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Gonna try something different today. If you like it, join in and contribute some of your own. Warning: 25 tweets or more ahead.
1. If you claim "no vaccine in history was developed/approved as rapidly as the Covid vaccines" without having examined the timeline for the Salk polio vaccine, nor the technological advances that made rollout so speedy, you might be a #covidiot .

2. If you are still babbling about the distinction between "with Covid" and "from Covid", but never looked at a death certificate and can't say what the two classifications for causes of death typically listed on them are, you might be a #covidiot .

Read 37 tweets

With their influence waning, @IndependentSage has rebuked Gov plans to end “free” COVID-19 tests— urging the “immediate” publication of scientific evidence.

So, what is their own evidence? Read moređŸ‘‡đŸ»
So, for background, who exactly are Independent Sage?

They say they are a “group of scientists who are working together to provide independent scientific advice to the UK government and public on how to minimise deaths and support Britain’s recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.”
Prominent members include:
‱Prof Susan Michie
‱Prof Christina Pagel
‱Prof Gabriel Scally
‱Dr Zubaida Haque
‱Dr Kit Yates

All of whom have been plastered over our television screens, airwaves, & newspapers since the pandemic began.

It’s not the first time I’ve featured them
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« Tiens, le revoilà lui », un thread (1/N)

Hier, le #covidiot de mon village partage sur la page facebook de ma ville un joli copier coller annonçant la crĂ©ation d’une association de « dĂ©fense des personnes non vaccinĂ©es ou vaccinĂ©es sous contrainte ». Tiens tiens
2/N Un site internet ? Ben allons voir
3/N Ça alors ! @DIVIZIO1 partout ! Les bras m’en tombent ! Image
Read 8 tweets
81) Sen. Doug Ericksen was on Trump’s transition team & served as communications lead at Environmental Protection Agency. Ericksen was a vocal opponent of COVID restrictions, saying he would introduce a bill opposing vaccine mandates.

He died of #COVID19 at 52.

#Spreadnecks Image
82) An unvaccinated man from Texas, whose death was the first confirmed #Omicron-related in the US, had previously been infected with #coronavirus.

He made his choice, but who else did he infect? What variants did he breed?

#OmicronVariant #Spreadnecks
83) Roger Dale Moon, unvaccinated false prophet & pastor of Revelation Fire Ministries in South Carolina said “You have the power to say, ‘This is Not how my Life will end. God is my strength
 I will live a victorious life’” He died shorty after contracting #COVID19 #Spreadnecks 83) Roger Dale Moon, unvacc...
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1/X Heute bin ich Opfer von Gewalt bei meiner Arbeit im mobilen Impfteam geworden. WĂ€hrend der ImpfaufklĂ€rung wurden absurde Fragen aus dem Querdenkerspektrum zur Impfung gestellt. Nach der erfolgten AufklĂ€rung wollte der Impfling von der Impfung zurĂŒck treten.
2/X da wir die InpfpĂ€sse aus organisatorischen GrĂŒnden schon vor der Impfung unterschreiben, habe ich diese wieder durchgestrichen. Dabei wurde ich geschubst und geschlagen. Der Covidiot flĂŒchtete. Wir sind ihm hinterher und konnten ihn mit Hilfe der Polizei stellen.
3/X ein Strafantrag wurde von mir gestellt. Bitte passt auf euch auf, es kann schneller gehen als man denkt. Wir lernen draus und impfen nicht mehr ohne Sicherheitsdienst.
#Covidiot #GewaltImGesundheitswesen.
Read 6 tweets
#TyranneiDerUngeimpften ich habe keine Reichweite und deshalb nutze ich das hier als therapeutisches Schreiben. Ihr wollt etwas zur #SpaltungDerGesellschaft hören? Ok: seit 1,5 Jahren halten wir als #Schattenfamilien uns nicht nur an alle Regeln, nein wir halten uns an 1/x
#Eigenverantwortung wir isolieren uns, nehmen unsere 86 jĂ€hrige pflegebedĂŒrftige demente Mutter auf, die nicht mit der #Pandemie klarkommt. Wir lassen unsere Kinder wann immer es geht zu Hause. #ProtectTheKids wir engagieren uns, machen im Dienst Überstunden und setzen uns 2/x
Dem Gemeinwohl zu liebe erheblichen Gefahren aus. Wir bemĂŒhen uns um #offlabel Impfung fĂŒr unsere Kinder (Risiko), schaffen das mit großartiger UnterstĂŒtzung von selbstlosen Menschen hier @rosaVered @Lenri1720 @DerToCra sogar. Unsere Kinder wurden vor 2 Wo erstgeimpft. Wir 3/x
Read 16 tweets
Grenfell Tower Inquiry diary week 54: ‘Our consideration of evacuation at this time was something of a blind spot’

IS @NexusChambers #MichaelMansfieldQC @_lesliethomas WHO ARE WITH THE CIRCLE OF @OCCRP WHO ARE THERE TO LIMIT THE DAMAGE TO @taxpayers DENYING THE @VictimRightsLaw .

WHILE THE @grenfellinquiry IS DOING AS @InquiryCSA HAS DONE TO US THE @ProductsSystem.

Read 35 tweets
Meine Tochter wurde mit #corona diagnostiziert. Wir kennen die komplette Infektionskette und sie hÀtte vor 2 Wochen unterbrochen werden können. Leider hat sich ein wissenschaftsferner Haufen von Politkern dazu entschieden in KiGas nicht zu testen.
Jetzt sitzen wir hier, hoffen auf einen glimpflichen Verlauf, dass unsere Impfungen halten, ihr Bruder nicht angesteckt wird und zerreissen uns zwischen diesem ganzen Mist. Es ist traurig oder eher widerlich wie sich unsere Politik diesem #QuerdenkerSindTerroristen Pack beugt.
Als Eltern fĂŒhlt man sich in dieser ganzen Krise vollkommen verarscht. Es wird nur auf die lautesten Volltrottel gehört, nicht auf die die einfach versuchen ihre Kinder zu schĂŒtzen und in ein normales Leben zurĂŒckwollen.
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59) Nurse Shanda Parish has cancer, but won’t get vaccinated, even after losing both parents to #COVID19. She resents judgment from friends asking why they didn’t get vaccinated: “people make us feel like it’s our fault they’re gone.”

Who has she infected?

#Spreadnecks Nurse Shanda Parish has can...
60) This “Christian” radio host became infamous for reading obituaries from people who died of AIDS while playing the Queen song "Another One Bites the Dust”

Now Bob Enyart bit the dust.

But who did he infect? What variants did he breed?

#Spreadnecks #COVIDIOTS #Talibangelist Image
61) Gregg Prentice, Hillsborough County, FL @GOP accountant & chair of the committee for election integrity, who wanted to “end Faucism” dies from #COVID19. He said, "we need more socialist distancing than we do social distancing."

His wife & daughter are both ill.
#Spreadnecks Image
Read 44 tweets
#COVDIOTUpdate 2021/8/30đŸ‡ŻđŸ‡”Without #lockdown & 20,000 daily #COVID cases in Japan, the #Aichi prefecture (1,300 daily cases, 1,034 total deaths, hospitals 554% overwhelmed) hosted a music festival without enforcing stringent anti-COVID measures.
One of the #COVIDIOT artists #Zeebra apologized for appearing in the show itself, saying the event violated the “3Cs” doctrine recommended by the government. The artist was aware of the situation going out of control before showing up, but improvements were not made in time. Image
#Aichi prefecture is one of the hardest #COVID-hit regions in Japan and has been under #StateofEmergency as of AUG 27. Inter-prefecture travel has been strongly discouraged (but not enforced). It recorded 1,385 cases on Sunday with over 12,000 people #StayHome without treatment. Image
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BREAKING: "Neanderthal" Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tests positive for #COOVID19.

#COVIDIOT Abbott famously threw caution to the wind in March, reopening Texas 100% at a time when it ranked only 48th in vaccinations, causing thousands of preventable deaths in the months since.
When Greg Abbott lifted #COVID19 restrictions in March, every major variant of the virus was already circulating in Texas.

Texas now has more Covid deaths than New York.

When Biden was inaugurated on 20 Jan, 7,000 more people had died in NY than Texas.

Analysis by @commonwealthfnd shows @GregAbbott_TX's failure to get Texans vaccinated caused thousands of preventable deaths:

Read 4 tweets
THREAD: Dies of COVID #COVIDIOTS #COVIDIOTHallOfShame: 9 of 9 (100%) elected Federal or State elected officials dead of COVID are Republican/GOP. Let's visit some of them. Here's the first:
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16) 39yo father of five dies after texting fiancee: “I should have gotten the damn vaccine”

He didn’t care about leaving his family fatherless. Whom did he infect? What variants did he breed?

#COVID19 #GetVaccinated #WearAMask
 16) 39yo father of five die...
17) H. Scott Apley, a councilmember of Dickinson, Texas and member of the Texas State Republican Executive Committee, mocked vaccines for months. He just died from #COVID19.

Whom did he infect? What variants did he breed?

#COVIDIOTS #VariantBreeders Image
18) Travis Campbell of Tennessee & his wife didn’t bother getting vaccinated. He now holds on for life in ICU & pleads with others to #GetVaccinated. He also infected two of his little kids. Who else did he infect? What variants did he breed?

Read 64 tweets
1) Over 99% of recent #COVID deaths are of unvaccinated people.

While 625,000 Americans died from #COVID19, conservatives refuse masks and vaccines

Witness the cost of a vast Republican, conservative, right-wing disinformation machine:

Thread >>>

2) Texas man who called vaccines “poison” dies from #COVID19 after spending 17 days on a ventilator.

#COVIDIOTS #FoxNewsKills

3) This mother thought #COVID19 was “was just like the flu” – now her unvaccinated teenage daughter is struggling to survive.

#COVIDIOTS #FoxNewsKills

Read 66 tweets

2 new studies show that immunity to the #coronavirus lasts at least a year—possibly a lifetime—and improves over time especially after #COVIDVaccination.

**This does NOT mean that people who have been infected can skip vaccines**.đŸ§”

Researchers studied people infected with the #coronavirus about a year earlier. B-cells with a memory of the virus persist in the bone marrow & can make antibodies when needed. These memory B cells continue to mature & STRENGTHEN for at least 12 months after the 1st infection.đŸ€—
The studies suggest that most people who have recovered from #COVID19 and were later immunized may have "bulletproof" protection *against #coronavirus variants* & may not need boosters.

People vaccinated but never infected most likely will need booster shots for new variants.💉
Read 18 tweets
Hello doctor. You can answer 2 ur own tweets.
Y call your non-medical friends? U hav been tweeting utter nonsense, polypharmacy 4 treatment of #COVID19India against all evidence based pooled data and analysis. Answer to why you want to use anti-depressants, diuretics and NSAIDs?!
You have tagged ICMR, when they dont recommend any drugs for 'variants' as your treatment suggest. U have tagged PMO India! That's intense, but he's MIA. What will Yogi Bisht, UP-CM discuss wit regards to covid protocol? He's busy arranging oximeters 4cows. U might hav read news
Also read more on the FLCCC alliance crap. The @NIH clearly recommend against #ivermectin use and these maverick groups are wasting everyone's time. Two handles you tagged are from these pariah medical groups - BIRD and FLCCC. That's not very credible.

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đŸ§” Our press release in English:

Our Position on the #R1MB Demo:

On 1st of May 2021, a demonstration organized by a migrant-led revolutionary left coalition took place in Berlin-Neukölln. It was the largest migrant-led International Worker's Day demonstration in years.
As the revolutionaere BĂŒndnis behind it took form, bringing different migrant/minority groups of the city together, we, the @JewishBund saw it as a unique and invaluable opportunity to join the mobilization as a group working from a radical Jewish left tradition.
Historically May 1st events in Kreuzberg included unregistered demonstrations as one of their main junctures, this year's RevolutionÀre 1 Mai demonstration was specifically registered with the authorities,
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[Thread in 7 - Roland Wiesendangers LaborunfÀlle]

Ein belangloser Physiker aus Hamburg behauptet , dass SARS-CoV-2 ein "Laborunfall " sei. Er habe dafĂŒr aber leider keine Beweise.

"Macht ja nix!", sagt er, und prÀsentiert sogenannte Indizien. Gucken wir uns die einmal an!

Indiz Nr.1:

Er lĂ€sst sich fĂŒrs Pressefoto hinter technischen GerĂ€ten ablichten.

Wertung: Das sieht sehr wissenschaftlich aus, wenn man fĂŒr seine "Studie" sich in Wahrheit nur etwas VT-Dreck zusammen gegoogelt hat.

Indiz Nr.2:

Der Zwischenwirt wurde noch nicht gefunden.


Vollquatsch. FĂŒr die Zoonose-Theorie sprechen zahlreiche Argumente, und nicht zuletzt die sehr große genetische NĂ€he zu Fledermaus-Corona-Viren. Das kann er aber nicht wissen, denn er hat an seiner "Studie" keinen Virologen beteiligt.

Nicht einen Einzigen.

Read 12 tweets
Beispiel fĂŒr einen Fake/Troll Account, der unter anderem unter Posts der @SVPch #Covidiot Content propagiert und der mich inzwischen geblockt hat. @pedaru_karmen. n/1 Image
Account im Dezember 2020 eröffnet.
Posted ausschliesslich #Covidiot Content auf Deutsch.
Fokus hauptsÀchlich auf Deutschland, beginnt nun plötzlich, auch unter Posts der @SVPch Covidiotenpropaganda zu posten.
Gibt sich akademischen Anschein mit der Behauptung, (trotz Fokus des Accounts auf deutschsprachigen Raum) "Assistant Research Director" am Francis Crick Institut in London zu sein. Das Francis Crick Institut in London gibt es, und dort gibt es auch Assistant Research Directors.
Read 12 tweets
‌@GOP Georgia State Rep. David Clark forcibly removed from the chamber by state troopers on orders of GOP House Speaker Rep. David Ralston after Clark refused to undergo #coronavirus testing.


đŸ”„ Georgia’s @GOP House Speaker Ralston HAMMERED Clark: “I don’t know about y’all but I’ve been to too many funerals—and I’m tired of going to them,” after ordering Clark forcibly removed by state troopers, because the #COVIDIOT refused #coronavirus testing.
This flare-up was the latest infighting among GA @GOP—riven by Trump’s efforts to overturn the election results. #Seditionist Clark signed on to an amicus brief supporting a Texas lawsuit rejected by SCOTUS to overturn Trump’s loss in Georgia and 3 other swing states.đŸ€Ź
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Over the weekend, #COVIDIOTS in the Netherlands rioted in cities across the country in protest at a new lockdown

They even attacked a hospital

As with the US & UK where #COVID19 messaging has been unclear & shifting, the #COVIDIOT phenomenon has arisen.
Protests against #COVID lockdown measures in the Netherlands turned into riots

A #COVID19 testing centre was torched

Nearly 200 people were arrested.
(footage via @annaholligan👆& @AJEnglish👇)
“The private data of millions of Dutch people in the #coronavirus systems of the GGD are not secure.

Large-scale illegal trade takes place in residential addresses, 06 numbers &BSNs, originating from the systems for testing & source & contact research.”

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🚹! Sterberate 2020 liegt unter 2016, '17 & '18 !🚹

Im letzten Jahr sind also weniger Menschen, angepasst auf Altersstruktur und Einwohnerzahl, verstorben als im Durchschnitt der vier Vorjahre!


#Corona #Covid19 @jens140180 @goddeketal @FrankfurtZack @ChanasitJonas @DaFeid
Hier die Übersicht nach Monaten! 2020 FĂ€llt praktisch nicht auf...

#COVIDIOT @LWiehler @reitschuster @goddeketal @pfmayer @talkimhangar7 @Markus_Krall @MLevitt_NP2013 @QuakDr @usouedi @welt @Zeruyu

Hier das Gleiche noch als Matrix.

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[Thread in 7 - Michael Huethers Kritik an der EpidemiebekÀmpfung]

A) Wer ist er ĂŒberhaupt? Er ist ein reichlich wirtschaftsliberaler Ökonomie-Professor. Deutlich weniger Schlimm als Stefan H, aber in Sachen Covid-19 ein mĂ€ĂŸig informierter Laie.

Sorry: So ist es halt.

B) Und warum ist er wichtig?

Er ist Direktor des arbeitgebernahen IW in Köln. Er ist demnach sehr oft in der Presse. Leider auch z.B. zu epidemiologischen Fragen, von denen er nicht viel versteht.

C) Und was sind seine Kritikpunkte?


So denkt er, es gÀbe nicht..

..genĂŒgend epidemiologische Daten in Deutschland.

Zwar hĂ€tte ich persönlich da auch einige WĂŒnsche offen, und hochrangige Epidemiologen sicher auch - aber im Prinzip gibt es schon viele Daten. Weltweit.

Ausreichend jedenfalls, um epidemiologische Maßnahmen zu erwĂ€gen.

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#COVID19 đŸ‡«đŸ‡· [Thread] 1/n : 2020 Vs 2021 :
L'année 2020 avait déjà commencé trÚs mal... Virus à Wuhan, #Pandemie Mondiale annoncée par l'#OMS et, c'est là que tout commence pour la #France :
1- Buzin : Le Virus restera Ă  Wuhan, il ne rentrera pas en France...
On commençait le déni
2/n :
2- L'OMS annonce le 28/02/2020 que seules des mesures Nationales Fortes peuvent aider à contenir la Pandémie.
=> La France décide le 29/02/20 d'interdire les rassemblements de +5000 pers. en milieux clos. C'est tout.
"gagner du temps pour mieux se préparer" disent-ils...
3/n :
3- Les #masques : Le 24/01 la DGS demande à la SPF d'acheter 1,1M de FFP2, car "nous n'avons pas de stock stratégique"...
=> Nous envoyons 800K masques chir en Chine!
=> Il faut 40M de masques/sem...
=> Fin FĂ©vrier le Gvt Cde 200M
>Salomon dit "pas de pénurie de masques"
Read 21 tweets

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