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It literally goes without saying, but that is the system you have been compensated to allow your entire professional career. You're paid for your diplomacy in these matters - always have been, back to my earlier tweet - you simply can't process this truth and like @RWMaloneMD 1/X
And even if you have that reckoning at some point your likely behavior will be patterned after Robert's it will be an admission for you and no one else, as you will continue, as Robert has to carry on as one of #FaucisHumans in one of the greatest psychological warfare Image
achievements in history, including the Holocaust where people who witnessed day in and day out, their loved ones go to the "showers" only to never return and yet when it was their turn, politely ask the guard at the shower entrance for a bar of soap. These are logical and Image
Read 27 tweets
yo folks: I am feeling sadistic. Should I go watch #Anek first day first show and do a tweet review? Been pitching for an #OwnVoice review to media houses but no one's interested.
Keep me in your thoughts people. This is a difficult mission. Pray I have my sanity intact after this
Just found out I booked ticket for tomorrow. So cancelled and lost 150 bucks and got another ticket. Not good omens I tell you 🤣🤪
Read 27 tweets
When you've got FA to say just say this.
Which 'Cuban people' do you think they mean?
Stunning intellectual commentry here from Prasad on 'events' in Cuba. Vijay really gets what's going on. You can see why he's so admired by the 'true socialists'.
Read 20 tweets
The hashtag "Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine Proven to Be Successful" (#中国新冠疫苗已被证明有效#) attracted 460 million clicks on Weibo this week, the news was hosted by the National Business Daily (每日经济新闻) quoting WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan. But here's the problem: Image
The quote by Dr. Swaminathan used in this news is the following ("some of their [vaccine] candidates have proven to be successful in clinical trials"), that was published by CGTN in the video below.
But the video published by CGTN was taken from this WHO media briefing where Dr. Swaminathan actually makes a statement on "IF some of their candidates prove to be successful." The context of the video is different than as presented (and edited) in the clip published by CGTN.
Read 5 tweets
Si, lors du #confinement, vous êtes plutôt #TeamNude, alors ce #thread écrit par @MathieuS31 est fait pour vous.

Dès aujourd’hui, on vous raconte tout sur la nudité des Grecs et des Romains 🍑

D’abord, en France, se montrer nu est puni par la loi, être habillé est une norme sociale.

L’article 222-32 du code pénal dit que "l’exhibition sexuelle imposée à la vue d’autrui est punie d’1 an de prison et de 15000 € d’amende"⛔️
La nudité, comme les vêtements, est porteuse de sens : social, moral ou religieux.
Selon l’époque, elle peut signifier la puissance physique, le sacré, la perfection mais aussi la honte.
Dans tous les cas, elle ne laisse personne indifférent.
Read 56 tweets
(1/25) - Thread: Here’s list of some movies by genre!!


1. #Atonement (2007)
2. #SavingPrivateRyan (1998)
3. #FullMetalJacket (1987)
4. #HacksawRidge (2016)
5. #Valkyrie (2008)
6. #WarHorse (2011)

#StayHomeIndia #StaySafe #StayHomeStaySafe
(2/25) - WAR MOVIES (7-10):

7. #EnemyAtTheGates (2001)
8. #TheThinRedLine (1998)
9. #TheEnglishPatient (1996)
10. #DownFall (2004)

1. #TheGoodTheBadAndTheUgly (1966)
2. #OnceUponATimeInTheWest (1968)

#StayHomeIndia #StayHomeStaySafe
Read 25 tweets
#grassgate Stuart Burge, who gave the go ahead for Jam Land (a company co-owned by the Taylors - Angus, Richard, Duncan and Bronnie et al), to spray herbicide on endangered grasslands is the same person NSW Farmers used to inform the EPBC review.…
Stuart Burge, was also engaged and no doubt paid to produce this report. But who paid him? As it turns out Burge was engaged by Monaro Farming Systems (MFS). MFS is chaired by Richard Taylor. MFS are collaborating with NSW Farmers.
A grant of $75,000 was awarded to MFS by NSW Deputy Premier and local Nationals member John Barilaro. Barilaro is a close associate of fellow NSW Nationals MP Bronnie Taylor.
Read 15 tweets
Si on fact-checkait les traductions des romans? Il y a tellement de mauvaises traductions. Commençons par La Tour d'Uwe Tellkamp traduit par @OlivierMannoni et publié chez @EditionsGrasset A SUIVRE #VendrediLecture
Le livre, dont la traduction a été en partie financée par le Goethe Institut (@GI_Paris), raconte sur près de 1000 pages la vie d'un quartier de Dresde durant la dernière décennie de la RDA communiste avant la chute du Mur le 9 novembre 1989 #VendrediLecture
C'est un roman où des mollets très poilus deviennent en français des "mollets brun groseille". En allemand, l'expression idiomatique Stachelbeerwaden (littéralement mollets de groseille) sert à évoquer une pilosité abondante et piquante. #VendrediLecture #lostintranslation
Read 19 tweets
Detrás mío hay un señor colombiano enseñandole español a un gringo. El señor pregunta: ¿cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Gringo responde. Señor: ¿te gustaría llevar mariachis? Gringo: qué? Señor: Mariachis, the mexican. (1/2)
Gringo, ah! (sigue sin entender qué tienen que ver los mariachis con el cumple). #LostInTranslation (2/2)
Lo mejor fue cuando le explicaba el significado de ¿te gusta el suchi". "suchi, suchi, chinese food"
Read 4 tweets

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