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Argentina has just approved its 70th #GMO. It's a soybean variety modified to tolerate two herbicides: the carcinogenic glyphosate and glufosinate (banned in the EU). The latter is considered up to 15 times more toxic than #glyphosate itself.
Argentina's latest GMO soybean is part of a commercial offering that includes #GMO varieties of corn, potato, wheat, safflower, cotton & alfalfa. And it precedes the imminent launch of the 1st variety of GMO sugarcane conceived in local laboratories.
None of these #GMO crops incorporate any nutritional improvement, reduce the use of poisons or achieve exorbitant yields as advertised by the companies that commercialise them, the media co-opted by agribusiness, and complicit politicians
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Paul François, the French grain farmer who won legal case against @Bayer-#Monsanto, violently attacked at his home…
@Bayer Hooded men tied up the victim of pesticide poisoning with electric cables, threatened him with a knife to his throat, in an attempt to make him swallow a liquid, while declaring, "We are tired of hearing you and seeing your face on TV." #Monsanto #pesticides
@Bayer Not the first such attack. In 2020 an organic farmer was hospitalised in France after being poisoned in a pesticide attack on his farm, involving "vast quantities of #glyphosate"…
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New York Times Magazine publishes false and misleading statements in pro-GMO fairytale… And the resurrected #GMO purple tomato takes centre stage
To conjure up its fairytale @NYTmag ignores much of the reality of GMO crops. As @Nathan_Donley notes, there's only passing mention of #Monsanto et al & the destruction caused by their herbicide-promoting GMO crops, grown on hundreds of millions of acres—never mind seed patenting
@NYTmag @Nathan_Donley .@NYTmag also makes no mention of #dicamba-tolerant GMO crops. "How can you have a serious discussion about genetic engineering and ignore the livelihoods and habitats that have been irreversibly destroyed throughout the Midwest and South in the last 5 years?" asks @Nathan_Donley
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Landmark Agent Orange court case against agrochemical giants gets underway… Could #Monsanto finally be forced to acknowledge responsibility for the millions harmed? Rally this Saturday in support of #JusticePourTranToNga and all the victims of Agent Orange!
Background: @Bayer's embroiled in multiple lawsuits in the US where as well as struggling to settle tens of thousands of Roundup-cancer claims, it's also facing #dicamba lawsuits and PCB lawsuits. It's also being sued by its own shareholders for not foreseeing all these lawsuits!
@Bayer In France Bayer lost a long legal fight involving another #Monsanto herbicide. It's also battling the @sabine_38 family, who are seeking to create a legal precedent to assist families with children that have been harmed by Roundup, like Théo, who was born with major birth defects
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Victim of vandals, state official says; board chief cites #dicamba stance… 2 tractors suffer $60,000 of damage, another has its wires cut, 367 bales of hay set on fire — all because farmer wants dicamba carefully regulated
Fuller said he's being targeted by farmers who oppose restrictions on #dicamba use, which has been linked to about 1,500 complaints of damage in Arkansas.

"I will not yield to those who believe they can bully me into silence by acts of vandalism or character defamation."
The use of #dicamba has divided Arkansas farmers — one was shot to death in October 2016 in a dispute linked to dicamba crop damage he sustained in Mississippi County. (Farmer Allan Curtis Jones was convicted of 2nd-degree murder and received a 24-year prison sentence.) #gmo
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Tell USDA to Reject @Bayer-#Monsanto’s Multi-Herbicide Tolerant #GMO Corn—Please sign the petition!… @bpncamp gives you the low down on the *5* different toxic herbicides used with this genetically engineered corn. #glyphosate #dicamba Image
@Bayer @bpncamp This #GMO corn will encourage the use of 2,4-D which is highly prone to drift and is linked to an increased risk of birth defects, reduced sperm counts, increased risk of non Hodgkin lymphoma, Parkinson’s disease, and hormone disruption, as well as other health problems.
@Bayer @bpncamp It'll also encourage yet more use of #dicamba, linked to cancer, reproductive effects, neurotoxicity, birth defects, and kidney & liver damage. It's also toxic to birds, fish & other aquatic organisms + known to leach into waterways. It is able to drift well over a mile off-site!
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"In some areas, the damage is so severe that tree mortality is higher than from the Emerald Ash Borer, an insect that has killed tens of millions of trees across 25 states, experts said." #dicamba #gmo
“Our No. 1 problem on our trees is herbicide damage,” said Laurie Stepanek, forest health specialist with the Nebraska Forest Service. He said the damage has no boundaries, ranging from urban communities to native forests to tree nurseries. “It’s affecting so many trees.”#dicamba
St. Louis' nurseries can’t sell their trees because they're too deformed. 60+ areas managed by the Illinois Dept of Natural Resources, including state parks & nature reserves which provide rare critical habitat, reported #dicamba damage, including widespread death of mature oaks.
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There’s a lot of anger and frustration right now about the 9th Circuit’s decision to cancel post-emergent #dicamba uses

Let’s talk about why this happened at the worst possible time for some farmers and, more importantly, where that anger and frustration should be directed
This began over 3 years ago and we actually argued our case in 2018 hoping for a decision before the end of that year

That would have given farmers some certainty for the following year and, importantly, made sure that there was legal scrutiny before the 2019 growing season
The EPA re-approved the dicamba products in October of that year. Instead of waiting for a decision from the court, the EPA argued that our case should be dismissed because it was “moot.” They prevailed, and that effectively ended our case and forced us to start all over again.
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A federal court just halted use of #dicamba but the Trump administration is urging the EPA to defy the court… #gmo
The court ruling isn’t the only rough news dicamba has generated in recent months. A major ongoing research project on pesticides concluded people exposed to #dicamba in agricultural settings showed “elevated risk” of liver cancer [among other cancers]…
Court rebuked EPA’s whole handling of dicamba mess. EPA refused to acknowledge the extent of crop damage and "entirely failed to acknowledge substantial risk" of anti-competitive economic effects — farmers feeling compelled to buy @Bayer's #GMO seeds to avoid damage from #dicamba
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How many wrinkles and gray hairs did I sprout working on this case this past year?

Probably one for every thousand plants, animals and people harmed by these horrible products

Was it worth it?

Oh HELL Yeah!…
But the real heroes of this decision are the science and legal team @CFSTrueFood – the best in the biz

And the plaintiffs @FamilyFarmCo for being the David to @EPA and @Bayer‘s Goliath

A resounding victory! A big thanks to everyone involved
To those of you out there who kept reporting #dicamba damage only to see nothing happen and your concerns ignored

You made a difference

The court relied heavily on those complaints in deciding to cancel OTT uses

Thank You for being vigilant and reporting chemical trespass!
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About a year ago we learned that @Bayer asked EPA to approve the new use of #dicamba on the company's GE corn

EPA has a nasty habit of not publicly posting pesticide applications, so we were in the dark about the application rates the company has proposed

Not anymore
Hidden on page 145 of an application to USDA for approval of its new #KillerCorn (resistance to 5 herbicides), Bayer said it has asked the EPA to increase the maximum application rate in corn from 0.75 lbs/acre per year to 2.0 lbs/acres per year.

That's a lot of extra dicamba!
That more than doubling of the max application rate for corn is in addition to the massive increase we've already seen on soybeans and cotton

This will fundamentally alter Midwest landscapes and essentially prohibit cultivation of anything other than commodity crops
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Yikes, I sure picked a hell of a month to be elbow deep in dirty diapers and spit up.
From my inbox, I'm seeing:

1)@EPA finalized #glyphosate re-registration with absolutely no substantial mitigations

2)EPA proposed to re-register neonics with a handful of mitigations pre-approved by neonic makers, which contrasts sharply with much of the developed world
3)Dow Chemical Pollution Company (re-branded by the PR wizards as “Corteva”) voluntarily decided to cancel #chlorpyrifos. For more on how voluntary cancellation basically drives pesticide regulation in this country, check out my paper in Env. Health…
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Our new investigation just out detailing how @EPA is still approving products that contain the worst pesticides

This includes pesticides that EPA has mandated use reductions or incentivized replacement like #chlorpyrifos, methyl bromide and #atrazine…
I went through FOIA records on new pesticide products that were approved by the EPA in 2017-2018 and found that most new pesticide product applications, about 94%, are ultimately approved

*All denials were procedural in nature, not because the product was deemed too dangerous
A review of individual ingredients in the products that were approved from 2017 to 2018 indicated that many contain the most hazardous pesticides still in use, some of which have been banned by multiple other countries and even targeted for phaseout in the United States
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