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💱 Hoy, una breve mirada hacia nuestro #Patrimonio #Material #Etnográfico, hacia dos molinos de río de #Guriezu dibujados en 1518. Image
Los dibujos son dos, representan molino y presa, y fueron realizados a comienzos del siglo XVI, en 1518. Se conservan actualmente en el Archivo de la Real ChancillerĂ­a de Valladolid. Image
Los elementos del ingenio hidrĂĄulico estĂĄn representados con cierto detalle, como es el caso de esta presa, esta compuerta y este #calce en el "rio de AgĂŒera". Image
Read 7 tweets
So, ich hab ja gesagt ich komme drauf zurĂŒck.

Vielleicht auch interessant fĂŒr
@EvaHoegl und #borispistorius @BMVg_Bundeswehr.

Damit das in dem anderen #miltwitterđŸ§” nicht untergeht, ein neuer đŸ§”zum Thema:
Warum die BW zu viele Generale/Admirale hat.
Featering @markus_meyer7 1/n
Der Ursprungsthread war ja mit einem Hauch Sarkasmus versehen. Aufgabe: Gib ein Statement was triggered!

So ganz grob zusammengefasst.

Hat geklappt. Ein paar meiner Lieblings-HUT sprangen drauf an.

Du kannst ja MC nicht mit BW vergleichen - dies, das. 2/n

Sicherlich hinkt der Vergleich. Die Aufgaben und auch die FÀhigkeiten sind nicht gleich. Lediglich der Personalkörper ist von der GesamtstÀrke vergleichbar. Und das ist ja schonmal was. Denn ganz egal ob wir uns mit LV/BV befassen oder mit Expeditionary warfare, es 3/n
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AnlĂ€sslich der Debatte um das đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș#Verbrenner"verbot", die von đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș jetzt auch nach 🇩đŸ‡č schwappt, hier etwas Hintergrund zum optimalen #policy #mix, wenn es darum geht, den technologischen Fortschritt in eine #CO2-freie Richtung zu lenken, aus umweltökonomischer Sicht 1/
1. Instrument der Wahl ist i.d. Theorie eine umfassende #CO2-Bepreisung in angemessener Höhe (z.B. = #Schadenskosten) mit sozial ausgewogener #RĂŒckvergĂŒtung: CO2-Preis korrigiert fehlenden Preis fĂŒr UmweltgĂŒter, der #fossile Kraftstoffe zu gĂŒnstig macht 2/
Aber i.d. RealitĂ€t lĂ€sst sich ein angemessen hoher CO2-Preis nicht ĂŒberall umsetzen: Weil a) der ökonomisch #perfekte Markt nicht existiert (weitere #Marktversagen), und b) sich aus #sozialen GrĂŒnden im GebĂ€ude- und Verkehrsbereich keine so hohen CO2-Preise durchsetzen lassen 3/
Read 22 tweets
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla Swedish Radio SR:
#Sweden had to #destroy 8,5 million '#Covid19-#vaccine' shots.
- Swedish are not interested enough to take 3rd, 4th or 5th jab.
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla #EU #Ombudsman to identify good #practices on how the EU admin keeps #records of work-related text and instant #messages | 02 July 2021
- has written to several EU institutions and agencies to ask what #measures they have in place for #documenting msgs
Read 13 tweets
@IPiikki @turnusband "PEG-nanokantajat pÀÀsevÀt kulkemaan elimistön biologisten esteiden lÀpi. Ne menevÀt rasvaliukoisina nanokantajina myös [1]veri-aivoesteen lÀpi ja jos ne lÀpÀisevÀt veri-aivoesteen, ne lÀpÀisevÀt myös istukan."
@IPiikki @turnusband #PEGylated lipids; #ALC135
ALC-135 is functional Cationic lipid of the vaxx.
-introduction of an aquenos #RNA solution.. at a specific pH leads to an #electrostatic interaction between #negatively charged RNA backbone and #positively charged Cationic lipid
@IPiikki @turnusband #SINOPEG #China Pat. #CN112220919A
Nano #coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking #GrapheneOxide as carrier
- The invention; field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, to devt of #2019nCoV #coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine
Read 24 tweets
1/2 "Here, we demonstrate an increased survival of infected #honey #bee #larvae after their #queen was #vaccinated, compared to offspring of #control #queens (#placebo vaccinated)."

2/2 "These results indicate that #trans-#generational #immune #priming (#TGIP) in insects can be used to majorly enhance #colony #health, protect #commercial #pollinators from #deadly #diseases, and reduce high #financial and #material losses to #beekeepers"
1/2 "The idea came to be known as the “#butterfly #effect” after Lorenz suggested that the flap of a butterfly's wings might ultimately cause a tornado."

Read 4 tweets
Ihr wollt im #Unterricht ĂŒber #SocialMedia sprechen? Wir haben hilfreiches #Material zusammengestellt. đŸ§”#twlz #PolitischeBildung #DigitaleBildung #TikTok
Die Initiative “so geht MEDIEN” vom Bayerischen Rundfunk stellt Material zum Thema “Warum ist #TikTok so erfolgreich?” bereit. Ihr könnt die ArbeitsblĂ€tter und Quizze einfach herunterladen. @so_geht_MEDIEN

Die Hamburg Online Open University (HOOU) hat eine Unterrichtseinheit zu “Content Creator und Influencerinnen und Influencer im Unterricht” erstellt. @HOOUHamburg

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We are short $Sinch, a swedish telecommunications company. In our opinion, the company misstated its financial statements by billions, read the full report:

As a tech company #Sinch expensed ZERO R&D costs in 2021. All while #Twilio expensed 28% of revenue in the same time, #Sinch self proclaims being profitable for years while growing its business, read the full report:

At first glance, we found material misstatements of net profit and EBIT within #Sinch financial statements. Profit is misstated by SEK 34m and EBIT by SEK 22m, read the full report:

Read 12 tweets
#Thread / #Todo-Liste fĂŒr gelbe Xe & #Aktionen fĂŒr #LĂŒtzerath, damit #AlleDörferBleiben:

1. Vor 8.1.2022 gelbes X basteln
2. Bastel-Bild posten
3. #Aktionstag-Bild am 8.1. posten
Hashtags jeweils dazu: #MeinXfĂŒrLĂŒtzerath #LĂŒtzerathBleibt
#HowTo #MeinXfĂŒrLĂŒtzerath #Material:
- 1 Einwegpalettenbrett, draußen gucken
- 4 Gipsplattenschrauben, drinnen gucken
- Gelbe Abtönfarbe (ist gĂŒnstiger als Lack), vom Baumarkt
- Papier/Folie
- SchÀlchen (mit Deckel)
#HowTo #MeinXfĂŒrLĂŒtzerath #Werkzeug:
- SĂ€ge
- Schraubendreher/Akkuschrauber
- Pinsel

- Bohrer
- Zollstock
- Bleistift
Read 9 tweets
⚠ @helgelindh Will am #Grundgesetz rumfummeln, damit der #Bund die #LĂ€nder besser im #Katastrophenschutz unterstĂŒtzen kann.

@helgelindh @helgelindh Wer, oder was hindert den #Bund denn eigentlich daran, #Hilfe und #UnterstĂŒtzung, sowohl fachlich, als auch materiell, oder in Form von Personal im #Katastrophenfall zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen?

// cc: @spdde & @spdbt
@helgelindh @spdde @spdbt @helgelindh Wer, sollte bei lokalen #Unwettern, #Starkregenereignissen und #Hochwasser besser #Krisenstab und #Einsatzleitung fĂŒhren, als #Fachleute vor #Ort, die örtliche Gegebenheiten kennen?

// cc: @spdde & @spdbt
Read 8 tweets
If the connotation of risk is an intertwined concept and is difficult to quantify, how does a Risk Officer look at it?
Is there any way other than using copula models to determine systemic risk with long tails or a black swan event?
@CQFInstitute @GARP_Risk @SOActuaries
I guess we are worried about Market and Credit Risks or other interrelated financial risks which can create conjoint loss given events.
Any #Gaussian distribution model will enable you to model and predict potential Operational, Liquidity and Balance sheet AL - (Asset - liability) Mismatch, Market and Credit drove losses under normal market conditions.
Read 32 tweets
For the quilt lovers...I am posting some pics of the quilts I saw at MQX Quilt Show ~ I hope you all enjoy! I will put them in a thread.
Read 23 tweets
“Education is of three kinds: material, human, and spiritual.
Material education aims at the growth and development of the body. Human education
consists in civilization and progress. [Spiritual] education
in acquiring divine perfections. This is...true education.”—‘Abdu’l-Bahá
One can apply the #Maslow #HierarchyofNeeds to three kinds of education: #material education—concerns basic (physiological and safety) needs; #human education—relates to social and esteem needs; and #divine education—refers to self-realization and transition to a #spiritual life.
The instruction manual for each kind of education establishes the rules and boundaries one must honor to 1) survive in the material, physical world; 2) advance the development of human social systems; and 3) pursue the divine attributes needed for progress in the spiritual world.
Read 5 tweets
đŸ“č #ATIBoeingAccelerator going live in 10 minutes at #FIAConnect! Join us on YouTube 👇

 and we’re live! 🚀 Kicking off with an intro from Nour Eid, Programme Lead at the #ATIBoeingAccelerator and Senior Technologist at the @UKAeroInstitute sharing more about the ATI and the programme objectives
Programme Director, Gabriela Matic, introduces our first cohort and the 9 incredible #startups, how we've supported founders and their teams and some of the programme highlights incl. @nadhimzahawi attending our launch event and the cohort traveling to @GKNAero in Filton
Read 17 tweets
The #Coronavirus Could Reshape #Global #Order ~ @kurtmcampbell @RushDoshi

"As #Washington falters, #Beijing is moving quickly and adeptly to take advantage of the opening created by US mistakes, filling the vacuum to position itself as the global leader in pandemic response. 1/n
It is working to tout its own system, provide #material #assistance to other #countries, and even organize other #governments. The sheer chutzpah of #China’s move is hard to overstate. 2/n

#CCP_is_terrorist #CCPvirus #ChineseVirus #WuhanVirus #CoronaVirusCHINA
Yet #Beijing understands that if it is seen as leading, and #Washington is seen as unable or unwilling to do so, this #perception could fundamentally alter the United States’ position in #global politics and the contest for #leadership in the twenty-first century. 3/n
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@RI_News_Alert @FTSERussell @ecmilburn (in order to meet #ParisAgreement targets) we need to drasticly reduce the way we live, the way we consume energy, says Sylvain Chateau, Senior Dir., Head of Sustainable Investment Product Management @LSEGplc @Beyond_Ratings

#webinar #climate #fixedincome #sustainablefinance
@RI_News_Alert @FTSERussell @ecmilburn @LSEGplc @Beyond_Ratings the huge impact of #ClimateRisk on Government finances and expenditure being explained by Sylvain Chateau @LSEGplc @beyond_ratings

#webinar #climate #fixedincome #sustainablefinance
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With just over a month left in 2020, let’s talk about the #designtrends we expect to see in 2020. I’ve noticed, and this is usually the case, a larger focus on animation this last year. Flat, #material animation especially 2D characters. Also there has been an increased
Social media focus on “lesson” #Instagram style posts with multiple screens. Hell I tried it myself to see how I would go about doing it. The good thing about these types of posts is that they actually do contain some good info, but I think the trend has hit its peak now.
Next year, I suspect the design world will get more into simple #motiongraphics, perhaps even the multi-screen style static pages we have seen but shorter, more focused animated style typography based animations as the tech becomes more widely available through phones and tablets
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What is spiritual maturity?

1.Spiritual Maturity is when you stop trying to change others, instead focus on changing yourself.

2.Spiritual Maturity is when you accept people as they are.

3.Spiritual Maturity is when you understand everyone is right in their own perspective.
4. Spiritual Maturity is when you learn to "let go".

5. Spiritual Maturity is when you are able to drop "expectations" from a relationship and give for the sake of giving.

6. #Spiritual #Maturity is when you understand whatever you do, you do for your own peace.
7. Spiritual Maturity is when you stop proving to the world, how intelligent you are.

8.Spiritual Maturity is when you don't seek approval from others.

9.Spiritual Maturity is when you stop comparing with others.

10.Spiritual Maturity is when you are at peace with yourself.
Read 4 tweets
Veamos juntos una de las obras de arte mĂĄs crĂ­pticas del arte medieval.

#HilodeArte para amantes de los secretos que esconden las vidrieras. Vidriera anagĂłgica de la ba...
Siglo XII. El hito (Âżo mito?) de la creaciĂłn del #gĂłtico estaba siendo llevado a cabo por el abad Suger (o Sugerio): la reforma integral de la abadĂ­a de Saint-Denis segĂșn un programa simbĂłlico cargado de frescura iconogrĂĄfica y unas tĂ©cnicas absolutamente renovadoras. Vista del rosetĂłn de la fac...Vista general de las naves ...Vista de las grandes vidrie...Plano de la basĂ­lica de Sai...
La #vidriera que nos ocupa no se puede entender sin el resto del proyecto: cuantiosos vitrales figurados, artes suntuarias y sobre todo la propia estructura arquitectĂłnica (porque sĂ­, amigos, existe #iconografĂ­a en la arquitectura). Pero hoy no podemos hablar de todo eso.
Read 50 tweets

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