Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #infodemic

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#infodemic #infodemicmanagement
Why good information matters?
- helps in taking correct decisions
- helps spreading good information and not panic or coloured narratives
- can be source-checked/verified
- helps tackle misinformation
Misinformation - it is false information that a person spreads because they believe it to be true and have no intention to harm
Disinformation - is a false information that a person spreads knowing it is false, with an intention to deceive people
Infodemic - it is too much information, good, false, in digital and/or physical form spread during an outbreak
It causes confusion and risk-taking behaviours that can harm health
It also leads to mistrust in health authorities and undermines the public health response
Read 17 tweets
"Winny" sobie zlokalizuje, że to o jego wpis chodziło, a ja tymczasem opowiem Szanownym co takiego głupiego Joe Rogan i Aseem Malhotra ostatnio nakręcili
Rzecz o statynach, infodemii i SARS-CoV2:
#infodemic #CovidIsNotOver #VaccinesWork
Joe Rogan jest znany z tego, że jest znany. Prowadzi swoje "show". Czy wierzy w to co tam opowiada? Mam wrażenie, że nie 🤣😈
Zaprosił znanego z "nawrócenia" Malhotrę by porozmawiać o szczepieniach, statynach i problemach po szczepieniach
Ale zanim się rozkręcimy:
Czym są statyny?
Za @medonet_pl to leki obniżające cholesterol…
Read 29 tweets
Medycyna alternatywna
Medycyna alternatywna to praktyki, które ma na celu osiągnięcie efektów leczniczych, pomimo braku wiarygodności testowalności, powtarzalności lub dowodów z badań klinicznych.
W przeciwieństwie do współczesnej medycyny, która stosuje metody naukowe do testowania wiarygodnych terapii poprzez badania kliniczne, dające powtarzalne dowody na skuteczność lub brak skutków, terapie alternatywne znajdują się poza naukami medycznymi.
Praktyki te nie wywodzą się z zastosowania metody naukowej, lecz zamiast tego opierają się na świadectwach, przypadkach, religii, tradycji, przesądach, wierze w nadprzyrodzone "energie", pseudonauce, błędach w rozumowaniu, propagandzie, oszustwie lub innych nienaukowych źródłach
Read 293 tweets
So where exactly are we now in the #COVID19 pandemic and where are we going?

Long thread ⬇️
@DrTedros @DrMikeRyan @WHO
3 years ago @WHO described the situation of #COVID19 as a pandemic, but it was 6 weeks earlier - on 30Jan20 - that @DrTedros declared the evolving situation as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), our highest alarm to the world.

From 1 Jan 20 to that point, @WHO had issued EISs, DONs, comprehensive technical guidance, a global strategy to suppress transmission & save lives, sent officials to China to learn, started daily pressers warning the world to take action in the hope we could prevent a pandemic…
Read 24 tweets
Excited to join #CERIconversation today with @CaulfieldTim about the dangers of misinformation and how health professions educators can play an important role into the future. @ChrisWatling3 starts off with our introduction...
Along with the pandemic came an #infodemic - there is REAL harm associated with misinformation. It is actually "killing people" and we must do something to act. We need to "push back against the noise" - @CaulfieldTim
The infodemic is largely related to social media. Those who believe in conspiracies are much more likely to be getting their information from social media.…
Read 14 tweets
So exciting to see the first blogs published around the #WorldEBHCDay 2021 campaign, ‘the role of evidence in an #infodemic’!

Read blog about putting #EvidenceFirst during a pandemic at…

Check out Twitter thread which provides a snapshot of the blog👇 Group photo of Prof Sakineh Hajebrahimi & Iranian Research C
Iran was one of the first countries outside China to be struck by COVID-19, & the first in the region to experience a major outbreak in early March 2020. There was a huge appetite for evidence to guide decision making at all levels.
But the speed with which information is generated during the pandemic is unprecedented; policymakers & clinicians are swamped by the tsunami of information, both reliable & unreliable, making it challenging to remain abreast of the rapidly evolving evidence base.
Read 15 tweets
Using Twitter during the #COVID19 pandemic?

With @cc_martell and @DanielRhysThom1, I wrote a perspective piece on social media for (field) epidemiologists #SoMe4epi


@THLorg @rki_de @PublicHealthW @ECDC_EU #EPIET #WorldFieldEpidemiologyDay
We reflect on social media/@Twitter for epidemiologists working on the #COVID19 response

We introduce the field of social media to those not currently using social media in their public health practice:

So please share outside of the Twitterverse as well!

#SoMe4epi #OpenAccess
Why this piece?

🌍 #COVID19 is the 1st pandemic in the social media age

🕵️‍♂️ Field epi now also includes an online field

👨‍💻 Social media can be a powerful tool for epidemiologists #SoMe4epi

🤝 Key usages of Twitter include #SciComm and professional development #EpiTwitter
Read 24 tweets
#infodemic, one year on. News orgs are the most widely used source of information about coronavirus and have become even more central because-while overall reach has declined compared to earlier in the pandemic-reach of other sources has declined more.… 1/9
Trust in news orgs declined by an average of 8 percentage points and trust in national governments has declined by average of 13pp. In most countries covered, national health authorities, global health authorities, and scientists+doctors+experts remain highly+broadly trusted 2/9
The 'trust gap' between coronavirus information from news organisations and information on different kinds of platforms remains pronounced. On average, gap btw news orgs and social media is 21pp, btw news and video sites 22pp, and btw news and messaging applications 28pp. 3/9
Read 9 tweets
During the #COVID19 pandemic, what is spreading along the virus with same intensity is misleading information about the virus. We studied the COVID19-related conversations on Pakistani Twitter, focusing on politics, health, and rumors.
A🧵showcasing our initial observations.
We collected the tweets with Pakistan-specific hashtags. The tweets with the highest virality were analyzed for their content, language, sentiment, etc. The data are presented on the #infodemic tab of our 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 website.
What is infodemic? It refers to an overflow of information, including false or misleading information in digital and physical environments during a disease outbreak.…
Read 13 tweets
Curious to know the top #ConspiracyTheory themes or #misinformation sub-topics in the #COVID19 #infodemic? Check this out & vaccinate yourself against false information. Excellent study by @Sarah_Evanega @mark_lynas Jordan Adams & Karinne Smolenyak @ScienceAlly #thread 🧵
The “miracle cures” sub-topic accounts for more #misinformation coverage than the other ten sub-topics combined. It is dominated by a peak on April 24 corresponding with President Trump’s press conference statements about the potential of using #bleach or other #disinfectants.
Mentions of #conspiracytheories linked to alleged "secret new world orders” or “deep state” government bodies existed throughout the time period and were referenced in passing in conversations that mentioned or listed widespread conspiracies.
Read 7 tweets
Check out our new paper on the need for better understanding of academic searching:…

#InformationRetrieval #MedLibs #EvidenceSynthesis

A thread with our key points... (1/20) Image
We agree with others that we now face an 'information crisis' (#infodemic). There is SO much published research we need to find and digest.

Doing this reliably requires systematic review approaches, but even then, it's hugely challenging to find all relevant research.
(2/20) Image
Academic searching/information retrieval is an art form, and there is no 'perfect' search strategy - it takes careful planning and requires substantial skill and training.

These searches are highly complex and must be used in fit-for-purpose bibliographic databases. (3/20) Image
Read 20 tweets
1/ “Veel coronapatiënten hebben langdurig last van klachten”, lees je weleens. Deze groep mensen staat inmiddels bekend als ‘long haulers’.

Maar wat is lang? Om wat voor klachten gaat het? Is het ernstig? Hoeveel mensen hebben het? Kortom: wat is #LongCovid?

2/ Er is nog geen gevestigde definitie. Prof. @trishgreenhalgh deed begin augustus een voorstel:

(1) Acuut: <3 weken klachten
(2) Post-acuut: >3 weken klachten
(3) Chronisch: >12 weken klachten

#LongCovid is een patiëntenterm voor (2) en (3).…
3/ Op 3 september hielden 7 deskundigen een webinar over de ziekte. De meestgenoemde klachten: ernstige vermoeidheid, hoesten, kortademigheid, en (veel) meer. Veelvoorkomend is wisselen tussen herstel en terugval in klachten.…
Read 19 tweets
lots of this is right but . . . earlier this year i issued a report on #COVID and the so-called #infodemic, highlighting prior @WHO work. they should also highlight the human rights involved in addressing the pandemic.
Read 3 tweets
1/ Q: So the CDC just released data that said 94% of U.S. COVID-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions?


We’ve heard this interpretation is making the rounds, but it’s just not correct.

So what did the @CDCgov data actually say?
2/ The CDC report summarized all deaths in the U.S. from Feb until August 22nd with COVID-19 on the death certificate (161,392 total deaths).

The CDC reports that for 6% of these deaths COVID-19 was the *only* cause mentioned.…
3/ For all other COVID-19 deaths there were on avg. 2.6 additional conditions/causes. Surprising? No. US death certificates have spaces for immediate causes & several lines for underlying conditions. For *any* cause of death, it would be unusual for only one cause to be listed.
Read 13 tweets
Een aantal maanden verder in de crisis door #COVID19. Wat is er ondertussen allemaal nieuw bekend in de wetenschap🔬🧬?

Een samenvatting en duiding aan de hand van literatuur en populair wetenschappelijk nieuws die ik de afgelopen maanden heb opgepikt in zo'n ±110 tweets. 👇🏻
Wat ik ga in grote lijnen ga behandelen:

▪️Huidige status
▪️Symptomen en ziekteverloop
▪️Verspreiding en besmettelijkheid
▪️Vaccins en medicijnen
▪️Neveneffecten van de maatregelen
Ik pretendeer geen expert te zijn, want dat is niemand bij een nieuwe ziekte. Maar ik probeer het vanuit mijn achtergrondkennis begrijpelijk te maken voor de leek.

Net zoals in deze draad van maart waar ik toen beknopt alle relevante info in plaatste.
Read 113 tweets
1/ New occasional series: Nerdy Girls in the News!

As part of our scientific day jobs, your faithful NG team has done 140+ media spots about the pandemic (& counting!).
2/ To honor the work of the terrific journalists we support – all of whom are dedicated #infodemic fighters – we’ve decided to start sharing out a few of the Nerdies’ notable news appearances.
3/ First up: On a recent NBC panel, yours truly (Nerdy Girl Lindsey) provided tips about effectively surfing the COVID (mis)information waves. TL;DR:
Read 5 tweets
1/3 🍎 As we get ready for back to school, we can all increase our know-how on how to reduce our risk of infection and spreading the virus. #COVIDKnowHow #WeAreAllInThisTogether #Canadian…
2/3 🍎 Quality information is the key to success! There is a lot of #misinformation out there so it important follow trusted and credible sources. Here is a place to start, #GetTheFacts and check back often:…
#CheckThenShare #BePartofTheSolution
3/3 🍎 Did you know, you can learn about and report #COVID19 scams, frauds and misleading claims on the #GOC website? #BePartofTheSolution #COVIDKnowHow #Infodemic #Misinformation #Disinformation #GetTheFacts #CheckThenShare…
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1/4 #COVID19 #science continues to evolve at a rapid pace and we must continue to be guided by the best available evidence. #BePartofTheSolution
2/4 With ↑ use of social media, we are consuming more information than ever, but some of this information can be false or misleading. There is a lot of #misinformation and #disinformation out there! #GetTheFacts #CheckThenShare
3/4 We all have a part in stopping the spread of #COVID19 #misinformation. As you come across new information, think critically about it, check it against #credible sources, like:…

#CheckThenShare or don’t share if in doubt! #infodemic
Read 4 tweets
1/6 The global trend of the pandemic is a daily reminder that #COVID19 is not going away any time soon. #Canada’s collective challenge is to persevere against this ongoing threat to our health and society. #COVIDFatigue #COVIDCoping
2/6 Canadians have made many sacrifices. I’m thankful to the great majority who continue to follow #publichealth practices, incl. wearing a non-medical mask/facial covering in indoor public spaces & when #PhysicalDistancing is difficult.
3/6 Dealing with the adaptations and uncertainties of an emerging disease event on this scale has been difficult, to say the least, but the stakes are high and we must take an approach informed by the best available #science and evidence.
Read 6 tweets
1/ Q: If masks work, why can I still smell farts when I'm wearing one?

A: We know there are lots of folks out there who have similar concerns about masks. Maybe you've wondered about how useful/safe masks are. We at DP are here to help fight the #infodemic, so let's dive in!
2/ Why can I still smell things through a mask?

Well, masks aren't actually supposed to block all air flow (which actually gets at another misunderstanding about masks -- that they are dangerous because they interfere with breathing).
3/ Masks instead block droplets containing COVID -- they do also offer the mask wearer some protection from others as well. It turns out that the smell from a fart is caused by methanthiol & other similar sulfur containing molecules, & these molecules are TINY.
Read 8 tweets
Banning QAnon terms, URLs, & coordinated abuse is one of the most significant @Policy decisions in @Twitter’s history. More on it in @TwitterSafety’s thread: Every company, tech or media, is defined by what it amplifies or bans on its platforms & networks.
“All accounts, including @verified accounts, will be subject to today’s discoverability restrictions when they are engaged in coordinated behaviors targeting specific individuals or entities”-@Twitter

…but: “candidates & elected officials will not be automatically included.”
Now @Twitter @Facebook @YouTube all face a bigger challenge as the #COVID19 pandemic worsens: an #infodemic of disinformation & misinformation fanning both anti-mask & anti-vaccination sentiment & conspiracies.

This poses both a public health emergency & national security risk.
Read 4 tweets
If disinformation is a public health risk, it is unethical to broadcast Trump live or tweet his false claims without context & fact-checks:…
Put lies in epistemic quarantine.
Inoculate the public with facts.
Deny medical misinfo oxygen.
Verify, then verify.
If publishers & producers don’t change how they report on Trump’s disinformation viruses, starting today, public health will be put at even more risk.

The pandemic has worsened due to an expanding global #infodemic, including targeted #covid19 campaigns:… ImageImage
Fact-checking any POTUS is hard; Chris Wallace showed what's possible, challenging BS & editing fact-checks into an interview…
…but President Trump will keep repeating debunked lies:…
He believes conspiracies:
Read 5 tweets
Here's a quick thread of three top reads on coronavirus and information disorder for you today, collated by the First Draft monitoring team:
The UK government must bring forward online harms legislation – and ensure there are real consequences for tech companies that don’t comply, says a @CommonsDCMS report on the COVID-19 #infodemic…
New research from @KCL_CSSS shows how world leaders’ propensity for fiery tweets threatens diplomacy and spreads disinformation…
Read 5 tweets
1/ 👇What is the real #COVID19 death toll in England & Wales? In our new study led by @jm_aburto & @ridhikash07, we estimate 53,937 excess deaths in the first half of 2020, roughly 33% higher than officially reported COVID-19 deaths. Image
2/ Excess deaths vary by age & sex, with males comprising 54% of excess deaths in despite being a smaller proportion of the population at the oldest ages (so males have a higher risk of dying at all ages).
3/ The largest numbers of lives lost were among the 75-85 & 85+ groups, reflecting mortality 29.1% & 36.8% above expected levels. 15-44 year olds accounted for only 290 excess deaths, 6.1% above the expected level. Image
Read 8 tweets

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