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Terna perfetta: @MilaSpicola, Giorgio Buonanno e Luca Pauletti agli #StatiGeneralidellaScuola su Qualità dell'Aria Indoor #IAQ a #scuola.
- è necessario un cambiamento epocale per rendere quanto più #salubre l'aria nei luoghi al chiuso condivisi, a partire dalle #scuole.
- l'esigenza di salubrità dell'aria al chiuso non è solo riferita al #Covid, ma a qualsiasi agente #patogeno aereo, non solo biologico, ma anche non biologico (per es #Radon, ma anche #VOC e #particolato atmosferico in genere).
- l'esigenza di ricambio dell'aria al chiuso non può essere affidata alle "finestre aperte", ma ad adeguati sistemi automatici di ricambio dell'aria (alias #VMC), non solo per motivi di maggiore #efficacia del ricambio d'aria, ma anche di maggiore #efficienza (energetica).
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Oggi #9novembre pochi numeri e tante immagini.
Partiamo dalle cosiddette #città galleggianti, veri e propri mostri come questo: 165.000 tonnellate, 315 metri, 20 ponti.
Enormi #motori, grandi #emissioni , particelle diffuse nell'aria.
A #Livorno , #TerraDeiFumi navali. Image
Ecco un'altro esemplare, stesse dimensioni, alto 65 metri dal livello del #mare.
Come un #grattacielo di 22 piani, lungo però trecento metri. Quasi 6.000 passeggeri, 2.200 cabine.
#Motori accesi in banchina, per ore, per soddisfare le esigenze dei passeggeri che restano a bordo. Image
Ma vogliamo dimenticare i #traghetti ?
Un andirivieni continuo, con #emissioni dense e nere ogni volta.
Perché le #navi , come sappiamo, NON HANNO #FILTRI come auto e caldaie domestiche.
E per #carburante bruciano #olio #pesante , scarto di raffineria.
Molto economico, quindi... Image
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1/ In #Germania già due Länder (Mittelsachsen e Nord-Rhein-Westfalen) hanno deciso di disapplicare l‘obbligo „vaccinale“-Covid-19 per i #sanitari.…
2/ Non si allineano alla decisione scandalosa della altrettanto scandalosa Corte Costituzionale germanica, presieduta da un politico installato da #Merkel & Co., decisione fortemente criticata dall’ex presidente della Corte Costituzionale germanica
3/ che parla apertamente della drammatica distruzione dello stato di diritto, decisione che farà storia nera della Germania … una volta di più. Migliaia di #sanitari avevano lasciato il servizio a causa dell’imposizione del trattamento sperimentale a base genica …
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#ASL offences, if reporting via #3rdpartyreporting your evidence will need to show clearly the light sequence & the first stop line 👍 remember that there is no specific #ASL offence it's a "red light" offence so the same rules apply, "could have & should have stopped on the
amber or red light" 👍
If you find an #ASL box occupied if safe to do so place yourself in front of the offending vehicle as the junction design intended, if this involves you crossing the #ASL & commiting a technical offence you have a defence as you are ensuring your safety 👍
otherwise stay behind the offending vehicle/s and take primary in your chosen lane with just under a car length space between you & the offending vehicle effectively creating your own #ASL / bubble of road space to dominate & use to negotiate the junction as you would have had
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#Evidencebasedpolicing is all about addressing the #greatestthreatofharm, let's look at cycling offences 👍The place where evidentially we know cyclists pose a constant threat of harm is at pedestrian crossings & so the allocation of resources to enforce contraventions at such a
vulnerable location is fully justified. A plain clothed spotter with stopping officers further down the road is the best way to do it 👍 As the amount of people using #ActiveTravel rises this will become an emerging trend and so will need attention. 👍 Run it in the same way we
ran our #ASL operations where those who inconvienced or endangered were ticketed, those that haven't are warned. Then get the awareness right through the media push & you start to get behaviour change 👍. With increasing numbers of people cycling & walking due to #Modalshift
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THREAD: Individuals with access and functional needs (#AFN), such as adults with #disabilities, may have additional needs that must be considered in planning for, responding to, and recovering from a #disaster or public health emergency. This guide from:…
C = #Communication
Individuals with communication needs may speak American Sign Language (#ASL), have limited English proficiency (#LEP), use braille print or use other auxiliary aids and devices to communicate or navigate their environment...
C = #Communication (continued)...These individuals may have limited ability to hear announcements, see signs, understand messages, or verbalize their concerns. Planning for these needs ahead of a #disaster or emergency is crucial.
Read 15 tweets
--serve as superintendent of a school for the Deaf and the Blind, found and edit magazines, become a nun, be thrown in jail for not responding to commands from police, be wrongfully instiutionalized, be sterlized against their will, sue a company for stealing their invention--
--and marry. Not just marry, but marrying each other, two #DeafBlind people vowing to face a distantist world together. Multiple DB-DB couples during the time #HelenKeller tried but failed to elope with a hearing-sighted man. She was brave to do so, but others were still braver.
It's hard to stop listing #DeafBlind doings. Be found guilty of treason by a show trial! Flee the Hapsburgs' secret police! Or humler tasks, such as patiently saving money from making brooms to buy a house. But my point remains: #HelenKeller was not a wonder.
Read 21 tweets
Live Tweeting: #fairhousingmonth @natfairhouse @SecFudge Moderated by Lisa Rice.
We got an #ASL interpreter. Very cool. Mr. Donald Sherman, “greater equity benefits all Americans.”
USDA & American Rescue Plan & LGBQT Protection
#FairHousingMonth Opening Act: Mr. Sherman
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Cpt Hall's #PledgeofAllegiance in #AmericanSignLanguage on #InaugurationDay has rightfully seized our attention. In this thread, I want to analyse where this came from, what we can learn from it, and what we should NOT learn from it. Read more on this longish THREAD 1/20
When Cpt Hall starting signing, social media exploded with deaf people seeing fluency in her signs and wondering, as @NeilMcD did with his CODA son, if she was also a CODA. And she is! CODAs may grow up with a national sign language as one of their family languages @codaintl /2
Cpt Hall seemed to decide on her own to use #ASL (remember, sign languages are not universal- they are as distinct as spoken languages. The @WFDeaf_org estimates 200+ signed languages around the world. And only 50+ have been legally recognized.… /3
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I'm imagining a sci-fi world that incorporates several fully-realized AI implementations while preparing this week's #PapersThatMakeYouGoHmmm list.

Several are potential #WritingPrompt(s) for #screenwriters.

There is so much potential to build a better world. #BuildBackBetter
This one, for example, brings to mind a doctor searching a Google-like engine based on caption similarity. The results include a summary of patient outcomes, pro and con.

This one a #BostonLegal-like episode with William Shatner finding a loophole in an AI's legal argument.

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"Here today with a good heart..."

Incredible work by @DAWNRAFHCanada to interpret Indigenous languages in English French #ASL + #LSQ 🙌🏻

[#AltText: Slide is titled "Decolonizing DisAbilty Feminist Activism." @ta7taliya @MelanieMarsden6 ASL + LSQ intepreters speak on screen] Image
"Colonialism isn't something that happened along time ago..."

@ta7taliya on developing a decolonial #Skwxwú7mesh snakes + ladders game 🐉

In dialogue with @MelanieMarsden6 + @DAWNRAFHCanada for #IDAM2020
"It's about holding each other up, calling each other in..."

@MelanieMarsden6 on naming ableist exclusion + valuing the knowledge of lived experience #IDAM2020
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Yay! We're finally in! @ryanlepic's #HDLS14 Keynote starts with a glowing recommendation/introduction from @ErinWilkinson about the importance of Ryan's work on #SLMorphology and #UsageBasedApproaches and I couldn't agree more!
I love how Ryan's keynote starts with a nod to the oddity of doing work during Covid times and the routine, simple things we are missing by not traveling for #HDLS14 especially coffee from the UNM SUB Satellite Coffee and having Frontier burritos for lunch w/ friends
Once Ryan sets his @ryanlepic points out ASL's "structuralism problem" which is that we have been spinning our wheels by trying maintain theoretical assumptions such as one form = one meaning in morphological relationships. #HDLS14
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My dudes, these #HDLS14 talks/posters are so good (per uzhe, yoozh? yuzh?) I'm doing a terrible job of retweeting/threading talks/posters without the structure of synchronous talks, but I've watched SEVERAL. So here is an attempt to put them in a thread.
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Today is day ONE of #100DaysOfCode! My goal for the day is to cont. through codecademy's 'Create a Back-end app with JavaScript' (maybe get to the 40% mark?), start Harvard's cs50 course, & get through a few of NetNinja's Node js tutorials. Yay! #BlackTechTwitter #WomenWhoCode
Good Morning, Good morninggg!! 🌞 Today TWO of #100DaysOfCode I got through 30% of codecademy’s ‘Create a backend app with js’, week 0 of Harvard’s cs50 and watched a NetNinja video. I’ll post below the topics I covered in a few #BlackTechTwitter #WomenWhoCode
Yesterday I went over a couple of code challenges, I began covering express-react-views, and went over the game logic of Tic Tac Toe while trying to write a different version. Week 0 of Harvard's cs50 was very interesting and put me down a binary code & algorithm rabbit hole
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For what it's worth, it's the same in the Deaf community. We don't capitalize "hearing" — nor do most heading folks identify with a community of fellow hearing people — but we do speak of the "big d deaf" community and culture.… via @CJR
"In deaf culture, there are two separate spellings of the word 'deaf.' They are the 'big D' Deaf in which a person identifies as a member of the deaf community and "small d" deaf in a person is deaf but doesn't identify as such."…
I ❤️ Deaf history, language, culture ... and #DeafTikTok, #DeafTwitter, #DeafInstagram, etc. I think I've shared this link before but — to get a taste of the vibrancy of #ASL — watch 2 ppl sign the same song.
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Sending you more TikToks soon.
Tabitha Brown has been one of my favorites since the beginning. After her NYT feature, several friends wrote to me & said: "That's that woman from the videos you've sent me."
Hansen is another great follow re: healthy living. Tons of great at-home exercise tips.
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After some reorganization we're back to somewhat regular programming! Raise your hand if you're looking for some #DistanceLearning & #SchoolsOutScience about #ocean, #stem, #STEMeducation?

Today we're promoting some cool accounts to watch in prep of a big announcement tomorrow!
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This is crazy! 🙆🏽‍♂️🙌🏽 Like yesterday I had drafted my experience with a number of #Deaf students and was still asking if there was anything that is been done for them as a community of people in that category! N now this!?
Nigeria should accept the tech ohh
So I just sat in a BRT bus partly filled with Pupils from #Ikejajuniorhighschool Yesterday .
They all stood (standing) there were two woman acting up cos they were around them. Dyu know why? They were Deaf some of them Both D & D and they were all trying to make.....
Conversation the only best way they knew how to!- Gesticulation, facial expressions and sign language. Most of them smiling and exclamating as they communicated!
I was surprised at first when they boarded cos they were too silent for Secondary school pupils. #Solohtolz
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So I'm at a physics conference this week in Lecce, Italy. Some of you wonder how that works given that I'm Deaf and probably don't know Italian Sign Language. Well... 1/N #deaf #interpreters #asl #access #physics
In most cases, I can just request ASL interpreters (yes, American Sign Language interpreters) months in advance. Who pays for it? Good question. That's something I've fortunately been mostly kept out of the loop on, rather than the discussions that happen at the conference! 2/N
But so we get terps set up months in advance, great. They're ASL, because I've barely had the chance to pick up any other language and it's my secondary mode of communication. ASL terps are hard to find in non-English speaking countries... UK too! UK uses BSL primarily. 3/N
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What gave me the hope that I desperately needed today.

My 5yo daughter has never showed interest in my magazines but something about the 25th anniversary issue of @WIRED has captured her attention. Tonight as part of her bedtime reading, she picked the magazine.
As she is paging through the magazine asking me questions I notice the amazing number of women that are featured. She definitely notices too. She asks me about many of them, and I tell her their stories.
Then we get to the story about #inclusivity in technology. I help her understand what that means. Then I tell her that I have had the honor of working with @jennylayfluffy. She asks about the picture of Jenny's hands.…
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Take home point: Deaf signers activate the parts of their brain used for movement when reading an English word. For example, if a Deaf signer were to read the English word "cat", the motor representation of the ASL sign "cat" will be activated even though there is nothing else...
...being seen except for the plain English text of "cat". This opens up an intriguing area of study investigating sign language action representation in the brain!
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