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State Department official who denied Ambassador Stevens request for reinforcements in Benghazi 3 months before the attack was arrested in May for sexually abusing a 10 year old girl while he was in charge of securing foreign embassies.
#PedoGate ImageImageImage
John Scott Moretti was arrested for sexually abusing a child from 2011-13 while he was director of Mobile Security Deployments at the State Dept.
Instead of approving Amb Stevens requests for much needed reinforcements, Moretti was raping children.…
Benghazi hearings revealed an email from June 7th 2012, 3 months before attack at Benghazi, where Ambassador Stevens requests an additional MSD team, which Moretti denied despite numerous security concerns at the embassy.
Ctrl F "Moretti"… Image
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#FinCenFiles Doc #segreti del Gov #USA rivelano che 5 banche globali #JPMorgan #HSBC #StandardChartered #DeutscheBank #BankNewYorkMellon hanno violato leggi sul riciclaggio spostando enormi somme di denaro illecito per personaggi oscuri e reti criminali…
#FinCenFiles #Italia 37 transazioni sospette per
+5 milioni dollari inviati e +600mila ricevuti #FollowtheMoney Image
L'#Italia per ora...a parte la #BCC 9 transaz con +5 milioni dollari inviati alla #HSBC Bank Middle East nel 2011 e alcune transazioni inferiori a 280 mila $...
il resto sono flussi da 600 dollari che il Gov #USA reputa sospette
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#Pedogate Processo #Maxwell
#JohnDoe #JaneDoe sono nomi usati nel gergo giuridico USA per indicare un uomo o una donna la cui reale identità è sconosciuta o va mantenuta tale
Con i bambini è frequente l'uso di #BabyDoe ma anche #JohnnyDoe per i maschi e #JanieDoe per le femmine ImageImage
#Pedogate Il progetto #Terramar che Ghislaine #Maxwell ha presentato all'#ONU e che riguardava la sostenibilità degli oceani..non era altro che una copertura per il traffico di minori che prevedeva l'uso di super Yacht -Sottomarini #Migaloo con passaporto per l'elite... ImageImage
#Pedogate #GhislaineMaxwell all'@UN con il giubbotto di salvataggio dell'#ONU.. Image
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German football star Christoph Metzelder.
Exposed. 297 files of child pornography on his phone.
He did´t even hide it.
#PedoGate #Pizzagate #Germany #savethechilden

Watch the thread ImageImageImageImage
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Pedos in US government that have gotten little to no media coverage. A THREAD. #pedogate #pizzagate #breaktheprogram #ClintonFoundation #butalsoPLENTYofrepublicans #patriot
Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl. He’s quoted saying 12 years is about as old as he can take...
Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography. Worked for #ClintonFoundation
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#Pedogate Ghislaine #Maxwell doc

Già nel 2007 #FBI e il #DOJ sapevano che non avevano interrogato tutte le vittime di Jeffrey #Epstein anche quando firmò il suo patteggiamento... ImageImage
#Pedogate Testimonianza contro Bill #Clinton che era sull'isola di Jeffrey #Epstein con Ghislaine #Maxwell e "2 giovani ragazze" Image
#Pedogate Il traffico di Ghislaine #Maxwell in #Francia dove ordina massaggi erotici per un magnate francese.. Image
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.@realDonaldTrump erreicht mit seinem neuesten #GhislaineMaxwell Heuler, dass alle "Blitzbirnen", samt die übliche #FakeNews Schlaf-& Schießgesellschaft #PedoGate als Tatsache z.Kenntnis nehmen & es plötzlich v.sich aus thematisieren.

Genialer Schachzug!

Genialer Schachzug 2.0!

Wer eine #Maske trägt, muss auch einen Identitätsnachweis zur Wahl mitbringen...

#C4Q #Trump

😷 Man sollte die Anderen nie für dümmer einschätzen, als man vorgibt es selbst zu sein...


#FakeNews #Medien #Trump #CoronaSchwindel #COVID19

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Who is Chrissy Teigen?

It all goes deep and so far. This network, these people. Sick. We got to get to the truth to get to the other side... the sooner we do it the faster it will be over. I hope this can bring some clarity to anybody wondering.


All these people. Most of us has seen their faces. They are very much connected - we see this over and over and over again. Should be very obvious why they all embraced Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama...Oh, btw, Obama. I found a very sick pic yesterday almost had me puke!🤮

I encourage everybody who listen to John Legend to remove his music from your playlist straight away! To me John Legend seems like Chrissy Teigens puppet. He seems like a weak BETA pleasing his master. Chrissy Teigen is a monster. Absolutely DISGUSTING - see the next video...
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#Pedogate Jeffrey #Epstein e #GhislaineMaxwell con Papa #GiovanniPaoloII..foto trovata dall'#FBI sul comodino nella sua casa in #Florida...prima o dopo #EmanuelaOrlandi ? ImageImage
L'incontro potrebbe risalire agli anni 90..quando #Epstein entrò nella Commissione #Trilateral1995 insieme al Pres USA Bill #Clinton..
Papa #GiovanniPaoloII aveva già incontrato la #Trilateral nel 1983..poco prima la sparizione dell'Orlandi..vedere #Trilateral1983 Image
Il #Vaticano e la #Trilateral non sono un inedito con il Papa che benedice la Commissione...
Per es Papa #PaoloVI #Trilateral1976 e Papa #GiovanniPaoloII #Trilateral1983..anni terrificanti per l'Italia #Moro #P2 #IOR #Marcinkus #BancoAmbrosiano #Calvi #Sindona #Agca #Orlandi ImageImage
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a thread on #pizzagate with solid evidence and other things linked to it.
firstly, i want to say that you might think its too ridiculous and far fetched for such big names to be involved in a child sex trafficking ring, but i can assure you that you only think that because you have been brainwashed by the mainstream media.
i am sure everybody has seen how every ‘conspiracy theory’ that points to famous people as the ‘bad’ ones gets debunked in two seconds. they never show any actual proof that fully debunks the ‘conspiracy theory’, they just address it on live television and while doing so they
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Prince Andrew has been heavily involved in the UK's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children #NSPCC since at least 1999.

Far too often are child abusers involved in the organizations that are supposed to protect children. Prince Andrew is one of those frauds. Image
Ghislaine Maxwell attended a fundraiser for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in 2004.

A serial pedophile gallivanting amongst British elite in the name of child advocacy. Shameful!

#Epstein #Maxwell #Pedogate #NSPCC Image
Jimmy Saville and British PM Margret Thatcher attended a NSPCC fundraiser in 1980. Just how many pedophiles worked with this alleged child advocacy group?? Image
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I think I've cracked the #heartshapedbox music video mystery and WHY #courtneylove killed #kurtcobain over #pedogate #pizzagate and #pedowood
Based on the imagery used in the video and lyrics from the song
Here we have the upside down cross a symbol used by those involved in #pedowood and the cult for satanic rituals
Note the band are in the dark except for Kurt as the light shines on his face
The man in the bed is on a fetus drip #adrenachrome
They believe that they have made a mockery of religion and god breaking all known taboos, I believe he represents #pedowood in one shape or form, note the crows gathering around his decaying decrepit body
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Ghislaine Maxwell attended a party in honor of #spiritcooking witch Marina Abramovic.

They belong to the same sick cult.

#Qanon #Satanism #Pizzagate #Pedogate
The party took place at the Chateau Marmont in Hollywood in 2013, which is owned by Andre Balazs, who also owns the Standard Hotel.

Chateau Marmont is infamous for its sex parties with the Hollywood elite. Balazs is a friend of Maxwell & Abramovic.… ImageImageImage
This is the kind of person Ghislaine Maxwell honors.

How can anyone watch this and feel anything but disgust. Nothing artistic about it!

Podesta, James Franco, Lady Gaga, Jacob Rothschild are also big fans of Abramovic.
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#Pedogate Arrestata #GhislaineMaxwell la procacciatrice di minorenni per l'elite...qui al party per il 18 anno della Principessa Beatrice figlia del Principe Andrea duca di York con #Weinstein e Jeffrey #Epstein con la divisa dei US #NavySeal... Image
Cablo #SECRET #FBI sul magnate Robert #Maxwell (padre di Ghislaine) sospetto contatto con i russi della Germania est, pronto a facilitare il commercio di società con i paesi del blocco orientale in cambio di alcune informazioni di intelligence (1954)… Image
#Pedogate #UK #GhislaineMaxwell sul trono della Regina #ElisabettaII insieme a #KevinSpacey durante un tour privato su invito del Duca di York principe Andrew (2002) Image
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With #Pizzagate trending, I thought I would create a thread of insightful documentaries and videos for people heading down the rabbit hole.

#SatanicElite #TheGreatAwakening (0/11)
1. Out of Shadows

A documentary exploring allegations of child abuse within the #HollywoodElite and links to #Satanism.

2. Hidden Shadows

Documentary inspired by Out of Shadows focusing on the UK elite and allegations of child abuse, coverups, and potential of a VIP paedophile ring. Incredible sources, all from @shaunattwood

#HiddenShadows #UK (2/11)
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Pomona City Councilman Rubio Gonzalez was recently arrested on child p0rn and molestation charges. Let’s take a look at this predator and the signs/symbols of the network by which these demons operate. Please Share! Thread👇#pizzagate #SAVETHECHILDREN… Image
By all public accounts, Mr. Rubio was a pillar of the community. A family man who divided his time between teaching in the local school district and volunteering. He co-founded the Pomona Pride Center 🌈 with Pomona Unif School District Pres Frank Guzman, a “safe haven” for kids. Image
Mr. Rubio also serves as a board member for Tri-City Health. What a guy! This organization offers variety of services for displaced youth and troubled kids. Check out their logo. Image
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#AntifaTerrorists will be dealt with. #TimesUp You get what you deserve
The #QAnon Drops in order #2645
#QAnon drop #839
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1/ Ett dussin personer arresterade i Michigan i operation mot människosmuggling (14 okt).

#HumanTrafficking #USA

2/ Ett av världens största barnporrnätverk sprängt

#HumanTrafficking #ChildPorn #USA #SouthKorea…
3/ Om man följer X22 Report får man en hel del intressanta hintar om vad som pågår. Som i det här avsnittet från 15 okt.

#HumanTrafficking #USA #SaudiArabia #AliceInWonderland #HillaryClinton

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Cindy Lopez was in Epstein's flight logs over 30 times on flights that included Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey & MANY others

1 of those flights was to the Billionaire's Dinner in 02. Pics of her are now deleted from

This girl is 100% underage
#UnsealEpstein ImageImageImage
Cindy Lopez was a model for Karin Modelling Agency which is based in Paris and owned by Jean Luc Brunel, who procured children for Epstein's pedophile sex trafficking network

It is very likely that Cindy was one of those victims.
#Pedogate ImageImageImage
Bill Clinton flew on the Lolita Express with Cindy Lopez on July 13th 2002 with Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, AP(?), Doug Band, Mike(?) and 8 secret service members from Morocco to Spain then to NY

#Pedogate Image
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This is Banu, age 12/13, pictured at the Science Dinner event in 03

Banu flew on Epstein's plane over 20 times from Mar 15th 01 - Sept 9th 01

She was very likely a victim of child sex trafficking

This thread goes through each flight

Mar 15th 01
Epstein, Maxwell, AP, Alexia Wallert, Banu

Mar 15th 01
Epstein, Maxwell, AP, Alexia Wallert, Banu, RGR

Mar 15th 01
Epstein, Maxwell, AP, Alexia Wallert, Banu, RGR
Mar 16th 01
Epstein, Maxwell, AP, Alexia Wallert, Banu, Cheri Lynch, RGR

Mar 16th 01
Epstein, Maxwell, AP, Alexia Wallert, Banu, Cheri Lynch, Ed Tuttle, RGR

Mar 19th 01
Epstein, Maxwell, AP, Alexia Wallert, Banu, Cheri Lynch, Ed Tuttle, RGR
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Macaulay Culkin blows whistle on French Radio in 2017 - Internet scrubbed all evidence.
We obtained full PDF - RT & download before it's scrubbed again.

“I was like ‘Dude, I’m 11!’ and he said ‘You’re a man now."
#PEDOGATE #hollywoodsbleeding #FridayReads
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Disney needs to clean house
Just look this thread over and think about all the hours your kids (or grandkids or you) spent watching this crap with subliminal bullshit added.

We will start here with the original Aladdin

#qanon #disneypervs #pedogate
The Lion King Poster
Mickey Mouse you perv what are you holding onto?
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#ChildTrafficking #PedoGate Georgia Tann kidnapped babies, children 2 sell 4 #adoption 2 rich elite & #Hollywood
#coverup by #political #Corruption #FamilyCourt #QAnons #Epstein Image
How Georgia Tann Stole And Sold 5,000 Babies In The Black Market out of hospitals #MedicalKidnapped, day care, prisons, mental wards - even off the streets
#ChildTrafficking #PedoGate Georgia Tann kidnapped babies, children - 80 percent of these adoptions were to parents in New York and California. Adoptions in states such as Mississippi, Arkansas, and Missouri could be arranged for $750.
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