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Your daily dose of #MultiversX highlights is here:

@HatomProtocol was revealed as the next xLaunchpad project
❎ A new APR calculator was introduced on @xExchangeApp Image
2/ Ecosystem updates
@ash_swap launched its DEX Aggregator, based on Dynamic Trade Routing, on Mainnet
❎ VestaDEX by @DemiourgosH is now live on Mainnet
@CelestDefi announced adding 24 new tokens to its DEX
@itheum announced embracing the "Omni-Chain" design principles, aiming to seamlessly integrate multiple chains & shared more details on its Web3 #PlayStation Passport concept
@HatomProtocol shared its future plans and upcoming features
Read 7 tweets
PlayStation Presentation 2023 Full Breakdown:

(Thread) 👇

#PlayStation Image
PlayStation Foundations For Growth:

• PlayStation Wants To Increase It’s Console Business

• Expand Its IP Towards TV Shows, Movies, Theme Parks & More

• Increase Sony Group Collaboration By Using Each Others Technologies And Combing Sonys Assets Image
FY22 Strong Revenue Combined With Content Investment:

• Fiscal Year 22 Was A Really Strong Year For Sony
Net Sales Were 3.6 Trillion Yen

• PlayStation 5 Continues To Increase PlayStation Revenue And Increase Sales

1/2 Image
Read 50 tweets
Compilation of Surprising Reactions 🤣 at Sony #PlayStation Showcase 2023.…
All Credits goes to FritangaPlays !

Kindly subscribe to channel :


Try adding him on steam: Fritangaplays
Salaam Alukim @Gazondaily,

I wanted to ask if you have any new projects in the works, something along the lines of Fritangaplays 🙏 Image
Read 5 tweets
Sony PlayStation Game & Network Services Segment Presentation, Sony Interactive Entertainment/PlayStation President & CEO Jim Ryan 2023:


#PlayStation Image
PlayStation Foundations For Growth: Image
FY22 Strong Revenue Combined With Content Investment: Image
Read 33 tweets

BRAS WITH CLEAR STRAPS: Whoa it looks like you aren’t even WEARING a bra! Ultimate goal when wearing strappy tops (ONE SET OF STRAPS ONLY AT ALL TIMES IN Y2K) Invisible straps don’t catch the light like a MIRROR at all PS enjoy your sweat rash some poor woman in a clear-strap bra that is GLINTING under
POINTY-HEM TOPS: I GUESS they’re meant to look like bandanas (?) but I don’t know…why. And…if they’re made of hot pink lycra with faux snakeskin panels…also why PS I miss my Tammy Girl hot pink lycra pointy-hem snakeskin-panel top so much. Beyonce in a pointy hem top because even the queen fucks it
SUPER LOW-RISE JEANS: Tight in the thigh, wide in the shin, low in the…crotch. They flatter not one part of the body, you have to spend all day pulling them up and if there’s no muffin top there’s hip bones. Hip bones! PS even low-rise thongs were never low enough.
Read 22 tweets
BREAKING Sony/PlayStation FY 2022 Q3 Report

Full Highlights!

Thread 1/20⤵️

🔵32.1 Million PS5s Sold In Total!

🔵7.1M Sold FYQ3 2022⬆️Compared to 3.9 Q3 '21

🔵Q3 had the highest # of PS5s sold!

🔵On Track to Reach Goal of 61M by End of FY 2023

🔵The Supply Shortage Is Over!

🔵God of War Ragnarok Sold 11M Units!

🔵1st Party Games Sold 20.8M in FY Q3 2022

🔵This is⬆️Compared to 11.3M in FY Q3 2021

🔵62% Digital Download Ratio

🔵PlayStation+ Subscribers Have⬆️ by 1M

🔵46.5M PS+ Subs FYQ3 2022 vs 45.5M in Q2

🔵MAUs (Monthly Active Users) ⬆️ by 10M

🔵112M MAUs FYQ3 2022 vs 102 MAUs in Q2
Read 31 tweets
1/ Regarding #Returnal on PC thing (where it's recommended to have 32gb of RAM available)...

My contacts are telling me it *could* be that they didn't do a lot of re-engineering between the #PlayStation version and PC.
2/ What *might* be happening is that due to the way Returnal was designed, they are trying to load as much to system RAM as literally possible (basically everything remaining after windows and other programs).

Is this the right way to do it?
3/ The truth is, there is no right way to do it. This is all speculation, but refactoring #Returnal completely for PC might have been completely out of the question, either logically or financially (especially for a game that isn't expected to sell like other PS titles).
Read 4 tweets
I have had the PS5 for a few days now and am really enjoying jumping back into the PS ecosystem.

Couple of early thoughts, with some comparisons to Xbox. This is not at all a console war take, just my genuine observations.

#PlayStation5 #Xbox
My main gripe, and it's in relation to the Sub Serv (I have Extra) is that for some games you get the PS5 game, for some, you get the PS4 game even if a PS5 version exists

Imo,if I bought the PS5, and sub to a service, any game should be the best version for the console I bought
For example, you get Miles Morales PS5, but Spider man PS4. This is definitely an area where Smart Delivery on the Xbox shines as I never have to consider this, regardless of how I choose to consume the game
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To give an example, if you have a 1 percent cashback reward on slots, and you #PlayStation 1,000 spins worth $0.25 each, you've wagered a total of $250. A 1 percent cashback reward on that play would be $2.50. That might not sound like a lot, but what it breaks down to is #tidur… the equivalent of ten free spins on the same game. And this gets back to a central tenet that you'll need to make sure you keep in mind when it comes to any type of cashback reward: They are rarely the primary promotion or source of bonus value… that you'll be getting. Instead, they'll be an addition to some other primary source of value like a big deposit bonus. The range of terms and conditions for these promotions varies quite a bit. Some are treated like cash that's added to your account
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Sony PlayStation Game & Network Services Segment Presentation, Sony Interactive Entertainment/PlayStation President & CEO Jim Ryan:

PlayStation: The Road to Profitable Transformation:
FY21: Record Earnings in a Transition Year:
Read 34 tweets
Crypto in the court: In US v. Lichtenstein & Morgan, now in DDC Court DOJ puts in a chart of #Bitfinex hack laundering they allege - including through #Uber, #WalMart, Hotels [dot] com and #PlayStation. Inner City Press remains on the case…
Among Ilya Lichtenstein's Passport_Ideas files, this: "real russian passport from Lugansk. Must pick up in person." Also, "eu doc fakes."
More from the DOJ filing in DDC: "Morgan posted photos to social media during her trip indicating
that she was staying at a Hilton hotel near the 11 Mirrors Design Hotel. Document titled “ukraine_package,” explains “how to anonymously receive a parcel in Ukraine”
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Cette semaine, la presse JV m'a déçu une fois de plus. Ce "2 poids, 2 mesures" devient de plus en plus difficile à ignorer. Beaucoup éprouvent un sentiment d'injustice et une certaine amertume, alors j'ai décidé d'y ajouter un peu d'harissa 1/25
Commençons par ce tacle d' @IGNFRA sur l'event organisé par @XboxGamePassFR.
On ne les a pas entendu parler de l'initiative de @XboxSquadFr (le #Summerfest à l'occasion de l'E3) dont tout les bénéfices seront reversés à @Handigamers. C'est moins marrant, hein 🤡 2/25
J'ai aussi été déçu mais UNIQUEMENT à cause de la manière dont l'annonce du #GamePassFest a été teasée la veille. Je me suis d'ailleurs exprimé à ce sujet mais avec respect et bienveillance. Pas besoin d'être méprisant, surtout de la part d'un média de l'envergure d' IGN. 3/25
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#VTuber #ENVtuber #hkVtuber #VTuberUprising *Qilin's Manic ADD Ramble about tech upon seeing this meme.*
My sorry ass last December was experiencing the the pc dustdown of my life when extracting the #ZOTAC 1070 Mini from the 2011 HP Pavilion tower. For gpu thermal paste session.
Before installation in my first self built rig. I'm lucky the gpu is still essentially "prestine" cause my lack of intense gaming and no use of programs that would push it. Due to the fact it was in a pre-built with a weak cpu.… done
Using this classic as my main graphics driver for the conceivable future. Memories of it being part of the last major teenage savings spent for "gamer" stuff. Razer Kraken Pro V2, Ornata Chroma, and Logitech G602 since there were no Razer mmo mouse in Best Buy stock that 2016🎄.
Read 12 tweets
Hoy, sale a la venta en Europa la @PlayStation #PlayStation5 y hemos preparado un #HiloInfocaliptico con la historia de la compañía ¿Te gustaría saber cómo llegaron a ser una de las compañías más grandes de tecnología? Pues acompáñanos en esta historia. Dentro Hilo.
Primero hay que hablar de Masaru Ibuka y Akio Morita, quienes fundaron la compañía en 1946. Ambos se conocieron como ingeniero y físico, respectivamente, durante la segunda guerra mundial, formando parte del llamado Comité de Investigación de Japón Image
En septiembre del 45, tras la rendición de Japón, Ibuka regresa a una devastada Tokio y funda la empresa #Totsuken (Instituto de investigación de telecomunicaciones de Tokio), reparaban y fabricaban radios con tanto éxito que el periódico #AsahiShimbun publica un artículo.
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Condivido una riflessione.
Ricordate la nonchalance con cui i "cazzari del clima" passarono da "#desertificazione dell'Europa" e "#acqua sarà l'oro del prossimo secolo" a "scioglimento dei #ghiacciai" e "le zone costiere saranno sommerse"?
Ovvio, chi controlla i MEDIA può fare qualsiasi cosa, anche creare una falsa pandemia su scala globale, prolungare l'emergenza e resettare le abitudini a scapito della libertà. È impossibile combattere chi possiede il 99% della ricchezza mondiale…
Però qualcosa nel nostro piccolo possiamo e dobbiamo cercare di farla. L'attivismo sui social network va benissimo ma purtoppo raggiunge solo il 15% della popolazione. Allora come possiamo pensare di creare un consenso su larga scala?
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Have I mentioned how much I love Horizon Zero Dawn? Image
Tried to subtly use some of the new @Procreate glitch effects in the lighting on the focus and the background lighting think it looks pretty cool
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Veo muchos tweets que hablan de "Sony debería comprar", pero hay que tener en cuenta una cosa. Bethesda costó 7500 millones. Sony (con #PlayStation, cámaras, televisores, estudios de cine, TODO) vale 95000. No le sobra plata. #Microsoft vale (temblor) 1 billón y medio. ImageImage
#PlayStation no tiene (a diferencia de #Microsoft) el problema de que le salen mal los juegos. Con un par de buenas IP, por ejemplo #Castlevania y #MetalGearSolid de #Konami, estaría hecho.

Pero un juego de Sony toma 5 años de desarrollo y 100 millones de dólares de inversión.
Por eso es que #Sony prefiere desarrollar sus propias IP, o aprovechar las que controla (ver: #SpiderMan). Pero la expansión a PC y la subida de precios confirma que el negocio de plataforma cerrada y juegos exclusivos no es rentable. Ni con 100 millones de consolas en el mercado
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Upgrading an #xarcade tankstick.

A twitter thread interrupted by

Toilet breaks
Having to rotate the photos

get tooled up.

You won’t need more than a screwdriver, but it feels manly.

Upend the twin stick, remove the 6 feet, and make a note of the current loom. You won’t need to refer to it unless you have to reverse this.
Read 16 tweets
Durante junio salió la edición consolas de #JuegosCondenados en @culturageek, una serie que tenía ganas de escribir hace años. Me encantó cómo quedó.

Es la historia de cuatro máquinas magníficas, con mucho en común.

Las ovejas negras de #Sony, #Microsoft, #Nintendo y #Sega.
Empecé con la #PlayStation que menos vendió. La única que no ganó su generación. #PlayStation3 fue durante años una consola sin juegos, poderosa pero carísima. #Sony logró salvarla, pero el padre de #PlayStation Ken Kutaragi tuvo que abandonar la empresa.…
De ahí tenía que pasar a #Microsoft. #XboxOne cometió el peor error de todos: en busca de ser el centro del living se olvidó que, antes que nada, tenía que ser una máquina de videojuegos. El ascenso de #PhilSpencer y la invención (¿casual?) de #GamePass.…
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Estuvimos conversando en nuestro grupo de telegram ( acerca de las diferentes Tierras en #Marvel, y por ese motivo, nace este Mega Hilo sobre El #Multiverso #MarvelRP
Antes que nada, debemos entender de qué hablamos cuando decimos #Multiverso.
La teoría nace de la idea de la existencia de varias dimensiones que coexisten en un momento dado, una sobre otra, sin que nos demos cuenta, existiendo de forma paralela.
#Marvel aprovecha este concepto y lo utiliza para ampliar los horizontes de sus historias, o bien explicar puntos complejos de unir.
Un ejemplo de esto es la mención que hace #Misterio en #SpiderManFarFromHome sobre su (falso) origen. Image
Read 49 tweets
India develops world's first 100% efficacious and 100% safe anti-viral for #COVID19. A THREAD

Its fully #Ayurvedic, undergone imaginary 'clinically controlled' trials. It was difficult, but they pulled through. Here is how they did it #fakescience Image
a - A team of scientists were appointed after #Covid_19 outbreak (no details of #Scientists given. They should be named for appreciation)
b - The the appointed scientists performed simulation (details unknown, but researchers think, #Xbox or #PlayStation could have been used) Image
c - After simulation, compounds that kill #coronavirus was identified [again, no details, but lead researcher confidently (see confidence below) mentions phytometabolites and powerful phytocompounds in product launch interview] Image
Read 10 tweets
Inicio un hilo en el que iré incluyendo los videojuegos que vaya terminando este año 2020. Seguramente haya muchos que habré comenzado el año anterior, e incluso antes, pero lo importante es cuando se termina. ✌️

¡Vamos allá! 🎮🎮🎮
World of Illusion - Mega Drive Mini

Lanzado en 1992 para la consola de #SEGA, este cartucho de #MegaDrive fue probablemente el primer videojuego cooperativo que jugué en mi vida. Y qué mejor forma de comenzar el año rejugándolo y recordando viejos momentos de mi infancia. 🙂 Image
Luigi's Mansion - Nintendo 3DS

Original de #GameCube en 2001, #Nintendo nos sorprendería con una subsaga del universo #Mario que introduce nuevas mecánicas fuera de las plataformas. La verdad es que lo he disfrutado mucho y con ganas de continuar la saga. 😌 Image
Read 125 tweets
I am independently Ideating the #Reliance Jio GigaFiber Gaming Cafe / Gaming Arcade Experience & Business Model. A platform to cultivate gaming culture with behavioural science. Onboarding folks to the comfort zone of #Gaming Clan. Like first you learn to drink with friends
then comfortably drink alone sometimes. Create a stereotypical differentiator between Teens gaming & Adult gaming experience. The Gaming Cafe will be set up in the middle of Software Tech park & Industrial Areas, not in the city market. Cafe will serve Beer! If this cafe
can't be profitable being in the centre of Tech Park high paying consumers, then doom the future of Adult Gaming Arcade in India. It will also be the experience platform for newly Launched Hardware with the complete environment for immersively experiencing it for long
Read 47 tweets
annnnd here is the rest of the sony collection #sony #ps1 #ps2 #Playstation
Read 6 tweets

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