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How you can help your #gaming loving kids/siblings/friends using #PlayToEarn #p2e

A thread of what I’ve done with my 17yo gaming addicted brother. For this example I’m using @ThetanArena and their game/ecosystem 🎮

A thread
Every family has that one gamer child who much prefers being infront of his/her computer/phone/console than spending time irl.

I’ve got one who completes newly bought games in 48 hours😅 the grind doesn’t stop for him. He’s got dark matter skins on all weapons in COD…IFKYK 👇🏼
I came across $THG @ThetanArena and long story short I’m an investor but also a player (in many #p2e games).

I showed the game to my brother and he really liked it because when he was growing up he used to play #BrawlStars

So he created an account and we done some maths 👇🏼
Read 10 tweets
First time I’ve been in the same game as a legit #BrawlStars play of the week, don’t even care that it wasn’t mine
(caption in comments, also as context for non-players)
Video shows a 3 on 3 match of Brawl Ball, a soccer-like game mode in Brawl Stars (a cartoonish arena battle game for mobile). Winner is the first team to two goals, or highest score at the end of the 2.5 minute clock. Overtime if tied. Score is 0-1, favoring the red (enemy) team.
At 20 seconds to go, the ball is firmly in control of the enemy team, powered up and clustered around the blue goal. Blue loses control of the ball twice, leaving only a barely-alive Rico to defend. The 2nd blue player to go manages to chuck the ball a little behind the red team.
Read 6 tweets
There's a pretty cool web application which can help you to get an idea how good your connectivity to our servers is (or will be).

#brawlstars #latencies
Just enter your home city (or a bigger city close-by) as the "Source" city and add the following "Destinations":

✅ Moscow
✅ Frankfurt
✅ Dublin
✅ Milan
✅ Mumbai
✅ Singapore
✅ Tokyo
✅ Sao Paulo
✅ Los Angeles
✅ Des Moines (Soon™!)
✅ Portland
✅ Miami
✅ Washington
These are average results (they send/receive 30 pings) and cover data-centers, i.e. in real-life applications like Brawl Stars the latency will be somewhat higher depending on your exact location and infrastructure.
Read 13 tweets
Played Colette to 500 yesterday to get a feeling for how most people would experience her. 🙃

Unsurprisingly so, she's very dependent on the team composition, how you play her and how your team is capitalizing on her strength. (1/5)

#brawlstars #colette #thoughts
She worked well in Gem Grab, Duo Showdown, Bounty and to my surprise ... Brawl Ball. No surprise overall, I was always happy to see tanks in the enemy team as this is where she really shines.

My favorite mode was definitely Bounty and Canal Grande is a good map for her. (2/5)
Especially combined with a Bea/Piper who are opportunistic of you "softening" targets, it can result in pretty brutal domination of the enemy team. I've witnessed a bunch of teams straight up giving up in Bounty (40+ eliminations for the team). (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
The last episode for the moment. Enjoy the read! 😉

Meet the Players, Episode 7:
@GuilleVGX 🇪🇸 (@TeamQLASH)


#brawlstars #championship #meettheplayers
The @TeamQLASH Brawl Stars team won the January Qualifier beating Free Agents 3-2, but had to yield vs. Orgless in the Quarterfinals in February.

@GuilleVGX 🇪🇸
@iKaossBS 🇪🇸
@iMuniiz10 🇪🇸
@TreeborBS 🇪🇸

🗨️ Please introduce yourself, who are you?

"I'm Guille, GuilleVGX in Brawl Stars, from Spain and I'm 19 years old."

🗨️ When did you start playing @BrawlStars?

"I started playing Brawl Stars a couple of months after it came out in beta."

Read 9 tweets
Here we go, another one for today! 🔥

Meet the Players, Episode 6:
@CoupDeAceBS 🇸🇬 (@PSGeSports)


#brawlstars #championship #meettheplayers
The team around @CoupDeAceBS now playing for @PSGeSports, managed to get a slot to Poland ranking #2 in the January qualifier and #1 in February - and in both finals they faced @JUPITER_GG.

@CoupDeAceBS 🇸🇬
@Relyhh 🇯🇵
@jordonbrawl 🇸🇬
@scythe_bs 🇸🇬

🗨️ Please introduce yourself, who are you?

"I am CoupDeAce from SG and I'm currently 24 yrs old. Turning 25 on June. 😁"

🗨️ When did you start playing @BrawlStars?

"I started Brawl Stars since Android release. I was an Android user but i bought an iPad Pro after WC19."

Read 7 tweets
Meet the Players, Episode 5:
@Tyrant_Star 🇺🇸 (@OmenElite)


#brawlstars #championship #meettheplayers
Omen Elite ranked #1 in the January Qualifier, beating @IXgaming_ 3-1. In February they made it to the Semifinals where they lost to Red Button.

@Cori_BrawlStars 🇨🇦
@SuperSaiBS 🇨🇦
@ZoulanGG 🇵🇷

🗨️ Please introduce yourself, who are you?

"My name is Nehal Alam, I am 17 y/o and from Chittagong, Bangladesh. 🇧🇩"

🗨️ When did you start playing @BrawlStars?

"I started playing [on] day 1 soft launch."

Read 7 tweets
We're on a roll! 🔥

Meet the Players, Episode 4:
@OficialParzival 🇧🇷 (@REDCanids)


#brawlstars #championship #meettheplayers
RED Canids qualified in the January qualifier, beating @intz - only to be beaten by the very same team in February during the earlier stages.

@OficialParzival 🇧🇷
@KaduhBrawl 🇧🇷
@guigool_ 🇧🇷

Parzival was part of NGS and represented LATAM during the 2019 BSWC.

🗨️ Please introduce yourself, who are you?

"My name is João Vitor Duda, my nick name is Parzival, I am from Ponta Grossa-PR, Brazil and I am 18 years old."

🗨️ When did you start playing @BrawlStars?

"I started playing Brawl Stars in Beta."

Read 7 tweets
What's better on a Monday than to start with another Meet the Players episode?! 😉

Meet the Players, Episode 3:
@YdeGaming 🇩🇰 (Free Agents, formerly @PSGeSports)

#brawlstars #championship #meettheplayers

Free Agents qualified for both - January and February events, getting #2 in the first one, only beaten by @BrawlQLASH and winning the February one.

@Achille_BS_ 🇫🇷
@TwistiTwik_BS 🇫🇷
@SkYRiiKZz 🇦🇹
@YdeGaming 🇩🇰

The core of FA is the previous team of @PSGeSports who also participated in the World Finals 2019 in Busan where they - to the surprise of everyone - got kicked out in the first round. All players in this team are widely recognized as some of the best on the planet.

Read 8 tweets
Let's follow-up right away with Episode 2 - this time one of the hottest teams on the planet, ranking #2 in the World Finals 2019! 🔥

Meet the Players, Episode 2:
@hage5riraohhhh 🇯🇵 (@JUPITER_GG)

#brawlstars #championship #meettheplayers

@JUPITER_GG won the first APAC x JP Qualifier in January and came in 2nd in February - like Orgless also with 2 Tickets to Poland and at least 80 pts.

@hage5riraohhhh 🇯🇵
@milkreo_0110 🇯🇵
@tensai_bs 🇯🇵

Like many other players who are in the race for the Brawl Stars World Championship 2020 @JUPITER_GG consists mostly of the previous Animal Chanpuru team which only had to yield to @NovaEsportsTeam in the 2019 Finals and got home #2. They clearly want another chance!

Read 7 tweets
Leading to the first @Brawl_esports Championship Live event in Katowice in a few weeks, I am throwing some questions to some of the players in the qualified teams.

Meet the Players, Episode 1:
@SunBentley7 🇫🇷 (Orgless)

#brawlstars #championship #meettheplayers [1/8]
Orgless ranked #3 in the EMEA Qualifier in January and February and will have at least 80 points for the Championship on their balance.

@SunBentley7 🇫🇷 (previously PSG)
@JetonBS 🇩🇪
@Cursed_BS 🇳🇴
@KcBrawlStars 🇬🇧

@NoireBS 🇧🇪 (Manager)
@Maty__BS (Coach)

🗨️Please introduce yourself, who are you?

"My name is Murat, better known as 'SunBentley'. I live in France, more precisely a city called Compiègne in the north of Paris. I am 23 years old."

Read 8 tweets

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