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If you've never watched the anthology series "American Crime", I highly recommend it. There were 3 seasons, each featuring a different main story and related backstories. S1 is HIGHLY instructive in the "Karen" behavior we see from so many WW. 1/…
Felicity Huffman gives a master performance as an already pre-disposed racist WW who goes what we'd now call full MAGA and given that the series aired before the #Karen term was even coined, it encompasses so much of what BW especially, experience on here. 2/
Regina King is also excellent in this series. I mention all of this to put this current event in context: 3/…
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If you want to see a PERFECT example of a Karen attempting to weaponize her tears to get what she wants even if it ultimately causes bodily harm to a Black person, watch this.

As you watch, I want you to notice a few things…

*This will be a thread because I’m now annoyed*

1) She thought that if she yelled for help & cried she would immediately get her way.

Why? Because historically that has always worked for them. That’s why they do it.

They don’t care if someone gets hurt. When inconvenienced — or God forbid, DENIED — yell for help & cry.

2) When she saw she was being recorded she popped that work badge off her neck with the quickness.

Why? Because she saw that camera and knew that social media sleuths would have her name, job site and shoe size by lunch time.

She knew her antics would jeopardize that job.

Read 10 tweets
Lady kept bumping man with her cart repeatedly and then this happened.
The system is working as it was designed to work. Cut his head off? Nothing to see here. Pickup trucks full of Klansmen? Nothing to see here.
A Black man was ‘decapitated’ after saying he was being chased by white men. Why do police say no foul play?
Three truckloads of Klansmen chasing one black man in #Mississippi cut his head off. #Mississippi PD say meh. Image
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Karen me está intentando estafar por Telegram.
Sígueme en esta bonita historia.
KAREN ha vuelto!
KAREN cree que la quiero estafar. #Karen
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1/4 According to the locals, their villages in Karen state have been forced to provide unpaid porters and food for the junta, and the villages which did not complete the mandate are being punished. On Dec 3, Column No. 1 of Light Infantry Battalion No. 432 ordered every village ImageImage
2/4 provide 10 male villagers to carry army supplies. The porters were required to bring food, ammunition, and other materials from their homes, according to the sources from the Kama Moung village, Kyiannseikyi Township, #Karen. A Win-You villager confirmed the food...
3/4... supplies are for an offensive the Burmese military is launching against the KNU Brigade No.6 and the PDF in KNU-controlled areas. This joint armed group has been fighting in the area since the attempted coup. The offensive, they said, will bring more abuses.
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THREAD: 1 of #Myanmar's most powerful #ethnic army #Kachin Independence Army #KIA/political wing #KIO has refuted #Myanmar #military's claim that their air strikes were aimed at a KIA base camp. KIA said the attacked site was a marketplace with civilians. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#Myanmar #military's air attacks on #Hpakant #Kachin during a Kachin Independence Organization #KIO concert Oct 23 killed at least 80 people & 100s more injured. #KIA says the army carried out a "mass killing" which is "1 of the most cruel & deplorable action" against civilians.
#Myanmar's #ethnic armed group #KIA/#Kachin Independence Organization #KIO adds that the #military regime's latest attack only "encourages stronger revolution against" the Myanmar army. KIA has been clashing with the military for over 60 years. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
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This week we get our first character portraits of Judy (Lily's sister) played by @_MarinHinkle.

This is one of my all time favorite two-parters.

Lily: "I couldn't deal with her bed, though. The floor worked surprisingly well..."

#OnceAndAgain #CharacterPortraits #Lily #Judy
Judy: "I washed all the sheets but it didn't help. I kept picturing them in my bed. I had to sleep on the floor."

What are sisters for? 😅

#OnceAndAgain #CharacterPortraits #Lily #Judy
"I didn't really form an impression." 🙃

Another great example of how these character portraits provide layers and give life to the thoughts in our heads.

#OnceAndAgain #CharacterPortraits #Lily #Judy
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Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
As #Myanmar 🇲🇲 enters 2022 the #PDF and allied resistance groups are taking the initiative across the country, launching multiple hit-and-run attacks on the military.

Fighting is especially heavy in the #Demoso Township in #Kayah state…
#Myanmar 🇲🇲: one example was an attack by the Eagles Army (#PDF group in Tigayaing Township) on two military patrol boats going down the Ayeryawady river.

Around 20 soldiers were reportedly killed by mine attacks on the boats. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#Myanmar 🇲🇲: another attack was launched by the Aung San Force (#PDF group in #Magway) who dropped explosives from a drone down on a military convoy of 150 soldiers below. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
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Que tristeza ver aún enorme grupo de jóvenes gritando con todas sus fuerzas los nombres #Karen y #Eduardo en las calles y plazas de #SantaTecla abro hilo. @DesaparecidosSV
Ante un CAM de #SantaTecla que hasta antes del voto por la N patrullaba por toda la ciudad y ahora es casi invisible y cuyas cámaras de video vigilancia atraparon violadores de niños, ladrones y asesinos pero que hoy son ciegas y el CAMST es casi inexistente y corrompido.
También ante una policía que antes nos defendía y ahora sólo guarda silencio y un ejército que ahora se dedica a ordenar a la policía como sus empleaditos mientras toman video y reportan a los que protestan por si dicen algo que haga ver mal al régimen y a su plan de control.
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#Karen is trending so thought this short comic strip would be my retort to those clutching pearls over being called #Karen
PSA- If your 1st reaction to this comic is to cry that it’s “racist” & comment I’m deleting your post & blocking your “gaslighting” ASS! Carry-on
The white fragility comments I’ve received from this post is EPIC! I refuse to make myself small in my own thread. If you don’t like this post? Keep scrolling, I’m not even going to entertain opposing arguments from those who don’t acknowledge plights of the marginalize.
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“Both of my parents passed away when I was a young boy. When I was small, my parents always told me that ‘Education is the best solution of a problem.’ It inspires me towards my goals. I studied in my village until Grade-6 when I fled to a refugee camp, but I had no goal. /1 Image
Now I want to be a medic, who works in the hospital.
Before I become a medic, I have to complete university.
Before I attend university, I have to finish my GED first.
By the grace of God, I have a chance to study in the @PartnersRelief GED program. /2
I am so blessed because some friends wanted this kind of chance, but they did not get it. My commitment to my people is that I will work and help them as much as I can. I hope you will continually give a hand to the Karen people. Our #Karen people rely on you.” /3
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"#Myanmar faces economic collapse due to the combined effect of the new coronavirus and the coup, which in its [@UNDP] worst-case analysis could put nearly half the country’s 54 million people into poverty." - @Reuters

Poverty and food security have long been concerns for families in #Myanmar's ethnic states after decades of conflict and neglect. Kind, tenacious people, they want peace and self-sufficient tools to keep their children safe, healthy, and in school.
#WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar Image
We’ve been working alongside our friends in #Myanmar for 27 years. Over this time we have formed deep relationships with #Kachin, #Karen, #Shan and #Rohingya communities, always consulting with them to find out exactly what their needs are responding as rapidly as possible. Image
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My thoughts on Oklahoma's HB 1775...

I get it. You’re still uncomfortable that racism exists today.

I thought it would be gone in my lifetime, too.

You hate the thought that racism exists. That some people are racists - or worse, someone might think YOU are racist ... because racism is abhorrent ... so those who AREN'T targeted just don’t want to talk about it.

It’s uncomfortable. It’s scary. It’s unnerving.


Because deep down inside they know THEIR lives today would be far different if the historical tables had been turned and we were studying THEIR family stories in US History.

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Its a bloodbath in #Myanmar 🇲🇲 today as dozens of protesters have been killed by the #Tatmadaw. According to one media source the death toll stands around 91.

Last night state-TV was broadcasting warnings to the protesters, telling them they'd be shot in the head and back.
#Myanmar 🇲🇲: in #Yangon a one-year-old infant was reportedly hit in the eye with a rubber bullet. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar27Coup
#Myanmar 🇲🇲: in #Shan state #Tatmadaw forces fired tear gas into a crowded streets to break up a protest. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar27Coup
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#Mar20Coup #OpCCP

Incidences in Myanmar on March 20, 2021

⚠️May contain graphic contents⚠️



Note the Internet blackouts in Myanmar. The atrocities may be more than what’s recorded here.

25 Burmese nationals in Japan have begun 48-hour hunger strike at 8 am (JST) today demanding the @UN to take action ASAP.
The protest will end at 8 am(JST)on March 22.


📍#Shan State
People in KyaukMe (Shan State) protest against the Military Coup, and show their support for R2P this morning .

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#Mar19Coup #OpCCP

Incidences that happen in Myanmar on March 19, 2021 will be collected in this tweet.

⚠️May contain graphic contents⚠️


Tagline - R2P NOW
📍#Karen State
Tw // loud noise
In MyaWaddy, Karen State, junta cracked down the peaceful sit-in strike by opening fire & using tear gas around 8 AM this morning. Some protesters are arrested.
#Mar19Coup #OpCCP
📍#Bago Region
Powerful Strike of Bago(Pegu). Despite violent crackdowns, night arrest and shot , protests show no sign of fizzling.

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It’s been six weeks since the Myanmar coup. Despite deaths, violence by security forces, internet shutdowns and night raids, demonstrators brave the streets. This was Hledan, Yangon, last night ✊
For the 31st night in a row the internet has been cut in Myanmar. That, and cell networks have now been offline for two days - @netblocks reports. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Image
Well-timed satellite image on Google Earth 13/2 of the demonstration in front of the City Hall in Yangon (ရန်ကုန်). Note the military transport tucked behind the trees on the right, on standby. Location:…. ImageImage
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记得那个在纽约中央公园里没使用狗绳牵着狗散步的Amy Cooper吗?去年3月25日一位名叫Christian Cooper的黑人观鸟者提醒Amy Cooper遛狗时注意看好她自己的狗,气急败坏的Amy报了假警,这对一个黑人来说有失去生命的危险,警察无预警杀害没有任何威胁的少数族裔不是稀奇事。 ImageImageImageImage
Amy Cooper因为她的白人特权行为被美国人民在网上强烈谴责,这样喜欢找别人麻烦的富裕中产阶级白人女性被称为 #Karen。今天早上检察官在法院向法官要求放弃对她的起诉,法官批准了。这个结果一点也不让人意外,有钱的白人总是能轻易逃脱法律制裁,监狱是留给少数族裔的。
Trum就是这样。美国司法程序步骤复杂进展缓慢,但是漏洞极多,中期选举前Trump都可以到处走动,跑到全国各地为他的走狗们竞选,把这些人渣送到国会破坏美国民主制度。假如现任Manhattan DA没有接受Trump的捐款,Trump会因为欺诈罪被起诉投入监狱,美国也不用承受四年浩劫。…
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How Does The #Myanmar #Coup affect #Rohingya? [An Explainer Thread]

Approximately 600,000 #Rohingya remain in #Burma - more than a quarter reside in concentration-like IDP camps and the majority of the rest live in daily fear of new and ongoing violence against them.
How Does The #Myanmar #Coup affect #Rohingya?

The #military #coup could see the #Rohingya facing the backlash once again as it is the same military and leaders that were responsible for #genocide in 2017.
Also they will continue to be excluded from future democratic processes
How Does The #Myanmar #Coup affect #Rohingya?

For the #Rohingya now in #Bangladesh - more than 1million, any potential #repatriation will be halted. The #Burma #military have no intention of accepting back the #Rohingya
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for everyone who is confused af about the #burma #myanmar #coup - for those who are asking, should we be calling out for #SuuKyi release? but wasnt she the one who defended and oversaw #genocide against #rohingya ? but how come everyone is up in arms about her detention now...
is it the #military or is it #suukyi who is the bad guy here...
I understand and get why you are confused. Let me just say this to clear it up for you - they were in bed together the whole time through.
There has never really been any #democracy in #Myanmar #Burma...
#SuuKyi was just a puppet for the #military. This #coup isnt even really a coup, because according to the #constitution of #Burma the military is legally entitled to do this. So what can the world do I hear you say?...
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So... I have figured out who was behind the attempted coup -- the infamous terrorist organization -- #Cobra! It started when I spotted #Zartan rampaging in the #CapitolBuilding! Then I started seeing Cobra villains everywhere! Check out my thread... #Terrorism #CapitolRiots Image
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there is some sort of hearing in michigan with Giuliani and Jenna whatever her name is. This is one of there witnesses:
"I wrote a written affidavit"
2/ I think this " witness" is a #karen.
even Giuliani had to tell her to chill out.
yes. she is a #HearingsKaren
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Hats off and kudos to the NYC election poll workers who man the precincts, even though that term is most probably considered today a hate phrase. Either way, they were terrific this morning. Most professional and most courteous. Salute!
You haven’t lived until you’ve waited online in the cold windy dark with your New Yorker neighbors, more than you could imagine. Long queues of Hells Kitchen denizens exercising their voice and democracy. Most refreshing and most ennobling a process. I’m proud to be American.
I love the occasional #Karen, who keeps an inordinately conspicuous social distance radius, alerting to the world that they are the only ones taking Covid seriously. To be that afraid of something so deliberately showcased shows you the level of detachment many have from reality.
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