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"I've gone from being a successful entrepreneur employing 120+ staff to practically bankrupt, and likely to lose my home.

There was little or no support for the company - furlough + bounce back loans nowhere near sufficient, + zero support for me individually...
"I was a major shareholder and director of a large Event Production company...

We had turned it from a loss-making £2 million turn over business in 2009 to a £45million turn over profitable business employing 120 permanent and many more part time staff...
"Inevitably the business hit a brick wall in March 2020.

We spent all last summer trying to save the company but when it was clear that there was going to be no recovery last Autumn, we were forced to close down making everyone redundant...
Read 8 tweets

"Lockdown triggered panic attacks in my 18 year old, she is now on anxiety medication…"

"My 18 year old has been massively impacted by the lockdowns.

My child has experienced immense anxiety and many panic attacks...
" much so she has been prescribed with anxiety medication and is now in private therapy because of long wait lists.

The uncertainty of what has been happening has been extremely hard.

During Sep 20 and Dec 20 she developed anxiety and the panic attacks...
"She got behind in her school work and there seemed to be no understanding or help and support until I demanded it.

Her college course should have been exciting and interactive with lots of team work (Film course) but it has become tedious and a chore as it is now all written.
Read 6 tweets

"The fear and tension is all-pervasive... rather than schools protecting the children from it, in most cases they ramp it up..."

"We run a small but very successful school photography business that employs 2 people...

"Our turnover normally is around 130k.

Due to the 2020 lockdown, our turnover for the year was less than 60k...

Fortunately we managed to operate at most of the schools during the Autumn to generate that 60k...
"We would usually expect to be going back into schools to photograph class groups from the start of April.

Our feeling this year is that we probably will not be allowed in again until the Autumn.

Another 40% turnover year for us...
Read 7 tweets

"I am one of the 3 million left out of all government support, they have told me I must close my business and I am entitled to nothing, this has left me worrying about the future, will they do this again?

"How can they do this to someone who has been a net contributor/higher rate tax payer into the system and never claimed a penny?

The fact that a government can do this with very little opposition is frightening, how would most of the population have coped in my position?
"How would they feel if they were left out?

We are certainly not all in this together.

Then they have the cheek to tell people to retrain, when all learning is virtual, how many years does that take...
Read 8 tweets

"My husband, under immense pressure trying to keep 200 employees in work, suffered a stroke... our child became suicidal as a result..."

"Throughout lockdown my husband, who heads a family business, has been under immense pressure in...

"...trying to keep all his 200 or so employees in work, whilst keeping the business afloat in spite of decreased sales...

...and dealing with the impact of Covid measures on staff working from home and social distancing in the warehouse for key workers...
"This reached a peak around Christmas with the added impact of Brexit causing problems with imports and exports - an ongoing issue.

In early January, a week into Lockdown 3, my husband suffered a mild stroke which rendered him unable to work for around a month...
Read 12 tweets

"Since early last year we’ve all been bombarded with negative fear-mongering and propaganda from nearly every media platform, and more concerningly, from our own Govt.

How can such a psychological assault even be legal?

What must this be doing to our children?
"It is utterly grotesque!

None of the messaging has been supportive, positive or hopeful.

It is a constant diet of doom and gloom with no hope in sight.

I must say it feels very much by design and very sinister!

Why would a Conservative Govt want to scare the public so much?
"One must conclude, it is done to achieve compliance and acceptance of every freedom and liberty stripped from us.

It is disgraceful.

When news of a virus started to reach us, it never crossed my mind that the UK would entertain such a draconian idea as a national lockdown...
Read 12 tweets

"It was the first time in about 10 years that I have cried for a patient..."

"This is only partly my story, it belongs to an elderly lady really.

I looked after a 93 year old lady in my resus room this year on Boxing Day. Sadly, the main blood vessel...
" her abdomen was leaking.

Whilst taking a history, we talked about how she had felt yesterday.

She told me she had felt physically okay but very sad and angry...
"It was the first Christmas Day she could remember that she hadn’t been allowed to see her grandchildren or go to church.

She cried, I said that I was sorry.

She died about an hour later...
Read 8 tweets

"Dad was basically told to put up with it... when finally sent for tests his cancer markers were off the scale and he was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer..."

"A week before lockdown 1 in March 2020, my 80 year old Mum who had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma...
"...rang for an ambulance as she was getting weaker.
NINE hours later after several phone calls to hospital, an ambulance arrived.

They didn't want to take her in via A&E because of Covid + it took more calls to the hospital before they agreed to admit her directly to a ward...
"She died 36 hours later.

There were only seven of us at her cremation, not allowed to sit near each other or hug.

My Dad, also 80 years but didn't live with Mum, had been in pain for a nearly a year before the first lockdown and he was basically told to put up with it...
Read 10 tweets

"I worry our lives will never be the same… I fear for the future of my children in this draconian existence we seem to be ‘living’ at the moment…"

"As a new business, I was without funding for 11 months.

Only now this month have I received £2000...
"I’ve developed anxiety because of the financial strain we’ve been under as family.

I’m anxious about the current response to Covid, not actually catching it.

I worry that our lives will never be the same, and it keeps me up at night...
"My two children have missed 9 months of school and they’re emotional, irritable and moody; they’re only 7 and 4.

It breaks my heart.

I fear for their futures in this draconian existence we seem to be ‘living’ at the moment...
Read 5 tweets

"I’ve cared for a non-verbal man with learning disabilities for 28 years. His life was full, he was fun, all I see now is a broken man…"

"I locked down on 11 March 2020, shielding him from the virus. I was unable to wear a mask as advised, it scared him...
"...the man blows raspberries, unable to take him out we stayed at home.

He was a lively fella who enjoyed day centre activities, family, friends, holidays and all motorsports, and lots of fun, but as weeks went by I noticed a change...
"His daily routine trashed, not wanting to come out of his room, weeks went by and his mood was low, he would have a shower and back to bed, lunch was at a table in his room, I felt helpless...
Read 11 tweets

"I’m at the point where I’d rather have Covid and die than carry on..."

"The last day I worked was March 23 2020. I was a taxi controller. A job I loved and suited me as I have disabilities...
"Unfortunately it’s a business that cannot function without people having a social life and holidays.

The owner couldn’t afford to furlough me so that was it. I was unemployed and only entitled to Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA) at a grand sum of £300 a month...
"...meaning I was at least £500 a month worse off. I only got JSA for six months.

Then I went back to my job for September and October but only half the hours so that was a loss of £400 a month.

Then lockdown again and I’ve not worked November, December and January...
Read 10 tweets

"I lost an uncle back in March, suffering dementia.

He was left alone to die in his care home.

They tried to say it was Covid so my mum (who had power of attorney) asked to see the test results from the autopsy, all of a sudden they said it wasn’t Covid and...
"...put it down as dementia.

Then in August I lost my Dad. He was a very ill man, six things named on his death certificate, he wasn’t allowed any treatment, if someone is terminally ill and you stop treatment what do you think will happen to said terminally ill person?
"12 days after my Dad died I had to sit in a blood stained room holding my neighbour’s neck together after he tried to commit suicide.

He stabbed himself in the neck...
Read 7 tweets

"We are locking down but at what cost? What incalculable cost to an entire generation?"

I'm 55 and thankfully have never suffered from depression or anxiety before. Usually a glass half full person.

But lockdowns have pushed my mental health to an extreme...
"I am anxious and depressed a lot of the time. Lack motivation to work and carry out tasks and need 9 to 10 hours sleep just to function.

I was even suicidal last year and spent three nights working out how I could kill myself.

I have NEVER EVER felt like this before...
"I worry all the time for my young adult children and their futures.

The one that is working from home is under unprecedented pressure and has taken hardly any holiday so is burnt out.

With rising youth unemployment they know they are lucky to have jobs...
Read 10 tweets

"Lockdown for me is a living hell. Monday before Xmas I tried to take my own life, mid January I tried again.

If this carries on much longer I can’t guarantee I won’t succeed in doing it...
"I’ve been a sufferer of anxiety and depression for many years, I went through lots of counselling and therapy but the way I handled it was having my friends around me and doing the things I enjoyed.

When I went through bad times I used the things I enjoyed as milestones...
" look forward to, to help me get through.

I’d have four music festivals a year booked which were my happy places, they were spread out between March and September meaning any time I struggled I only had a short while before I could be back in my happy place...
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"My uncle - early 70s - found blood in his urine last Feb.

It was Oct before he was fully tested and diagnosed.

'Sorry, Stage 4, nothing to be done. We cannot say for certain that the delay made any difference.' I bloody can!"
Lockdowns cost lives:

▪️ 1 MILLION women have missed a breast cancer screening say @BreastCancerNow

▪️ 200k have spent more than a year waiting for an operation. It was 1,600 in Jan'19

▪️ 560k lives will be lost *because* of lockdown according to experts @BristolUni ...but...
...despite the harms, there's now very good evidence lockdowns do little or nothing to stop the spread of coronavirus - and may even make things worse.…
Read 4 tweets

"Let me begin by saying that I am considered one of the vulnerable.

Over the past nine months, I have felt more vulnerable to the restrictions imposed than anything else.
"The climate of fear has greatly exacerbated anxieties that I was learning to deal with, and the sense that there is no clear end to this fills me with dread.

Prior to the lockdowns, I was rearranging my life into something I loved, after years of difficulty with mental health.
"Although my access to work and therapy have been able to move online, this is a poor substitute for what I actually need.

The face to face social interaction is essential to me being able to engage well with these vital aspects.
Read 5 tweets

"I'm a teacher… we can pretend otherwise, but the education of most of our kids is being severely hampered…"

"I teach in a state secondary comp. We are doing our best, and probably doing better than many local schools...
"In short, the quality of our online provision, the attendance of kids, the actual engagement of kids, the quality of education and progress, is woefully below face to face teaching.

We can pretend otherwise, but the education of most of our kids is being severely hampered...
"Those coping the best are only the most very able and most very motivated and supported.

I gather, from friends and colleagues involved in state primaries, that education there is virtually non-existent...
Read 8 tweets

"Our three year old has Special Educational Needs… the whole of his life has been impaired by the bankrupt strategy of lockdown."

"My son is three years old. He is non-verbal autistic spectrum disorder and has a rare form of epilepsy...
"He used to attend a Special Educational Needs nursery where he received daily, one-to-one support, guidance and care.

He was slowly developing the traits associated with becoming verbal (more confident; indicating a desire to communicate through babbling and showing through...
"....pointing / guiding people to what he wanted).

That has all gone.

He is due to start primary school in September and we are terrified for him.

He has received no support in lockdown whatsoever...
Read 8 tweets

"I have only seen Mum through a window since last year… given the choice, she would rather get Covid than not be with us…"

"I have found the fact of not being able to see my Mum except at a window since last year totally unacceptable...
"She is in a care home and although the care home has been fantastic it does not compensate for not being able to be with her.

It’s crucifying for her and our family.

If given the choice she would rather get Covid than not be able to be with us.
"I’m less of a risk than the carers and nurses looking after her.

Please do something to let families in to see their loved ones… before it’s too late for some."

#EnoughIsEnough #TimeForRecovery
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"My mother, 80 years old, in palliative care keeps asking me what’s the point in continuing after being locked down for 10 months.
"She’s hard of hearing so I moved in with her for the duration.

She is most distressed that she can’t see her son, and her grandsons who live six miles up the road.

She would rather see them and take a risk than this.
"In the meantime, I’m waiting for a hospital appointment for a chronic diagnosis.

People demanding we all stay locked down obviously have no empathy for anyone outside their own circumstances – should be a personal choice."
Read 6 tweets

"Lockdown ended my 20 year career… a colleague committed suicide and I’m now on anti-depressants."

"Lockdown effectively ended my 20 year career as a nightclub DJ.

A colleague from one of my venues committed suicide shortly after we went into lockdown.
"As a result of not being able to do my job I spiralled down and eventually had a mental breakdown. I’m now on anti-depressants which are helping me cope.

I’m fortunate to have a stable income from another source or I probably wouldn’t still be here.
"This week I’ve had a friend get to the same stage of wanting to commit suicide.

Lockdown is quite literally killing us. It has to end."

Just one story shared with us, but we know there are so many more, because...
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"I’m a Headteacher with over 1,000 students… schools need to be open now…"

"As a Headteacher of a secondary school with over 1000 students we have no in-school transmissions and yet we remain closed...
"Situated in an area of high deprivation our child protection numbers (already high) have doubled compared to what they were last year.

So many staff and parents are paralysed with fear due to hysterical media headlines which don’t reflect their stories.
"I worry that children next year will have weakened immune systems. How will they cope with flu next year when it returns?

I worry that there will be more obesity (we have already noticed this amongst our children) and that all those ‘lost’ children will never return.
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#LockdownVoices Please RT

"I have been in extreme pain since March 2020."

"I have an implant for nerve pain. My review which was due has been cancelled three times and as yet I still do not have an appointment...
"I have been too afraid to switch my device on in case something went wrong... worrying that they would be unable to see me.

So I have been in extreme pain since March 2020.

My breast cancer screening was also delayed by over 6 months.
"I live alone. My brother, sister and nephews live in different parts of the UK.

Being unable to see them for several months at a time has been devastating for me, as we are a close family who usually see each other every month at least.
Read 12 tweets
"I have invested everything in my business… now we are close to bankruptcy..."

"I have invested everything in my travel business. It was booming, breaking records until lockdown 1. Because we only get paid when we travel, all bookings made have been cancelled...
"...meaning we are close to bankruptcy.

The future looks bleak with the government approach to travel completely ad hoc and now we are looking at restrictions that will make international travel impossible for most people due to cost of testing multiple times and...
"...risk of quarantines meaning extra time off and cost of accommodation.

This means travel will once again become a privilege of the rich.
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