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@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate:
Buried #corona mutated zombie minks rising from the graves, may have contaminated groundwater in Denmark scientists warn - some resurfaced from the mass graves as gasses from the decomposition process pushed the mink out of the ground
@teppaniaki Tanskan pääministeri #Frederiksen Korkeimpaan Oikeuteen.
- Totalitaarinen epidemialaki perustuslain ja ihmisoikeussopimuksen vastainen.
- Valehteli luvasta #lockdown :iin ja 17M minkin teurastamiseen.
- Levitti paniikkia valheellisilla sähköposteilla.
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate #covid19dk #VaccinePassport
Danes take to the streets at night to protest traffic ban and #Corona dictatorship
- credit: 'No Restrictions No #Masks #KBF @ NoGreatReset'
Read 21 tweets
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen '#Terveystoimittaja': Toisen rokotteen voimaa.
#Hus:in diagnostiikkajohtaja #LasseLehtonen rohkeni lähteä #Venäjä-Pietariin katsomaan jalkapallon EM-ottelua.
Lehtosella oli jo se toinen ja hän katsoi, että hänellä oli lupa lähteä.… Image
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen #Mediapooli. Tuottamukselliset terveyden ja hengen vaarantamiset, #rokotekuolemat.
#Korruptio -rahaa vastaan, 2 vuotta valehdelleen "#toimittaja'n" asema #Nuremberg'n lavalla, kun #SpandauBallet -biisi alkaa.
- #Tuonela noutaa... ikuiseen tanssiin...… ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
1) Much like #Event201, when the big three, #WEF, #Hopkins and #GatesofHell get together for dry runs, it’s time to pay attention. This time, #SEERS. We’ve already seen a taste of it- GOF Enterovirus -…
2) in an immune suppressed population getting multiple mRNA injections, they saw how easy it was to spread. You clinicians out there have seen many positive Enterovirus infections this past winter - coincidental? (D68)
Normal Enterovirus infections are mild and present like cold.
3) It has been epidemic/like since 2010 from the Netherlands to China to Norway, mostly children. Many of the respiratory illnesses worldwide for the past 13 years that test negative for flu, could be attributed to D68 then B3 lineage. HCQ and zinc seem to mechanistically work.
Read 6 tweets
Building call for the #FauciFiles

Please Mr Musk @elonmusk

...can we have some more? 🙏

@stillgray @WarClandestine
COVID-19 🦠 “most likely arose from a LAB LEAK” according to 🇺🇸 Energy Department...

...where have you been for the last 3 years?

#FauciFiles #FrankPlummer

@WSJ @elonmusk @stillgray @WarClandestine
Read 16 tweets
🚨🚨 #Scotland has just reported our HIGHEST EVER weekly death figure !!!

2020 deaths recorded in Week 2 of 2023 !!

The highest weekly death rate on record!

What is going on? What is killing hundreds of extra Scots EVERY week!!

It’s answer time Nicola Sturgeon !!

Source: National Records of Scotland - a 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Government organisation

2020 deaths in ONE WEEK!

Average weekly deaths in Scotland is 1,100!!!… Image
Weekly deaths by Age in #Scotland

We are seeing increased death counts across all ages 15+

What is causing this enormous excess?

Source: #NRS 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Image
Read 24 tweets
Multiplexed barcoding of cells:
Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy…
I fucking knew it. That's just wonderful. 😑
Read 64 tweets
1) Many have been forced into fatal hospital protocols that were forced in an unreasonable and coercive way. This prompted me to find connections. It seems that most CEOs of major hospital and health networks worked in lockstep with their corrupt governments,
2) in order to gain favor with Klaus and #WEF. Case in point, CEO of @HMHNewJersey , Robert C Garrett. So many were forced into dangerous protocols against family wishes, and were isolated from family since day 1. One doc even told a pt that refused, that if he were his brother,
3) he would punch him in the face for refusing Rem! After digging, it seems that this was a top down strategy and the ties between Murphy and Robert were very tight. It seems once these heads of institutions prove their loyalty, they are rewarded.
Read 14 tweets
Zur Einordnung: #OneHealth, hier vom @rki_de promotet, ist ein PR-Buzzword, mit dem @DARPA, @EcoHealthNYC, DTRA, #HARPA, @wef, @NIH, @WHO, @USAID, @gavi et al staatliche Milliarden für hochriskante "Gain-of-Function"-Forschung akquirieren; Forschung, die in Wuhan betrieben wurde.
Der #OneHealth-Ideologie zufolge seien menschliche und tierische Gesundheit angeblich eins (ONE). Wegen dem Klimawandel stünden uns nun angeblich alle paar Jahre gefährliche "Spillovers" vom Tier auf den Menschen bevor, Stichwort "future pandemics" und "pandemic preparedness".
Tja, dumm nur, dass man den "Spillover Agent" bei Corona trotz beherzter Briefe von @c_drosten et al im @lancet nicht gefunden hat und alle Wege auf ein Labor in Wuhan zurückführen, an dem mit jener besagten, hochriskanten GoF-Technologie gearbeitet wurde.…
Read 20 tweets
Thread of short conspiracy theorist videos.

Starting with Rockefeller (pt 1)

Rockefeller (pt 2)
Rockefeller’s Club of Rome - Limits to Growth Co-author - Dennis Meadows

H/t: @jjcouey
Read 37 tweets
'Operation #Lockstep. Suomessa on meneillään ulkovallasta organisoitu, #pandemia'ksi naamioitu talousterrori-isku. Petollisin vihollinen löytyy oman maan sisältä.
- #SARSCoV2 on pelkkä tietokonemalli, 'in silico'.
Mitään todellisia viruksia ei ole koskaan löydetty, mistään. ImageImage
Vaikka @THLorg on käskytetty väärentämään rikollisin tavoin kuolinsyytilastoja Covid-kuolemiksi, todellisuudessa ihmiset elävät keskimäärin pidempään kuin ennen kuviteltua, 'in silico' virusta.
-27.12.2020 alkaneet rokotekuolemat merkitään koronakuolemiksi
Read 7 tweets
1/210: Markus Kerber's Apollo 13

In March 2020, the German Ministry of the Interior @BMI_Bund issued a #strategypaper that weaponized fear in order to accomplish compliance with #COVID policies. The authors' emails were litigated under #FOIA request. My analysis. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: The @BMI_Bund emails have been released to the public as they were successfully sued by lawyer Niko Härting in a FOIA proceeding. They can be requested directly from @BMI_Bund/ @rki_de via @fragdenstaat. Download it here: Image
3/210: The emails originated March 19-25, 2020. They are so explosive because they map the inner discourse of the @BMI_Bund's now infamous #COVID-19 taskforce, which produced several crucial domestic policy documents. @OttoKolbl
Read 210 tweets
1/210: Markus Kerbers Apollo13
Im März 2020 stellte das @BMI_Bund eine COVID-19 Taskforce zusammen, die ein umstrittenes #Strategiepapier verfasste. Die #Emails der Autoren wurden per Informationsfreiheitsgesetz freigeklagt. Hier kommt meine Analyse der 59 Emails. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: Die @BMI_Bund-Mails sind geschwärzt für die Öffentlichkeit freigegeben, seit sie durch den Anwalt Niko Härting per IFG-Verfahren erstritten wurden. Über @fragdenstaat können sie direkt beim @BMI_Bund @rki_de angefragt werden. ImageImage
3/210: Die Emails enstanden vom 19.-25. März 2020. Sie sind deshalb so brisant, weil sie die inneren Diskurse der inzwischen berüchtigten COVID-19 Taskforce des @BMI_Bund abbilden, aus der diverse innenpolitische Dokumente hervorgegangen sind. @OttoKolbl
Read 211 tweets
#SDP #Kokoomus #PS #Keskusta #KD #Vas #Vihreät #rkp
#Nizza'ssa 'lähes 300 äärioikeistolaista vastustaa #rokotepassi -hanketta.' Hullu-#Macron'ia ei ole nähty yli viikkoon.
- #Finland'ssa 99,9% kannattaa #rokotepassi'ia, EMU-Niinistöä ja Veneakku-Marinia. #Nice #PassSanitaire
#PassSanitaire #rokotepassi Hundreds of Thousands March Across #France as Nationwide Opposition to Health Pass Solidifies (VIDEO) | August 1st
- Independent police unions who counted for themselves throughout the day put the number at around 1.2 MILLION.… Image
#PassSanitaire #rokotepassi Leaflets passed around containing constructive information about how to combat the health pass measures contained correct information about the #Rockefeller #Lockstep plan, for example.
Read 15 tweets
These video scenes of #brutal #LawEnforcement are from around the world and Australia figures prominently.
It is #dehumanising and mentally debilitating to see this and to comprehend the #inhumanity
Is it right to assault citizens like this?
The #G7summit was a cosy affair. Social distancing for the cameras and free-for-all off-it. #Scomo was in the midst of this #Cornwall retreat to plan the next phase of #Lockstep.
Do any of them appear concerned about the “pannddemmic” ?
#Scomo returns from his #G7Summit2021 all buoyed in #Lockstep and then NSW goes into #Lockdown followed by restrictions in other states.
Do you see fingerprints on this?
Is #GladysCluster trying too hard to convince?
See where we are on cases curve??
Read 38 tweets
#Technocracy is #Fascism, #Communism, or something parallel. Coronavirus pandemic accelerated long-held plans of #WEF #Davos to establish #Globalist #Elite so-called #Leftist NWO. #Global policymakers advocating the “Great Reset” advocate #EcoDystopia…
The coming #technocracy is Marxism: involves close cooperation between heads of #digital #industry & #govts. Programs such as minimum income & healthcare for all? NWO governance 'strict societal control with the promise of comprehensive social justice
NWO of #digital tyranny comes with a intrusive #SocialCredit system. The People’s Republic of China is the pioneer of this method of #Surveillance & #Control of #Individuals, #Corporations, & #SocioPolitical entities
Read 29 tweets
Aims of the #GreatReset #American #Bankers #Oligarchy ... "We will promote social justice policies to reduce inequalities including through support to tax redistributive & domestic resource optimization approaches social safety nets & or insurance schemes"
Newly Unsealed Docs in 2018 showed top #FDIC Officials Running Operation #ChokePoint* under 2013 #ObamaAdministration to form public/private oligarchy

* to freeze politically disfavored #businesses deemed not PC / high risk out of the financial system…
Read 39 tweets

The first UK lockdown began on 16th March 2020.

3 days later this article appeared.

Bill Gates pointed to major changes for ordinary people that could have privacy and civil rights implications.

What did he say?…

“Eventually we will have some 'Digital Certificates' to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” said Gates.

Gates also called for a “National Tracking System”.

This was the first official hint as to what was planned. Image
Read 23 tweets
1. NSA is trying hard to block my latest article with cyberattacks. Please retweet.…

#coronavirus #covid19 #plandemic
2. Here is an earlier article I wrote featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits’s exposure of the Coronavirus Task Force as a fraud.…

#coronavirus #covid19 #plandemic
3. Here’s an article I wrote in March when I could see the Coronavirus coming.…

#coronavirus #covid19 #plandemic
Read 14 tweets
#GlobalDealForNature, #NatureNeedsHalf, #VoiceForThePlanet, #30x30, #CampaignForNature (#Wyss, National Geographic),

- all marketing serves elite sought financialization of nature; the corporate capture of the commons.

#WEF #WWF #GDP #NaturalCapital #PES #Privatization
#VoiceForThePlanet is the sister marketing campaign of the #NewDealForNature. At helm of both campaigns are #WWF (atrocities against #Indigenous) working in #lockstep w/ World Economic Forum founded/headed by Klaus Schwab. Founding partners include UN - partnered w/ WEF in 2019.
The National Geographic Society markets the Global Deal for Nature, New Deal For Nature, & the Campaign for Nature w/ the #Wyss Foundation (billionaire Hansjörg Wyss). The Society operates via National Geographic Partners - a joint venture w/ #Disney.

Read 23 tweets
1991 #Newsweek David Rockefeller ... "We are on the verge of a Global Transformation. All we need is the major CRISIS, and nations will accept New World Order"
▪︎1 📰
Rockefeller also said
... "To bring about worldwide condition of things (events) which will accept a new world order"
David Rockefeller, Leader of
Council on Foreign relations
#TheLeft (reshape global order thru china) agenda

Mar 2020 ... The Coronavirus Could Reshape Global Order. China is maneuvering for international leadership during the coronavirus crisis as the United States falters…
▪︎3 💻
Read 19 tweets
1/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


2/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


3/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


Read 18 tweets
.@PhaethonSR in MN there is paperwork sent to parents asking for living wills and power of attorney info that mimics child care enrollment forms. They have loosened restrictions on CC & in SD have sent out forms asking for foster families to be available for separation of rona
Families. I believe they are going to separate families. Our Gov has all the power to do what he wants. We have Bill's in house/senate which give alternative housing powers to health commissioner. #govwalz is drunk on power and doing #Cabal evil. #Rockerfeller #Lockstep 2010 Image
Yes I mention two states, my main concern is the children. The state of Mn is out of control. I brought SD into it because it was brought to my attention.
Read 3 tweets

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