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Right before the French Days of #Agriculture 2023, let’s dive in the One Planet Fellowship’s #Science Week!

💚 Follow me for 2 days amongst the inspirational programme’s Laureates!

#OnePlanetFellowship #JNAgri #research #climate Image
🚀 First, a global overview of the #OPF programme - @FondationBNPP has been supporting for 5 years! - by François Pierrot, Acting Director & Ly Ann Kauv Project Officer, from @Agrofondation, Olivier Dangles (@ird_fr) & Michèle Mbo’o-Tchouawou, Deputy Director @AWARDFellowship ImageImageImageImage
🌟 Key notions, challenges and issues reminded:
- New generation of researchers
- Gender equality in science & agriculture
- EU 🔁 Africa
- From local to global
- Capacity building
- Network
- Collaboration (North-South, AND South-South!) Image
Read 31 tweets
1. Thread on Mormon child abuse and mind control #mormons #LDS #LatterDaySaints #ChurchofLatterDaySaints #csa #childabuse #ritualabuse #sra Image
2. Good place to start is July 1990 a 12 page internal LDS Church memo, called the Pace Memo. It lays bare that satanic ritual child abuse happens in the Mormon church, as told by 60 victims who were church members. #sra #mormons #childabuse…
3. The Pace Memo above destroys any argument from desperate ritual abuse deniers or the mormon child abuse deniers. Ritual abuse happens and it happens the Mormon church. #PaceMemo #sra #ritualabuse #childabuse #csa Image
Read 35 tweets
1. Thread on Child Abuse Pornography Network - The Baby King 1 - Gregory Verne Remington… #GregRemington #babyking
2. The Baby King 2 – Tracy-Jo Interviews with Honeybee… #tracyremington #honeybee #babyking
3. Baby King 3 Clinton Foundation Pornography HQ – McMinnville… #babyking #clintons #clintonfoundation #childporn #csa #childabuse
Read 7 tweets
When Sarah Everard was killed, we learnt Couzens had exposed himself, twice, days before he murdered her.
I was recently involved in a case where a man dropped his swim shorts while I swam towards him.
Despite CCTV, he said he didn't mean to "cause offence". Case dropped!
I was offended.
Because of the MANY failings that I have seen around this offence & other offences, & because of what happened to Sarah, I'm doing my bit to raise awareness for the #VAWG movement to help protect children &women from predators.
I've come to the conclusion that the only way critical change will happen to our laws - regarding sexual offenders - is if one of our ‘notable’ leaders becomes affected by #CSA or #VAWG
We can’t wait until the next Sarah Everard for the next big conversation to happen on this.
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Welcome to all our new followers! We have just passed 18k. Please look round our website to find out more about us. We are a grassroots group of mainly parents & teachers with no funding, religious or political affiliations. #Edutwitter #Safeguarding
We first got together 4 years ago when we joined together over a passionate commitment to upholding #safeguarding & correct interpretation of the equality act in our schools. Worryingly our first campaign featured a @NSPCC #safeguardingfail…
Since then we have run many successful campaigns to protect children from inappropriate & politically biased materials, such as this from @BBC_Teach that bizarrely informed children that there were ‘over 100 different genders’…
Read 10 tweets
1. Thread on Fiona Barnett... #FionaBarnett Image
2. In “Hang on for the Ride” Fiona drew pictures of her abuse and named some high level abusers.… #fionabarnett #csa #childabuse #sra
3. Hang on For the Ride was a revelation back in 2015 and still is - not just child abuse, but ritual abuse, mind control programming, armed forces, international, high level. Names, places, programmes id'd. Irrefutable and in easy to understand drawings.… ImageImage
Read 50 tweets
1. Small thread on ritual abuse.
For those that do not believe in ritual abuse, the ritual abuse deniers, why did the Prime Minister of Australia apologise for ritual abuse?… #sra #rsa #csa #ritualabuse
2. Spidercat blog Conviction List: Ritual Abuse Cases #USA & Worldwide archive… #ritualabuse #sra #rsa #csa
3. The Australian Prime Ministers National Apology (Full Speech) 22 October 2018 Australia… #sra #ritualabuse #australia #csa #apology
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1. Teddy Bear Thread - A mural in Sydney Australia went up for World Pride festival featuring BDSM and a Teddy Bear... #Pride #BDSM #Gay #Sydney #Australia Image
2. Why you might ask? Perhaps Pride should be questioned on that. #Pride #BDSM #Gay #Sydney #Australia Image
3. Overnight the mural was added to, and "Leave Our Kids Alone" written over the improvements. #Pride #BDSM #Gay #Sydney #Australia Image
Read 22 tweets
(📢) Our post embargo thread on the recommendations made in the #IICSAfinalreport, including the expected #IICSAbigticket recommendation for the introduction of well-designed #MandatoryReporting of child sexual abuse by those working in #RegulatedActivities starts shortly.
1/ #MR of #CSA exists in most jurisdictions in the rest of the world. Empirical evidence and data demonstrate it's a vital component of significantly improved safeguarding in complex institutional settings. So why do Eng + Wal not have it?
2/ The short answer is that the safeguarding framework, as created by the Dept of Education, is dominated by 'neglect' in the family. It is then panel beaten into a framework that is misapplied to complex institutional settings which have entirely different demands.
Read 43 tweets
*** New Post ***

“Now independent research has shown that the Welsh #RSE Code was influenced by elements of Queer Theory that should concern parents.” @WG_Education @childcomwales @LauraJ4SWEast @MerchedCymru @LGBAllies_Cymru @WRNWales #edutwitter #LGBT…
“Queer Theory is an academic field of study that aims to dismantle accepted social norms. This may not seem immediately concerning. However in this field any idea can be – and is – challenged, including the idea that children should not be sexually active.” #CurriculumForWales
“Queer Theory challenges boundaries that are put in place to preserve ‘oppressive’ ideas such as the importance of child safeguarding. This academic discussion is not something that should be allowed to direct the way schools teach children.” #CurriculumForWales #RSE #edutwitter
Read 17 tweets
"It goes to show that the kids that you abuse today, those are the ones that are going to kick you down tomorrow. We were abused by Agape but we weren’t scared.” @RobertBucklin8

Updates in 🧵

Ty @Batmanda4ever @ColtonSchrag @EmAdams83690418 + others too…
Agape has a long history of alleged abuse.

"All 10 substantiated preponderance of evidence claims against Agape involved findings of physical abuse. Those 10 substantiated claims are the only ones reported by the state since 2006."
#endtti #shutdownagape…
A 1pm hearing today was set to determine the fate of #Agape but reports from @RobertBucklin8 and @Batmanda4ever indicate this has been moved to Monday morning. Will update as I learn more.

#troubledteenindustry #mopol #shutdownagape #endtti
Read 39 tweets
Seulement 14% des personnes à la TV sont perçues "comme non blanches", déplore l'Arcom (ex-CSA)

La même Arcom organisait en mars une conférence d'une sociologue décoloniale et pro-CCIF qui a animé un atelier interdit aux blancs et tenu des propos racistes
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जेम्स वेब टेलिस्कोपने प्रतिमांचा पहिला सेट प्रसिद्ध केला आणि जगभर उत्साहाची लाट आलीय. या निमित्ताने जेम्स वेब टेलिस्कोप विषयी मराठीमध्ये थोडक्यात माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न या थ्रेडमध्ये करते आहे.
#JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #JWTInMarathi
जेम्स वेब टेलिस्कोप ही जगातील आतापर्यंतची सर्वात मोठी, सर्वात शक्तिशाली आणि आजतोवर तयार केलेल्या अवकाशीय दुर्बिणींमध्ये सर्वात कॉम्प्लेक्स ठरलेली इन्फ्रारेड स्पेस ऑब्झर्व्हेटरी आहे.
१९९६ मध्ये या दुर्बिणीचं काम सुरु झालं तेव्हा तिला 'नेक्स्ट जनरेशन स्पेस टेलिस्कोप' असं संबोधण्यात आलं. पण नंतर २००२ मध्ये नासाचे दुसरे प्रशासक म्हणून नियुक्त झालेल्या 'जेम्स वेब' यांच्या स्मरणार्थ या दुर्बिणीला 'जेम्स वेब टेलिस्कोप' हे नाव द्यायचं ठरलं.
Read 15 tweets
We're waiting (since April) for the @PoliceServiceNI to answer our FOI on #sexnotgender in searches & crime stats. An @ni_wrn member sent us a policy (SI0321) showing male officers who "ID as women" can strip search females. No exception made for minors.…
@PoliceServiceNI @ni_wrn After the new UK Home Office guidance that forces should record sex based on birth cert or GRC, we asked what was PSNI policy in regards to recording sex of suspects and victims, and suspects right not to be searched by an officer of the opposite sex:…
We asked whether the @PoliceServiceNI would be changing policy following the new guidance. They said no, and have now added that it is unlikely that they will. But they have not answered the specific questions regarding searches and statistics.
Read 11 tweets
🔴 [Exclusif @Valeurs] THREAD : extraits de la conférence interne à l'@Arcom_fr (ex-#CSA) animée par une sociologue militante, décoloniale et pro-CCIF #wokisme

"Les microagressions restent très problématiques parce qu'elles créent un climat délétère en entreprise..."
"Suicider la diversité : le terme de 'diversité' est très largement has been, très largement dépassé et très largement problématique..."

#Arcom #CSA #wokisme @Valeurs
"Dans les discriminations, il y a toujours des gagnants et des perdants, soit on en bénéficie, soit on la subit. Et on peut en bénéficier de manière complètement inconsciente, c’est ce qu’on appelle les privilèges, notamment le privilège blanc..."

#Arcom #CSA #wokisme @Valeurs
Read 20 tweets
Vous avez l'impression que le temps de parole dans cette campagne est déséquilibré ?

C'est à cause d'une loi votée en 2016 par le @partisocialiste remplaçant la règle d'égalité des temps de parole dans l'audiovisuel par l'équité en fonction de la représentativité des candidats
La représentativité est calculée en fonction des résultats obtenus aux précédentes élections … et des sondages…

Le principe d'égalité est conservé pendant la campagne officielle… mais celle-ci ne commence que le 28 mars.
Avec les détails du vote, on peut voir que les frondeurs n'avaient pas frondé, qu'il n'y a eu que 7 contres au PS (dont @aurelifil) et que les futurs LREM @olivierdussopt, @RichardFerrand et @CCastaner
doivent être bien contents de l'avoir votée…
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🧐 Voici le décompte des temps de parole effectué par le CSA pour la seule radio Europe 1 :

▪️Zemmour : 177 minutes (2h57min)
▪️Asselineau : 0 seconde

⏳ SUR LES 6 PREMIÈRES SEMAINES 2022 (1er janv./15 fév.)

1️⃣ Temps de parole du candidat seul
▪️Zemmour : 128 minutes (2h08min)
▪️Asselineau : 0 seconde

2️⃣ Temps de parole des collaborateurs et des soutiens du candidat
▪️Zemmour : 85 minutes (1h25min)
▪️Asselineau : 0 seconde
3️⃣ Temps des commentaires des journalistes sur
▪️Zemmour: 30 minutes
▪️Asselineau: 0 seconde

𝗧𝗢𝗧𝗔𝗟 du temps d'antenne

-depuis 01/01/2022
▪️Zemmour: 243 minutes (4h03min)
▪️Asselineau : 0 seconde

-depuis 01/09/2021
▪️Zemmour : 420 minutes (7heures)
▪️Asselineau : 0 seconde
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🎙️La #rencontreesttienne est morte (politiquement) vive le #20h22.
Pour les présidentielles 🇫🇷, @FranceTV reprend à son compte le format de l’interview #Politique sur #Twitch par les viewers (intermédié par des journalistes) initiés par @SamuelEtienne.
Ici le format est dédié aux candidats à l’investiture présidentielle.
Présenté par @SamuelEtienne (journaliste généraliste) et @ABouilhaguet (journaliste politique) ce format est une nouveauté pour les politiques, mais présente l’avantage d’un temps libre pour chacun.
Il n’y pas de limite de temps, c’est le politique qui choisi la longueur sur le moment et pas de pression de décompte du temps de parole sur cette plateforme.
Je me suis longtemps demandé pourquoi pas de décompte #CSA hors TV et Radio, et puis j’ai vu ça :
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THREAD Dear @PerthandKinross @UKGovScotland @EducationScot @NicolaSturgeon this is abhorrent. We have been contacted by many parents, this is what one Mum who was herself sexually abused as a child has to say: #edutwitter #WomenEd #safeguarding
“ If you are a child being sexually abused/raped then how on earth do you process trying to answer these questions?”
“How do you answer whether you have had sexual intercourse? Do they mean what is happening to you? Do you lie even though you have been taught to tell the truth? Will you be in trouble? Will anyone find out?”
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I am pleased to see you liking my tweet @ejthementor for that much, I thank you, however, as I hope you will fully agree that we need actions to answers as to why @MentalAbuseUK can still continue by the @InquiryCSA with many who have been on
#TwitterSpaces for at least the past decade on @TwitterRetweets with their opinions, suggestions, veiws, offers of comfort support and the set up of #IICSA by @NSPCC @PeterWanless and @theresa_may over 7 and a half years ago chaired by ex @swforchange #AlexisJay
who in fact has caused more harm and damage to the #VictimsOfDoubleJeopardy who suffered throughout their whole lives without being heard to be denied the same compensation that any @CSAQT who have been @voicing_csa for as long as the @productssystem aka #LovellTwins👭🏾 have been
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Interview de l'avocat Grégoire Weigel, ex-Chef de département en charge du #Pluralisme de l'information et des Campagnes électorales au Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel (CSA) de 2007 à 2014 sur le comptage du temps d'antenne d'Eric #Zemmour imposé à #Facealinfo sur @CNEWS.
L'avocat Grégoire Weigel, ex-juriste au #CSA sur le comptage du temps d'antenne d'Eric #Zemmour imposé à #Facealinfo sur @CNEWS interroge ce que veut dire la notion "d'acteur du débat politique national" pour les intellectuels: seront-ils aussi décomptés ?
L'avocat Grégoire Weigel, ex-juriste au #CSA explique que mécaniquement le décompte du temps de parole d'Eric #Zemmour augmente le temps de parole de l’exécutif et diminue le temps de parole de l'opposition et de la majorité parlementaire.
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Le Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel #CSA ouvre une enquête car il soupçonne Eric #Zemmour de se déguiser avec des lunettes et de prendre l'accent québécois pour continuer à intervenir sur @CNEWS sous le pseudonyme improbable de Mathieu Bock-Coté... à suivre... #Facealinfo
Alerte... le Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel #CSA ouvre une enquête dans les archives de l'Institut National de l'Audiovisuel #INA car il soupçonne Eric #Zemmour de se déguiser en Roi du Maroc pour continuer ses éditoriaux... à suivre...
Alerte... suite à une enquête de #Mediapart en ce moment, le Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel #CSA serait "proche du pouvoir politique" (les captures d'écrans sont vraiment de MediapartTV)... Rachid Arhab, ex-membre du Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel se déclare stupéfait...
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I'm so sick of complaining, but no solving. I don't care if you're conservative or socialist, democrat or republican, white supremacist or human rights activist, green or purple, I just want solutions that work. #Nolabels #ProblemSolvers #Civility #Pragmatism #RadicalCentrism
Let's begin by solving Climate Change with #ClimateSavingAccounts. #CSA's give preferential capital gains tax treatment to green energy companies, thus spurning investment in renewable sources. Soon, there will be so much investment that the Earth's climate will change back.
Everything can be a Savings Account. We've seen #CSA's and of course #HealthSavingsAccounts (via @RealisticDemoc1). We could create #HIPAASA, which would incentivize HIPAA compliance through preferential tax treatment for investing in compliant companies. Same for Infrastructure.
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1. The #BPD label & diagnosis: a thread. At this years #BIGSPD21 Ian & @JaneCannonMBE gave a presentation describing the experience of losing both of their teenage twin daughters to suicide. She & her husband have campaigned for young people to be able to be diagnosed with #BPD >
2. to be able to access appropriate services. Their daughters Chris & Sam were constantly being told that because their problem was not an ‘illness’ that could be medicated, they could not access any treatment. Both had all of the main symptoms that fit a #BPD diagnosis & >
3. struggled to manage the emotional turmoil they felt with self harm & suicide attempts. The interesting thing is they both wanted the diagnosis in order to be able to access services. They both rejected the idea of services for trauma and instead wanted ones that were for >
Read 24 tweets

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