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Please help spread the word to mothers in #Limerick.

MAMA SING is an arts-based, participatory project for mothers living in Direct Provision as well as other mothers in the community. We use singing and music as a tools for self-care, empowerment & community building.
We invite you to take part in our online sessions
and/or an in-person workshop in your area. You will meet other mamas and we will sing together. No need to be a great singer! All mamas welcome!
Our workshops will be facilitated by a group of women – some of whom are refugees, some are musicians, some are mothers – and some are all those things. The project is coordinated by Dr Susann Huschke at the University of Limerick.
Read 7 tweets
I'm not sure is this the same petition on behalf of "the silent majority" seeking to remove the #cyclelane on Shannon bridge that struggled to 100 signatures. This has about 370 now. Following a complaint that the lanes are causing congestion in the afternoons I took a look 1/9
at times mentioned. I'm either very lucky or the complaint is overstated. Here's the return leg. Happy to have another go (as timetable allows) at other times on weekdays if complainants want to suggest. Have to see a guy out that way -about a bike as it happens. 2/9
@LimerickCouncil this is one of the few truly progressive pieces of infrastructure ye've installed in the city. Ye could fix the connection to the roundabout with paint and a few bollards to make a basic Dutch Roundabout which would be safer for all users. 3/ 9 Image
Read 28 tweets
LONG THREAD: (But there's pictures!) Seen some comments in the last week with people venting frustration at aspects of #Limerick A City For Cars Post Covid plans. Some have claimed the city is being choked and ruined by @LimerickCouncil 1/
modest, half hearted and to my mind disengenuous nods at pedestrianisation and provision of safe cycling infrastructure. The comment of one particular young lady who went full on lickspittle claiming the city was ruined by bike lanes and you could go nowhere because of them. 2/
She also mentioned them going past schools for some reason. I think she meant that because they were there she wouldnt be able to chuck her car 2 wheels up on a footpath to drop kids off? I dunno. No idea where she was even referring to. Struck me as a bit unhinged tbh 3/
Read 50 tweets
THREAD: As we've come to the end of the worst-ever week of overcrowding in Irish hospitals, you can look over the previous years using our data and this great tool from @theinfolabie:

@theinfolabie >>The first and most obvious part? It's getting worse:

@theinfolabie >>But this tool allows you to go a little deeper. People generally think of emergency departments (EDs) when they think of overcrowding.

But it's clear that it's increasingly spilling into wards across the whole hospital. These are figures for wards (excluding EDs):
Read 11 tweets
I'm at the @LimerickStrand for day two of the @anbordpleanala oral hearing into Project Opera. Submissions today from parties including @limerickchamber, @JanOSullivanTD, @snngroup and the
@HuntMuseum. Follow this thread for up to minute coverage.
For a full rundown of what happened yesterday, check:

First up today, @AnTaisce_Limk's Michelle Hayes. She says the Project Opera developer failed to consider reasonable alternatives to minimise environmental risk to water of the proposed Abbey River pipe which will discharge waste into the Abbey River.
Read 64 tweets
In the early part of the first millennium CE, the #IndoEuropean language known as Proto-#Germanic diverged into an East branch (which included #Gothic) and a Northwest branch.

Northwest then split into West and North branches when Proto-#Norse developed in #Scandinavia. Image
Until the 8th century, #Germanic #languages, including Proto-#Norse, were written in Elder Futhark, the earliest #runic #alphabet.

The name #Futhark comes from the initial phonemes in the names of the first six #runes:
ᚠ ᚱ ᚩ ᚹ ᚱ ášČ

By the beginning of the #Viking Age around 800 CE, Proto-#Norse had evolved into Old Norse, and #Scandinavia's writing system transitioned from the 24 #runes of Elder #Futhark to Younger Futhark's 16 runes.

The #Swedish #Sparlösa #Runestone from ~800 CE features both #alphabets. Image
Read 92 tweets

Chapter 1:
In #Persia, in days long ago
The king tossed 'em back like a pro.
But he wasn't amused
when Queen #Vashti refused,
so he opted to change status quo.

Chapter 2:
#Achashveirosh's anger was shed
and he thought, "It's about time I be wed."
Then just as was planned,
he took #Esther's hand --
though her or'gins she kept in her head.

Chapter 3 (part 1):
The royal advisers just stared
when #Mordechai wasn't prepared
to bow to a man
whose Amalekite clan
had too often in mem'ry been spared.
Read 23 tweets
The Fab Glitter; Wayne Rooney & Coleen, (it's from 2007), Fulham FC, Harrods, any need to go on? Oh and the main developers as very significant shareholders/owners

Read 12 tweets
Thread: There's been lots of interest in the toiletries for #DirectProvision drive that @BelltableLimk facilitated this weekend. This is a short thread of how it worked. If you can replicate in your town, city, county - please do. It is a small gesture to us, ppl living freely...
@BelltableLimk in Ireland and makes a huge difference to those living in #DirectProvision on E21 per week. So, our artist in residence @KatieOKelly1 made connections in the three Dp centres in Limerick city and county when researching her new play. We staged a work in progress reading with...
@BelltableLimk @KatieOKelly1 a panel discussion where @donnahsvuma spoke so eloquently, with such urgency and clarity, about her and her children's lives in #DirectProvision. We were all energised by the desire to help those who came to Ireland looking for a better life for themselves and their children...
Read 9 tweets
So today my band @delorentos & me are off to @EPfestival. I’ll be tweeting through the day, from packing, to traveling to interviews & telly, all the way to the gig tonight in the Electric Arena, & beyond! #EP2018
(Let me get this out there first: We’ll be playing the Electric Arena stage at 7.15pm today. It will be the greatest show of all our lives. 😎 we’d love to see you there x)
This is Brian & Adrian- driver/tech & tour manager/ soundman. As well as being sounders, Brian is stunningly good Songwriter & Adrian is one of the best mix engineers in the country!
Read 16 tweets
I suppose we can safely say that now #TheFrighteners have been so successfully and publicly put on a certain sector their combined angst will spew a diarrhoea of spin & warp whilst trying to use THAT VERY THING to generate $ÂŁEs Some with automated AdTech software already bought.
2/ Some bought by gormless companies, by mistake, some in full knowledge or partial knowledge of what it could do. It will be interesting as time goes on to see who apparently DIDN'T CARE about the likely instigation of its more negative 'dark' capabilities looking to 'side-step'
3/ or even 'wrong-foot' Irish & EU regulation standards, & possibly law. This too is a kind of #climatechange & #ClimateAction in itself, a would be mammoth untouchable iceberg of 'dominion' & 'control' being melted out into an ocean of citizens' scrutiny & advancement for change
Read 14 tweets
There's the men now, getting ready for battle #Limerick #galway
The biggest day in the Irish sporting calendar folks - the All Ireland Hurling final! Here we go! #GALvLIM
The day you'll randomly see Irish people gathering in pubs, no matter the timezone. Morning time in New York, packed bar

Read 11 tweets
2/And of who and what exactly has been resigning from what company and which board as US sanctions hit, in order to have company still operate in #Ireland as is large ish job provider... #Limerick #Munster
3/ Oleg Deripaksa - Rusal - Auginish Alumina connects to that Mungret cement factory and the infill that they were *promoting to bring in from the aged, unregulated red mud sludge sites at Auginish to burn as 'alternative fuel' - they can't even get it right with basic fossil
4/ fuels, they're not going to with that and many other kinds of **waste they're trying to pawn off on us. Now where did we just here about someone tied up in an international scandal about **waste and potential moneylaundering, and the DUP and what else??
Read 7 tweets
It would seem to be a mistake to not have taken peoples' very real, practical concerns more seriously

This was the article which had been retweeted

3/ Given extent, range, & specificity of research that has gone into making appeal so far it raises certain questions about how the local council justifies itself as operating for the greater good of all of its locality-while pumping publicity for...

Read 13 tweets
#next, I need your #help, and I mean all of you #please, regardless of party-politics, ideological differences, geo-location, can I have your <3 engaged to help a family, friends, a local community & a student community in their #search for a #MissingPerson #missing since Nov.2nd
2/" #StephenCullinan (25), the son of North #Tipperary #IFA Chair, Tim #Cullinan, hasn’t been seen since November 2 when he left his home in Castletroy, County #Limerick and made his way to #Dublin. "

3/"His worried relatives believe he may have made his way to another major Irish city, even as far as #Belfast. The vulnerable young man is without his medication." " He could be in #Galway. We’re grasping at straws."
Read 9 tweets

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