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Un report dell’agenzia @Reuters sulle modalità con cui vengono spesi dalle nazioni più ricche i soldi destinati a ridurre gli effetti del #CambiamentoClimatico ha scoperto che l’Italia ha aiutato l’industria dolciaria #Venchi ad aprire dozzine di nuovi punti vendita in Asia.
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La somma messa a disposizione dall’Italia come strumento per combattere il cambiamento climatico è - secondo Reuters - di 4 milioni e 700 mila dollari.
Interrogato sulla questione dai giornalisti che hanno redatto il report, un rappresentante del governo ha affermato che l’Italia punta a considerare il clima in tutti i suoi aspetti finanziari, senza spiegare come negozi di gelato e cioccolato possano aiutare in tal senso.
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🔴 DÉBUNKAGE : Pourquoi viser l’agro-industrie nantaise - précisions sur les actions menées et réponse à @olivierveran 👉 "La véritable solution réside dans une rupture de modèle."

📢 Notre communiqué ici :…

Introduction 🧶⤵️
➡️ Le lobby agro-industriel inonde les médias de sa complainte pour dénoncer le remplacement du muguet industriel et une poignée de plants expérimentaux non destinées à l’alimentation, par un semis de sarrasin bio.
Comme d’habitude, le gouvernement complice reprend mot pour mot sa propagande. Mais pour qui prend le temps de s'intéresser un tant soit peu aux faits et d'enquêter derrière les piteuses tentatives de #greenwashing, il apparaît que :
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🧵1/There is a large, multilingual astroturfing effort around #Cop28 on Twitter right now involving at least 100 fake accounts. The accounts in question are promoting UAE foreign policy, bashing UAE's enemies, and burnishing the UAE's environmental record #deception #greenwashing Image
2/ Many use stolen photos - either stock photos or those found on the web. They have fully fleshed out bios, including location (usually somewhere in the UAE). Another common tactic is to tag real accounts like @amnesty in the bio to give an air of credibility and plausibility. ImageImageImageImage
3/ For example. Yael Fadel is a space scientist from Cyprus who erm, has tagged @NASA in her bio. I can only assume she works for NASA (hey guys can you confirm?) . When she's not also a stock photo model used by orthodontists, she's subtweeting the Muslim Brotherhood ImageImage
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🌍🔥 #Greenwashing #AbruptClimateChange #CO2 #Methane #Habitat #Biodiversity #Earth #Environment
It’s unbelievable that in 2023, people at decision making levels still don’t understand that deserts, swamps, bogs, mangrove swamps are all critical habitats—not wastelands…1/
@Msmariablack @pen_is_mighty @pewtergod @DanCady @NBPTROCKS @Blueoceanarctic
👉Human conceit-we destroy nature to replace it w/something “better”-read $—then wonder why we have problems w/disease, pollution, natural disasters.

“…the scale is almost incomprehensible 2/
Riverside East Solar Energy Zone-ground zero of CA’s solar energy boom [is] 150,000 acres-10 x the size of Manhattan.

It is a crucial component of the US “green energy revolution”.

Solar makes up~3% of US electricity supply, but the Biden admin hopes it will reach 45% by 3/
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After 27 years of UN climate talks, Big Oil finally succeeded in completing its hijacking of the annual meeting of 198 countries to act on climate

@UNFCCC should be going nuts about it and acting (fat chance, probably)

Top 10 reasons why the hijacking is complete:

🧵 #COP28
1 For the first time ever, an oil chief - and in this case no less than the CEO of a major oil company - is appointed president of the COP28 climate summit…
2 The COP28 team is marshalling a new alliance of the oil and gas sector which of course is "forgetting" to include in its pretend-decarbonizing goals the bulk of emissions from fossil fuels… #greenwashing
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Hi everyone

Welcome to my #BoondoggleBen thread.

Today's theme is an exploration of #BenHouchen's cynical, repetitive stunts regarding future Infrastructure projects which will never exist.

So, before I go further, a brief recap of his MO....

#ToriesOut312 Image
....As follows:

A press release/photo op dutifully carried verbatim by his local client media @TheNorthernEcho and @TeessideLive

A huge "cash boost" which can never be fact-checked, verified or audited

A word-salad of bullsh!t bingo buzz phrases such as....

#BoondoggleBen Image
#BentBen's word salad:

*⃣Job Creation*⃣High Wage jobs*⃣Highly Skilled Jobs*⃣Good Quality Jobs*⃣CleanEnergy*⃣
NetZero*⃣Hydrogen*⃣Low Carbon
*⃣Carbon Capture*⃣World Leading*⃣World Beating*⃣Innovation*⃣Shovel Ready*⃣

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Leute sagen: Wir brauchen #Fleisch aus #Weidehaltung für die Artenvielfalt, am besten von „wilden Weiden“. Wenn man das ernst meint, um wie viel Fleisch geht es? Auf Basis der einzigen konkreten Zahlen, die ich finden konnte: Um 2 kg pro Person und Jahr. 🧵
Die konkreten Zahlen sind vom Betrieb „Bunde Wischen“, der oft als Modellbeispiel für naturschutzfreundliche Beweidung angeführt wird. Dort liegt die erzeugte Menge bei knapp 37 kg Fleisch pro Hektar pro Jahr. @GerdKammer
Wenn man auf allen Grünlandflächen in Deutschland im Schnitt diese Menge Fleisch erzeugen u das auf 83 Mio. Einwohner*innen aufteilen würde, sind das 2 kg pro Person u Jahr, eine Reduktion des Fleischkonsums um 96 %. Ein Fleischgericht alle 6 Wochen, ansonsten keine Tierprodukte.
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🚨@ShareAction are in Birmingham for @HSBC_UK’s AGM today!

Stay tuned for live #HSBCAGM updates below 👇
Outside, @xrbham are making themselves heard loud and clear on the samba drums 🥁

And highlighting @HSBC_UK #greenwashing with their greenwash bath 🧼🛁… Image
Spotted: a furry friend 🐾

Is he here to sniff out the bank’s stinking oil & gas financing??? Image
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HSBC breaks green pledge with $340m coalmine loan

Bank had said it would ‘seek to withdraw’ from fossil fuels…
Banks still investing heavily in fossil fuels despite net zero pledges – study

Financial institutions signed up to GFANZ initiative accused of acting as ‘climate arsonists’…
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@SashaMyBird @julie_dutto @PalmOilDetect @ukwondering @RileyTChiweenie @sustainablist1 @DrBirute @GreenpeaceUK @designsravi @BoycottPalmOil @georgecmcgavin @Benfogle @Bron1954 @awkward_1110 @bluewave_elaine @stickiebeak1 @romanysands @orangutan2 @Meldawson6 @Wolf_Girl_Yulia @unaiwind @ZientekMary @hfrohlich241 @zooinspectors @BravoMilagro1 @BarbaraNavarro @WWF @wwf_uk @RSPOtweets Here in Germany, children in the 3rd grade are already being informed about palm oil and its harmful effects on the rainforest. I myself also go to schools (from the 7th grade onwards, secondary schools and high schools) and ...
@SashaMyBird @julie_dutto @PalmOilDetect @ukwondering @RileyTChiweenie @sustainablist1 @DrBirute @GreenpeaceUK @designsravi @BoycottPalmOil @georgecmcgavin @Benfogle @Bron1954 @awkward_1110 @bluewave_elaine @stickiebeak1 @romanysands @orangutan2 @Meldawson6 @Wolf_Girl_Yulia @unaiwind @ZientekMary @hfrohlich241 @zooinspectors @BravoMilagro1 @BarbaraNavarro @WWF @wwf_uk @RSPOtweets explain about #greenwashing and who benefits from it. As a rule of thumb, one can say: The more environmentally harmful, unhealthy and cheap it is, the more #greenwashing and lobbying it takes. The #RSPO takes this to the extreme. There "environmental organizations" like ...
@SashaMyBird @julie_dutto @PalmOilDetect @ukwondering @RileyTChiweenie @sustainablist1 @DrBirute @GreenpeaceUK @designsravi @BoycottPalmOil @georgecmcgavin @Benfogle @Bron1954 @awkward_1110 @bluewave_elaine @stickiebeak1 @romanysands @orangutan2 @Meldawson6 @Wolf_Girl_Yulia @unaiwind @ZientekMary @hfrohlich241 @zooinspectors @BravoMilagro1 @BarbaraNavarro @WWF @wwf_uk @RSPOtweets #OrangutanLandTrust are founded by the palm oil lobby #RSPO to produce heartbreaking pictures with sympathizers, the orangutans, with the promise to protect these animals' habitat if you only buy their products, marked with the #RSPO -Seal. The exact opposite, as illustrated ...
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200 ha. 20MW average power (random, not at night).

We need +70 of those parks to paper match Isar 2 reactor (which runs 24/7). With storage? 150x

The lifetime ~30 years. Then it is waste. New mining / resource exploitation needed with fossils.

Net zero or insanity? ImageImage
So lets add storage (50% efficiency). 150 such parks. Makes 150x200=30.000 ha (min). That is the total area of Munich. PVs is trash in 30 years and needs continuous replacement (fresh fossil powered mining + industry) somewhere in the world.

A "sustainable" plan. #greenwashing Image
The total primary power need for Germany is 460 GW. You would need 460/1.4*30.000 ha ~ 1.5x Bavaria (1.5 times red here) as PV park surface. Sounds like a plan. Image
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🌍🔥 #ExtinctionRebellion färbt Donaukanal grün und besetzt Salztorbrücke in #Wien: Protest gegen #Greenwashing der Gasindustrie! 💚🚫

‼️ Grünes Gas ist eine dreckige Lüge ‼️

#EuropeanGasConference #BlockGas #PowerToThePeople
Wir setzen ein Zeichen gegen die europäische Gaskonferenz in Wien!
Wir kämpfen gegen das #Greenwashing der Gasindustrie & fordern ein sofortiges Ende der Gasverbrennung und ein klares Nein zur Erschließung neuer Gasquellen.
Gmeinsam mit Parents for Future, Seniors for Future und Scientists for Future rufen wir auf, die Gaskonferenz dieser klimakriminellen Organisation zu blockieren.

Unterstützt die Allianz "Block Gas":

Kommt zur FFF Demo am 28.3.:
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Aujourd’hui, c’est la Journée internationale des droits des consommateurs : une bonne occasion de rappeler que le principal intermédiaire entre les consommateurs et ce qu’ils achètent, la #publicité, est très mal régulée.

Et c’est un gros problème. 🧶
Au Parlement européen, je suis membre de la commission du marché intérieur (@EP_SingleMarket) pour allier protection des consommateur·ices et transition écologique. Le gros morceau cette année c'est le "paquet sur l’économie circulaire", proposé par la Commission européenne 2/17
Ces textes sont notamment l’occasion de renforcer la fiabilité de la communication commerciale, en bannissant par exemple les pratiques de #greenwashing - un combat qui semble faire consensus au niveau citoyen. Nos débats montrent que c’est loin d’être le cas au Parlement... 3/17
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Epic disconnect: Head of @NYUSternCSB sustainability forum saying we’re out of time to move business towards more ESG practices at the same she actively partners with climate criminal #fossilfuel funders like @GoldmanSachs @HSBC and plastics monster @PepsiCo. Why? Image
Very happen to learn @Chase and other large #fossilfuel banks will have to take buildings for which they hold mortgages into account under #LocalLaw97. Their energy-leaking investments will come back to bite them. Image
Hallelujah @dgelles for speaking truth @NYUSternCSB: #FossilFuel co’s are funding ESG backlash at the state level. So, quite odd that @nyu is partnering with climate criminals right and left to further their sustainability studies. Also all panel, don’t use Right lingo “woke.” Image
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Ist #CCS die Rettung in der #Klimakrise?
Können wir damit unsere Emissionen aus fossilen Energieträgern wirksam kompensieren?
Ein kurzer 🧵zu CCS... ->
#CCS wird oft als unabdingbar dargestellt, um die #Klimaziele zu erreichen. Allerdings verwenden die allermeisten derzeitigen CCS-Projekte das CO₂ dafür, um bestehende Öl- und Gasfelder besser ausnutzen zu können. Das nennt sich "Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)" -->
Je nachdem wie man vorgeht, kann man dabei mehr oder weniger CO₂ im Untergrund speichern. Einen guten Überblick dazu gibt diese Veröffentlichung der IEA:…

Hier werden drei mögliche Vorgehensweisen untersucht: --> Erklärung von Conventional EOR, Advanced EOR und Maximum St
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📌Six types of #GreenWashing

1- Greencrowding is built on the belief that you can hide in a crowd to avoid discovery; it relies on safety in numbers. If sustainability policies are being developed, it is likely that the group will move at the speed of the slowest.
2- Greenlighting occurs when company communications (including advertisements) spotlight a particularly green feature of its operations or products, however small, in order to draw attention away from environmentally damaging activities being conducted elsewhere.
3-Greenshifting is when companies imply that the consumer is at fault and shift the blame on to them

4-Greenlabelling is a practice where marketers call something green or sustainable, but a closer examination reveals that their words are misleading
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Tout est ❌#fakenews dans ce tweet #greenwashing.
1⃣ Le GIEC fournit une évaluation objective et ne dit pas ce qu'il "faut" ou pas faire =>@TotalEnergies instrumentalise le GIEC pour justifier ses choix.
2⃣ Et pourtant l’évaluation B.7 du résumé aux décideurs est claire👇
1/🧵 Image
En Fev. 2022, avec @CelineGuivarch, nous avions décrit le rôle du #GIEC dans notre chronique mensuelle sur @Sciences_Avenir intitulée "Ne pas faire dire au Giec ce qu'il ne dit pas !"
Le #GIEC synthétise la littérature scientifique qui traite des trajectoires de transition énergétique, évalue les avantages et les inconvénients des différentes options dans le cadre des objectifs de développement durable.
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1/ NEW REPORT: Our first ever Canadian Pension Climate Report Card reveals Canada’s major pension funds are not on track to protect pensions from the worsening #climatecrisis or to align their portfolios with a safe climate future. #cdnpoli

A 🧵. Read on!
2/ Canada's pensions must do much more to develop and implement credible Paris-aligned climate action plans, fulfill their fiduciary duty to invest in members’ best long-term interests, and protect retirement security in a world that limits global heating to 1.5°C. #cdnpoli
3/ The report finds a high level of inconsistency among pension funds with a collective >$2 trillion in AUM, with the degree of urgency, detail, transparency, and ambition varying widely for managing climate-related risks and opportunities across the sector. #climaterisk #cdnpoli
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1) @Woodsideful Canada’s financial heavyweights are trying to convince the federal govt. to let them keep pumping money into the oil & gas sector, confidential docs obtained by @NatObserver reveal. #BigFiveBanks #BigOil #CAPP #cdnpoli #LPC #NDP…
2) Conveniently enough, the Sustainable Finance Action Council (SFAC) also has its own 'institute', and appears to be affiliated with @queensu in Kingston, ON.
#AstroTurfing #Greenwashing Image
3) JW: Including carbon capture for oilsands production in a transition definition is greenwashing, climate advocates say, because it can only capture emissions from the production stage, which represents only a fraction of oil’s emissions. @GreenMission @EcologyAction @ecelaw
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sto leggendo il piano nazionale di adattamento ai #cambiamenticlimatici appena uscito. Fino a pag 72/103 c'è l'introduzione su che cos'è il cambiamento climatico. Poi inizia la parte delle proposte: "Misure e azioni soft".

vi faccio sapere 😂 Image
nota positiva sulla governance: da vedere se è solo #greenwashing o se avrà qualche ruolo vero Image
analizzando la lista di azioni (+300) (Quasi tutte "soft", haha) la parola #rinnovabili appare solo in 4 voci:

-Promozione di programmi di orientamento della domanda
-Installazione di sistemi di monitoraggio dell'andamento delle fonti rinnovabili
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Neue WIFO-Studie zeigt: 6 Mrd EUR klimaschädliche Subventionen werden unter Türkis-Grün jährlich ausgeschüttet. Das konterkariert jede CO2-Besteuerung&Lenkungswirkung! Noch keine EINZIGE Initiative von Gewessler, solche Förderungen zu ökologisieren/abzuschaffen. Fatal! /1
Stattdessen wird auf Nebenschauplätzen gekämpft, man könnte auch sagen: Es wird #Greenwashing betrieben. Erhöhung des Radbudgets & Flaschenpfand werden als Klimaschutz verkauft, während die großen Brocken unangetastet bleiben. Das ist nicht nur enttäuschend, sondern unehrlich! /2
Aja: Seit drei Jahren fordern wir die Veröffentlichung der Subventionsliste. Parlamentarische Anfragen wurden abgeschmettert. Jetzt wird die Studie am Parlament vorbei geleakt, aus Sicht des Parlamentarismus: ungeheuerlich. Weder Klima noch Anstand würden 2022 noch grün wählen./3
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En 2013, un immeuble construit sans permis au Bengladesh s'effondre. La veille, des inspecteurs avaient demandé son évacuation. Les ateliers de confection qui s'y trouvaient ne l'ont pas respectée. Bilan : plus de 1000 morts. ⏬
Dans les décombres de l'immeuble, on retrouve alors des étiquettes de différentes marques : Mango, Tex (Carrefour), Camaïeu ou encore H&M. On retrouve aussi la marque de "commerce équitable" d'Auchan #InExtenso. Vous voyez le problème que ça pose ?
Qualifier une marque de "commerce équitable" alors qu'elle donne lieu à une fabrication dans un immeuble dont on connaissait les risques d'effondrement, ça paraît en effet contradictoire. Des associations décident donc d'attaquer #Auchan pour "pratiques commerciales trompeuses".
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