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Hallowed Be Thy Name …

I AM The #Sword
I AM The #Pen
I AM The #Pencil
I AM The #Paper
I AM The #Belt Orion
I AM The #Helmet
I AM The #Shield

It’s Time.✍️

I don’t like Bullies .✍️
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In #hinduism Devi #Durga is a collective energy created by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva to slay demon Mahisasur . Born fully grown and beautiful, Durga presents a fierce menacing form to her enemies.She is usually depicted riding a lion and with 8 or 10 arms.
Each holding the special weapon of one of the gods, who gave them to her for her battle against the buffalo demon. Chakra in her 1st upper right hand symbolizes #dharma .
#Conch in her first upper left hand symbolizes happiness. We must perform our duty happily and cheerfully and not with resentment.#Sword in her second right lower hand symbolizes eradication, We must learn to discriminate and eradicate our evil qualities.
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A #story of an #afternoon of 1971 #Bengal.
A beautiful,fair glowing skinned,#generalclass, #traditional, #Hinduwoman used to live with her #husband (who used to work in railways) and her 15yrs old #son & 4 years old #Daughter.
She was also a prime worshipper of Maa Durga...
Some years ago, when her #son was of 13 yrs, he started showing his interest in #Politics and started being with #hinduextremists.
He also started going to #akharas,for #gym work and #shastravidya.
Onto which he was #punished by not given #food for a #day by...
his mother, as she wanted him to be an #Engineer and become #rich.
The son left his interest, and started #studying in guidence of his #mother.
It was the time of #Bangladeshliberation #war, when he went to a nearby #Temple with his mother and #sister one #evening ...
Read 22 tweets
#TalDiaComoHoy en el marco de la #SegundaGuerraMundial, se cumplen 77 años del #DesembarcodeNormandía, conocido popularmente como el #DíaD. Image
La operación fue efectuada por los Aliados que culminó con la liberación de los territorios de Europea occidental ocupados por la #Alemanianazi. Un asalto aerotransportado llevado a cabo por 1.200 aeronaves precedió al desembarco anfibio, que involucró a 5.000 barcos. Image
El 6 de junio, 165.000 soldados cruzaron el #CanaldelaMancha de #Inglaterra a #Francia y hacia finales de agosto las tropas aliadas en suelo francés eran más de 3.000.000. Image
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As monuments are being torn down i am going to create one. The work started last week when i re-homed a tatty old rescue sword. All week i have been tinkering. Yesterday i started the research.

This will be an ongoing thread for a bit.
#sword Image
Time hadn't been kind. Must have been stored either completely damp or in a damp space. Active rust was having a go at the blade and guard leaving some quite deep pitting. Doubtful it was going to see another century. ImageImage
The 1897 pattern sword is very common and reasonably cheap. All antique swords are like time machines to me. They were present in momentous times and often carried by people in fear of their lives. I can't help travelling back and wondering at it all when holding one. Image
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तलवारींचे प्रकार!!! एकूण तलवारींचे प्रकार किती आहेत असे पेजवरील एका मित्राने मेसेज पाठवला आहे. तर, तलवारींचे प्रकार हा पुन्हा विवादास्पद विषय असून वेगवेगलर तज्ञ, अभ्यासक आणि संग्रहालय संकलक यांच्यात मतांतरे आहेत.

#मराठी #मराठा #इतिहासमहाराष्ट्राचा #इतिहास #History #india
आपापल्या परीने तलवारींचे प्रकार, उपप्रकार आणि देश-परिस्थिती-घडण या प्रमाणे त्यात कमी-अधिक संख्या दिसून येते. मुळात, तलवारींचे प्रकार किती अशी वर्गवारी करणे यापेक्षा तलवारींची कार्यशैली काय यावरून मुख्य प्रकार ठरवून,
मग त्यातील वेगवेगळ्या घडण याप्रमाणे उपप्रकार किंवा variant ठरवावेत असे आमचे मत आहे. जगातील प्रमुख तज्ञ किंवा संकलक हे ही अशीच वर्गवारी करतात. नाहीतर, या विषयाला निश्चित स्वरूप आणि पूर्णत्व यावयाचे नाही. विषय मोठा आहे, तरी आपण आज तलवारींचे कार्यशैली बध्द मुख्य प्रकार पाहू:
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
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My mother taught us to ward off the Evil Eye by spitting. 💦

According to this #Syriac #manuscript (Or 6673) there are more hygienic ways of eliminating it, and a host of other ailments, misfortunes and generic evils. Let’s see what they are!

(Props to the Evangelists)

Let’s cut the gentle humour for... one tweet. This #manuscript was copied at the end of the 19th century by Church of the East believers in northern #Iraq. It’s part of a long tradition of prayer and medicine in the region, and it relies on a number of different belief systems.
Ok, first up is fear. St. George was not afraid when he slew the #dragon (also identified here as a Great #Monster), so why should you be? Offer him a prayer to allay distress and fears.

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