Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Literalist

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114.01/ Week one-hundred and fourteen, September 17-23, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 113 below.
114.02/ 12:50am #Slichot are great for my path of repentance because there's nothing like staying up super late on Motzei Shabbas at my age for filling me with regret. That's part of teshuva, right?
114.03/ And so it begins. See you in the 24th of #Tishrei for normal davening. Please God we'll all make it there together. #Slichot
Read 21 tweets
106.01/ Week one-hundred and six, July 23-29, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 105 below.
106.02/ A thread I wrote about my early Sunday morning interaction with your (un)friendly neighborhood troll; why I responded and what my goals were.
106.03/ This is an explosive thread about entirely plausible whistleblower backlash at the NewYorker - a mag my family have been subscribers to as long as I can remember - shows what real "cancel culture" looks like.
Read 35 tweets
104.01/ Week one-hundred and four, July 9-15, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 103 below.
104.02/ I subscribe to @AlexandraErin on Buttondown but realized I didn't on @Patreon so I just rectified that. I very highly recommend her non-fiction writing (I'm sure her fiction is good too, but I haven't tried it yet so YMMV).
104.03/ This is a pretty extraordinary column all around, especially the story by my rebbe, Rav Riskin. It's also clear how much of a multi-dimensional gadol-hador Rav Moshe Feinstein z'l was. A gadol in chochma, bina, da'at and midot.
Read 35 tweets
86.01/ Week eighty-six, March 5-11, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 85 below.

Thank God #Ukraine still stands.
86.02/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight continues. Tonight, we started the 2009 Star Trek remake (the lens flare film). This was a requested film and I prepared them accordingly (story soon)…
Read 49 tweets
70.01/ Week seventy, Nov. 13-19, 2021 thread begins here.

Week 69 below.
70.02/ So many self-appointed smart guys told me that Garland was doing nothing. They were wrong & caused panic because they are impatient Dunning-Kruger cynics seized by the #Literalist fallacy that if they didn't see DOJ's work, it didn't exist.…
70.03/ I’m just one man, but if the supply chain problems are caused by not enough little packets of soy sauce/spicy mustard/duck sauce then I can help out immediately.

I’m also willing to propose they be functionally considered currency instead of bitcryptocoins.
Read 42 tweets
62.01/ Week sixty-two, Sept. 18-25, 2021, thread begins there.

Week 61 below
62.02/ A custom on #YomKippur is to wear a kittel, an all white garment that has ambivalent symbolism: men wear one under their wedding canopy and they are also buried in it. I mentioned to a physician friend that it can also be seen as "Jewish scrubs."
62.03/ "But life is ironic" is just boss-level shade. I mean, I have my theological differences with the pontiff, but I can imagine we see eye-to-eye about anti-vaxxers.(h.t. @dick_nixon)

Read 41 tweets
1/ I try to teach my kids leadership lessons from my observed, taught, & lived experience. E.g. (1) 90% of leadership praxis is communication (yet too often unpracticed, with disastrous results) (2) vision is as necessary as operations but without one you're either blind or lame.
2/ (3) Vision is strategy, operations are tactics, but both are neutralized without logistics, (4) ultimately, a leader needs to put the welfare of the group above themselves; it should be the reason they consent to the imagine oneself capable of making decisions for others.
3/ #4 is about self-sacrifice and without that, leadership becomes exploitative. (5) In order to determine all elements - strategy, tactics, vision, and consent of the governed - you need a system of error checking.

Read 29 tweets
56.01/ Week fifty-six, Aug. 7-13, 2021, thread begins here.

#ChodeshTov everyone! Happy #Elul, the "deep breath before the plunge" (as Gandalf says).

Week 55 thread is below.
56.02/ Excellent shibboleth action here from Rabbi Ruttenberg, in a benevolent, non-murdery, way, of course.

56.03/ Honored with #haftara yesterday but it had been so long since I last did one that my eyesight has gotten bad enough that I was juggling a mask, fogged glasses, & the too small print of even a full-size Artscroll. And why did Yeshayahu have to make up so many weird words?!
Read 45 tweets
55.01/ Week fifty-five, July 31-Aug 6 2021, thread begins here.

Week 54 below
55.02/ I have no idea (yet?) how to handle this case brought up by @AnaMardoll and I think I need to because I can envision needing a solution IRL.

(Note, it also illustrates why conservatives were so afraid of D&D: it allows kids to broaden their worlds)
55.03/ As I've gotten older I've come to view this mishnah from Avot as more & more central to both practical & ideal wisdom. Especially for the internet.

It's an early indictment of #DunningKruger blowhards: stop talking! Listen. Less talk, more rock.…
Read 47 tweets
1/ A thread for #9Av 5781. #ReshetKeshet

I've noticed, now having three b'nai mitzvah kids, that nobody gives a kinot book as a gift. Can't blame them, of course. We have a necessary ideology that 9Av can change to a holiday very soon, so why gift a book?
2/ I like Rabbi Dr. @NatanSlifkin's nuance to what "sinat chinam" - normally translated as "baseless hatred" - means. It's hatred that brings no gain; it's hurting yourself in order to hurt your perceived enemy more.

Sounds familiar in our day, no?…
3a/ OTOH, this story by Dinah Paritzky is horrifying. Not only is it cruel & abusive, not only can the lesson be taught in less violent means, it's the wrong lesson! The impulse to concentrate on the physical building is #Literalist, as is the cruel act.… This all changed for me when I was 17. I went to Bnei Akiva
Read 11 tweets
53.01/ Week fifty-three, July 17-23, 2021, begins here. #TishaBeav today, so no real greeting. May next year, we have a fleishig #9Av

I've been making these organized threads for a year. Fitting that anniversary should be on the saddest day of the year.

Week 52 below:
53.02/ To listen to music today, I have the leining of #Eicha on a loop. One source is the Eidut Mizrach version from Mechon-Mamre:
Direct link:
Ashkenaz via Virtual Cantor:
53.03/ Thread from yesterday, #TishaBeav, on some thoughts about the day.
Read 38 tweets
47.01/ Week Forty-seven, June 5-11 2021, begins here.

Week 46 below
47.02/ Congratulations to my sister-in-law, @LeahCypess, on being nominated for a Nebula for her Novelette "Stepsister” (from F&SF 5-6/20).

I'm thinking of holding a press conference at Four Season's FantasyLandscaping to question to vote tallies.…
47.03/ Totally agree with this. Basically, this is how McCain ended his career, and Romney knows this game too. It's what ego-driven politicians are supposed to know to do!

Read 44 tweets
46.01/ Week Forty-six, May 29-June 4 2021, begins here.

Week 45 below:
46.02/ Attempting the "Not starting every email/tweet with the word 'so' challenge." This is comes after "Not starting every etc with 'well'"

I understand this is common for academics. In my observation: "well" is to state your hypothesis, "so" the next step in analysis.
46.03/ I just spent hours writing a thread and for some reason the screen skipped and I lost everything. It's hard to explain how destructive this is. First time it's happened and now I will know to continuously back up writing in a side document. But I'm mildly perturbed.
Read 52 tweets
1/ #ReshetKeshet

I've been dwelling on the concept of 'fear' recently, specifically as it relates to my religious community and COVID, but it has application to all areas of morality as well as civic life.
2/ In Jewish ethics, we talk about being "Yirat Cheit" which translates into "Fearing Sin" and "Yirat Shamayim" which translates into "Fearing Heaven"

They are related but not equivalent. But fearing sin is the minimum to be considered reliably religious according to Jewish law.
3/ "Fear of Sin" generally means the lowest minimum acceptable level of religious observance because that kind of person doesn't buy into the ideology, doesn't understand the purpose of the system, but will still follow the rules before they fear the consequences.
Read 45 tweets
44.01/ Week Forty-four, May 15-21 2021, begins here.

[note: Forty should have a 'u' in it, no? English is a weird language.]

Week 43 below:
44.02/ So many people I assumed were motivated by greed (for money, abstract resources) and/or power are actually driven by ego. This discovery required a major retooling of my understanding of moral philosophy

e.g. during the #TrumpCrisis people risked their lives just for ego
44.03/ Long thread about 'fear' (45 Posts)
Read 30 tweets
1/ First of all, this is both correct morally & correct legally. I want to explore for moment why anyone would believe otherwise.

My theory is that it's connected to movies/TV. And that's why it's plausible to say that violent stories lead to violent behavior.
2/ Most of the debate over this question rests on shallow #Literalist-thinking where causes need to be 100% demonstrable, and monocausal, of an effect before causality is established.

It's the wrong question to ask if seeing an action movie makes a person go out and kill.
3/ The question is whether movies (I'm including TV in that term) teach a society that certain behaviors are normal, expected, and/or valid.

If the only exposure people have to an issue is through warped, implausible, fiction, then they'll be incapable of evaluating reality.
Read 14 tweets
39.01/ Week 39 thread, April 10-16, 2021, begins here.

Last week's thread, week 38 - April 4-9, 2021, below.
39.02/ Well, #YomHaatzmaut came early this year!…
39.03/ While I'm sorry I missed the #DeGrom work of art over Shabbas, I'm not sorry to miss the heartache in real time of the loss

Games like this could burnish his HOF bid, b/c who doesn't appreciate bravery in the face of impossible odds (#LGM offense)?
Read 35 tweets
1/ Welcome to the Cypess Weekly Thread Index Thread.

I implemented the long thread concept in July 2020 in order to have an easy system to access my weekly writing.

Week 1, July 18-24 2020, 10 posts:…

Read 125 tweets
1/ #ReshetKeshet. For #KiTisa, I taught my explanation for why they chose a calf as the object of worship. My exegetical method (parshanut) is peshat focused. I define peshat as an attempt for a necessary interpretation of the text (as opposed to 'drash' which is a possible one)
2/ Why a young, male cow? There could be a lost external significance to that animal, e.g. the Egyptians worshipped cows. We're told that this was the reason for a lamb for the Pesach offering, except: it can also be a goat. And nowhere is cow worship mentioned in Tanakh.
3/ It's tendentious b/c it requires an "okimta" i.e. outside data not found in the text. That takes it outside peshat.

Note, Ramban suggests the Pesach is a lamb b/c the month of Nisan is Aries in the Zodiac. This is more of an internal proof (Pesach needs to be in the Spring).
Read 34 tweets
1/ #ReshetKeshet. I'm trying to combine my sociological work on disability with my rabbinic role by writing a Disability Shulchan Arukh, as it were: how halakha applies to full variation of humanity. BTW, the gemara is full of this but invisible disabilities are overlooked.
2/ So, notes on the mitzvah of hearing the #Megillah, which is a disability nightmare. Shas deals with things like blindness:…
And deafness:…

But what about #ADHD? For a mitzvah that requires total concentration?!
3/ Or people with sensory overload issues, like #autism & others, who can be quite uncomfortable in rooms packed to the rafters with people graggin' graggers and noisemakers and full tumult (pardon my Yiddish)
Read 14 tweets
1/ My Torah work is published under the title of #ReshetKeshet which, I don't make the rules, makes my "rabbi name" The Reshet Keshet (e.g. the Chofetz Chaim is Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan & he also wrote the Mishnah Berurah he's named after his first)…
2/ In order to embrace hashtag technology, I'll try to label my Torah writing with #ReshetKeshet.

Reshet is Hebrew for 'network' and I use it to reference interconnectedness.…

Keshet means 'rainbow' and that's for diversity…
3/ Diversity in interpretation, in thought, and of course in inclusion. Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch explains that the rainbow after the Flood symbolizes the totality of humanity, see my rebbe Rabbi Riskin for more on this:…
Read 37 tweets
31.52b/ This is a continuation of the week 31 (Feb. 13-19) thread which is getting too big for stable threading. This is an experiment for this week: to split a thread when it gets to 50 or so.

Part one is here:
31.53/ I've been thinking the same thing (not so well put, of course). How did Skype become the fax machine of this tech crisis?
31.54/ This is good to see! I'm glad the effects are empirically demonstrated.

It's nice when virtue is demonstrably effective. Social science for the win!
Read 51 tweets
1/ Another #Beshalach thread, sparked by the linked article. What do combat exoskeletons have to do with the parsha? The halakhot of cybernetics on Shabbat, of course.

OK, so that's still pretty unclear. It has to do with the manna.…
2/ Can you do melacha using invisible brain power, basically. Normally, I'd love to delve into how the regnant rabbinic view about gramma (causality) drives me utterly bonkers in its #Literalist mentality, as well as the limited 19th Century view of electricity, but not this week
3/ Cybernetics aka invisible brain power applies to the manna b/c:

"Rav Avraham Walkin ... argued that someone who miraculously cooks through thought or speech violates a biblical prohibition ... [he] proves this from the man (manna) that the Jews ate in the Desert"

Read 12 tweets
29.01/ Week twenty-nine thread, for Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 2021, begins here. Last week's thread (28.01) linked below.

29.02/ Every once in a while, I let the depraved fatalism of the phrase "boys will be boys" just wash over me...
29.03/ Snow still following here in Central NJ, with some swirling wind, allowing me to use the word "snow squalls" at the breakfast table. My 14yo suggested that if the wind is strong enough to dislodge squirrels, it'd be "squirralls of snow." Yup.
Read 42 tweets

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