Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #TITANIC

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Kenapa Penting Kita Kena Tahu Tentang Kehilangan Titan

Tak pasti korang perasan isu ni.

US Coast Guard, US Navy dan Canadian Coast Guard sedang berhempas pulas cari sebuah kenderaan selam (submersible).

Masa tak panjang. Mereka kena jumpa sebelum 22 Jun! Kenapa? Apa jadi?… Image
Nama saya Ahmad Faezal, penulis isu geopolitik dan sejarah ekonomi.

Sehari saya buat satu thread untuk bercerita tentang isu semasa. Kalau suka perbincangan gini, jemput follow saya. Ada banyak kisah menanti.

Saya yakin korang perasan #Titanic tengah trending sekarang. Image
Isu dia simple jer. Pihak OceanGate Expeditions (OGE) buat pakej pelancongan dasar laut Atlantik.

Kat sini kan RMS Titanic karam 1912 dulu. OGE bawak orang berduit nak pi tengok bangkai kapal.

Pakej ni sangat mahal tapi berisiko tinggi. Siapa yang nak tu kena sign waiver. Image
Read 17 tweets
C'est une informercial pour Axa, Allianz, Blackrock & co ?!
Ce sont les assurances qui font pression pour ces secours : Coutera moins cher que de verser leur assurance vie!
Puis ce sera encore le contribuable "IngratJalouxQuiNAmePasLesRiches" qui paiera…
#Titan #Titanic
Ce n'est ni du tourisme, ni de la recherche (0 équipement de recherche)!
Moyen pour financer des pseudo recherches par des milliardaires qui en échangent veulent 'voir' avant tout le monde ; il suffit alors de "leur faire voir" (même si y'a rien à voir)!
#Titan #Titanic
Comme Michael Hughes, "Mad Mike", rebaptisé "Stupid Mike", vénéré par les astronomes amateurs (et une flopée de #Zététiciens dans le déni que leur "héros" était Platiste), ayant fait financé son projet de fusée par des "platistes", il s'est (lui aussi) crashé!
#Titan #Titanic
Read 5 tweets
THREAD : Pourquoi cette "expédition Titanic" puait depuis le début. Tout ce que vous allez voir dans ce thread est véridique et vérifié. #Titan #Titanic #TitanicRescue Image
1) Commençons par le prérequis, 250000$ c'est le prix par personne pour avoir une place dans ce cercueil métallique aussi solide qu'une canette. "Sous-marin" qui a pour configuration : Aucun système de navigation et de communication à part un système de "SMS".
2) Une manette Logitech bluetooth bas de gamme achetée pour 40$ et dont personne ne veut même pour jouer à un jeu arcade tellement c'est de la merde (perte de la connexion, joystick qui s'usent à la vitesse de la lumière, drift, etc) Image
Read 12 tweets
Como sabéis sigue la búsqueda del sumergible turístico que iba en busca de los restos del Titanic y que ha desaparecido en el Atlántico.

Titán, el nombre del sumergible, pudo haber experimentado una de las denominadas tres catástrofes que puede sufrir una expedición de este…… Image
Todo esto comienza el pasado domingo. El comienzo de la inmersión estaba previsto para las 4.00 horas y contaba con dos horas de bajada y otras dos horas de subida, pero poco antes de cumplirse dos horas de la inmersión se perdió el contacto.(📷OceanGate) #Titanic #Titan… Image
El Titán está hecho de titanio y fibra de carbono enlaminada por filamentos y el sumergible está atornillado desde el exterior.Esto significa que la tripulación del interior no puede abrirlo;para que los dejen salir,un equipo en la superficie debe abrir la escotilla (📷OceanGate) Image
Read 20 tweets
"J’étais atone et prise par l’émotion, j’avais des larmes qui coulaient car je me suis mise à penser à toutes les personnes qui avaient péri. Je n’avais jamais vraiment songé à elles avant."

2 personnes ayant plongé vers le #Titanic nous racontent 👇

Nos deux témoins :

• Brigitte Renaldi, ancienne journaliste à Europe 1, qui a plongé le 1er septembre 1987 à bord du Nautile
• David Pogue, reporter américain, qui a plongé l'été 2022 à bord du même submersible que celui disparu depuis dimanche

Leur vaisseau "ressemble à une Fiat 500, avec deux personnes allongées à plat ventre face au hublot et le copilote assis derrière" ou bien "à un mini-van sans chaise ni banc, et il n’y a qu’une seule petite fenêtre donc on regarde à travers à tour de rôle".

Read 5 tweets
Sembra che il #Titan non fosse sicuro, che la sua realizzazione non sia stata sottoposta a verifiche, un mini sub che deve andare ad oltre 4000 metri di profondità deve avere caratteristiche costruttive molto precise, resistere ad oltre 400 kg/cmq è impegnativo per qualsiasi⤵️
Materiale. Supponiamo che abbia resistito alla pressione e sia rimasto incastrato o travoltò ad un pezzo del relitto cadutogli addosso, non ci sono molte possibilità di mettere in atto, in breve tempo, un’operazione di salvataggio anche con droni o robot subacquei in grado⤵️
Di raggiungerlo portando cavi per il recupero (considerate che un cavo da 8mm di spessore di 400mt peserebbe 1250kg). Analizziamo quindi le possibilità di sopravvivenza (le 96 ore) che sono “teoriche” computate grazie alla capacità dei serbatoi di O2 e la disponibilità degli⤵️
Read 9 tweets
A 111 años de hundirse en el atlántico, partido en 2, con la proa y popa en diferentes sitios, y haberse llevado 1.503 almas en el año 1912, el #Titanic quiere seguir cobrando vidas.

8 cosas curiosas sobre el mini submarino #Titan desaparecido con 5 tripulantes.

[Hilo] 🧶

1- Los restos del Titanic se encuentran a 3.800 m de profundidad en el océano atlántico en una zona llamada Cañón del Titanic, a unos 640 km al sureste de Terranova, Canadá. La proa y la popa están separadas por una distancia de 800 m.
Acá la coordenadas exactas: 👇

2- A esa profundidad de 3.800 m, la presión es de 38.396,34 Kpa (kilopascales). Eso es ~200 veces la presión de aire que llevan los neumáticos de un auto sedan convencional R14 (28 PSI - 193 Kpa). 😬
Pocos submarinos en el mundo llegan a esa profundidad sin sufrir daños. 💥

Read 14 tweets
37 hours left of oxygen. No beacon installed and so far search has yielded no results. Considering the depths rescue efforts face, its not looking good. Missing since sunday. #oceangate #stillhope #titanic
So far the search has been on the surface and under the water using sonar buoys over an area the size of the state of Connecticut!
Additional assets still on the way (as of 4hrs ago). I really hope some subsurface vessels or ROVs are part of that «additional support»… :/
Read 30 tweets
The top question I get after writing SINKABLE is why is the #Titanic so famous? I'll tell you why, and it's not the reasons you think. 1/ thread.
It's not the usual factors. Many ships had sunk on their maiden voyage before. Many ships had been called unsinkable before (esp when steel hulls replaced wood). Many ships sunk carrying rich or famous people before.
It's not the iceberg either. Icebergs had struck ships as long as there had been ships to strike. In fact icebergs were such a common problem in the North Atlantic in late 19th century that by 1912 the Revenue Cutter Service was relieved that iceberg strikes had declined.
Read 18 tweets
If you're watching the #Titanic story like the rest of the world, let me tell you some things about deep sea physics. 1/ thread
At sea level, the weight of all air, clouds, & moisture in the atmosphere exerts 14.7 pounds per square inch. That sounds like a decent weight but our bodies are used to it, which explains why bodies start to unravel in space where pressure is close to 0.
Pressure works on an arithmetic scale, increasing increasing with every 30 feet. In other words, at 30 feet deep, pressure is about 30 psi. At 60 feet it's 45 psi.
Read 9 tweets
Continuano le ricerche nell'Oceano Atlantico del sommergibile #Titan , scomparso con 5 persone a bordo da ieri mentre cercava di raggiungere il relitto del #Titanic
2/ Le profondità da scandagliare per il ritrovamento del sommergibile sono gargantuesche. Il relitto del Titanic si trova a 3800 metri di profondità nell’Atlantico a circa 600 km dalle coste nordamericane di Terranova. ImageImageImage
3/ Secondo il contrammiraglio John Mauger della Guardia Costiera statunitense, le ricerche riguardano un'area "a circa 1.450 km a Est di Cape Cod, a una profondità di circa 4.000 metri.
È un'area remota ed è complicato condurre una ricerca in una zona del genere". ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
What's happening at the #Titanic site will likely be a tragedy.

@OceanGate's page on why they didn't seek certifications / classing for the Titan submersible & that design safety regulations are slow & constrain innovation... reads differently now.… ImageImageImage
Imagine if a car manufacturer told you: this car isn't crash certified because it won't prevent people from driving the car badly. Image
"No other submersible currently utilizes real-time monitoring...we want to know why"

Hubris from @OceanGate even as they dismiss the existing standards derived from many tragedies that came before. Image
Read 14 tweets
#CDC Director Rochelle #Walensky is #leaving, White House says | May 5
- Last summer, Walensky launched a reorganization of the CDC, acknowledging that its “performance did not reliably meet expectations” during the '#pandemic'.
#WHO downgrades #coronavirus '#pandemic', no longer a global #emergency | May 5
- marking a symbolic end to the devastating coronavirus pandemic that triggered once-unthinkable #lockdowns, upended economies and killed at least 7 million people worldwide.…
Steve #Kirsch | Jan 22
#Walensky should be put in #jail for the number of #deaths CDC #responsible for
- Over 700 safety signals (incl #DEATH) have triggered in #VAERS and the #CDC was #SILENT about all of them until they were discovered by a #FOIA request… Image
Read 11 tweets
Top 10 Most Romantic Movies for the Romantic Weekend

10. Titanic

#Titanic is currently showing in Movie Theaters in 3D to celebrate its 25 years anniversary
9. The Notebook
8. Forrest Gump
Read 11 tweets
What is the most successful Hollywood movie of recent times? Everyone says and thinks Avatar right? But, as ever, it depends how you look at it.

We took a deep data dive and found some surprising, nay *horrifying* answers…(1/18)
#Avatar (2010) grossed close to $3bn worldwide, very closely followed by Avengers: Endgame at $2.8bn. Avatar 2 is currently at ~$2bn. While still climbing, it’s doubtful it will beat out its predecessor (2/18) Image
Note this steady, beautiful trend of films earning more and more… Might be a sign of rising returns. Or could be a side-effect of our old friend INFLATION 📈 So our first step: inflation adjust the data (3/18)
Read 18 tweets
Musk has done it. Twitter is finally all about him. 20 of the top 30 trending topics are about the Elon’s destruction of Twitter.
For example:
My favorites are
#Titanic and #SpaceKaren Image
Read 5 tweets
#DeepState patterns.

Since @elonmusk has turned off the "algo-throttles", it seems, lets see if a long tweet is worth the effort.

Thesis: Today's conspirators are the relatives of the yesteryear's conspirators.

Bob Mueller #3, 1st cousin once removed CIA Dir. Richard Bissell.
#NYC Mayor DeBlasio was a hyper-promoter of the #Covid hoax in 2020. His real name is Warren Wilhelm Jr. Mom & dad & uncle OSS/CIA. Mom DeBlasio is interesting if you are into #JFK. Her boss at the OSS wrote a book about the Secret Service in 1957.…
#NJ Covid lockdown Governor @PhilMurphy has a #JFK connection via his wife Tammy Snyder Murphy. He uncle Louis B. Fine was used as a reference by a suspicious witness to the Assassination.…
Read 9 tweets
Hace 90 años fallecía #MargaretBrown, conocida popularmente como Molly la Insumergible por sobrevivir al hundimiento del #Titanic, pero que también fue una destacada #feminista, filántropa, actriz, voluntaria en la IGM, etc. Abro hilo. #HistoriaDeLasMujeres #LuchadorasYPioneras
Nacida en 1867, en Misuri, era hija de inmigrantes irlandeses, pobres y de ideas progresistas. Margaret (llamada familiarmente Maggie, no Molly), fue a la escuela hasta los quince años, edad a la que se puso a trabajar y a experimentar la sistemática explotación obrera.
Con 18 años se mudó, con dos de sus hermanos, a un pueblo minero de Colorado, a buscar trabajo. Ella pensaba, como muchas chicas pobres del S.XIX, que tener un marido rico era la única salida posible de la pobreza. Y quería que sus padres no pasaran necesidades en su vejez.
Read 16 tweets
Un naufrage d'origine Criminel.

Le choix à été fait de traverser l'atlantique alors qu'un incendie s'était déclaré en soute depuis plusieurs semaines !

Et une construction au rabais !

1/n #Titanic #ShortStoriesFr
Des pompiers pas du tout confiants.

Lors de la dernière escale à Southampton avant de traverser l'Atlantique,

152 des 160 pompiers qui géraient l'incendie ont choisi de débarquer !

Le charbon peut s'enflammer spontanément lorsqu'il est exposé à l'oxygène.
Un incendie avec un feu couvant s'est déclaré dans le compartiment numéro 7 de stockage du charbon.

La température de cet incendie a pu atteindre plus de 1000 degrés Celcius.

Read 14 tweets
The India-Pakistan War of 1971 turned the INS Vikrant into one of India’s shining #war heroes but #didyouknow that this legendary aircraft carrier started life as the HMS Hercules in the Royal Navy? That didn’t stop her from winning glory for the #IndianNavy! 1/10
It seemed as if the Vikrant - India’s first aircraft carrier - would never see action. She was 28 years old when she played a pivotal role in the ‘Bangladesh War’ of 1971; she was in poor shape; and her speed was just 25 kmph, almost half her designed speed. 2/10
But this didn’t stop the old #warship from undergoing sea trials and the rigorous training of her crew, air squadrons and their pilots, in preparation for the impending #war that pitted #India against #Pakistan for the liberation of East Pakistan, or #Bangladesh. 3/10
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Huge congratulations to @Endurance_22 and @NatGeo for finding the wreck of #Shackleton’s #Endurance. The wreck is amazing but can we also talk about some of the #Antarctic sea floor creatures that now call it home! Add any others you spot to the thread! (1) ImageImage
Huge #Antarctic sea anemones (Hormathia or similar) dangle their tentacles in the icy water! All of the animals that I have spotted so far are filter feeding! (2) ImageImageImageImage
Sea squirts pump water in and out through their two syphons to collect plankton and marine snow (dead things and poo raining down from the surface). (3) ImageImage
Read 13 tweets

Any sufficiently Advanced Technology is indistinguishable from MAGIC!! Binafsi huwa nasema Technology Is the Great ant💉dote to the Poison of Enthusiasm and Superstition💣
📋Asili ya TV
📋Historia yake
📋Uvumbuzi n.k
Televisheni (TV) au Runinga ni kifaa chenye kioo ambacho kinapokea mawasiliano kutoka kituo cha televisheni na kuyabadilisha kuwa picha na sauti.

Neno "Televisheni" linatokana na maneno mawili:
(i)Tele (Kigiriki)-kwa mbali sana na
(ii)Visio (Kilatini)-mwono.

RT @omari_manyama
kwa pamoja yanaunda neno la Kiingereza #Television limetoholewa kwa lugha ya Kiswahili "Televisheni".

Ugunduzi wa TV📺 ni kazi iliyofanywa na watu wengi mwishoni mwa karne ya 19.Karne ya 20 Watu mmoja-mmoja na makampuni yalishindana kuunda chombo kilichopiku teknolojia ya awali.
Read 37 tweets

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