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Januar 2021 - August 2021

🧵 Image
Eine redliche #Aufarbeitung der Pandemie und im Besonderen von #2G ist zwingend notwendig. Ich versuche mit dieser Thread-Serie einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten.
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[햄버거 대학교 (맥도날드대) 입결]

정시원서철이라 그런지 탐라에 뜨는 명문대 입결 관련 트윗을 스크롤하다, 맥도날드 쌍둥이 출산소식을 듣고 써보는 타래. 햄버거대 입학할 운명을 타고난 그들…

#맥도날드 #햄버거대학교 #McDonalds Image
미국 일리노이 햄버거 대학 합격률은 하버드, 옥스포드보다도 낮습니다.

햄버거대 광고는 미국 맥도날드 drive through 나 매장 안에 가면 간혹 볼 수 있는데, since 1961 꽤나 긴 역사와 전통을 자랑하는 대학입니다. 2천시간 수련도 해야 합니다. 절대 만만한 대학이 아닙니다. ImageImage
맥도날드 직원에 한해 응시 자격이 주어지고 맥도날드 경영 노하우를 전수받습니다. 맥도날드 직원 다수가 경제적 어려움으로 대학진학을 포기하는 것을 감안해 교육의 기회를 제공하는 직원 복지 패키지로 홍보되기도 합니다.

실제로 맥도날드 전세계 임원진 중 40%가 햄버거대 출신입니다. ImageImage
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Ich werde unter dem Hashtag #EinFalschesWort regelmässig Erkenntnisse aus dem wichtigen und brandaktuellen Sachbuch von @rene_pfister posten. Ich freue mich auf eine spannende Lektüre… #Demokratie #Meinungsfreiheit Image
„Es ist verhängnisvoll, wenn nicht mehr das Gewicht eines Argumentes zählt, sondern die Hautfarbe oder das Geschlecht der Person, die es ausspricht.“

#EinFalschesWort #Demokratie #Meinungsfreiheit
Die Idee der „kulturellen Aneignung“ war schon immer eine abschüssige Bahn. Denkt man das Konzept konsequent zu Ende, stellen sich schnell komplizierte Fragen: Wer darf noch Bach spielen, Curry zubereiten, Lederhosen anziehen…? 🤷🏻‍♂️

#EinFalschesWort #Demokratie #Meinungsfreiheit
Read 102 tweets
A Ray Of Light For Chicken Nuggets: How Ray Dalio Solved McDonald’s Chicken Price Fluctuation 🐔

#business #McDonalds #Inspiration #strategy #stock #StockMarket #chickennugget
Ray Dalio is a seasoned investor and hedge fund manager from the United States. He founded his current hedge fund, Bridgewater, in 1975. The company started with risk consultancy services and worked with businesses to mitigate risk in their operations.
Ray formulated a unique but effective solution to a problem McDonald’s was facing. What was the problem and how was it solved? Let us find out!
Read 9 tweets
A thread showing some people who @betterpakistan should be asking to apologise! If he has the guts to do so, that is! #McDonalds

@betterpakistan you got a woman member if public to apologise. Here’s another woman. Do you or or party have guts to ask her to apologise? #McDonalds

#FacistImportedGovernment Image
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#Fil Après Bernard Arnault, #McDonalds achète la justice française pour éviter des poursuites pénales

1,25 milliard € d’amende, soit 300 millions de BigMac, à verser au fisc

La plus grosse amende pour fraude fiscale en France mais beaucoup moins que ce que McDonalds a détourné Image
Puisque l’Etat ne poursuit pas les fraudeurs fiscaux (tout en étant le seul à pouvoir le faire grâce au verrou de Bercy), c’est la CGT qui a porté plainte contre McDonald’s en 2016 pour un délit connexe, celui de « blanchiment de fraude fiscale ».… ImageImage
Le PNF et McDonald’s ont conclu une convention judiciaire d’intérêt public (CJIP), procédure créée par la loi Sapin 2 en 2016 pour clore des poursuites judiciaires moyennant le versement d’une pénalité. La CJIP permet d’éviter un procès et implique la reconnaissance des faits.
Read 18 tweets
Décision historique aujourd'hui au tribunal de Paris : #McDonalds sommé de payer 1,245 milliard d'euros pour fraude fiscale.

Ravie de retrouver
@EvaJoly dans ce combat, qui n'aurait pas été possible sans la @cgtcommunique et @SEIU, @EFFAT_org, @EPSUnions, @WarOnWant. #McTax
Le schéma d'évasion fiscale de Mc Donald est typique des multinationales: redevances payées par les filiales 🇫🇷 à d'autres dans les paradis fiscaux.

Hop le tour est joué:
❌entreprises déficitaires en 🇫🇷
❌ salariés floués en intéressement
❌0 € d'impôt dans les paradis fiscaux
Ce n'est pas une condamnation pour Mc Do qui a négocié une Convention d'Intéret Judiciaire Public (mise en place par Macron) & échappe ainsi à un vrai procès & des sanctions probablement + lourdes.

"Que vous soyez puissants ou misérables, la justice vous rendra blanc ou noir".
Read 5 tweets
Second attempt at starting a new Russia - Ukraine thread....fingers crossed !

The original Mega thread ends here
There is talk that the Ukr CinC Zaluzhny & Zelensky had a meeting during which the withdrawal from #Lisichansk agglomeration was discussed.
The only feasible way is going by the road to Seversk which is not physically cut but can be shelled from Rus held territory
Situation at #Kamishevakha which is NE of Popasna & part of the Gorskoe (Hirske) - Zolotoe "bag"
Read 85 tweets

🦉: ¿Qué es PINK SLIME?

🦉: PINK SLIME es un aditivo alimentario fabricado con desechos y subproductos cárnicos, principalmente compuesto por cortes de carne no aptos para el consumo humano, que reciben un tratamiento químico, para legalizar su venta.

1⃣/2⃣5⃣. Image

🦉: Desechos significa todo tipo de recortes sobrantes de carne de baja calidad.

🦉: Subproducto cárnico significa grasa aproteinada y tejidos conectivos remojados con un gas de amoniaco, o ácido cítrico, para matar bacterias como la Escherichia coli.

2⃣/2⃣5⃣. Image

🦉: Beef Products Inc, su fabricante, manifiesta que se trata de "carne", y no es correcto llamarlo "BABA ROSA" o "PINK SLIME". Aplican los términos "recortes de carne magra deshuesada" o "BLBT", y, "recortes de carne finamente texturizados" o "LFTB".

3⃣/2⃣5⃣. Image
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Petit thread sur mon expérience POSITIVE de salarié à #McDonalds en étant étudiant, pour montrer aux enfants de cadres et de profs parisiens anticapitalistes par dogmatisme et paternalisme, qu’ils ont tort ⬇️⬇️
J’ai travaillé 2 ans dans un restaurant basé en Lozère (j’étais en BTS), puis les 2 autres années à Montpellier (L3 et M1).

En Lozère, seuls McDo et Super U embauchaient des étudiants. N’étant pas boursier et mes parents ne pouvant pas m’aider, je n’avais pas le choix de devoir
travailler afin de poursuivre mes études. J’étais en caisse ou au drive. L’équipe était composée à 90 % de jeunes étudiants. Les managers étaient aussi jeunes, donc une ambiance de travail au top. J’étais même souvent content d’aller bosser, ça me faisait relâcher la pression
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«Оценили 0 человек». Михаил Гончаров, основатель сети быстрого питания «Теремок» о Макдаке¹:

— Место McDonald’s в России конечно же никто не займет, так как аналогичного по сложности и системе бизнеса в России ни у кого сейчас просто нет.

[тред 👇👇]
1. Макдональдс изначально спроектирован технологически как бизнес для работы по экстремально низким ценам, это своего рода дискаунтер.
2. Теремок и другие представители российского бизнеса не создавались как конкуренты Макдональдсу, просто потому что мы ТАК как они делать не умеем. Ни технологически, ни с точки зрения менеджмента и маркетинга.
Read 7 tweets
Während Dimitri #Medwedew am 10.03. noch mitteilte, dass der Rückzug von #McDonalds keine Auswirkungen habe, schreibt Irina Alksnis bei #RIA Novosti, dass der Weggang wirklich zum Problem für die Gemeinschaftsverpflegung werden könnte. /TN #Russland #Ukraine
Zur Einordnung: Der Artikel behandelt im großen und ganzen, dass sich Russland durch internationale Investitionen vom Westen abhängig gemacht hat und die Regierung nun wieder mehr Sicherheit schaffen muss. /TN
Oder anders: "Das bedeutet, dass Russland – wie Dutzende anderer Staaten, die ihre Souveränität gegen den Westen verteidigen – bei der Wahl zwischen Sicherheit und der Anziehung ausländischer Investitionen einfach gezwungen ist, sich für das erstere zu entscheiden."
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New #Ukraine 🇺🇦 #Russia 🇷🇺 Thread 🧵

Category: Cost of war 🪙

1) The @moscow_exchange website is still down & the Russian stock exchange remains closed. The Central Bank orders export led businesses to sell 80% of foreign currencies & bans foreigners from selling Russian securities to try and keep ruble afloat.

#PriceofPutin Image
2) Roman #Abramovich is looking for around 4 billion dollars as he looks to offload #Chelsea ⚽️…

Read 38 tweets
🦉: #Adrenocromo I #Adrenochrome 🩸


🦉: SI. OLVIDA el debate sobre su existencia. Está patentado y con su composición registrada. SOLICITA LA CONTRASEÑA POR MENSAJE DIRECTO PARA DESCARGAR LA PATENTE COMPLETA.

🖱️📁: 1⃣/2⃣5⃣.
🦉: #Adrenocromo I #Adrenochrome 🩸


🦉: Es un compuesto químico natural producto de la oxidación de la adrenalina. La semicarbazona de adrenocromo, también conocida como carbazocromo, es usada como fármaco para reducir el sangrado capilar 👇2⃣/2⃣5⃣.
🦉: #Adrenocromo I #Adrenochrome 🩸


🦉: Puede sintetizarse mediante la suspensión de adrenalina en una solución acuosa, con trazas de HCI para disolverlo. Se agrega Óxido de Plata para activar el proceso de oxidación y se filtra. 3⃣/2⃣5⃣.
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The fast-food behemoth company McDonald's is planning to enter the Metaverse.

🧵 Here's how:
McDonald's has filed 10 new trademark applications indicating their plans to enter the metaverse with its virtual restaurant concept.
The idea is to bring both (virtual and physical) worlds together where the company may offer actual and virtual goods that can be delivered to people.
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🦉👌 I #McDonalds I 1⃣/2⃣5⃣:

🦉: Descubren CARNE HUMANA ALMACENADA en los congeladores de una fábrica de MC´DONALDS de #OklahomaCity y también en otra fábrica que producía carne para MC´DONALDS a escala nacional en #USA. CARNE HUMANA PROCESADA PARA SERVIR EN SUS RESTAURANTES👇.
🦉👌 I #McDonalds I 2⃣/2⃣5⃣:

🦉: Los Inspectores de Salud de #USA han descubierto CARNE HUMANA en el 90 % de las fábricas inspeccionadas que sirven a MC´DONALDS. El #FBI CONFIRMA QUE ENCUENTRA RESTOS DE MUCHAS DIFERENTES PERSONAS EN EL PROVEEDOR DE CARNE DE MC´DONALDS👇.
🦉👌 I #McDonalds I 3⃣/2⃣5⃣:

🦉: La "BABA ROSA" o "PINK SLIME" que mencionan en los videos, es un aditivo alimentario producido a base de desechos y subproductos cárnicos, que se mezclan y someten a tratamientos químicos, para que sean legalmente aptos para el consumo humano👇.
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Changing dynamics of Indian QSR(Quick Service Restaurants) Industry!!

A🧵 to understand India's QSR Industry which is the largest contributor to Indian Food Service sector!!

Like and retweet for maximum reach
#qsr #dominosindia #Mcdonalds #BurgerKing
Indian food service industry : 4.2 Tr ($58 Bn)
Expected Growth(upto 2025) : 9% 6.5 Tr by Fy25
Organized player growing faster than industry, their expected growth rate : 15%
Contribution of Organised player inc to 38% in fy20 from 29% in fy15.
Expected to go 50% in fy25 Image
In the food sector, QSR and CDR (Casual Dining Restaurants) expected to see highest CAGR of 23% & 19% by fy25.
QSR also expected to see their market share in food industry to reach 54% from existing 47%. Image
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1/3 BREAKING: Ronald McDonald House in Vancouver British Columbia has served an eviction notice on unvaccinated children with serious illness including cancer and parents. Have we lost our collective conscience? @McDonaldsCanada @RMHBC
2/3 BREAKING: Ronald McDonald House in Vancouver British Columbia has served an eviction notice on unvaccinated children with serious illness including cancer and parents. Have we lost our collective conscience? @McDonaldsCanada @RMHBC
3/3 BREAKING: Ronald McDonald House in Vancouver British Columbia has served an eviction notice on unvaccinated children with serious illness including cancer and parents. Have we lost our collective conscience? @McDonaldsCanada @RMHBC
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Wenn wir euch in unseren Reihen "Apps gecheckt" und "Frisch getestet" Apps empfehlen oder vor ihnen warnen, geben wir auch den App-Anbietern Bescheid. Vor kurzem haben wir euch hier vor der #McDonalds-App gewarnt - und können jetzt Entwarnung geben. 1/6 @UlrichKelber @KastropC
Die #McDonalds-App hatte in unserem Test die eindeutige Router-Adresse (#BSSID) an Dritte weitergegeben. Mit der kann man hinter eurem Rücken euren Standort ermitteln. Anders als die zustimmungspflichtigen #GPS-Standorte sollte eure BSSID deshalb absolut niemand bekommen. 2/6
#McDonalds reagierte prompt. Man bedankte sich für unsere Meldung und leitete sie an die entsprechende Fachabteilung weiter. Die teilte uns dann letzte Woche mit, dass man unseren Hinweis sehr ernst genommen und umgehend geprüft habe. 3/6
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Yesterday McDonald's launched their new #McSpicy chicken burger range and today Animal Rebellion have blockaded their burger distribution plant where 50 animal rebels have taken spicy, peaceful action to demand that Mcdonald's go fully plant based by 2025 to put a stop to the…
…suffering of billions of lives and to avert the climate crisis while saving the Amazon Rainforest.

Not sure if any of the burgers are spicy enough to make us sweat, we'll find out when they're plant based, but the real #McSpicy action will have McDonald's sweating for sure!
at least until they go fully plant based.

Join a zoom call today at 4pm (BST) to learn more about how to get involved in this action! You can join the call here: Join Zoom Meeting:… Meeting ID: 850 4235 7696 Passcode: 936807.
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An Women turned her initial ₹20,000 Investment into a net worth of ₹1,000 Crores.

Story of RAJNI BECTOR Founder of @cremicafoods (Bector's Food)

A #Thread 🧵🧵

@ipo_mantra @FinKrypt @Vivek_Investor @JoePompliano

Hit the 're-tweet' and help us educated more investors..
Imagine a woman who once used to prepare ice creams in the backyard of her Ludhiana home as her way to fight boredom heading a Rs.1,000 crore food enterprise.

#burgerking #food @FinancialAdda @stocktalk_in
Mrs Bector was born in karachi and then moved to Delhi with her family.
After her children went to boarding school, she noticed that there was huge demand for her desserts. 

#Delhi #India #market
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When I say McDonald's, what comes to your mind ?

Burgers, right ?

But if I tell you that McDonald's is not a burger company.....will you be surprised ?

Then you should be, because IT ISN'T A BURGER COMPANY !!

#burger #mcdonalds
Yes, McDonald's isn't a Burger company bcoz most of the revenue that McDonald's makes doesn't come from selling burgers !

Then what does it come from ?

Let's take a look at it's financial statements !

#revenue #financials Image
If you take a look at the revenue breakdown, out of $21B in total revenue, about $9.4B comes from "company operated restaurants" i.e. from selling burgers !

The remaining revenue of about $11.6B comes from Franchise Royalty and Rent !!

#rent #royalty
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This is SICK and appalling! On Monday, during the latest riots in #Chicago, BLM rioters attacked the Ronald McDonald House for sick children while children and their families were inside and scared sh*tless! Children with cancer and other severe illnesses.
#McDonalds put out statements about BLM communists, but where is their statement about the rioters attacking Ronald McDonald House with sick children inside?

Nothing on their a Twitter feed.

Can’t find anything in search either.

Where is it????
Where is your concern for the kids, McDonalds?
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Dieser #QAnon hat seine Ernährung umgestellt:

"Seit dem ich das mit dem 65 prozentigen Menschenfleisch in #McDonalds filialen gehört habe. sind mcdoof und bürgerking gestorben für mich."

Hey.. #BurgerKing verarbeitet zumindest nur 1A Einhornfleisch. Also bitte. :) Image
Das Gerücht hatten wir vor kurzem schon einmal behandelt.

Natürlich hat @ZDDK_ das schon vor Urzeiten widerlegt.
Danke an @Arestris für den Hinweis.…
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