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Most recents (24)

1/. “I’m not really bumbling. I’m as hard as nails”

In this interview, #BorisJohnson shows that the “bumbling Boris” character is just that: a character

“My approach to politics & human nature is that you can make a good case for anything” #BorisResigns
2/. “#BorisJohnson put on a buffoon mask to become a celebrity, & now he can’t take it off.”
(J Lanchester)

“He seems to know that if we’re chuckling at him, we’re not likely to be thinking hard about his agenda, or doing anything to counter it.”
(J Coe)
3/. In 2020, I dug up #BorisJohnso’s #TakeItOnTheChin

I also found the smoking gun of the #HerdImmunityScandal - the #GreenwichSpeech

“There’s a risk new diseases such as #coronavirus could trigger a panic that goes beyond what is medically rational”
Read 12 tweets
18/. Wow!

#Palantir has hired former Head of AI at NHSX & member of SAGE Indra Joshi (who left in March) as it bids for £360 million NHS Federated Data Platform

Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data & have interest in genomic data…
19/. They’re not MAGA

They’re not QAnon

Curtis Yarvin & the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics

How does billionaire #Palantir founder, Peter Thiel, fit into the plot? #PalantirPlan #DataGrab #Genomics #ThisIsNotADrill…
20/. Be afraid. Be very afraid!

“A pandemic & war in Europe have now conspired to shatter our collective illusions of stability & perpetual peace. #Palantir have spent nearly two decades preparing for this moment. This is our time & we intend to seize it”…
Read 37 tweets
The PM breaking #COVID19 lockdown rules then lying about it is serious

But there are MUCH bigger scandals than #Partygate (many of which I broke)

5/3/20 - #TakeItOnTheChin #HerdImmunityScandal

3/2/20 #GreenwichSpeech👇

15/5/20 #CarehomeScandal

👉the #DataGrab / #PalantirPlan
For me, my investigation began by chance on 8/3/20 when I stumbled on @BorisJohnson’s interview with @Schofe & @hollywills where he said “one theory is we could #TakeItOnTheChin

I clipped it & it went viral

Ironically, this was also the same day as first Briton died of #COVID
As #COVID19 hit, every epidemiologist/virologist made clear #HerdImmunity without a vaccine was an “outcome” not a “strategy”

Every behaviourist made clear “behavioural fatigue” was unscientific

Every expert knew about asymptomatic spread in Feb 2020

Then the penny dropped
Read 7 tweets
17/. Last August, #Palantir purchased $50 million of physical gold

If any other tech company did this, it would be notable, but it’s especially notable for a data analytics company

Was the #RussianUkrainianWar predicted?

Does it fit with #PalantirPlan?…
18/. Wow!

#Palantir has hired former Head of AI at NHSX & member of SAGE Indra Joshi (who left in March) as it bids for £360 million NHS Federated Data Platform

Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data & have interest in genomic data…
19/. They’re not MAGA

They’re not QAnon

Curtis Yarvin & the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics

How does billionaire #Palantir founder, Peter Thiel, fit into the plot? #PalantirPlan #DataGrab #Genomics #ThisIsNotADrill…
Read 26 tweets
1/. “We want to make the UK fully autonomous, from a regulatory and geopolitical point of view”

Palantir, the shadowy data, surveillance & genomics, that run the NHS COVID data store, plans to shift its entire UK data processing operation from the US!…
2/. “Are you aware that #Palantir & #FacultyAI have links to the discredited #CambridgeAnalytica?”

“ don't think I'm aware of that, no”

@DawnButlerBrent tells @MattHancock that Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalyica to scrape data!👇
3/. Whistleblower @chrisinsilico says that Palantir showed #CambridgeAnalytica how to harvest data from Facebook users ahead of #Brexit vote

Palantir run the NHS’s #COVID19 data store with #FacultyAI (linked to Vote Leave & rprtdly to Cambridge Analytica)

Read 159 tweets
Something about this entire #no10ChristmasParty doesn't pass the smell test

Lots of people - possibly journalists themselves - knew about it, so why has it taken a year to come out?

Who is doing the drip drip leaking?

It feels as it if is being deliberately dragged out

Magician's call it "misdirection" - creating distractions - controversies for the media to chase - to mislead or discombobulate their audience

A master of it was Putin's advisor, Vladislav Surkov

Some suggest Cummings spent time with Surkov in the 1990s
For 11 days solid, ministers have been saying "a party didn't happen & even if it had, it didn't breach the rules"

It's like the time an unbriefed @Helen_Whately was savaged by @piersmorgan...& then went back on his show 6 days later, equally clueless
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"Hancock Cock Inn Cockup”

Ystdy, @MattHancock tried to get @AnnelieseDodds to withdraw a comment re his helping the ex-landlord of his local pub, the Cock Inn, to get a PPE contract

We’ve see the emails

Hancock & Lord Feldman helped 47 firms win 'VIP' contracts worth millions
Ystdy, @MattHancock went on the attack claiming Alex Bourne "never got a contract from the govt" & this was a "fabrication pushed by the Labour Party"

He was lying

@NAOorguk found PPE suppliers with links to Tory MPs were 10x more likely to win contracts
Digging by @JolyonMaugham reveals the contract went to Alpha Laboratories

That contract stipulates that Alpha Laboratories will sub-contract the manufacturing to Hinpack Ltd, owned by Alex Bourne

This info was redacted before publishing in what seems a clear attempt to deceive!
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Ex-MI6 officer Christopher Steele tells @haynesdeborah about Russian interference in #Brexit

Palantir who rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data run the NHS #COVID19 data store with Cummings-linked Vote Leave firm, #FacultyAI
Christopher Steele also compiled a dossier alleging collusion btw Russia & the 2016 Trump election campaign

Were Brexit & Trump part of an intelligence-backed, right-wing plan for power through genomic data?

The #PalantirThree & #RussiaReport offer clues
Earlier this week, #ChristopherSteele told @GStephanopoulos that he’s speaking out now because “the problems we identified back in 2016 haven’t gone away, & arguably have actually got worse."

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In the mid-20th century, satellites helped us determine the exact circumference of the Earth: 40,030km

But 2000+ years earlier, Eratosthenes
a Greek mathematician, came up with nearly the exact same figure using two sticks & his brain

Carl Sagan explains
I once asked “how is it that all scientists aren’t mystics, all cosmologists not poets?”

Carl Sagan was both of these

This passage - Pale Blue Dot - was inspired by the photo of Earth taken in 1990, by the Voyager 1 from a distance of about 6 billion km.
Scientists are like mystics in that they can travel in time explaining the past, seeing into the future

In this 1974 interview, Arthur Clarke makes precise predictions about the Internet & PC

And below James Burke predicts the rise of #CambridgeAnalytica
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1/. #PandoraPapers reveal secret dealings of 330+ politicians & officials - including 35 current & former heads of state & govt

Exposé is based on a leaked dataset of 11.9 million files from all over the world & include disclosures about Tory party donors…
2/. “The tax system is a haven of scams, perks, City deals and profits" (#TonyBlair 1994)

The #PandoraPapers reveal the Blair’s bought an offshore firm that owned the £6.5m house they were buying so did not have to pay £312,000 in stamp duty @BBCPanorama…
3/. The #PandoraPapers expose offshore accounts of world leaders, billionaires, oligarchs & criminals

It should lead to a crackdown on tax loopholes & money laundering...but we’ve been here before

What was the impact of #PanamaPapers & #ParadisePapers?
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Today, the @ElectoralCommUK registered Britain First as a political party

#BritainFirst is a far-right, fascist political organisation formed in 2011 by former members of the BNP. The BNP was created from the NF

If it can be shown to insight racial hatred, could it be barred? Image
In 2015, Bannon told #CambridgeAnalytica’s @chrisinsilico to build a psychological warfare tool to hollow out democracy & rive open divisions in societies

It worked

The far-right are not only on our streets & TLs but increasingly pulling strings of power
In 2017, Bannon asked #Farage to be part of a "convening authority" to "knit together a populist nationalist movement around the world"

He mentions Modi, Orban, Sisi, Duterte

We can add Trump, @BorisJohnson & @jairbolsonaro to that list, & several others
Read 14 tweets
It’s amazing what you can find if you look closely!
(Video & artwork by @rokubunnnoichi)
It’s amazing what you can see if you look close enough (artwork by @Coldwar_Steve)
#NigelFarage #DonaldTrump #ThisIsNotADrill #NeoNazis #Fascism
It’s amazing what you can see when you look closely

The NHS = the most trusted brand in the UK

Cambridge Analytica = the least trusted

And yet #Palantir & #FacultyAI who run our #COVID19 data store, rprtdly have links with #CambridgeAnalytica

#GenomeUK #PalantirPlan #Genomics
Read 8 tweets
After not hearing a peep from Michael Gove for months, eye-watering videos of him dancing in a club above a pub last night have emerged

He turned up alone & tried to avoid paying the £5 entry fee

“He was saying he shouldn't have to pay,” the manager said
Unverified footage shows #Gove leaving the club in the early hours of the morning

We may laugh, but he’s a key architect of Brexit & champion of Cummings

Did his “Bell Curve bookshelf stunt”hint at his Involvement with the #GenomeUK plan & #PalantirPlan?
The #PalantirPlan & #GenomeUK plan are summarised below👇

Our society is based on science & technology, but few people understand anything about science & technology

As Carl Sagan said this is a“combustible mixture that will one day blow up in our faces”
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The Prime Minister of Britain, @BorisJohnson
“Shall I tell you a terrible truth?”

In this footage of @BorisJohnson from 2013, the then London mayor says that, in politics, you can “make a case for any course of action”.

He also admits that he isn’t really “bumbling”.

He’s “hard as nails”.
“They cover up crime with scandal & covers up malice with incompetence. They want to project an image of being inept, instead of as having a cruel & well-defined plan.” @sarahkendzior

His ‘bumbling’ persona is a carefully constructed disguise

@BorisJohnson is very dangerous
Read 6 tweets
1/. It isn’t remotely credible that #Hancock had no idea of the links btw #Palantir & #FacultyAI - who run the NHS #COVID data store - & #CambridgeAnalytica

And yet, had due diligence been done, Palantir wouldn’t have been embedded at the heart of the NHS
2/. It also isn’t remotely credible (or intelligible) that #Cummings had no knowledge of what #Palantir are doing in the NHS “other than on ICU bed capacity”

It also isn’t credible when he claims he thinks #FacultyAI “do not have personalised data at all”
3/. Two questions by about #Palantir & #FacultyAI

Two garbled, nonsensical answers from @MattHancock & @Dominic2306

It’s a shame it’s taken 16 months before these question have finally been asked

It’s a shame the media still ignore it

But as this👇shows, Palantir are central.
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“We were guided by the science. We didn't always follow the science" @MattHancock

So @BorisJohnson was lying when he said “we stuck to the science like glue”

Were they following the cod behavioural science of Halpern’s Nudge Unit & the ‘data science’ of #Palantir & #FacultyAI?
2/. On 13/5/20, I broke the #CareHomeScandal

On 2/4/20 the govt had INSTRUCTED hospitals to send people “who may have #COVID19” to care homes WITHOUT TESTING

The govt KNEW about asymptomatic transmission in Jan/Feb 2020

The question is which Minister signed off this directive.
3/. Hancock claims that no one knew about ASYMPTOMATIC SPREAD

This is not true

The govt knew asymptomatic transmission of #COVID19 was likely in Jan & had this confirmed in Feb

SAGE minutes on 28 January 2020 state that early indications suggest there was asymptomatic spread.
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All roads lead to genomics

Dido Harding’s was chair of Genomics England

Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica to scrape data

Is the #NHSDataGrab really about about population-wide genomic data?

Complete control?

Bell-Curve eugenicist’s wet dream?
“We could close our eyes & pretend that contrary to all the evidence, #Palantir is a rights-respecting company or we can call this façade what it is: another company placing profit over people, no matter the human cost.” Michael Kleinman, @amnestyusa
The #NHSDataGrab has been underway since Oct 2020 (see Tweet👇)

Why was it ignored for the last 8 months?

News editors, journalists & politicians appeared to be unwilling to report it

It’s great that the #PalantirPlan is now getting wide coverage, but are we already too late?
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Tweet from 8 months ago👇on how the govt was sharing our private NHS health data for “life science research” (genomics) with private companies

Now, NHS Digital is “refusing to rule out #Palantir being involved in the datastore from the GP data grab"

I call it the #PalantirPlan. Image
2/. The NHS is the most trusted brand in UK

#CambridgeAnalytica is the least trusted

Yet #Palantir - who rptdly taught Cambridge Analytica how to scrape data - run the NHS #COVID data store along with #FacultyAI, a company that worked for LeaveEU/Cummings & also has links to CA
3/. A year ago, Blair’s ex-Chief of staff – someone who knows about political skulduggery – wrote:

“This looks like the beginning of a rolling coup. It starts with the civil service then moves on to the judiciary & the media”

A coup for health data?

A coup for genomic data?
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1/. Fortunately for Tory Party donors, friends of govt ministers who had zero experience in supplying PPE, let alone handling multi-million pound contracts, a personal service, including “hand-holding” was provided

Did @MattHancock’s sister & his pub landlord make use of this?
2/. About £9 billion in PPE contacts went to companies run by friends or associates of Tory MP’s

In some cases they delivered unusable goods

The govt PPE tsar has financial interests/personal ties to at least 7 companies awarded hundreds of millions of £ in contracts #COVID19
3/. Corruption has become the air we breath

But don’t let that distract you

The #ContractScandal is part of the #HerdImmunityScandal

Investigating procurement ultimately leads to a dead end

The #PalantirPlan explores the motivations go beyond money.
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1/. “As far as I’m concerned, this completely answers the question” says @trussliz after refusing to answer @JayneSeckerSky’s question three times.

Liz Truss & the entire Cabinet appear to have been ‘media-trained’ to answer questions dishonestly. #Ridge
2/. The purpose of media training should be to help people to communicate their message

I always tell people I train to:
- answer the question
- tell the truth

These Ministers do the opposite

As viewers, we end up shouting at the TV or switching it off!
3/. Too often over the past year, Ministers have been allowed to not just sidestep questions, but blatantly lie

For example, whenever a Minister claims that “no one knew about asymptomatic transmission ‘til May”, it’s a lie

They knew about it January.
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“I think what the public wants, is for us to move on from this #BarnardCastle thing” said @BorisJohnson & his entire cabinet

What the public wanted was transparency & accountability

@maitlis deleted this tweet about @adamboultonSKY’s story

The media were largely silenced
By asking why #Cummings hadn’t been sacked by the PM, @maitlis was doing her job

Political journalists NOT asking this question were failing to do theirs

Cummings’ trip to Durham proved to be one of the 2 clear drop points in adherence to lockdown rules.
“Some journalists are sitting on explosive information that should come out in real time.” @joncoopertweets

Shrinking space for journalism is something we witnessed in the UK during the Iraq War

Is it happening again now?

Would journalists be able to comment if it were?
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1/. Let’s not forget, that #DominicCummings - who employed ‘eugenicist’, Andrew Sabisky - was central to the #HerdImmnityScandal which is central to the #PalantirPlan

It puts genomics at the heart of the programme for govt, using the UK as the petri-dish for a ‘brave new world’.
2/. “I feel we’re all paying the price for a girl laughing at his poem in 6th form” @MarinaHyde on Cummings

#DominicCummings imagined the mood of these photos was very James Dean. Instead they reveal his narcissism & complete tone-deafness
3/. Here’s a good #HerdImmunityScandal intro

It’s long, but gripping & it has #Cummings’ grubby fingerprints all over it

#HerdImmunity is an outcome not a strategy. Every scientist will tell you that

This thread starts to unpick WHY the govt knowingly went against the science.
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1/. “Some may argue decisions made by the Dutch govt were just a series of errors of judgement. They were not. They were deliberate decisions. To allow the maximum number of people to get #COVID without overwhelming hospitals.”@SylvanaBIJ1

Sound familiar?
2/. The Dutch #COVID19 strategy mirrors the British👇

Described as “a masterclass in framing & gaslighting” PM Rutte announced in March their ‘strategy’ was #herdimmunity then tried to deny it

Is the involvement of shadowy company, Palantir, in both strategies pure coincidence?
3/. Palantir, who rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica about data scraping, are in charge of the #COVID Data Store in the UK together with #FacultyAI the firm Cummings used for the #VoteLeave referendum campaign

Palantir are doing the same in dozens of other countries #PalantirPlan
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In this chilling 2013 interview, @BorisJohnson admits he’s not really bumbling

“I’m hard as nails” he says

He also tells us “a terrible truth about politics & human nature”

That you can “make a good case for any course of action.” #HerdImmunity #COVID19
When the subject moves to ethics, @BorisJohnson becomes more guarded

Asked whether he believes one "can derive the ethics from the science" he avoids answering

Perhaps he’s aware that discussions of genomics can easily slip into the subject of eugenics.
I know!

Most of us switch-off at the mention of “genomics”, but it is crucial to understanding how the world is transforming & how “super forecasters” see the need for society to transform too

This thread👇offers a potted summary of just some of what is going on. #GenomeUK
Read 13 tweets

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