobby industriel, extrême droite, armes à feu, ultralibéralisme, expulsions locatives, #gbd
Au préalable il faut savoir que depuis le début de la pandémie #covid l'essentiel de la désinformatio provient de seulement 12 sources, qui alimentent les conspifafs du monde entier.

Lire ce fil
Nos grenouilles de bénitier antivax ne font pas exception : ils n'inventent rien et se contentent avec un léger décalage horaire de reprendre les conneries inventées outre-atlantique.
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Nochmal ein paar "Fun Facts" zu #Trump und seinen geklauten Dokumenten

1. #Trump ruft nach der Veröffentlichung des Durchsuchungsbefehls, dann stellt das Justizministerium den Antrag auf Veröffentlichung, dann wird Trump auf einmal SEHR leise.


Weil Trump eine Kopie

des Dokuments erhalten hat. Er hätte es jederzeit veröffentlichen können. Er wollte mit dem "Legt es offen!" nur mal wieder die Märtyrer Bongos bearbeiten. Durchschaubar.

2. Das Bild im ersten Tweet ist die Gesetzesänderung, die #Trump 2018 mitgetragen hat, um eine höhere
Gefängnisstrafe für #HillaryClinton zu erreichen, Ihr erinnert euch: "But her emails"... Nun wird ihm das evtl. selbst zum Verhängnis. Gerüchteweise handelt es sich um 20+ Dokumente, die er widerrechtlich geklaut hat. Von einer "einfachen" Strafe von maximal 1 Jahr wurde der
Read 6 tweets
I'm seeing a number of tweets asking how a mass shooting can occur in a mall in Copenhagen despite the strict firearms legislation in place here. It feels necessary to add some facts to the conversation: 🧵🧶🪡
#shooting #mall #copenhagen #Denmark
1) Denmark has had two random (2) mass shootings in eight (8) years, today and one in 2015, where two (2) died. That is 0,25 shooting a year for a country of roughly six million. I'm fairly certain the US have long since used up that horrible quota.
2) Gang shootings are not a part of that number (0,25/year). Why? They have claimed relatively few victims and are rare. Perps usually use handguns and not assault weapons (there's that legislation again!). They also target rival gangs, making them less deadly for "civilians".
Read 5 tweets
In order to become a hair stylist in the US, the candidate must attend a training course, take written and practical exams, pay a license fee and renew that license every few years, and take continuing ed classes. /1
To buy a gun in many US states, all the purchaser needs is cash. Not every state requires a permit, though they do require a background check IF the gun is purchased from a dealer. Online sales and gun shows DO NOT require a background check. /2
Only 7 states require safety training in order to own a gun: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, Washington, California, and Hawaii. /3
Read 8 tweets
Virginia Beach #massshooting #OTD in 2019. Twelve dead. Remember how the five dead in the Boston Massacre set in play the American Revolution? There is not one legit reason for #AR15s + high-capacity mags. 1/
2/ AR-15 is short for Armalite Rifle, the name of the company that invented #AR15s for, get this, military use. Ban #AR15 assault rifles. If you need 30-rounds, then you're a mass murderer or a really bad shot. Either way, you're a danger to society. #GunSense #GunViolence ImageImageImageImage
3/ The Supreme Court thinks open carry/conceal carry, etc., are fine, but not inside the #SupremeCourt. #NRA, #Glock, #ShotShow, don't allow open carry or often even guns in their offices, events, etc. GOP cowards. #2A #2ndAmendment…
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#Muskogee #Oklahoma #MassShooting #GunSense #BanAR15s - Sunday night Memorial Day festival in Taft, Oklahoma (1 hr. SE of Tulsa) w/ 1,000 to 1,500 people; mass shooter fires 40 rounds; kills 1; wounds 7 ages 9 to 56. Skyler Buckner, 26, jailed. THREAD 1/…
2/ #2A #GunsOverPeople #GunSense Sin tax guns and ammo. End ALL private sales/transfers without background checks. Background checks are very weak. People who are bipolar, heavily medicated, etc., can still purchase guns legally. Require gun insurance.…
3/ I'm sick of crap. But #2A US Constitution #FederalistSociety "original intent" folks: I’m okay if you own arms if you're serving in a well-regulated militia with 18th C rifles, muskets and pistols. Meanwhile, another #massshooting in #Taft #Oklahoma…
Read 12 tweets
#Chattanooga #Massshooting #2A #2ndAmendment - Another one? Flood the market with guns and idiots promoting how everyone should carry them around, #massshootings will happen. Shame on the NRA, Ted Cruz, etc. They can all go to Hell.…
2/ #2ndAmendment #2A #AR15 The right to carry AR-15 high-capacity semi-automatics was never "original intent". The Constitution was never amended to permit them from being carried around concealed or in the open or in any other way. Activist judges slipped them through. So there. ImageImageImageImage
3/ #2A US Constitution #FederalistSociety "original intent" folks: I’m okay if you own arms if you're serving in a well-regulated militia with 18th Century rifles, muskets and pistols. Meanwhile, another #massshooting in #Chattanooga with 6+ wounded.…
Read 7 tweets
"Insieme ci riprenderemo la Camera, ci riprenderemo il Senato e, nel 2024, ci riprenderemo quella grande e bellissima Casa Bianca che amiamo e a cui teniamo così tanto".
È con queste parole che Donald #Trump infiamma la convention della NRA, la potentissima lobby delle armi. Image
A Houston, Texas, lo stesso stato di #Uvalde, #Trump fa quello che gli riesce meglio: vellicare gli istinti di quella (cospicua) parte di Paese che rappresenta (e rappresenterà) lo zoccolo duro della sua base elettorale. Image
Perché è questa la non-notizia della serata. Tra un richiamo ad "America First" ed un altro al "Make America Great Again", The Donald lascia intendere di non essersi ancora liberato dall'ossessione della sconfitta, dalla voglia della grande rimonta.
È il tema della sua vita. Image
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We need to talk about the bastardization of the 2A by the #GOP, the NRA, & the captured Supreme Court.

The INDIVIDUAL right to own a gun was NOT given by the Founding Fathers.

Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice Burger 1991.

#gunlaws #Texas

His words...

"The gun lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American people by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime....

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#NRA @MomsDemand #MomsDemand
..The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies – the militia – would be maintained for the defense of the state...

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#2A #GunReformNow #Uvalde
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Kid from North Dakota buys two AR-15 assault rifles on 18th birthday. In #Uvalde #Texas he kills 18 children, 3 adults. Let's include 10 Kevlar vests and 10 bulletproof backpacks in the price of each gun. #CostofBusiness #NRA 1/…
2/ #2A #2ndAmendment not for high-capacity guns but militia-men w/ muzzle-loaded muskets, etc. Ban high-capacity magazines. All gun sales or transfer, public or private, must require a background check and registration. Gun thefts/gifts must be reported.
3/ The Supreme Court MUST ask, "Would we allow concealed weapons here inside the Supreme Court? If not, why allow them in public?" #hypocrisy #2a #2ndAmendment #SCOTUS…
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As a reminder we have zero proof—ZERO—gun laws work. You know, if you don’t include Japan, U.K., Belgium, Canada, Iceland, Romania, Norway, Austria, Argentina, Netherlands, South Korea, Italy, Greece, Chile, France, Spain, Sweden, Singapore, Portugal, Israel, Czechia, Denmark,
Taiwan, Switzerland, Poland, Germany, Luxembourg, Malta, Australia, Estonia, Croatia, New Zealand, Ireland, Slovakia, Latvia, Slovenia, San Marino, Andorra, Monaco, Lithuania…ignore all those obv not applicable examples & how, oh how, do we ever figure out this complex puzzle???
Read 9 tweets
Buffalo Tops shooting; eight killed. AR-15 #2A Truth Social – You can't carry loaded #guns at #ShotShow (America's biggest gun show), #Glock, Mars-a-Lago, US Army bases, etc. (all places w/ lots of security) as they fear gun nuts!…
2/ #2A #2ndAmendment - #NRA #SCOTUS / Supreme Court, legislators, executives, etc., for open carry, concealed carry, etc., must ensure THE EXACT SAME LAWS APPLY IN THEIR OFFICES, HOMES and at all times around them, and THEY MUST HAVE NO SECURITY. That’s how the rest of us feel.
3/ Texas, Georgia, etc., have enacted or will permit carry handguns without a license or training Why stop there? How about allowing anyone to drive, do brain surgery, teach school, fly an airliner or be a cop or governor? #GunSense #2A #Idiots #Trump…
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Getting a haircut and a little light reading. Been hearing good things from reform minded NRA members about this book by @timkmak

#nra Image
Mak begins with a claim he has made before, no better documented here than elsewhere, that the NRA is "America's most powerful advocacy group." A well-reported book doesn't need this kind of unsubstantiated hyperbole. Just say the NRA is powerful. This is undisputed #nra #misfire Image
Ch. 1: Wayne. Unflattering portrait of a leader as a "clumsy, meek, spastic man with a weak handshake." I do object to Mak's characterization of WLP as having a "professorial demeanor."

#nra #misfire #wlp
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1/9 I've had enough of #Elxn44 depravity. A death threat was broadcast about me by a podcaster you all listen to. Daily there are men on Twitter #SnitchTagging me to gun nuts to spark confrontation

#FYI I've already been shot by a 357 Magnum & I will not be intimidated by anyone
2/9 Most of you want the difficult reporting on dangerous topics that keep you up at night. But on social media, there's this trend where some of you (too many of you) throw female reporters at your enemies, as if we're virtual human shields you've nominated to fight your battles
3/9 But as you 'get your popcorn' to spectate at the events you've chosen for us to do battle, against the very entities you're afraid of, some of them try to track us down in our communities. I've had calls to my home from Yellow Vesters, Wexiters, Qanons, you name it
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