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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Eggflation is just more price-gouging; and more!

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#Pluralistic 1/
Eggflation is just more price-gouging: Cal-Maine Foods owns every egg brand you've ever heard of and its profits are up 65%.

Hey look at this

* @EFF is hiring a security and privacy activist…

*'s 25th anniversary…

* Three Autumn Revolts: Breaking the Ice on China’s “Anti-Lockdown Movement”… 3/
Read 27 tweets
1) #2020Election F.U.D.

We've always been gaslit by FakeNews every election year. This year is no different & worse.

FEAR: Demonrats will steal the election😱

UNCERTAINTY: Can Silent Majority win?🤔

DOUBT: Joe out-polls Trump👀

Let's explore a bit…🧐👇
2) #2008Election

To look ahead, we need to look back. 2008 is a good frame of reference to start with. #HopeAndChange 1st black, yada, yada.

Impressive, but pales in comparison to Reagan's #MorningInAmerica landslide.

NoName threw the race by backstabbing Sarah Palin🙄👇
3) #2012Election

2012 is also a good reference.

The trill is gone. #Obamacare... Shovel ready jobs that weren't… #OccupyWallStreet (#OWS)...

Simply put , Middle America didn't care for fundamentally changing America.

And RINO @PierrEDelectO threw the race…😡👇
Read 32 tweets
And will not God give JUSTICE to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily.”

— Yeshua Image
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Langston Hughes

#VIRGINIA: The Lily White Republican Movement vs. Black Virginia Conservatism

A White Virginian Republican response to being labeled the Party of the Negro… Image
Read 57 tweets
#VIRGINIA: The Lily White Republican Movement

A Republican response to being labeled the Party of the Negro

Despite black support, the Republican party increased efforts to recover white votes through a "lily white" movement.…
A History: Virginia Black Republicanism

Imagine walking into the corridors of White Supremacy; like an African King reclaiming your fucking crown 👑?

If you can grasp this ...
Tnen you'll better understand who Mr. John Langston Mercer was.

Black Excellence on Fucking Fire🔥!
Momma Africa Reclaiming Her Time!
Read 48 tweets
It's not been a good few wks 4 high profile #BernieBros ... first it came out @bernieorelse (now suspended) had setup multiple inauthentic accnts while promoting things like #BernieOrVest, #BernTheDNC & now debunked #TaraReade allegations against Joe Biden
Another high profile #BernieBros redRose socialist @DavidAgStone was accused of harassing other female Socialist accounts via Twitter DM. He's been a big supporter & promoter of the now debunked #TaraReade accusations against Joe Biden. David did show remorse & apologized #MeToo Image
Lastly Im asking anyone who's willing 2 engage 4 any comments or corrections to my annotations (#1-6) on this well circulated right-wing meme attempting to compare & contrast #TaraReade and Blasey-Ford. I believe what I note is fairly accurate .. but open to corrections #MeToo Image
Read 3 tweets
My introduction:
“I’m here to tell you a story, and at first it’s going to sound ridiculous—but the longer I talk, the more rational it’s going to appear.”
-Pvt. Cage
(to prevent disaster, trying to convey to a stubborn general that he can see the future)
Recently I started a campaign to spread awareness of #Berner vs. #BernieBro.
I am aware of the inflammatory nature of the term #BernieBro. That is the whole point of this effort. It is a campaign to change how we willing participants will change the meaning of the term forever.
Read 47 tweets
We need to get something out in the open right now.
We need to understand who Bernie Sanders supporters are, and more importantly, who they're not. (thread)…
First, let’s understand who they aren’t. They are *NOT* disillusioned former Bernie supporters who’ve “gone rogue.” We know this because real Bernie supporters en masse now support Biden like he does.…
That is, nearly all Bernie’s former supporters are now going to vote for Biden.

These people understand that Joe Biden is the better choice than Donald Trump to move us toward the world that they believe in…the world envisioned by Bernie Sanders. 3/
Read 39 tweets
WTF? @CIA Bryan Dean Wright fearmongering against #Progressives - "Who is attacking us? Its #Antifa... These are ppl that we faced back in 60's, 70's & early 80's. These are ppl who are far Leftists... took many yrs to finally put it down. Now this same group who's allied.. "
...w/ a #DemocraticSocialist, we're talking the #BernieBros...they're back w/ bricks & firebombs..."

He then talks of arming themselves against this "BernieBros threat" - vigilante justice - "It's you & me & everyone watching this program arming OURselves."
Bernie's #NotMeUs #Revolution addressed #RacialInequality #SystemicRacism #CriminalJusticeReform.

#GeorgeFloydProtests are addressing a part of this, yet vocal rightwing ppl are calling protests riots, ignoring our own American #Revolution protests.

Read 40 tweets
I see #BernieBros is trending. Let me tell you something about us:

We are women and men and non-binary, Black, white, Hispanic, asian. We are the most diverse group of supporters of ANY candidate. We are not a monolith you can describe with an insulting, alliterative nickname.
We are young. We are old. We are poor. We are, by and large, without healthcare. We are idealistic. We are angry. We are afraid.

You have spent more time hating us than hearing us, so let me tell you what it looks like from inside here.
I have never met a group of people — strange and diverse as we may be — who are more ready to fight for the well-being of those around them.

Who are more dedicated to the health and welfare of this nation.
Who believe more passionately that a better world IS possible.
Read 9 tweets
it backfire. (11/11)
correction. The Bernie supporter account we used was @meaganmday, not @MeganDay. Our apologies for the errant atting
Read 3 tweets
Senator @ewarren has, in an absurd turn of events, been duped by the establishment to weaponize Bernie’s online popularity against him, as an excuse for her silent endorsement of @joebiden!


In her post-“Super Tuesday” interview with @maddow, @ewarren comforted her core supporter base by showing her continued commitment to both help working families and fight for a female President.

@ewarren also gave voice to victims of online harassment, including publication of personal information, and pointed a finger at the campaign of @berniesanders specifically, feeding into the #BernieBros narrative.

Read 17 tweets
Dear honest people who've experienced or heard/read about "toxic" #BernieBros & in good faith think they're unique to Sanders or over-represented by his base. All candidates have abusive fans but they're not documented by media. Sanders is the only 1 to condemn his but (1/?)
Warren, Biden, Pete all have toxic supporters refused to condemn or even acknowledge. The media won't cover them. A journalist who spoke to me while writing a piece on #BernieBro narrative never ran it. But others have documented the hate here… (2/?)
And I asked for some examples here . Just this weekend, Biden critics blamed him for the neo-Nazi showing up with a swastika at his rally. What's really scary is that it's not just online randos doing this but "important people," like Tom Watson (3/?)
Read 75 tweets
Is Bernie Sanders revolution real? Is voter turnout up? Is he driving it? Or, is it general Dem enthusiasm?

I compiled the numbers from the 2016 & 2020 primaries. I'll add to thread for each state as they hit 98% reporting, so we can figure it out together.


# 2: New Hampshire! Image
Read 4 tweets
On this anniversary of #BloodySunday we thank God for civil rights leaders like @repjohnlewis.
And we reject the racism from the @BernieSanders camp who refer to black voters as low info voters! Because we’re in the south, we have NEVER had the luxury of being low info! #Selma
And we will #NeverForget
#BernieBros are still pummeling black people for their vote! We don’t owe our vote to a cult leader with supporters who don’t respect the man who fought for our right to vote with his very blood!
#BernieBros have no respect for our civil rights heroes and will try to lecture us on civil rights! These are our heroes⬇️, not privileged white cult leaders who didn’t even work or vote until they were 40!
Read 4 tweets
1. It's @BernieSanders' 1972 misogynist manifesto.

"You hated me before you ever saw me, even though I was not your father, or your teacher or your sex friend when you were 13 years old, or your husband. You hated me not because of who I am, or what I was to you,
2. but because I am a man. You did not deal with me as a person - as me. You lived a lie with me, used me and played games with me - and that's a piggy thing to do."
3. Remember, the "piggy" term is from Charles Manson in 1969. Sanders is a total sicko and used a term coined three years earlier by a guy who got his followers to cut a nine month fetus out of Sharon Tate. The patron saint of sickos & Incels. And @eWarren must speak up.
Read 4 tweets
Moderate Democrats have attacked #BernieBros repeatedly for sowing division online. As they learn about #RussianInterference to benefit Bernie, they're not asking: Are divisive Russian agents impersonating #BernieBros? Instead, they're sowing division with attacks of #BernieKnew.
To be clear: Not saying all Bernie Bros are Russian agents. Saying Russian agents may be impersonating some Bernie Bros.

And when I get viciously attacked online, folk say that's an individual actor. When a Bernie Bro viciously attacks someone, he's representative. Why is that?
I agree that as soon as Bernie was briefed on #RussianInterference he should have called a press conference. But I also think some folks in the #BernieKnew crowd have used this story to generalize Bernie's supporters as toxic and attack them instead of attacking Russia as toxic.
Read 3 tweets
Thread on what happened in #DemocraticDebate!
Here are my big take aways:

1. #BloombergBust
2. #WarriorWarren
3. Steady Pete
4. Bernie sticks to his message
5. Whats stays in Vegas wont stay in Vegas

I'll break everything down point by point, lets get right into it 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 1/18
1. #BloombergBust

Lets get it straight, #Bloomberg had a terrible night. Thats the (GOP) elephant in the room. He took incoming from everyone. But lets add a bit of nuance and separate out between Bloomberg in the first half and the second half.

Bloomberg-1 was terrible. 2/18
like. Awful. Dumpster fire. Got whacked first question out of the gate, gave a terrible answer on the #NonDisclosureAgreements and tried a mea culpa on #StopAndFrisk. Neither one was effective, and the others didnt let it slip either. Bloomberg-2 did okay though. He gave 3/18
Read 17 tweets
Why have I seen more complaints about #BernieBros than actual bad deeds by them? Because I'm male? Because my profile is smaller than @MeghanMcCain's?
I spend WAY more time than I should on the internet. I have seen vile replies to @AOC by neo #fascist trolls. But from the opposite side of the ideological spectrum?
Not so much.
It did make for a good rap full of esoteric propriety by #Buttigieg2020 at the #NVDebate without any real insight into the roots of the insults.
Read 3 tweets
Here's my thing. Bernie did not concede in a timely manner in 2016. He then withheld support from Clinton, & when he finally DID support her, it was lukewarm at best.

Bernie is also 78 years old, recently suffered a major heart attack, and refuses to release his medical records.
I love how #BernieBros who don't even follow me have jumped on to attack, not even reading the embedded tweet.

Or if they do, their reading comprehension is as low as their integrity.

Even going so far as to "but, Hillary" like the Trumpers.

Take it elsewhere, Bros.
I find it interesting that any seemingly anti Bernie post garners such backlash. Even when one readily admits they will still vote for him if he is the nominee.

If one isn't ALL IN on Bernie, one may as well be a Trumper according to Bernie's supporters. You're proving my point.
Read 4 tweets
Just to recap and circulate at a more visible time, early this morning I circulate a few threads making the case AGAINST #BernieSanders who is Trump's and the Republicans' Dream Candidate.
Read 12 tweets
That @PeteButtigieg couldn’t manage to clear his schedule to appear in person or via satellite on the @amjoyshow to have an IMPORTANT conversation w/ (the ONLY black female anchor on @MSNBC) to discuss the racial fallout in S. Bend & #ChiefBoykins confirms everything I suspect.
Sending thanks to @michaelharriot and @TheRoot and @JoyAnnReid for having this IMPORTANT discussion.

The needs & concerns of black people MATTER. If he can’t handle the racial issues in a small city like S. Bend, I have ZERO faith that he can handle what Tang is leaving behind.
Further, @PeteButtigieg’s offer to send a SURROGATE to talk with @JoyAnnReid about something THIS important shows his level of respect for her as a journalist. She is on par with @maddow and @lawrence. She’s one of the BEST on @msnbc.
Read 7 tweets
@YNB This is why some of Sanders support can be fairly described as Trump-like. There is a belief, that he is the only person, not necessarily the best of many options, but the ONLY person who can save this country from ruin. That's not policy, that's personal.
@YNB His sycophants and surrogates only are mostly desperately punching up because 1. They crave mainstream validation and attention 2. They envy those who are considered more credible than them. Notice also the targets of their rage are often men and women of color
@YNB These aren't the actions of political supporters, these are the actions of a personality cult. And when you confront a reasonable Sanders supporter about how this behavior is counter productive they will shoulder shrug or say "You have to understand how frustrated people are"
Read 5 tweets
Proud Trump supporter here but @AndrewYang raised $10 million he’s got a whole army of supporters, what is it with @DNC @CNN purposely disenfranchising millions of grassroots voters? Stay strong #YangGang they did this to #BernieBros in 2016.
Oh and you’re always welcome to #walkaway 😍 Yang has some cool ideas if he dropped the DJT hate I swear he’d make the admin, just saying.
💊nom nom redpill.
Read 3 tweets
1/ Third #TweetAnalysis - Comparative Hashtag Analysis
Hashtags: #Yang2020 and #Bernie2020
I read 151 Bernie2020 tweets and 152 Yang2020 Tweets today, 27th September 2019, to discover what the #YangGang and #BernieBros tweet about.
2/ Method
-Searched hashtags one by one (latest, anyone, anywhere)
-Read tweets to identify themes
-Adjusted and added themes as needed
-1 point for each theme mentioned (tweets mostly contained 1 theme)
-Afterwards, organised themes into more general types
3/ Data
The most common theme for both Yang and Bernie supporters was "general positive" (non-specific advocacy).
Looking more widely, "positivity" was the largest type for Yang, whereas more than 50% of Bernie tweets fell into the "negativity" type.
Read 15 tweets

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