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The #Kremlin is likely reviving its information campaign to discourage continued Western aid to #Ukraine and to coerce the West into forcing Ukraine to accept concessions and negotiate on terms favorable to #Russia ahead of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.🧵
2/ The #Kremlin claimed on May 26 that #Putin expressed “the openness of the Russian side to dialogue on the political and diplomatic track, which is still blocked by #Kyiv and its Western sponsors” in a phone call with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio #Lula da Silva.
3/ #Putin’s statement does not indicate that #Russia is interested in pursuing negotiations with #Ukraine, and the #Kremlin has not established any serious grounds for negotiations nor abandoned its maximalist goals to force the Ukrainian government to capitulate.
Read 9 tweets
Shameful cowardice on the part of #Lula and the govt of #Brazil. Completely dishonourable, mean-spirited, weak behaviour.…
"Some in the Brazilian delegation said the presence of the Ukrainian leader [at the G7] was a “trap” to force a meeting, while others complained they only learned about the visit when Lula was already in Japan, the officials said"
"Many in the Brazilian delegation were nervous that Zelenskiy would be included in the so-called family photo of summit leaders on Saturday, the officials said, and felt relief when he didn’t show up. Japan had said earlier there would be no press availability for Zelenskiy."
Read 5 tweets
Pensieri sui negoziati di pace tra #Russia e #Ucraina dirette alla nostra classe dirigente.
In questo anno e mezzo di guerra si è parlato tanto dei possibili pacieri, ma c'è qualcosa che i più non hanno capito a causa degli occidente-centrismi che hanno inquinato il discorso /1
Si è chiesto alla Cina di convincere #Putin a fermare le operazioni belliche, salvo poi rigettare le sue offerte di mediazione e ignorando completamente che la politica non è un'attività pro bono, ma un do ut des. /2
La domanda che nessuno si è posto a causa dell'occidente-centrismo era/è questa: perché la Cina, principale partner della #Russia e rivale sistemico degli #USA, avrebbe dovuto/dovrebbe fermare una guerra che la avvantaggia sotto ogni punto di vista? Cosa offrirle in cambio? /3
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1-Si hay UNA noticia a la que hay que prestar atención hoy es a la visita de #Lula a España.
Desde que asumió el líder brasileño está tejiendo una política exterior que ha dejado en ridículo a quienes lo apoyaron.
Lula no juega con fuego, Lula ES el fuego.
Hilo va: Image
2- En teoría Lula visita Europa para "relanzar" su gestión. Pero la realidad es que se trata de una cabeza de playa para testear la nueva narrativa del Foro de San Pablo sobre geopolítica, la imagen de los autócratas mundiales y la guerra.
3-Iberoamérica está teñida de rojo ¿por cuánto tiempo? Lula tiene que aprovechar la coyuntura para liderar la postura de la región ante Estados Unidos y Europa. Ya en China expresó el objetivo de estrechar (aún más) las relaciones con Xi respaldado por Moscú.
Algunos ejemplos:
Read 16 tweets
🧐Du 17 au 20 avril - le ministre des affaires étrangères Sergey #Lavrov s'est rendu dans plusieurs pays d'Amérique latine.
#Bresil #Brasil #Venezuela #Caracas #Maduro #Lula #Vieira #Ortega #Cuba @YvesPDB @BugaultV
Au Brésil - le ministre a été reçu par le président Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva - a rencontré le conseiller principal de la présidence Celso Amorim et s'est entretenu avec le ministre des affaires étrangères Mauro Vieira.
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères a donné une conférence à l'Institut Rio Branco - l'académie diplomatique du Brésil.
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🚀 Lula e aprovação no início de seu governo:

🏁Começou o 3º mandato com 65%
👍Tem hoje 53%

⏲️Em 2003 ele teve 77%

Mas nem o #Lula nem o Brasil de hoje são mais os mesmos!

Não fique ansioso com isso!

Vamos analisar o que contribuiu para essa mudança🧵 Image
2/ 📉 Nos últimos 10 anos, Brasil enfrentou recessão, desemprego e perda de confiança nos políticos. Discurso firme de reconstrução seria crucial, mas parece que faltou consistência. Image
3/ 🇺🇸 Obama recebeu país em crise e manteve aprovação de 60% nos 100 primeiros dias. Lula I e Obama I passavam expectativa positiva. Vamos comparar consistência na mensagem dos governos Obama I e Lula III. Image
Read 8 tweets
1/21🧶 A derrota de #Bolsonaro para @LulaOficial, na eleição de 2022 foi, sem dúvida, um marco civilizatório e a retomada do curso da democracia no #Brasil.
Porém, não manifestar a discordância,
#Ucrania #Russia #Lula #Putin #GuerraNaUcrania #Zelensky #GuerreEnUkraine
2/21🧶e, só dizer amém a qualquer atitude do presidente, é incorrer em novo risco de erigirmos, de novo, outro ídolo e "salvador da pátria", nos tornamos em nova seita, e isso não combina com democracia,
#Ucrania #Russia #Lula #Putin #GuerraNaUcrania #Zelensky #GuerreEnUkraine
3/21🧶 nem com a sensatez e ainda acirra a polaridade social, e o refortalecimento da extrema direita. Aliás ela continua ativa. Portanto, como cidadão que tem opinião própria e que contribuiu da qual não me arrependo, mas me orgulho)
#Ucrania #Lula #China #Zelensky #guerra
Read 21 tweets
Dang! President Lula gives a revolutionary speech in Shanghai, openly challenging the dollar hegemony! 😱

At a speech at the “BRICS Bank” — whose new president is former Brazilian President Mrs. Rousseff — Lula said this:

“Every night I ask myself why all countries have to base…… President of Brazil giving ...China-Brazil bilateral trad...ImageCurrent and former Presiden...
Source: (Surprising that FT reported on the speech!)…
Here's the clip from Lula' speech about the #USdollar.

This will go down in history like the "I have a dream" speech.

I have a dream that one day countries can trade in their local currencies or even in a BRICS currency (that's backed by gold and commodities)!

Read 5 tweets
🇧🇷 Sinon, selon ReclaimTheNet, dans le #Brésil de #Lula, il existe au moins six projets de loi au Congrès brésilien qui conduiraient à criminaliser l'hésitation à se faire vacciner et à diffuser de "fausses" informations en ligne sur le fonctionnement des vaccins. 🔽
Les projets de loi présentés par le sénateur PSD Angelo Coronel conduiraient à la criminalisation des personnes qui s'opposent à la vaccination obligatoire des enfants et des adolescents en cas d'"urgence de santé publique". La sanction serait une peine de prison de 1 à 3 🔽
ans. Toujours selon ces propositions, les adultes qui refusent les vaccinations obligatoires seraient emprisonnés pendant 2 à 8 ans. Une peine similaire s'appliquerait à ceux qui diffusent des "informations erronées" sur les vaccins. Les peines seraient doublées si le 🔽
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🇧🇷🚩💉— Lula says that Brazilian citizens could only receive financial aid from the government only if they have taken a vaccine

“President”Lula (PT) stated that Bolsa Família will require vaccination certificates from program participants and their children: #CovidVaccine #Lula
“We can't play, it's a question of science. If I have 10 covid vaccines to take, I will take all that is necessary ”.
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🇧🇷🚩💸 — Financiamento do BNDES no exterior manipula licitação e engana Senado 🧵⬇️

Suspenso desde a Lava Jato, o financiamento de obras no exterior com recursos do BNDES, que agora o reaquecido governo Lula pretende adotar, financiando o gasoduto na Argentina, segue a fórmula malandra,
impulsionada nos primeiros governos petistas, de transferir para “amigos ” empresas montanhas de dinheiro do Tesouro Nacional sem licitação, sem fiscalização e sem controle.
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“Premeditated Manslaughter Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Part 2 -Psychopathic democide might be eligible for forgiveness in rare circumstances, but blanket amnesty is not in the cards for crimes against humanity - by @TraderStef #Nuremberg2 #Amnesty… Image
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? - “Plandemic 3” Trailer – Seeing Through The Propaganda…
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? #democide - Jr. covering for daddy, sooo late and behind the curve by a couple+ years, is pathetic - not humble
Read 99 tweets
Einige Reaktionen von Journalisten hier offenbaren eher deren Unkenntnis über die Gemengelage in Lateinamerika, als dass sie für einen vermeintlichen Misserfolg der Reise von #Scholz stehen. Deshalb ein Thread mit einer Einordnung. Vorab: #Scholz hat sehr viel richtig gemacht.1/X
#Argentinien – die schwierigste Station. Das Land ist politisch gespalten. Dieses Jahr stehen Wahlen an. Bei aberwitzigen Inflationsraten und galoppierenden Schulden ist der Kampf gegen die Klimakrise nicht Prio 1 auf der Agenda. Auch beim Thema #Ukraine schwankt die Position.2/x
ARG hat enorme Ressourcen aber schwache Strukturen. Dafür eine sehr offene, aktive und gebildete Zivilgesellschaft. Dass Scholz dort mit jungen Menschen im Dialog war und den Opfern der Diktatur gedacht hat waren genau die Signale die in die Zivilgesellschaft hineinreichen 3/x
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🇧🇷⚡️Lula da Silva proposes a common currency, both for Latin America and the BRICS.

Its currency would either be inspired by the Euro, therefore integrated into the US-controlled SWIFT system, or a digital currency.
#lula #luladasilva #brics #dollar #swift #ukrainewar
However, for this digital currency to be independent of the USA, it is necessary to create its entire infrastructure. This is not the case. Brazil relies more and more on the USDT, linked to the dollar.
China, Russia and Iran plan to develop a common currency strictly independent of the dollar and the USA. Lula's project is seen as an attempt to prevent this independence.
Read 9 tweets
#Brazil e #Argentina hanno annunciato l'apertura dei lavori per una valuta digitale comune aperta a tutte le economie latinoamericane.
Non sarà facile, ma, se realizzato, diventerebbe spazio valutario unico + grande del mondo.
#USA sanno che trattasi di sfida a loro diretta. /1
#Lula fan storico della dedollarizzazione, amico di #Chavez , cofondatore #BRICS e costituente dialogo strategico Russia-Brasile.
Ha ripreso in mano il dossier transizione multipolare, di cui questo progetto vuole essere pilastro.
Ma se ci fosse anche dell'altro? /3
Tempismo dell'annuncio non casuale.
Lula appena sopravvissuto a un tentato golpe e questo potrebbe essere segnale dell'idea che si è fatto del remake verdeoro dell'assalto al Campidoglio, intravedendovi longa manus di Washington. /4
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Interessante da analizzare tutto ciò che il presidente del consiglio riesce a *NON* scrivere in questo messaggio. Andiamo con ordine:
1) Non si dà un nome (violenza, assalto, tentato golpe, fate voi) alle azioni dei bolsonaristi. Tutto ciò diventa “quanto accade in Brasile”. 🧵
2) Non si dice che è inaccettabile la violenza. No, nel furore eufemistico del non dire, a essere inaccettabili sono “le immagini”.
3) La definizione di “irruzione nelle sedi istituzionali” per quella roba là è un’ulteriore carezza.
4) Invece di dire che tutto ciò è incompatibile con la democrazia (suonava troppo diretto, vero?) si preferisce dire che è incompatibile “con qualsiasi forma di dissenso democratico” – che non vuol dire niente, ma offusca il messaggio quanto basta.
Read 6 tweets

L'ex-détenu #Lula a prêté serment en tant que président pour la troisième fois en 2022.

Beaucoup au #Brésil le considèrent comme un voleur 🇧🇷

Mais pas que...

Voici les crimes dont on l'accuse.

À dérouler 🧵
— 1 : Homophobie

Apprécié par le militants LGBT, Lula a déjà été explicitement homophobe.

En 2000, il a qualifié la ville de Pelotas en des termes polémiques.
— 2 : Transphobie 🌈

Dans un podcast récent, Lula considérait qu'il était absurde que quelqu'un naisse femme et devienne ensuite un homme.

L'ex-détenu a même comparé cela à dire que les vaches volent 🐮🪁

Est-ce si absurde que quelqu'un soit transgenre, Lula ? 😡
Read 18 tweets
Jair #Bolsonaro’s supporters storm Congress in Brazil’s capital | -2h
- Police earlier tried to stop the crowd, referred by Brazilian media as “terrorists”, at some police barricades around the complex with capsicum spray but appeared to be outnumbered.…
Supporters of ex-President #Bolsonaro storm Brazil’s Congress | -33min
- Chaos struck Brazil's capital on Sunday, when supporters of former Brazilian Pres Bolsonaro attacked the Congress by climbing on top of its roof and breaking the glass in its windows.…
Live Updates: Rioters Protesting Brazil Election Storm Government Offices | -3min
- Thousands of supporters of #Brazil’s former president, #Bolsonaro, stormed the country’s Congress, SC and presidential offices to protest - a stolen #election.…
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Breaking: Supporters of #Bolsonaro broke through barriers & entered the Brazilian congress in Brasilia. Luiz #Lula da Silva, a left-wing politician who was previously imprisoned for corruption, was inaugurated last week after narrowly defeating Bolsonaro.
Video captured supporters of former president #Bolsonaro smashing their way into the Planalto Palace in Brasilia. The building is the official office of the president. #Brazil
Brasilia, Brazil: A mounted officer was attacked outside the Brazilian congress and pulled off his horse. Supporters of former president #Bolsonaro broke into congress and the presidential palace to protest last week's inauguration of leftist politician Lula.
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BREAKING: pro-#Bolsonaro rioters breach Congress, Supreme Court & Presidential Palace in 🇧🇷#Brazil.

Ex president promotes a stolen election lie & has been close to Trump.

He skipped inauguration of his predecessor & flew to Florida.

By: @peterbmillard…
2/ What does this remind you of?

🇧🇷#Brazil is yet more proof that the "stolen election" lie is poison for Democracy.

3/ Appalling footage is surfacing of pro-#Bolsonaro rioters dragging and beating the police protecting 🇧🇷#Brazil's capitol.

This is very, very bad.

And looks extremely orchestrated.
Read 50 tweets
In scenes reminiscent of the January 6 Capitol attack in the US, supporters of the defeated President #Bolsonaro, have marched on #Brazil’s Presidential Palace & Congress building, invading the floor of the Federal Senate & the Supreme Court👇#BREAKING
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🚨🇧🇷 #Brasile nel caos. Sostenitori dell'ex presidente #Bolsonaro hanno fatto irruzione nel Parlamento. Scontri in atto con la polizia.

Dispiegata la Forza Nazionale davanti al Palazzo di Giustizia. I media verdeoro parlano dei manifestanti definendoli apertamente come "golpisti".

🚨I sostenitori di #Bolsonaro hanno fatto irruzione nei locali della Corte Suprema del #Brasile.
Read 44 tweets
🇧🇷 In #Brazil, pro-#Bolsonaro protesters invaded the congress and terrace of ministries in #Brasilia 🔥…
🇧🇷🔥 The #Brazilian people take over the Planalto Palace.…
🇧🇷⚡️ — Building of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) was taken over in #Brasília. No new information at the moment.
Read 27 tweets

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