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#UkraineGate Trump's Ukraine Quid-Pro-Quo crimes have not been prosecuted, or previous ones 2017-18…
Nov 2019: Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal…
2020: Exclusive: Unredacted Ukraine Documents Reveal Extent of Pentagon’s Legal Concerns…
Read 8 tweets
The Mariupol plan called for the creation of an autonomous republic in Ukraine’s east, giving Putin control of the country’s industrial heartland.

The trade-off: “peace” for a broken and subservient Ukraine.

📌This was Trump’s initial quid pro quo.…
Trump could help make the Mariupol plan a reality. First, though, he would have to win, an unlikely proposition at best. Which brought the men to the second prong of their agenda that evening — internal campaign polling data tracing a path through battleground states to victory.
Manafort’s sharing of that information — the “eyes only” code guiding Trump’s strategy — would have been unremarkable if not for one important piece of Kilimnik’s biography: He was not simply a colleague; he was, U.S. officials would later assert, a Russian agent.
Read 75 tweets
Ukraine announces sanctions on businessman Dmytro Firtash for selling titanium products that allegedly end up being used by Russian military enterprises.

The council also announced sanctions against businessman Pavel Fuks. #1MDB…
Firtash - Mogilevich - Deripaska

Read 10 tweets
I make GIFs, infographics, memes, videos, & maintain large threads fighting the horrors of the Trump regime & the GQP's insurrection; further links in thread.

Feel free to take anything I've made:… -My memesmithing… -Giphy Channel
New threads for a new era. I maintain a number of threads, some re-constituted from my first account. Many of these I store and organize in various hubs.

This is my thread on Trump regime atrocities renewed and better organized into sub-threads:
Trump claimed he loves the military, but like most dictators what he really liked is throwing their weight around & using them to make himself look good.

This series of threads & articles shows how Trump REALLY feels about our military & veterans:
Read 13 tweets
The Giuliani search warrants sought comms with or about about:

📌Kostiantyn Kulyk

📌Yuriy Lutsenko

📌Petro Poroshenko

📌Parnas & Fruman

📌Toensing & diGenova

📌Viktor Shokin

The focus: Giuliani’s efforts to oust the Amb (Yavonovitch) to Ukraine.…
Kostyantyn Kulyk is a controversial top prosecutor accused of corruption and fabricating political cases in Ukraine.…
The Ukrainian Prosecutor Behind the Dossier Targeting Hunter Biden

Kostiantyn H. Kulyk has been indicted himself on corruption charges and has a reputation for using investigations as political weapons.…
Read 27 tweets
🚨The Feds conducted pre-dawn raids of Rudy Giuliani's home & business, along with the home of Victoria Toensing, who represented Dmitry Firtash, a pro-#Russia Ukrainian mobligarch under indictment in the US.

Team🇷🇺Traitor is gonna go thru some things.😎…
"The execution of search warrants is an extraordinary action for prosecutors to take against a lawyer, let alone a lawyer for a former president."

Meaning: prosecutors had to show evidence that Rudy had committed a CRIME to get the search warrants.

Prosecutors are investigating Giuliani's role in the ouster of then-Ambassador to #Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, who blew the whistle on Trump's corrupt efforts (via Lev Parnas & Igor Fruman) to dig up/make up dirt on Biden in #Ukraine.

Read 14 tweets
In charges against election fraud brought by @SidneyPowell1 Serbia is repeatedly mentioned. I have already revealed that the software for Dominion voting machines was made in Serbia, which was also confirmed on my Twitter account by Bojan Đorđević, 👇🏼
the legal representative of Dominion in Serbia. The Dominion machines were connected to internet and they all communicated with the address in Belgrade, from where the votes were transferred from Trump to Biden. 👇🏼
It is clear that Serbia is the key outside factor of the USA election fraud. Wherever you tackle the election fraud in America, you will find Soros. 👇🏼
Read 27 tweets
У тужби за изборну превару коју је поднела @SidneyPowell1, више пута се помиње Србија. Већ сам објавио да је софтвер за гласачке машине Доминиона писан у Србији, што је потврдио код мене на Твитер налогу Бојан Ђорђевић, законски заступник представништва Доминиона у Србији 👇
Машине Доминиона су се качиле на интернет и све су комуницирале са адресом у Београду, одакле су гласови са Трампа пребачени на Бајдена. Јасно је да је Србија кључна инострана карика за изборну превару у САД. Где год загребете у изборној превару у Америци, наићи ћете на Сороша 👇
Србија и цео Балкан су колонија Сороша, и он је господар српских политичара. Међутим, поред Сороша, постоји још један важан чинилац изборне преваре и одржавања колонијалног статуса Србије. То је ЦИА. Америчка војска упала је и запленила у Франкфурту👇

Read 24 tweets
Some of Joe Biden's earliest priorities should include:

- Fully staffing & funding the Federal Elections Comm'n, hobbled by the GOP
- Rebalancing the FCC to enforce new regs on 'news' accuracy, labeling of 'opinion' in media
- Empaneling a comm'n into gov't corruption
- Authorizing sanctions powers for the Office of Gov't Ethics, other toothless watchdog agencies
- Campaign finance and duration reform
- A fast-track for gov't corruption cases in judicial system (SJC governs)
- Expanded funding and staffing for Judiciary

- Restoring Catch-and-Release under supervision for illegal immigrants
- Winding down of CBP and ICE's Guantanomo for-profit detention centers
- Reviewing no-bid, exorbitantly-priced federal contracts issued under Trump, esp. FBI building and detention centers

Read 15 tweets
Exclusive❗️❗️❗️ All the actors in the affair #Ukrainagate❗️
All evidence in one place❗️@realDonaldTrump @POTUS @FLOTUS @EmeraldRobinson @DonaldJTrumpJr @IvankaTrump @GenFlynn @PressSec @EricTrump @RichardGrenell @WHNSC @WhiteHouse @RudyGiuliani👇
US Presidential candidate Joseph Biden plays a significant role in the international corruption scandal.Under his auspices, a tariff gas scheme was conducted which made it possible for various politicians and oligarchs to steal 1.5 billion$ from Ukraine.👇…
Read 17 tweets
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad. @GenFlynn @EmeraldRobinson…
In response to Deep State: You are trying to cover-up Biden's criminal activities by running a story about so-called Russian interference. New audio recordings #UkraineGate #Kosovogate @realDonaldTrump @RudyGiuliani @DonaldJTrumpJr @robertcobrien…
So, over 5 years Ukraine overpaid almost 1.5 billion US dollars for the so-called European gas. Most of this amount settled in the pockets of Naftogaz officials and their political partners from Ukraine and USA. @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @WHNSC…
Read 4 tweets
In response to Deep State:
You are trying to cover-up Biden's criminal activities by running a story about so-called Russian interference. New audio recordings #UkraineGate #Kosovogate
@realDonaldTrump @RudyGiuliani @EmeraldRobinson @DonaldJTrumpJr @robertcobrien @GenFlynn Image
Top secret: The audio recording of a conversation between @JoeBiden and @poroshenko about nationalization of Privatbank. @realDonaldTrump @RudyGiuliani @EmeraldRobinson @FBI @POTUS @DonaldJTrumpJr @robertcobrien @TomFitton @PressSec @GenFlynn

Top secret: The audio recording of a conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and @poroshenko on April 30, 2015. Discussion of mutual cooperation.
@realDonaldTrump @robertcobrien @DonaldJTrumpJr @RudyGiuliani
@EmeraldRobinson @GenFlynn

Read 33 tweets
Russia is trying to ‘denigrate’ Biden

Russia as the most active source of interference. Evanina also said that a Ukrainian lawmaker who has been in contact with Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, is part of a Russian disinformation effort.…
Russia’s activities are reminiscent of its interference in 2016, when Russia trolls bankrolled by an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin used social media platforms to flame political divisions in the United States and spread false information.…
“Some Kremlin-linked actors are also seeking to boost President Trump’s candidacy on social media and Russian television,” Evanina said.

Russia is targeting Biden as well as “what it sees as an anti-Russia ‘establishment,’ ” Evanina said.…
Read 28 tweets
My Lies, Leaks, Collusion thread:
Just as Pinchuk is on AC board, so is Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder of #Crowdstrike!
AC is intertwined w/Clinton Foundation; Ukraine via Pinchuk is largest donor to CF; human trafficking being common thread through "philanthropy" & "charities":
Read 3 tweets
#Ghislaine #Deripaska #Ukrainegate #TerraMar
Speaking of Roman Abramovich, see added link in embedded tweet - there is so much more on this oligarch!
R. Abramovich outdid the huge yacht, Trump owned for few years!
Aside from "Eclipse", a yacht w/ a submarine attached, his background leads straight into #Ukrainegate #RussiaHoax
"He sold his stake in Russian Aluminum to billionaire Oleg Deripaska"…
Again we come across Oleg Deripaska (part of whole Russia hoax re Steele dossier!)! To refresh everyone's mind:…
Read 7 tweets
1) Jun 22 2020 Records of conversations testifying to international corruption
“New details in the case of Burisma bribe as well as new records of conversations testifying to international corruption and the external governance of Ukraine”
2) Jun 22, 2020The audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on February 11, 2016
Discussion of the resignation of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and providing him with security guarantees
3) Ukraine Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk to resign
April 2016
President Petro Poroshenko could now consolidate his power if he can install Volodymyr Groysman, a member of his own party, as the next prime minister.

Read 30 tweets
1/13 Time to take a look at one of civilization's worst creations: the coverup.

The coverup is a #disinformation method used by the rich & powerful to hide something they don't want to get out.

From time immemorial, nobility & churches, corporations & governments have used it.
2/13 There are 2 main goals in a coverup.

One is to hide evidence of wrongdoing.

The other is to hide weakness or, conversely, appear strong. Sometimes these overlap.

The 1918 Flu Epidemic coverup was primarily about looking strong & maintaining morale.
3/13 When you engage in a coverup to hide weakness, it often leads to wrongdoing or atrocities furthering the need for the coverup, a spiraling situation.

This is probably China's situation now.…
Read 16 tweets
#Justice #GenFlynn #UkraineGate #Crowdstrike #Fisagate
Re 'case against Gen. Flynn', most news outlets focus on:
a)"Flynn lying to investigators" re meeting w/ Russian amb. Sergey Kislyak
b) Flynn being framed by FBI to lie
c) FBI top using Flynn for Russiagate against Trump
There's MUCH more - all being suppressed! All pointing back to Andrew McCabe!
1) Flynn case was retaliation from BEFORE Trump running
2) McCabe's 'comrades' backed up McCabe in every way
3) McCabe = 'Russian colluder'
4) McCabe interferes w/ FBI-cases, INCL Boston bombing
McCabe was accused of sexual harassment in 2013 (an EEOC complaint) by ex-FBI agent Robyn Gritz, wording amended in 2014 to:
“a hostile [work] environment, defamation of character through continued targeting by Andrew McCabe.”
Read 10 tweets
#ICYMI #Interview #CPAC Ep. 1193 The Spygate Interviews - The Dan Bongino Show® Carter Page, Svetlana Lokhova, David J. Harris JR, Congressman Doug Collins, & More! #Spygate #UkraineHoax #UkraineGate #ImpeachmentHoax
Pre-Order your copy of “Abuse and Power: How an Innocent American Was Framed in an Attempted Coup Against the President” by @carterspage The chickens are coming home to roost for the corrupt officials, mainstream media, and Democratic operatives. #Spygate #RT #Ad
Pre-Order your copy of “The Spider: Stefan A. Halper and the Dark Web of a Coup”, a Cambridge historian’s eyewitness account of rogue spy, Stefan A. Halper, and his formative role in America’s first presidential coup. @RealSLokhova #MAGA #Spygate #RT #Ad
Read 5 tweets
Shokin..Lutsenko notes, Corruption in Ukraine, Burisma and the timeline of the Biden's. Thread time!
Read 78 tweets

Drop attempt to extradite Firtash to get ginned up dirt on Biden

Firtash hates Biden

He is described as a: “Kremlin Influence agent.” “a political person representing RU interests in UKR.”

Firtash is linked to Mogilevich, one of the region’s biggest Mafia bosses

The FBI placed Mogilevitch on its Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list.

Firtash paid Parnas & underwrote the cost of Manafort’s services to Yanukovych.

Note the narrative symmetry of this scandal: Both Manafort and Parnas shared the same Russian-alligned paymaster.

In 2002, appointed by Putin, Firtash became Gazprom’s most important middleman: He was responsible for selling RU gas to UKR

Gazprom sold Firtash gas at 4x below the market price.

When Firtash resold the gas to the Ukrainian state, he pocketed a profit of $3B
Read 68 tweets
‼️The Firtash Connection

Franklin Foer brilliantly summarizes the Firtash assisted #UkraineGate plot to smear Joe Biden in exchange for dropping his extradition to the US together with TeamTrump’s efforts to attempt a coup at Naftogaz on his behalf.…
Per Parnas: Giuliani’s team had a deal with Firtash.

Giulani would get the DOJ to drop its attempt to extradite the oligarch on bribery charges.

In return, Firtash promised to pass along evidence that would supposedly discredit both Biden & Mueller.…
Firtash apparently paid Parnas $1 million for his services, though it’s still not totally clear what those services were.)

🔑The apparent centrality of Firtash should inform any assessment of Giuliani’s escapades and the entire Ukraine story.…
Read 55 tweets

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