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🔥1/6 From my PhD:
"My #Back is Fit for Movement": A Qualitative Study Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial for Chronic Low Back Pain
@Pain_NeuRa @HayleyLeake @AidanCashin @adrian_traeger @SylviaGustin2 @link_physio @EdelOH @UNSWMedicine @neuraustralia
2a/6 Why?
- The effects of non-pharmacological interventions for CLBP are sustained for only a few months at best.
- A multimodal intervention grounded in evidence of pain-related alterations in neural processing reduced #disability across 12 months:…
2b/6 The program #RESOLVE employed a “fit for purpose” framework: understand, feel and experience that the back is fit for purpose (movement), highlighting the #biopsychosocial nature of
pain and addressing biopsychosocial contributors to
pain experience⤵️…
Read 10 tweets
Longer daily #sedentary time increases the risk of #Knee, #Hip and #back #pain

1. 20-25% of people aged 50 or more suffer from orthopedic problems such as knee joint pain, hip joint pain, back pain and knee stiffness. Sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for them.
2. In a recent study, men with sedentary time of 7.5 hours or more/day had 45% higher risk of orthopedic problems as compared to those with daily sedentary time of <7.5 hours.
#MedTwitter #ortho
3. A pink-collar job, physical inactivity during leisure time, and passive (e.g. riding in a car or train) versus active (e.g. walking or riding a bicycle) transportation- were more commonly associated with orthopedic problems in people with daily sedentary time >7.5 hours.
Read 5 tweets


There is more than enough gold to give EVERY SINGLE FAMILY ALL AROUND THE WORLD ENOUGH MONEY to start their lives over
For MANY MANY MANY generations to come !

Those who want to buy back into A better country they live in can do so, those who want to open up more “MA N PA” shops can do so, those who want to quit their jobs to travel for A few years before finding something new they enjoy doing
They can do so, those who want to continue working stacking on top of that GINORMOUS nest egg they have—They can do so, those who never thought they would be able to retire THEY CAN FINALLY DO SO & THOSE WHO NEVER WANT TO WORK ANOTHER DAY IN THEIR LIVES—THEY CAN DO SO!!
Read 13 tweets
Did the Asian Financial Crisis (1997) had any influence in the 2008 crisis?
No, Not really!

#SOX Compliance came after ENRON and WORLD COM Frauds and Financial Reporting Failures.

You cannot mix the two events.
Asian Financial Crisis came about as a result of Unsound Macroeconomic Policies, disrespect for stabilization, excessive price competition among trading nations, lack of Asset Liability Risk Management done at the Central Banks, monopolistic market structures,
Read 33 tweets
#Hold_Up #BingeWatching #Chapter2 AAAAA Raoult. J'étais pas prête. ⬇️
#Hold_Up ah mais voilà ! On a le propos ! "On nous fait peur avec des courbes faussées par des tests dévoyés." On tient un semblant de cohérence là. ⬇️
#Hold_Up et voilà le titre ! C'est merveilleux.⬇️
Read 25 tweets
Urinary History Taking for #MedStudents #TrishasTweetorial

Struggle to take an effective, comprehensive #UH in a 5 min #OSCE?

#sdocs @MedicsAcademy @MedTweetorials #TrishasTopTips 👇👇
When did you last take a urinary history?
Before we start #FristThingsFirst I’m a Realist

Urinary History is not ≠ to Urogynae History #PelvicFloorDisorders

For ☝️ use:
#Urinary dysfunction
#Sexual dysfunction
#Bowel dysfunction
#Vaginal dysfunction
Read 19 tweets
#Oregon’s #HERC will be #reviewing its formally passed (2016) #back #spine #note60medicaid #prohibition-policy in #August. Where they intructed doctors/ providers to #force #taper back #pain patients. It will be virtual and allow public comment if you register.
If you need a rehash of what note 60 is, please lmk.…
This is a very important meeting for us all to stand behind. For a myriad of reasons.
Read 5 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets

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