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🇺🇲🇷🇸‼️Део из садржаја лаптопа Хантера Бајдена, који се односи на 🇷🇸 Србију‼️

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#Russia #Ucraina #Serbia #Kosovo Alcuni credono che Russia e Turchia siano alleati. Impressione probabilmente dovuta al fatto che sia Putin che Erdogan sono dittatori e, nel corso degli anni, hanno sviluppato delle relazioni in aperto contrasto con 1/…
gli interessi occidentali: ad esempio la faccenda degli S400, per cui probabilmente Erdogan si mangia la mani tutti i giorni.
In realtà Erdogan e Putin non sono alleati, tutt'altro. E non potrebbe essere diversamente. Russia e Turchia sono nemici naturali da almeno 2/
quattro secoli. Si tratta di una rivalità secolare nei punti di contatto fra l'impero ottomano e l'impero zarista: il Caucaso (dove oggi c'è la guerra fra Armenia e Azerbaijan, due Paesi sostenuti rispettivamente, almeno fino ad oggi, da Russia e Turchia), e i 3/
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Prove di guerra nei Balcani tra #Serbia e #Kosovo…
Feriti gravemente militari italiani NATO
Tensioni cicliche e latenti in tutti questi anni dalla fine della guerra nella ex Jugoslavia, riesplodono adesso con circa 4mila militari NATO sul campo.
Una questione: il monastero serbo di Deciani passi sotto la protezione della polizia kosovara. 1) #Kosovo #Serbia
Come tutti gli altri monumenti serbi. Le minoranze serbe a nord ed in altri piccoli villaggi rivendicano la protezione di questi monumenti e monasteri per motivi identitari.
Altro problema è portare la kfor nella zona di Mitrovica nel nord a maggioranza serba
2) #Kosovo #Serbia
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Nel Nord del #Kosovo la tensione non accenna a scemare, anzi, va surriscaldandosi. Cosa sta succedendo? Semplice: si riaprono ferite mai chiuse, si fanno i conti con la Storia.

Breve riepilogo degli ultimi sviluppi.👇… Image
Venerdì la forze di sicurezza del Kosovo hanno fatto irruzione nei municipi dei comuni del nord del Paese, quelli a maggioranza serba, per consentire l'ingresso dei nuovi sindaci di etnia albanese eletti nelle ultime consultazioni locali.
Qual è il problema? Semplice, che Image
l'unico motivo per cui sindaci albanesi sono risultati vincitori in quelle aree è che le elezioni sono state boicottate dal 97% degli aventi diritto, in segno di protesta per la mancata creazione dell'agognata Comunità delle Municipalità serbe. La situazione più tesa si
Read 13 tweets
#BavovnaToday 27.05.2023

BAVOVNA: Berdyansk (👀🔥), Shebekino (👀🔥), Nikolske, Mariupol, Volnovaha, Yasinuvata, Belgorod

(👀🔥) - Multiple bavovna

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"#Ukraine 🇺🇦 officially asked #Germany 🇩🇪 for Taurus cruise missiles" – Spiegel

"#Canada 🇨🇦 will hand over almost 5,000 assault rifles and a million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine" - the Canadian government
"The Armed Forces of Ukraine in Germany have begun training in the management of American Abrams tanks. 400 soldiers" — NYT

"Yesterday and today there are no active battles in Bakhmut - neither in the city, nor on the flanks," - Anna Malyar
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Si riaccende la tensione nel nord del #Kosovo: dopo gli scontri tra manifestanti serbi e polizia kosovara, il Presidente serbo #Vucic ha disposto lo stato di allerta delle Forze Armate. Proviamo a capire contesto, rischi e prospettive ⬇️ @CentroStudiInt @RID_Difesa @NessunLuogo24
1 - il 23 aprile scorso in 4 municipalità del #Kosovo settentrionale si è votato per le elezioni locali: Leposavić, North Mitrovica, Zubin Potok and Zvečan, tutte a maggioranza serba. Il principale partito serbo, la "Lista Serba", ha boicottato le elezioni
2 - Il boicottaggio è avvenuto in risposta alla famosa questione delle "targhe serbe" e come forma di protesta contro la decisione kosovara di non istituire l'Associazione delle Municipalità Serbe nel nord del #Kosovo
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🚨🇷🇸🇽🇰 Attenzione in queste ore a quanto potrà accadere fra #Serbia e #Kosovo. Il presidente serbo #Vucic ha firmato poco fa l'ordine che pone l'esercito nazionale nello stato di massima prontezza al combattimento.

Dettagli a breve. Image
Situazione esplosiva in Kosovo. La mossa del leader di Belgrado arriva in risposta agli scontri avvenuti nel nord del Paese tra la popolazione serba e la polizia kosovara nel comune di Zvecan.
Gli agenti stavano tentando di aiutare il nuovo sindaco eletto, di etinia albanese,
ad insediarsi nel palazzo comunale. Da quanto risulta, decine di persone di etnia serba si sono frapposte tra l'edificio e gli agenti per impedire l'ingresso del primo cittadino. Ricordiamo che il nord del Kosovo è un'area a maggioranza serba. La stessa popolazione locale
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Good evening/morning - it's Day 451 of #Russia's illegal and inhumane war.

#Ukraine is under attack again tonight with attack drones currently threatening large parts of the country.

All the details, throughout the day (and night) each and every day, in one handy thread.
If you missed yesterday's news, including F-16s for #Ukraine, plenty of sabotage attacks in #Russia, plus related news from #Cyprus #Georgia and #SouthAfrica... then catch up here with a click and a scroll:

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine
A reminder multiple drones threaten #Kyiv tonight

Regional Gov Serhii Popko says fire atop a multi-storey building, caused by debris from a falling UAV, is around 80 sq m.
There may be victims

Bits of drones have fallen on several streets in Darnytskyi & Solomyanskyi districts
Read 38 tweets
The Spring update of @CrisisGroup's European Union Watch List is here.

Read on for recommendations from our analysts around the globe on how the EU can enhance prospects for peace in the #Sahel, #Kosovo and #Serbia, #Pakistan and #LatinAmerica:…

🧵: 1/11 Image
The report starts with an introduction by @CrisisGroup CEO & President @EroComfort, where she highlights the role the EU can play in #Sudan, particularly by deterring outside actors from getting sucked into the fighting.…
.@EroComfort also writes about the EU's current top security priority: backing Ukraine to defend itself.

And even as the EU and member states continue supporting Ukraine, they should signal to Moscow that a path toward a negotiated settlement or ceasefire remains possible.
Read 11 tweets
A tragic school shooting in Belgrade on Wednesday, May 3 left eight students and a security guard dead, with the suspected 13-year-old gunman allegedly using his father's two handguns to carry out the pre-planned attack, police say. ImageImageImageImage
Six other pupils and a teacher were hospitalized, some with life-threatening injuries. The young suspected attacker, who will be placed in a psychiatric institution due to being below Serbia's age of criminal responsibility, surrendered to the police after the shooting. ImageImageImage
The devastating event has prompted Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic to announce stricter #guncontrol measures, including a moratorium on new gun licenses, revisions of existing permits, and increased surveillance of shooting ranges and civilian weapon storage.
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#Serbia: deadly #shooting at #Belgrade #school | 03/05/2023,
- A shooting at a school in central Belgrade occurred early Wednesday morning, May 3. A 14-year-old student opened fire in class, #killing nine (9) people and #wounding six (6)… Image
Eight children, security guard #killed in #Serbia #school #shooting | May 3
- A teacher and six others were injured in the shooting incident and they were taken to hospital, the interior ministry said in a statement.…
Nine (9) #dead in #Belgrade elementary #school #shooting | May 3
- The shooting occurred at 8:40am (06:40 GMT) at an elementary school in #Belgrade's downtown #Vracar district.… Image
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20,000 rabid #Partizan fans are chanting racist slogans at Real Madrid’s Bosnian player @DzMusa at the moment in Belgrade. Numerous banners hung as well, reminiscent of #Serbia’s vile fascism and genocide.

@FIBA will likely do nothing. Racism and debauchery is rewarded. Image
Real Madrid wins. A little memento from Musa.

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On the 2nd of May, JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army) from #Serbia supported by local Serb militants tried to deal the final blow to the #Bosnian defenders, occupy Sarajevo and the force legal government to surrender. Things played out a little differently than they thought… ImageImageImageImage
Local Sarajevo defenders, mostly locals and kids wearing tennis shoes and sneakers, successfully repel attacks outside of the Presidency building. In the adjacent area, infiltrated JNA elite forces from #Serbia are defeated and taken as hostages in a nearby skyscraper. Image
Attempts by special units of the then Yugoslav Serbian army to occupy the BiH Presidency building culminated in Skenderija, where they were stopped by the MUP Special Unit and the Territorial Defense of BiH, made up of Sarajevo citizens. 🇧🇦 ImageImageImage
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From Michael Parenti's "To Kill A Nation," published 20 years ago. Excerpts:

#NATO's war crimes, a great reminder of how the West acts and how it either memory-holes items or completely rewrites history. Starting off with the legal basis, he writes: ImageImageImage
Since diplomacy was virtually blocked and rendered a media item only (see my other thread, linked below), there was no way for #Serbia to avoid a war.

Now, the morality aspect of bombing (mainly) civilians plays out. The "unintended" lie materializes. ImageImage
Back then (we are talking 1999 here), at least some reporters pointed out the aspects of international law and the role of the International Court of Justice (#ICJ) and International Criminal Tribunal (now #ICC) in all of this. The answer is surprising, in some sense. Image
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Hello again and welcome to the daily thread covering the #RussiaUkraine war for Weds 12 April, which is Day 413 of the illegal invasion by Moscow.

All yesterday's news is just one click away, right here:
Let's start with strange "goings-on" in #Russia overnight.

It started with what some residents in #Yekaterinburg thought was a missile, but could well have been a meteorite.
In #Yekaterinburg strange "fire circles" reportedly developed at the site of impact. Officials in #Russia say it's all a fake for "Cosmonauts Day"

In #Moscow there was definitely something unidentified floating above the capital yesterday evening. ImageImageImage
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Two decades ago, Michael Parenti published his book "To Kill A Nation" concerning the attack on Yugoslavia. Reading it today, one is reminded about Karr's expression of "the more things change, the more they stay the same." Excerpts following: ImageImageImage
On the nature of the "intervention" (that's one of the many euphemisms for Western wars), he calls out the obvious #DoubleStandards. The West is really good at those and mainstream media (mostly) follows suit. A systemic problem, even today, ~20 years later. ImageImage
He lists all the measures, goals and outcomes that were forced on Yugoslavia due to its dependency from Western loans. To be fair, this dependency required somebody to walk into a trap, ignoring some warnings. ImageImageImage
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TRIGGER, 🧵Russian Rape News

1. This is of course expected from culture that is still Horde. #RussiaIsATerroristState will bury this because as Stalin said of Russian soldiers raping liberated Holocaust survivors, German women and other occupied nations
2. “Can't you understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometers through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle” as we have seen Russian vassal like #Serbia also practice…
3. And of course it’s not just women. It’s culture that sees rape as masculine right, even for military recruits.…
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✍️ Balkan liglerinde forma giyen, düşük maliyetlere transferlerinin sonuçlanacağını düşündüğüm, potansiyeli yüksek birkaç ismi sizlere sunmak istiyorum.

⌚ Daha önce bir kısmını da paylaşmıştım.

Petar Ratkov (19) 🇷🇸 🇭🇷 / Backa Topola

Golcü önsezileri, ceza sahası konumlanması ve xG beklentisi de yüksek bir isim.

Güçlü fiziği ve 3/5 tekniği ile birçok seviyede ve formasyonda sırtı dönük olarak kullanılabilecek ideal bir 9 numara.
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#USA Contenuto dei tweet:Irina Androsova: "Michael, per favore ricordami perché l'Iraq è stato bombardato? L' ex ambasciatore #USA Michael Mk Faul: " È stato un errore".L'ambasciatore spera che la #Serbia "dimentichi la propria offesa" ai bombardamenti della #NATO. Gli USA che ⬇️ Image
solo nel 21 ° secolo ha distrutto molti paesi attraverso guerre e rivoluzioni colorate - ma è #Putin a L'Aia, è la #Russia è un paese terrorista, i russi devono pagare e pentirsi.
L'America uccide milioni di persone in tutto il mondo e trasforma gli stati in buchi neri - i⬇️
loro ambasciatori: beh, non offenderti, beh, è ​​stato un errore. E questo è tutto! Nessuna conseguenza per veri crimini di guerra. Inoltre imprigionano a vita coloro che osano accennare a loro - #Assange è un esempio.
Completamente impazziti da un senso di impunità! #Biden
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The UN is concerned about any supply of weapons with depleted uranium due to harm to civilians, the Secretary General's Office said about London's plans, announced today by Deputy Defense Secretary Annabelle Goldie.
Depleted uranium is used in the manufacture of armor-piercing shells due to its higher density compared to the same steel, which gives higher penetration.

Depleted uranium can affect air, soil, water and vegetation, as well as anyone who comes into direct contact
The US has repeatedly used #DepletedUranium shells in military conflicts, most recently in #Syria in 2015, but it especially distinguished itself in the bombing of Yugoslavia, when #NATO forces dropped 15 tons of depleted uranium in shells on the territory of present-day #Serbia
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🧵1/ #Ohrid Outcome: a big fat nothing-burger. #Serbia's #Vučić announced ahead of time he wouldn't sign anything. He kept his word. This made #Kosovo's #Kurti seem cooperative.
2/ Even Albania's Edi Rama seemed skeptical of the "progress" that was achieved.
3/ Both the 🇪🇺 and 🇺🇸 had played up the meeting ahead of time, and a leaked 🇪🇺 document indicated that the west was serious and significant penalties would apply if either side refused to sign the 🇫🇷-🇩🇪 plan at Ohrid.
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Remember that time we phonied up some “war crimes” charges against a former #communist leader at the ICC, then Epsteined him in his jail cell?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

#ICC #Putin #Russia #Kosovo #Serbia #Molosevic #Clinton #ProsecuteBush…
Just to refresh your memory, Molosevic died under mysterious circumstances during his ICC trial, because the trial wasn’t going so well for prosecutors.

Lack of evidence was proving problematic…
10 years after his death in prison, the ICC quietly acknowledged that Molosevic was INNOCENT!…
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1/ 🧵 #Serbia's thin-skinned president Aleksandar #Vučić, who controls nearly the entire media spectrum, just filed a SLAPP against 2 journalists for a documentary series that aired three years ago in February 2020 on N1.…
2/ Vučić claims that the defendants "caused him serious spiritual pain and suffering" and hurt his "highly ranked image and honor". He claims he felt "fear of a high intensity", and that the series was a media coup against the president.…
3/ The suit alleges that the journalists characterized Vučić as "arrogant", a "sick man", "uneducated", "rude", "manipulative", a "man who doesn't speak the truth", etc. Those seem like accurate descriptions that can be backed up with empirical evidence. What is he upset about?
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1/ A 🧵on Ohrid threats: The upcoming Ohrid meeting between #Vučić, #Kurti, and Borrell about the 🇫🇷-🇩🇪 plan for #Kosovo is Dead On Arrival. A recently leaked EU document contains threatened actions about what the 🇪🇺 and 🇺🇸 could do if #Serbia and Kosovo don't sign on.
2/ It is highly probable that the meeting will kick the can down the road to late 2023. Yet, the hype leading up to this meeting and the leaked EU document indicate a high level of pressure on Belgrade and Pristina to deliver, due to 🇷🇺 illegitimate and unprovoked invasion of🇺🇦
3/ The document says that if 🇷🇸 and 🇽🇰 do not sign the 🇫🇷-🇩🇪 plan, the 🇪🇺 (and 🇺🇸?) will: "Suspend the integration path and throw away associated processes and benefits. Isolation and internal turmoil will soon follow".
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