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Continuing on the French GTIAs. Today we are looking at the Armoured focused GTIA. #ARMY #frencharmy #Military Image
1. The Armour-focused GTIA is constituted of a core of 1 HQ + 3 Tank Companies or 2 Wheeled gun system companies, usually taken from the same regiment.
2. Additional complements that come in the form of infantry companies, recon and artillery are then directly integrated at the battalion level and additional engineer units are also added
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ORBAT of a French Light Cavalry Regiment of the 80s/early 90s.

The Light Cavalry Regiment is an all-wheeled formation based around the duo AMX-10RC light tank and VAB HOT Mephisto APC
#History #Military #frencharmy #80s #90s
The regiment is composed of a Command and Services squadron, x3 Armoured squadrons and an Anti-Tank squadron for a total of 840 personnel, and 268 vehicles, including 36 AMX-10RC and 12 VAB HOT
Looking at the other French tank formations of the time. The dedicated anti-tank formation equipped with the VAB HOT seems to be unique. Other tank formations utilize the 4x4 with a MILAN ATGM attached
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