Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Visa

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#ACNH—亚数行1:1锚定离岸人民币的数字资产,现已登陆 #everPay
解锁流动性,摆脱 #Web3 内卷,为下一个亿级用户做好准备!👁

🤝与 #everPay:亚数行提供支付通道,支持 #everPay 业务,实时无 #Gas 费⚡。

@Permaswap:亚数行整合 #ACNH 进入 @Permaswap,间接提高资产流动性🌊。 Image
📌1️⃣ 探秘 #ACNH 发行方 —— 亚洲数字银行🔍

👋大家好!#ACNH 是亚洲数字银行发行的数字资产。

亚数行@AsiaDigitalBank致力于将传统银行业务与 #Web3 解决方案相结合,专注于利用区块链技术实现安全便捷的交易。

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#Bitcoin Back Above $29k After #MtGox False Alert

📰Let’s dive into your weekly digest of specially curated reads by #Matrixport 📰

What’s #trending in #cryptocurrency? ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Image
1️⃣ #Bitcoin Slumped and Rebounded in Hours amid False Alarm on #US Government Dump
2️⃣ #Circle Launches Cross-Chain #USDC Transfer Protocol for #Ethereum, #Avalanche
3️⃣ Binance.US Calls off $1.3bn Deal for #Voyager’s #Assets, Citing a “Hostile Environment”
4️⃣ #Arbitrum #Blockchain #Airdrops $120m-worth #ARB #Tokens to Projects in its Ecosystem
5️⃣ #Visa Shares Plans for ‘Ambitious’ #Crypto Product Regarding #Stablecoin #Payments

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🧵Hilo ⏩ En estos días se reavivó el #debate sobre si la 💳 tarjeta #Visa ✔️ Prepago de @SomosZinli es #débito o #crédito en 🇻🇪, nosotros siempre hemos afirmado que es Débito Prepago y por eso de la mano de @leorosas0 hacemos pública una prueba con un POS #BDV de @credicardvzla Image
🥸 En la primera imagen tenemos el recibo de compra y podemos verificar que es el BIN de la tarjeta #zinli "485046", la transacción fue de 10bs y fue aprobada. Recordemos que es irrelevante si el recibo dice "Visa Crédito" o "Visa Prepaid". En este caso no dice nada... Image
En la siguiente imagen podemos ver el #cierre del punto de venta y notarás que la tarjeta fue agrupada en el lote de "Tarjeta de Crédito", pero esto tampoco es relevante ¿Por qué? Porque ningún punto en Venezuela tiene un software capaz de detectar todas las marcas de tarjetas... Image
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#Mediapooli @JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en
#mRNA-#YLE valehtelee veronmaksajille jälleen pimeän tullen, kahdessa peräkkäisessä lähetyksessä 19.3.2023, kuin varas
-"#Venäjä pommitti sivilien suojana toimineen #Mariupol'in teatteria, satoja ihmisisä kuoli."…
@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en #Humanitarian mission near #Sartana, we met a large number of people who had just fled #Mariupol.
- Among these #civilians was #Nikolay, who agreed to tell us on camera what happened with the #MaternityHospital and the #theatre in #Mariupol
@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en cc: @ KimDotcom
The #IntlCrimCourt that we don’t recognize has issued an arrest warrant against #Putin for #evacuating #children from a #Warzone that is getting #shelled with OUR #weapons -we #killed over 20 #million people in 37 victim nations since #WW2.
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@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #Putin visits #Crimea on anniversary of its annexation from Ukraine |-3h
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #US threatens to #arrest #ICC #judges if they pursue Americans for #Afghan #WarCrimes | 10/09/2018
- #WhiteHouse Nat Sec Advisor J. #Bolton called the #Hague-based rights body "unaccountable" and "outright #dangerous" to the #US, #Israel and other #allies… Image
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #US #bars entry to #ICC investigators, says '#attacking #America's #RuleOfLaw' | 15/03/2019
- “The ICC is attacking America’s '#RuleOfLaw',” #Pompeo told reporters. “It’s not too late for the court to change course and we urge that it do so immediately.”… Image
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As a founder in web3, I'm always on the lookout for new tools and technologies that can help us achieve our web3 incubator’s mission

That's why I'm so excited about the ERC-4337 crypto wallet.

1/13🔥 #ERC4337 is a revolutionary proposal that can have the same impact as The Merge in terms of aiding mass adoption of crypto, and it's not getting the attention it deserves.
2/13🔥 In my view, ERC-4337 is almost a silver bullet for infrastructure development.

Its goal is to introduce Smart Accounts (think Smart Contracts) to the Ethereum Blockchain, making interactions with Ethereum significantly more user-friendly.
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🇦🇹🇹🇷🇸🇾⚡️Austria has announced that it will review visa applications of earthquake victims and their relatives in Turkey and Syria, without changing the existing criteria.
#austria #turkey #syria #visa
Austrian representations to which applications are submitted will use the possibilities provided by law to expedite the process.
A parliamentary initiative was also presented to issue a temporary six-month humanitarian visa for the relatives of people living in Austria affected by the earthquake.
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I have been learning how to value relationships throughout my life and God has been kind to teach me this for free.

This is a recent incident of a dramatic reunion after a decade.

A thread.

#PLABJourney #VISA #Delhi
As part of my VISA appointment I had to travel to Delhi from Dehradun. I planned to take the train instead of bus this time and decided to stay with my childhood friend who is working in Delhi presently.

With some papers to be printed at Delhi the next morning I was a bit stressed but was thoroughly enjoying my train journey after a long time and the train reached Haridwar after an hour.

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Are you looking for a visa sponsorship job?

Open this thread 🧵 to learn some tips to help you in your search.

RT for more people to find.
#workabroad #visa #visasponsorship

First, research companies that sponsor visas. Many large companies, especially those in tech, health and finance, have sponsorship programs in place for skilled international professionals.

Network with people in your industry. And make connections with people in the migration space.
Ask friends, family, and colleagues if they know of any companies that sponsor visas. is one platform that offers a space for making connections.

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12 years of existence and @Litecoin is still going strong, let's deep dive into the second oldest #cryptocurrency.

This project review as well as other reviews & free crypto guides can be read more clearly on my website:

1/ 🧵👇
2- #Litecoin is a decentralised, open-source and peer-to-peer network that was originally forked from the #Bitcoin blockchain. #Litecoin is the second oldest #cryptocurrency which was created in 2011 by Charles Lee, a former Google engineer.
3- As #Litecoin is a fork of #Bitcoin, it shares many of the same features, however, it runs on a different mining algorithm and was originally designed to be more decentralised. When #BTC launched, Charles Lee felt $BTC was becoming heavily influenced by centralised authorities.
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If you're not balls deep into holding $Qnt going into 2023, where #LACChain will be going live with quants Latin American Dollar, aka #MLT, Multi Ledger Tokens - tokenisation to enable roaming money

I am not sure you've been paying attention

World firsts here

But muh #Btc, muh #stablecoin , muh #Xrp , muh traditional finance methods like #Visa.

How about a multichain lightning network like approach where it doesn't matter what you use, because they're all denominated and have values as such.

Why only choose one payment channel/rail
Disintermediation is the future, #btc    $btc enabled a peer to peer payment network with no intermediaries - the beginning of a revolution.

But the evolution has been happening since 2009 and the enabler is #interoperability

For this, I choose $qnt #Qnt #Overledger
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«Війна дуже згуртувала сусідів у будинку», — ділиться пані Раїса. Подібне її родина вже переживала під час Другої світової

Тоді в евакуації мамі пані Раїси давали шматок хліба, щоб та нагодувала дітей. Нині ж саму пані Раїсу підтримують сусіди й небайдужі люди, що купують продуктові набори у межах проєкту «Це Вам від щирого серця». @varus_ukraine збирає та доставляє ці набори

Проєкт спрямований на забезпечення продуктовими кошиками переселенців, літніх людей та осіб з інвалідністю. При онлайн-оплаті на сайті проєкту карткою Visa до 1 вересня компанія подвоювала суму. Наразі благодійники придбали понад 4000 кошиків добра

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My take on #visa ban discussion:
1) Debate has been too messy, cuz it was not clear what visas for whom were meant. Some voices called to ban all visas for all Russians, also dissidents, which would be a mistake. BUT if we refocus on tourists only, lets talk business (thread):
Summary of the principles I propose (explained later):
- Member states instead of EU
- Toughen and slow down instead of full banning
- EU personal Sanctions: Leave it targeted, make it massive
- Ban tourists, save dissidents. What I mean exactly:
2) Member states: are free to design their immigration policies as long as refugee option open. Understandable desire of bordering states to Russia to regulate tougher is legit and should be supported. Question is - why do we need a ban, my experience is that...
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#pédocriminalité 31.07.2022 Un juge fédéral US statue qu'"il est raisonnable de conclure que #Visa a sciemment aidé à monétiser la #pédopornographie" dans l'affaire visant la société #Mindgeek qui possède notamment #Pornhub
Le juge Cormac Carney du tribunal de district central de Californie a écrit : « Visa savait que les sites Web de MindGeek regorgeaient de pédopornographie monétisée », dans le procès Fleites c. MindGeek .
"Lorsque MindGeek décide de monétiser la pédopornographie et que Visa décide de continuer à autoriser l'utilisation de son réseau de paiement à cette fin sachant que de la pédopornographie en fait partie, il est tout à fait prévisible que les accusés de pédopornographie
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Dear #hr in #niin #ksom #usc, I know you are busy,but could you spend 8 mins on my emails pls? I sent 6 emails from April to June, and called you every day this week, but I didn’t get any reply. #neuroscience EAD will be expired at 07/10😩@USC @KeckMedUSC @KECKSchool_USC @USCNIIN ImageImageImageImage
Thanks,friends in #twitter in #niin,#ksom, #usc, in #neuroscience, #neuroimaging, #neuroradiology. I really appreciate your support. I got the email this afternoon. It’s my fault. Even leave, leave with pride, grace, and gratitude, no regret. The 4 yrs will be the best memory in Image
my life, although it is also the hardest 4 yrs. Hope other colleagues could take my lessons, and prepare everything earlier in the future.
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Où en est-on sur ce marché ?
Est-ce le moment pour investir ?
Quelles projections à long terme ?

Coup d'œil sur l'état global du marché 👇
1/29 Pour ceux qui ont passé les dix dernières années dans une grotte, petit rappel.

Une #cryptomonnaie est un actif numérique négociable et décentralisé basé sur la technologie #blockchain . La blockchain est un grand livre numérique qui enregistre toutes les transactions.
2/29 Depuis la création du #bitcoin en 2009 jusqu'à l'explosion des #NFT en 2021 en passant par le crash monstrueux de 2018 et la chute de 80% de l' #ethereum , le développement des cryptomonnaies a été turbulent, évoluant entre avancées significatives et reculs drastiques.
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15 días antes de su derrocamiento un 21 de abril de 2005, @LucioGutierrez3 recibió una carta del dueño del Banco Pichincha #FidelEgas, quien reclamó airadamente al presidente, al ministro de gobierno y al comandante de la policía...
...porque @abdalabucaram había aparecido en #CadenaNacional en los canales @tctelevision @Gamavisionecu y 3 de cable (todos propiedad de los otros banqueros ISAÍAS) "Injuriando y amenazando" a #Egas, acusó de una campaña de desestabilización del #SistemaFinanciero contra...
...El #BancoPichincha. Acuso a @LucioGutierrez3 de no protegerlo, y de amenazar a su medio @teleamazonasec, de pactar con el #GrupoIsaías y de evitar como gobierno ante #USA que les retiren la #Visa. #Egas dijo que su canal defiende la #EstabilidadDemocrática...
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It slipped under my radar because I have PR card for #Indonesia, but signed into law mid February were new prices for visas to Indonesia. And they are high, very high, if you ask me.

#visa #expensive #visitIndonesia #tourismIndonesia #travel
The official document - in Indonesian - can be found here. I'll pick some of the highlights.…
Not listed is the price of a visa on arrival, as this has not increased and still is 500.000 rupiah, some 33 euro per traveler. That's twice the price it was years and years ago, but that's fine.

#voa #visaonarrival #Indonesia
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J’ai intentionnellement opté pour un « thread » grossier sans trop de détails pour que même un débutant puisse comprendre.

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You think #Putin is stupid & didnt think of anything west would do?
Read this on #Russia getting ready for tackling #Ukraine️.

On Dec 5th last year, Putin came to India for few hours & agreed to take Indian payment systems (RuPay) to Russia.
This is the same system which is giving sleepless nights to #Mastercard & #Visa.

It's a far better & cheaper payments system compared to any in the world.

In case of USA weaponising it's tech companies, sovereign nations will need something to keep their digital payments on
And this risk became an actual event as seen during #RussianUkrainianWar. USA blocked access to electronic payments resulting in severe inconvenience to Russian public.
But let's see what did Putin plan!

He asked India to setup RuPay system in Russia so that an alternative..
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New #Ukraine 🇺🇦 #Russia 🇷🇺 Thread 🧵

Category: Cost of war 🪙

1) The @moscow_exchange website is still down & the Russian stock exchange remains closed. The Central Bank orders export led businesses to sell 80% of foreign currencies & bans foreigners from selling Russian securities to try and keep ruble afloat.

#PriceofPutin Image
2) Roman #Abramovich is looking for around 4 billion dollars as he looks to offload #Chelsea ⚽️…

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My 2 wk old son sleeps on my lap in our car as we pass 18 hours in near stationary queue for the Polish border. We have got about halfway through. Once we arrive in Pl my wife needs to go through a convoluted visa application for UK. Disgusting.#UkraineWar #Home Office #Visa
My wife is Ukrainian and I’m a uk citizen- both children have uk citizenship. But the Uk government absolutely refuses to make the process easier for my wife to get a visa. When we finally get the visa and eventually get to uk I will be publicly shaming uk government
They are heartless bunch and have shown zero compassion for my family or for any Ukrainian refugees.
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[THREAD] Les cartes de paiements #crypto

Qu'est ce qu'une carte de paiement crypto ? Quels sont les différents Types ? L'exemple @Cryptocom

Les cartes de paiement crypto fonctionnent de la même façon que les cartes bancaire traditionnelles.
La principale différence repose sur le fait qu'elles peuvent s'appuyer sur des cryptos OU de monnaie FIAT pour réaliser des achats.
Ces cartes peuvent être physiques, digitales ou les deux.

Les plus connues sont certifiées par des #VISA ou #Mastercard et sont donc utilisables dans n'importe quel point de vente ou site en ligne.
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