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The definition of projection from C.G. Jung Lexicon: A Primer of Terms & Concepts by Jungian analyst Daryl Sharp (Inner City Books, 1991):

"An automatic process whereby contents of one's own unconscious are perceived to be in others."…
Jung: "Just as we tend to assume that the world is as we see it, we naïvely suppose that people are as we imagine them to be. … All the contents of our #unconscious are constantly being #projected into our surroundings, and it is only by recognizing certain properties of the……
"The subject gets rid of painful, incompatible contents by #projecting them." ~C.G. Jung, "Definitions," CW 6, par. 783
Read 14 tweets
The GOP's self-destructive obsession with Hunter Biden's laptop🧵1/4

#Distraction #Projection #MAGARepublicans #TrumpIsGuilty #ABlueView Image
The GOP's self-destructive obsession with Hunter Biden's laptop🧵2/4

#Distraction #Projection #MAGARepublicans #TrumpIsGuilty #ABlueView Image
The GOP's self-destructive obsession with Hunter Biden's laptop🧵3/4

#Distraction #Projection #MAGARepublicans #TrumpIsGuilty #ABlueView Image
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"When the Greeks fell in #love they were modest enough not to say, 'I have fallen in love,' but expressed it more accurately by saying: 'The god of love shot an arrow at me.'" ~Marie-Louise von Franz, Ph.D., Jungian analyst, Alchemy: An Introduction, p. 118 (1/4)
"And that is how it really happens—one suddenly has the painful sting which one has not made oneself, one finds oneself being shot at. So one can therefore speak of the archetype of the god of #love." ~Marie-Louise von Franz, Ph.D., Jungian analyst, Alchemy, p. 118 (2/4)
"If you go into the history of #Eros you will find that he is a variation of #Hermes; the Eros of antiquity is similar to Hermes Kyllenios. In olden times when he was a fertility god of Boetia he was represented exactly like the priapic Hermes statues" ~Marie-Louise von Franz 3/4
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Therapist 🧵: #Narcissistic Fixated Stalking. #Stalking is illegal in almost every country in the world, but that doesn't mean those who are stalked get the help they need. Stalking is on the Increase due to social media, lack of knowledge by law enforcement as to what #illegal
To do with them, their high levels of manipulation & the law not keeping up with current times. Clusters B's are well known for stalking & taking revenge when they don't get what they want from you. Narcissists & psychopaths are even known to kill your pets.
They may contact your employee With outright lies, stalk you both online & offline & accuse you of stalking them. Stalking is something narcissists (and other cluster B's) love to engage in. It gives them power, control & yes, entertainment #dysfunctional
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It seems the slogan ,”farmaajo is rigging the election”, has become some sort of a free ticket/shield that allows certain individuals to actually rig the election without being held accountable !!

How/why does this actually work ??

#somalia #mogadishu #projection

Its called projection

• Projection. Subconsciously pressuring others with your own flaws, sometimes in words, in order to present yourself better or in order to feel better about yourself.

Here is a research done on it by Derek d. Rucker of NLOM

Recent study shows that people who accuse other of their own flawes/acts almost always have characteristics that one could describe as narcissistic and hypocritical. Image
Read 18 tweets
Last Thursday (s. ; or for the full live stream, s. ), @SevimDagdelen from #DieLinke has discussed with @RaniaKhalek & @EugenePuryear esp. the recently decided & billion-dollar rearmament of the German #Bundeswehr... a result of the #RussianFederation's military invasion of #Ukraine, as officially justified by the #GermanFederalGovernment. A recommendable interview! Besides her opposition to such rearmament & the associated fundamental departure...
...from the so-called „#Entspannungspolitik“ established by #WillyBrand & #EgonBahr for #Germany's relationship with the #USSR (& also its territorially largest & politically strongest successor state in the form of the #RussianFederation),...
Read 59 tweets
The #narcissist cannot exist without their #narcissisticagents (flying monkeys), who do their work for them, participating in #narcissisticabuse by proxy. There is alot of information out there on narcissists, but little on their ‘agents’. What type of person becomes an agent?
People who resonate with a #narcissists victimhood or grievance, are highly Suggestible, easily manipulated, socially naive, lack #boundaries have blind trust in the narcissist, need a leader or to be led, are easily deceived and used. All narcissists use their audience
& people as a means of #control Their agents are not ‘human’ to them. They are viewed an ‘objects’ for their own agenda. They gossip, deceive & lie to their Agents. They may bring them on board for their ‘cause’. If an agent accepts, they are agreeing to underlying rules #Control
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1/ Αυτό το #διαγγελμα δεν πήγε καθόλου καλά...

Οσοι βλέπετε #BigBrotherGR & #fosstotounel, την προσοχή σας παρακαλώ...

Thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️
2/ disclaimer 1:Τα παρακάτω δεν αποτελούν επιστημονική/τεκμηριωμένη γνώμη παρα μόνο προσπάθεια ανάγνωσης της γλώσσας σώματος και της λεκτικής επικοινωνίας του συνεντευξιαζόμενου.
3/ disclaimer 2:Το μόνο που κάνει είναι να παραθέσει ορισμένες παρατηρήσεις και να τις αξιολογήσει σε μία κλίμακα παραπλανητικής συμπεριφοράς.Οι αντιδράσεις κάθε ανθρώπου, μπορεί να είναι μοναδικές και να παρεκλίννουν από τις αναμενόμενες
Read 43 tweets
1/ Παρασκευή με #fosstotounel, και ξεκινάμε #thread με την ανάλυση της υπόθεσης της #Ολυμπίας Κυρήκου, της οποίας χάθηκαν τα ίχνη το Σάββατο, 11 Νοεμβρίου 1995, απο την Νέα Ιωνία. Θα αναλύσουμε μία σειρά από 7 βίντεο της εκπομπής από το 1996 με πρώτο το
2/ H εκπομπή γίνεται στις 2 Φεβρουαρίου, 1996, με τους συγγενείς να απευθύνονται στην νεαρή τότε Αγγέλω, για να τους βοηθήσει στην αναζήτηση. Να θυμίσουμε ότι το #fosstotounel ξεκίνησε κάπου μέσα στο 1995, οπότε βλέπουμε τα πρώτα βήματα της εκπομπής και των συντελεστών..
3/ Αυτο φαίνεται τόσο από την παραγωγή/ σετ και την εικόνα που έχουμε από τότε, όσο και από το γεγονός ότι πολλά από τα τηλεφωνήματα που γίνονταν από `τηλεθεατές` δεν μπορούσαν να διασταυρωθούν (όπως θα δούμε) με συνέπεια να παραπλανούν, πιθανότατα με δόλο, τις προσπάθειες
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1/ το βίντεο με τον #ξιαρχο εμετικό...κατ`ελάχιστο...

Πιθανότατα "υπο την επήρεια" όπως εντόπισε και η κυρία που υπέστει το bullying αλλά αντέδρασε εξαιρετικά...

Είναι η συγνώμη του #ξιαρχο στο instagram, αληθινή και ειλικρινής; Παμε να δουμε σε #thread...
2/ Στην πρώτη κιολας πρόταση της "συγνώμης" βλέπουμε τον ορισμό του #psychological #distancing με τα εμετικά σχόλια περι...οριζόντιων ριγων - συνοδευομένα με τα ηλίθια γέλια - να βαπτίζονται..."σχολιασμός" ενώ μιλάμε για τον ορισμό του εκφοβισμου (#bullying) και της παρενοχλησης
3/ θα θυμούνται οι φίλοι/ες ότι το psychological distancing είναι παγια τακτική των θυτών οταν αυτοί νιωθουν ένοχοι για κάτι...την οποία βλέπουμε σε πολλές μορφές βιας... ("πηρα" αντι για "εκλεψα", "σεξουαλική πραξη" αντι για "βιασμος", "έκανα κακό" αντι για "δολοφονησα" κτλ)...
Read 23 tweets
"What we may learn from the models of the past is above all this: that the psyche harbours contents, or is exposed to influences, the assimilation of which is attended by the greatest dangers." ~C.G. Jung, Psychology & Alchemy, CW 12, par. 564
"If the old alchemists ascribed their secret to matter, and if neither Faust nor Zarathustra is a very encouraging example of what happens when we embody this secret in ourselves…
"…then the only course left to us is to repudiate the arrogant claim of the conscious mind to be the whole of the psyche, and to admit that the psyche is a reality which we cannot grasp with our present means of understanding." ~C.G. Jung, Psychology & Alchemy, CW 12, par. 564
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1/τ Ενώ όλη Ελλάδα ακούει τον Μένιο #Φουρθιωτης να δίνει live συνέντευξη μέσα από τη φυλακή, οι έρευνες για την #δολοφονία της #Καρολάιν στα #Γλυκά_Νερά συνεχίζονται. Προχωράμε με #thread στην ανάλυση των μίνι δηλώσεων του πιλότου εχθές (,
2/τ Ενας από τους περιορισμούς για την ανάλυση αυτή είναι ότι ο πιλότος φορούσε μάσκα και γυαλιά μέσα στο αμάξι του, με το twitter να διχάζεται σχετικά με το αν αυτή ήταν μια προμελετημένη κίνηση για να μην δώσει περισσότερα tells στους detective του πληκτρολογίου ή...
3/τ ...αν ήταν μία genuine προσπάθεια να προφυλαχθεί από τον φονικό #κορωνοιό (μέσα στο αμάξι) και τις βλαβερές ακτίνες UVA & UVB του ηλίου...
#Γλυκα_Νερα #γλυκανερα #Καρολαιν #Γλυκά_Νερά
Read 25 tweets
Over this past weekend I took 18hr the CPR/FirstAid course in person.
Instructor was brilliant in anatomical knowledge & engaging!
Demonstrating palpation technique, he showed how to turn palm away from victim while checking chest area, due to sensitivity based upon gender.

...He said: “Of course, you all know there are three genders, right?”

As he said this he stood up and leaned back against the chalkboard with a smug “I told you so expression.”

He looked so pleased with himself.

Like a person suddenly revealing the existence of a new planet.
How could I let that stand?

Me: What are the three genders?

Him: Male, Female and “those that have both”

Me: Are you referring to Intersex? That’s not a 3rd gender. There’s only DSD male and DSD female.

Him: Now you are layering your belief system upon reality.

Read 8 tweets
Interesting how some people really struggle to accept the Truth of someone else's lived experience, as if our Truths are mutually exclusive.
In struggling to accept another's Truth they then proceed to dismiss, minimise and attack the other person's lived experience, as if the other couldn't possibly have experienced it in that way. #projection #prejudice #privilege
If a strong projection (aka defense mechanism) is launched at you, a response may be to dismiss your own Truth, to accept their perspective or understanding of the situation, to withdrawn or shut down your own voice! Their perceived 'power' comes from taking yours away #privilege
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Mike Pence Wants You to Pray the Coronavirus Away 😒 | via @VICE #PoltergeistPence #ScienceDenial #Cult45* #MAGAMasochism…
Trump has reportedly grown increasingly concerned about how it would appear if he contracted the coronavirus 🙄 | via @TheWeek #NoTearsInABucket #Bootstraps #SociopathRoulette #NotAHoax #NarcissistWhoCriedWolf 🤡👺📵…
30% of Americans say they trust Trump to get facts right on coronavirus — a lower mark than respondents gave the CDC (64%), their state governments (53%), local news (50%) and the news media in general (44%) | via @axios #DudeGottaGo #AmericanSociopath…
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Judge not, that you may not be judged.

For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged:and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.

And why seest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy eye?(Mt7:1-5) #Bible Image
(#HolyMass #Gospel #Jun22) ~ Douay Rheims Bible
1. Christ’s admonition, ‘Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone,’ should be graven deeply in the heart of each of us. A saint will weep for sinners and pray for sinners, but it takes someone much less than a saint to condemn a sinner.
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#COVID_19 Chris legt uit wat exponentiele groei betekent en wat de impact zal zijn op het gezondheidssystem #Niet_in_journaal #NPORadio1 #nieuwsuur #Teletekst Coronavirus: Why The US Is In Deep Trouble via @YouTube
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Hey folks,

I will be doing a series of threads focusing on Global Organized Crime, & how it all relates to numerous US scandals & of course it’s players.

This shadowy consortium has been referred as “The Octopus”, the “Deep State” among others.

First up Paul L.E. Helliwell
📌”One significant organizer of the post-war global drug connection — between CIA, organized crime, and their mutual interest in drug-trafficking — was former OSS officer Paul L.E. Helliwell.”…
📌Post WWII, Helliwell was head of the Special Intelligence branch of OSS in Kunming, and later an officer of OPC and the CIA.”…
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I'm about to launch at ten part thread on making #maps of #Coronavirus. Hang on to your #COVID19 facemasks 0/10
Coronavirus map tips 1/10 use an appropriate #projection. It's for #thematic data so needs to be equal area. Web Mercator does not support the map's purpose. Distortions lead to people over- or under-estimating size of areas relative to one another.
Coronavirus map tips 2/10 don't map totals on a #choropleth. Impact of differently sized regions & population densities makes comparison between areas meaningless. Totals can heighten fear. 65,000 seems an awful lot. Do 5 provinces really belong in the same upper data class?
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On 3/4 Nadler announced an inv’n into “the alleged O of J, public corruption, & other abuses of power by Trump, his assocs & members of his Adm.”

8/8, “This is formal impeachment proceedings.”

8/5, In late fall, we will decide to report articles of impeachment.

“There has been no tradition, rising to the level of a constitutional command, that requires impeachment resolutions to be approved by the House to authorize this Committee to initiate an impeachment inquiry – or to proceed in any particular way

Nadler & Collins Demand Answers from Bureau of Prisons After Epstein’s Death

There Were ‘Serious Irregularities’ at Federal Jail Where Jeffrey Epstein Died, Barr Says

Epstein was taken off suicide watch late last month at the request of his attorneys
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1/Sunday July 14-
In my research since the #NXIVMtrial ended almost 4 weeks ago, I discovered that #NXIVM #Mexico was/is MASSIVE, with ties to
#Hollywood (JamesBond?!)
and #Media
They HAD (still HAVE?) big plans…
2/ During the trial, Mark Vicente testified that Keith Raniere bragged that #NXIVM was so massive, with so many interconnected companies under the NXIVM umbrella, that it couldn’t be taken down.
Well, even the US Gov’t said it was big…
Much discovery evidence>sealed.
3/ So how big was (is) it?
Remember the Sony Hacks(?!)
In 2015, it was revealed via those leaked emails that the Mexican government paid $20 million (in form of tax breaks etc) to Sony/MGM for a script rewrite on the upcoming James Bond film, Spectre:…
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Tony Blair linked to China's most wanted, Mar-a-Lago member Guo Wengui…
📌The story about Flamboyant Chinese tycoon & Mar-A-Largo member Guo Wengui has many odd twists & turns.

In addition to being a friend of former PM Tony Blair, add in efforts to extradite him by rapper Pras Michel, Elliot Broidy & connex w/ #1MDB scandal.…
📌Background: Mr Guo, also known as Miles Kwok, paid for Mr Blair to fly with him on a private jet to meet Abu Dhabi's royal family, successfully raising billions of dollars to fund Mr Guo's Chinese deals in 2013, it has been claimed.…
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Don't listen to any channeled or "spiritual" sources that say he is of the Light.
He came in with the Light but he threw it all away.
He doesn't deserve a Soul reveal.
Barack and Michelle Obama are detained at Gitmo.

Sex Parties - BO attended sex parties with A-celebs, Hollywood satanists, including Jay-Z, Beyonce, Clooney, Pitt, Julia Roberts, Ellen Degeneres, Portia, Oprah, Gayle... It's ALL CONNECTED.

Look at Ellen.
She came with the Light but CHOSE Darkness instead.
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There are growing indications that Russia is preparing for war

Implications for #InternationalSecurity just got a whole lot more serious w/#TrumpGOP revealing their allegiance to #RussianMob


#Kalingrand bordering on #Lithuania & #Poland has seen notable 🔼 of militarization since 2015

This includes add'n of military bunkers near Polish border, upgraded #NuclearWeapons bunker 8 miles away, & rail line possibly into Lithuania

Trumps penchant for #projection may explain his outspoken hostility twd #Montenegro & absurd accusations about them wanting to start #WWIII

What's obvious is #Putin's lust for this #Adriatic port city as it's not his first attempt to acquire it's control

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