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A well known sound to many indie game-makers, the #pico8 boot-up melody is a quick triplet that uses the tones C, G, and F. This is known as an incomplete G7sus4 chord. It is made up of 2 perfect fourth intervals. Generally speaking, music usually wants to resolve up a fourth.
Compare to the classic Game Boy boot sound, which is an octave of C's sounded in a flam.
A similar chord to the Pico-8 boot-up melody is found at the beginning of "A Hard Day's Night."
Read 10 tweets
Some have called 2022 the year of "microgames". In the wake of @poncle_vampire a host of ~$2 games were created mostly by solo developers or tiny #IndieDev teams in the span of a few months.
Let's talk game dev experimentalism!
πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡ 1/9 Screenshot of Vampire Survi...Screenshot of Shotgun KingScreenshot of StacklandsScreenshot of Just King
The reception, surrounding many of these titles is open, forgiving and appreciative. Turns out if players didn't spend $60 and didn't get hyped up for years of dev time by a faceless corporation, the human side of #GameDev actually shines through sometimes, even on Steam. 4 exemplares Steam reviews:...
This in turn opens up #GameDesign space. "Bullet heaven" is a result of flipping a genre on its head: YOU are the bullet hell! Of course there's iteration in microgames too, but the possibility to experiment is real (e.g. @caiysware's "What if your bullets are minions?"). Screenshot of BrotatoScreenshot of Seraph's Last...Screenshot of Boneraiser Mi...Screenshot of Nomad Survival
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Shooting Star #PICO8
clearer version with less compression, hopefully...
For anyone who wants to see the code, I posted the cart to the Lexaloffle BBS!
Read 6 tweets
For today's #screenshotsaturday, I want to take you on a trip through memory lane and show off the procedurally-generated planet closeups in Slipways evolved. πŸš€
This is how they look today, but we'll be going as far back as 2017 in the🧡below!
#gamedev #indiedev #indiegame
We're starting in August 2017, when I decided to push #pico8 a bit and make it render a textured planet in 3D.
At the time, I didn't even know if this would work. PICO-8 did not have any texture support back then - I had to do it the hard way, carrying pixels uphill both ways 😀
A few months later, in early 2018, I was working on the #pico8 version of Slipways.
No room for fancy procgen here, so the planets became #pixelart sprites. These humble 9x9 images would define the basic look of the various planet types in every future iteration.
Read 13 tweets
Hi everyone! I think the thing everyone is most interested in w my new #Pico8 game is the gfx. It took a few tries/months to figure out how to do it! I don't have a blog, so here's what will probably be a VERY long, meandering thread about how it works 🧡

Before anything, I just want to say thank u for all the interest. I’m humbled by the response and kind words from everyone on all social media. A couple ppl have even told me they've played it for like an hour! It’s more than I could have ever asked for and I’m so grateful!
Also, I’m armed w a folder of gifs and a checklist, but am mostly improvising this, so u might want to just check back in a few hours, lol.
Read 59 tweets
8k #pico8 dots at 60fps
#tweetcart (src in reply)
p(24365,-1) function _update60() cls() x,y=stat(32),stat(33)circfill(x,y,1,7)
if(stat(34)>0)for i=1,64 do p(a,x<<8)p(a+2,y<<8)p(a+4,(r()-r())<<8)p(a+6,(r()-r())<<8)a=q|(a+8) end
for i=q,-1,8 do pset(%i>>8,%(i+2)>>8,6+((i>>11)%10))poke4(i,$i+$(i+4))end end
// for each dot it uses poke2's to store x,y,dx,dy as 8:8 fixed point numbers, which means the velocity can be added each frame with:

Read 4 tweets
I wonder what they told it? Image
@Grady_Booch why the self declaration for OOP?
If anyone tells you that you can't ignore your problems forever, just remember that they are quitters.
Read 976 tweets
You're job CAN be your life but it doesn't have to be.

I enjoy my job, I'm good at my job, but I do it so I can support my family.
Can Apple and Android get their emoji game in order? I'm getting sick of seeing crossed out boxes
It's odd how often accepting people comes with stipulations.
Read 1019 tweets
I will never forget how much learning to make a game on #pico8 has changed my attitude and confidence towards programming.

A thread.
A little background. I have been a wannabe programmer for most of my adult life. I was never a great math student, but programming carried an alluring idea of being able to build anything you wanted and changing the world.

The dream of programming was: it made anything possible
But my lack of math understanding always made me feel like an imposter. I would look at code and get down on myself for not understanding what was happening.

Actually working with programming was confusing and frustrating.
Read 15 tweets
One of the best ways to improve your creativity isβ€”paradoxicallyβ€”to design with constraints.

Perhaps this is why the #pico8 community never failed to amaze me with their tiny creations.

So, here's a list of PICO-8 DEMAKES, starting with possibly the best one ever made...

"FUZ", a #pico8 demake of @Polytron's "FEZ" by Henry Stadolnik (@Jusiv_).
"Low Mem Sky", a #pico8 demake of @hellogames's "No Man's Sky" by Paul Nicholas (@Liquidream).…
Read 7 tweets
Overwhelmed by the positive response on my #pico8 Wind Waker scene, here's a behind the scenes thread on how it works.

First up, wireframe view:
As can be seen in the previous gif, the water doesn't actually move. Instead I scroll the texture. No need to move stuff around in 3D unless you have to.
The splashing water works the same way. Animated texture.
Read 8 tweets
Hey folks! Here's my new set of 100 famous characters, 8x8 pixels, using a 16 colors palette!
#pixelart #dotpic #γƒ‰γƒƒγƒˆη΅΅ #pico8 #8bit Image
#01 - Luke Skywalker
#02 - Yoda
#03 - Princess Leia
#04 - Han Solo
#05 - Chewbacca
#06 - R2-D2
#07 - C-3PO
#08 - Darth Vader
#StarWars #pixelart
#09 - Dexter
#10 - Dee Dee
#DextersLaboratory #pixelart
Read 28 tweets
Yes! I've done some new music, for @p01's lovely #pico8 tribute to Katamari Damacy - Katamari Christmassy!…

My approach here was to murder Prokofiev's Troika as a cutesy J-pop swing version, much like Rainbow Islands murdered Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
@p01 I definitely learnt a lot on this project, mainly that doing swing on the pico-8 (or anything that isn't 4/4 time) is really hard, due to the patterns being fixed at 32 notes long.
@p01 ...and sure, embracing limitations is what chiptune is all about... but considering that every other limitation on the pico-8 seems tailor-made to encourage the Mario aesthetic, making it really hard to write swing music probably wasn't what they intended.
Read 5 tweets
This is the new Cat Slime Does a Dungeon dev thread. Cat Slime is a tamagotchi/dungeon diving game made in #pico8.

To support cat slime and find out more see You can also follow cat slime at @HappyCatSlime

Previous dev thread:
Haven't gotten a lot done lately, but I did just get the room template data I need to procgen levels loaded into the game so I can start on that soon.
Going with a tile based generation method for level generation. Haven't randomized the connections yet, so everything connects to all neighbors right now, but it's looking pretty decent. #gamedev #pico8 #catslime #procgen
Read 22 tweets
I'm going to try playing and reviewing all of the #meditationgames that are going to be dropping daily through 2019. I'll probably miss a few, but I'll keep it up for as long as I can. You can catch all the games here:
The January 1st #meditationgames entry is TEMPRES by Tak. This was an interesting little minimalist puzzle. It took me a bit to crack it but when I did it was pretty satisfying. Even had some replayability as I tried a few times after that to make sure I understood the solution.
The January 2nd #meditationgames entry is by @MsMinotaur. I feel like this really exemplified the "meditation" theme. It feels like a visual representation of a guided breathing exercise. The failure sound is a little jarring, but it teaches you the rule of the game quickly.
Read 367 tweets

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