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Thread: 1/ Today it is reported that the Swedish all-party parliamentary committee currently considering whether to prohibit racist groups, such as the transnational #XRW group Nordic Resistance Movement, is leaning in favour of an *indirect* prohibition.…
2/ Instead of an outright ban on such groups – something considered by Sweden several times before and consistently rejected, in spite of the country's obligations under CERD – the committee is reportedly leaning towards a ban on "collaboration with" racist organizations.
3/ This follows the history of refusal to limit the freedom of association for any group, even terror groups. When the SWE government recently tried to ban terror groups, the legislative effort failed. Instead, *collaboration* with terror groups was criminalized, as of last year.
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Because of other recent events, only got to catch the first four episodes of this excellent podcast series. Time to listen to the remaining three. Now episode 5. Did not know Dylann Roof was listening to Christian’s former band. #Charleston #XRW 1/2
Interesting introduction too. On whether Preventing / Countering Violent Extremism (P / CVE) should be entrusted to former violent extremists? Not solely, but if genuine, they can be important and credible messengers. Also mentors, but let’s see what the conclusion is. #XRW 2/2
Wow. That was an excellent and honest episode. @oyousef not holding back asking difficult questions. My conclusion? I think ‘formers’ such as @cpicciolini are important actors in P/CVE. But what’s also needed is a holistic approach comprising many types of people, practitioners.
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[THREAD] on #Western #XRW #foreignfighters in #Ukraine war as @FightExtremism publishes my report on the issue 2day. Main Q: what it takes to become such a fighter? Who are they? Here I will summarise the main findings for your convenience. Link:… 1/ Image
2/ I began researching this back in 2014 – when I saw this clip with #France #foreignfighters on #DNR #LNR side of the war in #Ukraine. I was surprised, to say the least.… Image
3/ As it turns out, a few hundred #Western ers with #XRW convictions travelled to fight in #Ukraine on EITHER side. Many had known each other from before the #war in #Ukraine.  Below is a map of the main mobilisations for the war. Note the scale of the #Russia n for BOTH SIDES. Image
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Today the German federal annual intelligence report 2018 was released. The report belongs to the most important resources on #extremism and #terrorism in #Germany. You can find the full report online here: following #thread will give you the essentials.
Right-wing extremist crimes in 2018 among others: 6 attempted murders, 938 assaults, 11 arson attacks. No explosive attacks or completed murders. Increased in assault, robberies and violent resistance against arrest. Decrease in arson and explosives.
Still: 1,088 #xrw violent crimes in 2018. That's almost 3 per day. Most attacks directed against foreigners and left-wingers.
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1/x So the following #thread breaks down a story unfolding in #Germany in the last days, which as become too strange and awfully relevant, as not to bother you all with it. It quickly turned into a political-legal-media-#XRW shitshow with quite many angles.
2/x So what happened? A week ago a tv crew from a public media station wanted to film during a #PEGIDA rally in Saxony. Yes, they still exist but rarely hit the national news anymore. As they filmed some participants, one if them started to verbally assault the crew.
3/x He claimed that filming him without consent would be a crime. He went to bystanding police officers and complained. That in turn led the police to hold the press team for about 45 minutes. The reason for that is still debated.
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1/ #German magazine .@DerSPIEGEL reports rising number of #xrw foreign fighters (2,500 now) joining Asow militia in #Ukraine to fight agst #Russia in current print issue. Image
@DerSPIEGEL 2/ It is also reported Asow militia actively recruited openly during largest German #xrw concert in #Themar in July 2017. This shows how much underestimated the threat of #xrw foreign fighters compared to #jihadists is. Imagine outcry if #ISIS would openly recruit at a concert.
@DerSPIEGEL 3/ And the issue is not new. German and other European #neonazis have for example fought in HOS militia in #Bosnian civil war. See this remarkable article featuring interviews with some of them.
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