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Spectacular piece by Anthony Seldon. A #MustRead
The damage Boris Johnson has done is beyond measure
Britain has been left weaker by a prime minister who demeaned its institutions and sullied all those who came into his orbit
'Boris Johnson’s latest protestations of foul play, calumny and dastardly scheming are all of a piece with his actions throughout his life. All are the product of his deep character flaws.'
'But second, his inner emptiness made it imperative for him always to be the centre of attention, craving affirmation and breaking truth and convention to achieve it.'
Read 14 tweets
#टूलकिटवालेआंदोलन #MustRead
सन 2011 में
अन्ना आंदोलन हुआ था,बढ़ चढ़ कर उस आंदोलन को जनसमर्थन मिला था,सोचा था सबने इससे बड़ा बदलाव आएगा,एक आम आदमी का आंदोलन है इस नारे से इस आंदोलन की शुरुआत हुई थी,देश के दिग्गज वकील @pbhushan1 (तब पता नहीं था कि महाधूर्त हैं)ने इस आंदोलन में
👇 ImageImageImageImage
सक्रिय भूमिका निभाई थी और इसी आंदोलन से जन्मी थी एक पार्टी,आम आदमी पार्टी और आज उस आम आदमी पार्टी के हवाई चप्पल पहनने वाले,बिना इस्त्री की कमीज़ पहनने वाले,मारुति वैगनार से चलने वाले कट्टर ईमानदार नेता @ArvindKejriwal के कई सहयोगी मंत्री भ्रटाचार के आरोप में जेल में हैं,और अब
सामान्य से कट्टर ईमानदार के घर में 45 लाख के आठ परदे लगे हुए हैं,रेनोवेशन कॉस्ट 45 करोड़ है,इंडिया अगेंस्ट करप्शन के नाम से चलाई जाने वाली संस्था के ब्रांड एंबेसडर,
अब करेपशन के ब्रांड एंबेसडर बन गए हैं।
ये पहला आंदोलन था इस पीढ़ी के समक्ष जिसमें आंदोलनजीवियों का उद्देश्य कुछ
Read 49 tweets
#BustingMyths #ForexReserves #Modinomics #MUSTREAD

Judging a Country based on its #ForexReserves is like Judging a Persons Networth based on his #SavingAccount balance & not his #LoanAccount balance.

Judge #Modinomics on #NIIP (-ve $390bn)
And Not on FX Reserves (+ve $506bn)
So what is #NIIP or Net International Investment Position. Let me quote @FinMinIndia Economic Survey

NIIP is the difference b/w an Economy’s External financial Assets & Liabilities.

If Economy = Person, NIIP is Assets (Property, Deposits, Investments) less Liabilities (Loans)
As per FY23 Economic Survey released by @FinMinIndia before budget, India's overseas financial ASSETS at US$ 847.5bn but India's International LIABILITIES was higher at US$ 1,237.1Bn

Assets ($847.5) LESS Liabilities ($1237.1Bn) = NEGATIVE $389.6Bn

Read 7 tweets
🧵A #MustRead on the Holy Master Jagadguru #SriSri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji :

Even a remote reference to the Advaitic(non-dualistic) nature of any form of the god would immediately carry away Sri Jagadguru to the realms of Samadhi state. This was observed on many

occasions and especially during the pooja HH offered to Sri Chakra. The #Lalitha #Sahasra Nama, which is usually chanted in the Sri Chakra pooja is replete with names which suggest the Advaitic concept of the One Brahman manifesting in different forms

(For ex प्रत्यक्चितीरूपा, ब्रह्मात्मैक्यस्वरूपिणी, ब्रह्मानन्दा…) Sri Jagadguru would enter into the Samadhi state while chanting these Namas, and the mechanics of pooja would stop and not proceed to its conclusion. It would end only when HH would come out of the trance,

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Was für ein kluges Interview👌🏽Danke @DavideBrocchi dafür!
#mustread #ungleichheit #klimakatastrophe #Demokratie

„Wenn soziale & ökologische Belange Opfer derselben Entwicklungslogik sind, dann braucht es ihre Allianz, um diese Logik zu überwinden.“…
@DavideBrocchi: Soziale Nachhaltigkeit ist im Wesentlichen mit der Frage verbunden, wie ein friedliches Zusammenleben in der Vielfalt auf einem physisch begrenzten Planeten möglich ist. Durch Kooperation geht es vermutlich besser als durch freien Wettbewerb.
Weil es kein gutes Leben auf Kosten anderer geben kann, brauchen wir eine erweiterte Demokratie, die auch diese anderen mitbestimmen lässt: den globalen Süden, die benachteiligten Gruppen, die künftigen Generationen und die Natur.
Read 9 tweets
🧵A #MustRead : The business of Vedas is not actually physical sciences. But, in the course of developing philosophy, Vedas make some scientific statements. When we consider the question of space. The Vedas say that space is not empty; it is not vacuum. There are pages &

1/n Image
pages of arguments to prove that there are some qualities for free space and therefore it is not vacuum. It is precisely those qualities that we associate with space today, e.g. propagation of light and radio waves. Then the Vedas say that space is distorted in the presence

of matter! There is a discussion in the Shastras about the dimensions of the individual soul. Such a question is not even raised in science -whether in biology or psychology. What is the dimension of the individual soul? The first argument that it is of the size of

Read 12 tweets
🧵A #MustRead : #Jagadguru #Shankaracharya #SriSri #Chandrashekara Bharathi Mahaswamigal on the "Conquest of Desire":

"Do not depend on outside things to make yourself happy.."

To call a man healthy, it is quite unnecessary to postulate of him that he had some disease..

before and that he is now cured of it. Freedom from sickness is a condition of health and certainly not an antecedent sickness and a recovery from it. Similarly, happiness can only mean freedom from unhappiness. And it cannot be a necessary condition of happiness that it

should have been preceded by a state of unhappiness. The health which is not preceded by sickness is more natural, true and permanent than the one obtained on the cessation of a sickness. Similarly, happiness which is not preceded by a mental disturbance is sure to be more

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"A Jnani's presence is the most powerful force, can do wonders: save souls, give peace of mind, even give liberation to ripe souls"

🧵A #MustRead which instantly energizes devotees..

‘One day when I was sitting by the side of #Bhagavan I felt so miserable that I put the
following question to him: "Is the sankalpa of the jnani not capable of warding off the destinies of the devotees?"
'Bhagavan smiled and said: "Does the jnani have a sankalpa at all? The jivanmukta [liberated being] can have no sankalpas whatsoever. It is just impossible.

'I continued: "Then what is the fate of all us who pray to you to have grace on us and save us? Will we not be benefited or saved by sitting in front of you, or by coming to you?..."

'Bhagavan turned graciously to me and said: "...a person's bad karma will be considerably

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#important #MustRead #Share

എൻ്റെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട സുഹൃത്തുക്കളോട് ഒരു സഹായം അഭ്യർത്ഥിക്കുവാനാണ് ഞാൻ ഈ ട്വീറ്റിടുന്നത്.
നിങ്ങളിൽ പലരും അറിഞ്ഞുകാണുമല്ലൊ നമ്മുടെ ജാസിയുടെ @punchiri00 കാര്യം.
ഇവിടെ പലർക്കും ജാസിയെ നല്ലവണ്ണം അറിയാം. നമ്മുടെ കൂടെ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന നമ്മളിൽ ഒരുവൻ...

വിധിയുടെ വിളയാട്ടത്തിൽ എങ്ങനെയൊ വീണ് പോയ നമ്മളിൽ ഒരുവൻ.
ഈ വാർത്ത കേട്ട് ഞാൻ സത്യത്തിൽ ഷോക്കായ് പോയി 😢
ഈ വാർത്ത നമ്മളിൽ പലരെയും ഉലച്ചുവെന്നറിയാം. കാരണം ഇങ്ങനെയുള്ളതെല്ലാം അപ്രതീക്ഷമാണല്ലൊ. പൂർണ്ണ ആരോഗ്യവാനായ ഒരാൾ 😔
ഇന്ന് ജാസി നമ്മുടെയൊക്കെ നല്ലമനസിനു നേരെ കൈ നീട്ടുകയാണ്.

വെള്ളപ്പൊക്കം വന്നാലും, തനിക്കറിയാത്തൊരുത്തൻ്റെ കണ്ണ് നിറഞ്ഞാലും ആ കണ്ണുനീർ ഒപ്പുവാൻ ആദ്യം ഓടി വരുന്ന നമ്മളൊക്കെ അടങ്ങിയ ഈ മലയാളം ടീയെല്ലിൻ്റെ കാരുണ്യം ഇന്നവന് വേണം.
അത് നമ്മളെക്കൊണ്ട് സാധിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുമെന്ന് നമ്മളെല്ലാം പലപ്പോഴായി തെളിയിച്ച് കൊടുത്തിട്ടുള്ളതുമാണ്.

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5 książek o pieniądzach i inwestowaniu, które będę dawał w prezencie na Święta:

1/6 👇🧵 Image
Każdy, kto uważnie przeczyta tę książkę będzie lepszym inwestorem. Mimo że ona nie uczy inwestowania. Image
To nowość na polskim rynku, ale w USA już bestsellerem. Daję ją tym, którzy dopiero zaczynają inwestować oraz osobom, które są zmęczone łapaniem dołków i szczytów. Image
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#Thread #MustRead
There are four levels of experiencing deep connection with the Divine.

1. Saamipya
It means to feel that we are very close and very dear to the Divine. Now when will you get this experience? Will you feel this closeness tomorrow, day after tomorrow, 10 days
later or a few months later? No! Right now, in this very moment, just feel that you are very close to the Divine. This is what a Guru does. A Guru helps you feel that closeness with the Divine.
2. Saanidhya

Saanidhya means to feel or invoke the presence of the Divine. When you meditate, you become aware of the existence of the Divine; you experience the presence.
For example, we are enveloped by the air at all times but we do not always feel its presence. When you
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#MustRead 👉 L'enquête de @propublica et de Vanity Fair sur un laboratoire de Wuhan au centre des soupçons sur les origines de la pandémie de COVID-19 en Chine. Le laboratoire en question avait plus de problèmes qu'on pensait, dit l'enquête. 🧶…
L'enquête n'apporte pas de preuves sur une éventuelle fuite de laboratoire, mais rapL les faits et pose des questions autour des failles de sécurité supposées des labos biosécurité en Chine, ainsi que sur la vitesse de développement des vaccins Covid chinois notamment. Extraits👇
"Le 12 novembre 2019, une dépêche de membres de la branche du parti au laboratoire BSL-4 a semblé faire référence à une faille de biosécurité : 'Ces virus arrivent sans ombre et repartent sans laisser de trace.'"
Read 16 tweets
#MustRead #NIFTY #CostOfCapital
How Does #Rising #InterestRates/ #CostOfCapital/#DiscountingRate Impact Stock #Valuations. A STUDY of large Cap INDIAN Stocks
A long THEAD, pls stay with me...Exercise Shows a #StockWise Impact of Higher Discounting Rates & Implied Long Term Growth
Exercise based on Div Discounting Model (DDM) for Current GSEC vs 8.5% GSEC (Every Justification for it to be 9%).
Starting with #Reliance
Tab 1: Stk px implies 14% CAGR LT Growth (8yr + 8yr) @ 7.45% GSEC
Tab 2: Same Growth (14% CAGR) @ 8.55% GSEC
=>18% Lower Fair Value(Rs2062)
Higher Global Interest Rates to counter Inflation => lower Growth. Past 11yrs, High Growth & Low Interest Rate Environment, RIL growth: Revenues ($ linked) at 9.2% CAGR & EPS at 9% CAGR over FY11-22... So Assuming EPS growth @ 14% CAGR in prev tweet is AGGRESSIVE
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RBI is playing with FIRE abt intervention in the FWD USDINR market…. Your sins with come back to haunt you … unlike Equities which can be manipulated for years, you can’t do that same with FX and RATES
@RBI EXTENT Of Forward Intervention is #MindBoggling in one #CHART. You can see INR 2yr & 3yr Implied Forward Premium is 7.8% & 7.59% Respectively
& has Actually Increased while the near term 12 Month INR forward is just 2.5%. This kind of DIVERGENCE is SCARY.#RETWEET #MUSTREAD Image
This is called Timing !!

My tweet was at 1.26pm IST. See the INTRADAY on the INR today … the breakdown happens at 1.57pm IST

I guess I was just lucky I guess since there was NO MOVEMENT in the DXY or regional currencies like the JPY (see Intraday Charts of JPY, INR, DXY) ImageImage
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A #mustread book.

Having finished it, one of my big takeaways is that Savarkar--a major early articulator of Hindutva--embraced religiously-focused violence, as a virtuous activity for Hindus, again and again.

#Hindutva #violence Image
Savarkar's views on violence went far back. For example, in the early 1900s, Savarkar and Mahatma Gandhi discussed the Ramayana and Gita, two Hindu texts.

Gandhi saw the violence in both as metaphors. Savarkar saw it as real and a justification for more Hindu-enacted violence.
In fact, Savarkar saw Hindus as the original colonizers of India, in a sort of mythological blow-up of the theory of Aryan invasions (a theory at the time).

Here's the kicker -- For Savarkar, this early Hindu colonization was a good thing, to be celebrated.
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Die #Ungleichheit in Deutschland ist im europäischen und weltweiten (!) Vergleich verdammt hoch.

Ein sehr guter Artikel zur globalen & deutschen Ungleichheit erschien heute in @APuZ_bpb. #MustRead… Image
Hinsichtlich der Vermögenskonzentration hat sich Deutschland im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts von einem der relativ gleichsten europäischen Länder zum ungleichsten entwickelt. #Vermögensungleichheit
Die wirtschaftliche Ungleichheit zwischen den Geschlechtern…spaltet die dt. Gesellschaft nach wie vor. Nur etwa 36% des gesamten deutschen Arbeitseinkommens entfällt auf #Frauen. Ein Grund hierfür: D weist nach wie vor eine der größten Einkommensbenachteiligungen für Mütter auf.
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"Psychologia pieniędzy" to najlepsza książka o finansach ostatnich lat. Oto 9 cytatów, które są tak dobre, że nie potrzebują żadnego komentarza 👇🧵

(3, 7 i 9 🎯)
1. „Wydawanie pieniędzy, aby pokazać ludziom, ile masz pieniędzy, to najszybszy możliwy sposób, aby mieć mniej pieniędzy”.

2. „Największą wartością pieniądza jest jego zdolność do kontrolowania czasu”.
3. „Inwestycyjny geniusz polega na robieniu zwykłych rzeczy, gdy wszyscy wokół wariują”.

4. „Nie ma powodu, aby ryzykować to, co masz i czego potrzebujesz, w zamian za to, czego nie masz i czego nie potrzebujesz”.
Read 8 tweets
I read many (opposing) comments about the supposed or real influence of Alexander #Dugin. I made some myself on several TV and radio stations today.
He was certainly not Putin's Rasputin, nor his director of conscience. But was he without influence?
Let's try to find out.
I don't think you have to be on one side or the other. Things are more subtle and there are methodological points to consider.
The binary opposition of the two theses makes no sense.
1 First of all, yes, Dugin's books and articles were not equivalent in Putin's ideological system to the Communist Party Manifesto or Marx's Capital in Soviet references or Mao Zedong's Little Red Book. Here me on Putin's ideology.
Read 14 tweets
#DHAExpert #MustRead

#Detailed review of recent #evidence

Healthy adults DO NOT need fish🚫🎣 or #DHA💊supps. Focus on⬆️#ALA🌱

Great news for #vegans!

α-linolenic acid interconversion is #sufficient as a source of longer chain ω-3 PUFAs in humans… Image
With regard to trial evid this is a great piece highlighting more controversy: sig results may be due to harm in PLA group

'REDUCE-IT suggested Vascepa could legit'y save lives. If it can’t, that’s more than a scientific scandal; it’s a real, human loss'…
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اصل تاریخ جو ہماری نسل سے چھپا لی گئی
پاکستان میں پہلی دھاندلی1965 کےصدارتی الیکشن میں فوج،بیوروکریٹس، پیروں اور وڈیروں کےگٹھ جوڑ سےہوئی جس کےبعد حق سچ کا ساتھ دینیوالے کتنے ہی لوگ جنہوں نےپاکستان کیلئےسب کچھ قربان کردیا تھا غدارکہلائے
اور کیسےلوگ معتبر بن بیٹھے
صدارتی الیکشن۔1965 وہ سیاہ دن تھا جب کتّا کنویں میں گرا تھا جسےآجتک نہیں نکالا جاسکا بس ضرورتا چند ڈول پانی نکالکر ہر کوئی اپنا راستہ ہموار کر لیتاھے

فساد کی ماں 1965 کے صدارتی الیکشن پر اب کوئی بات بھی نہیں کرتا اور نہ انکے بارے میں کچھ لکھاجاتا ھےکہ نئی نسل کو آگہی ہو
کہ کیسے اس الیکشن نے پاکستان کی تباہی کی بنیاد رکھی، کیسے اس نےپاکستان کو دولخت کرنے میں جلتی پر تیل کا کردار ادا کیا اور باقی ماندہ پاکستان پر اک ایسی رجیم مسلّط کردی جس نے یہاں کبھی جمہوریت کو پنپنے ہی نہیں دیا

1965کےصدارتی الیکشن میں پہلی دھاندلی خود فیلڈ مارشل ایوب
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1/. Two months after the prominent human rights defender Osman Kavala began a life sentence on trumped up charges alongside 6 others jailed for 18 years each for ‘assisting’ him, a high level @amnesty delegation will visit all 7

We’ll hold a press conference tmw 1pm #Turkey time ImageImageImageImage
2/. “What’s happening is entirely contrary to human rights”

In 2014, @amnesty interviewed architect @MucellaYapici while she was facing her first prosecution for the 2013 #GeziPark protests in Turkey

Today, her words are even more poignant
4/. In 4 hours @aforgut’s press conference will start in Istanbul

There will be an important announcement

Ystdy, messages of solidarity from @amnesty’s Secretary General @AgnesCallamard’s were delivered to the #Gezi7 in prison

More detail to come
#FreeTheGezi7 #GeziİçinAdalet Image
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A few reflections on and highlights from Preventable by @devisridhar #Covid19 #pandemics #globalhealth Image
Preventable is a #mustread. A clear, fast-moving time travel through the past years of #Covid19.
Gone into print in August 2021, the book is a reminder of harrowing images (and for many very real personal experiences and losses). I sadly think many of these have already been forgotten, just a few months later. Image
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Well, this is some interesting reading for the afternoon.…
"We want a backdoor, but we don't want just *anyone* to be able to use it. Only us good guys."
May be of interest to, oh, I dunno, @alexhern @jamesrbuk @tim @lorenzofb @josephfcox @MikeIsaac
Read 45 tweets
L'enfers est pavé de bonnes intentions : un projet de la Commission ambitionne d'imposer aux intermédiaires techniques (hébergeurs & fournisseurs) de scanner ce qui relevait jusqu'à présent de la correspondance privée pour lutter contre l'exploitation sexuelle des mineurs ⬇️
Sur un sujet aux implications techniques majeures (car en corollaire une demande d'affaiblissement du chiffrement), la moindre des choses serait d'avoir un débat éclairé au niveau parlementaire. A date le secret des correspondances est constitutionnellement garanti ⬇️ Image
Et c'est loin d'être anodin, car figure toi Twitter que l'interdiction pour l'opérateur de messagerie (à l'époque postale, mais étendu par la suite au télégraphe, puis téléphone, télex, minitel, Internet…) de connaitre du contenu de ce qu'il achemine date de la Révolution. Image
Read 83 tweets

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