Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #L2

Most recents (24)

🔓 Unlocking Next-Level Performance: Understanding the Benefits of @LayerN_ #Blockchain

✨ We are reviewing the @LayerN_ the project in which @solana invested, an early-stage #Ethereum #L2 project

🧵 Let's learn together 👇

1️⃣ What is the ZKFP ?

🔵 It is a technology that confirms the accuracy of data without disclosing sensitive information

🔵 Zero-Knowledge Evidence of Fraud (ZKFP) is useful in cases where people do not want to disclose any additional extras details beyond what is necessary
2️⃣ Sectors it serves :

🔵 One of the focuses of ZKFP is the verification of financial information.

🔴 Example: banks can verify banking information provided by customers with ZKFP without disclosing personal information such as account balance - transaction history. Image
Read 5 tweets
A gem that took short-the-banks a bit too seriously & beat them at their own game? @ScallopOfficial 💳

A regulated #Crypto bank connecting TradFi & DeFi, making the shift to #DeFi easier (& more accessible) than ever.

Here’s all the reasons I think $SCLP may be king this year🧵 Image
Defi offers many advantages that can't be found in TradFi, but lets be real - it comes with its own caveats.

When someone is not #cryptocurrency or tech savvy, they have a big learning curve when using these protocols deployed on various scattered blockchains. Image
@ScallopOfficial's unique DeFi-TradFi hybrid approach revolutionizes people's experience with finance!

Scallop Earn allows you to earn yields from #DeFi pools in just a few clicks without making the process complicated.

And what Scallop offers is not limited to this.
Read 10 tweets
0/ similar to the sequencer, a centralized prover in #zk-rollup systems can introduce centralization & single-point-of-failure risks ⚠️

a 🧵 on a prover outsourcing mechanism proposed by @Scroll_ZKP (0/18) ✨👇 Image
1/ #zk-rollups demand an off-chain #prover to generate a succinct proof for a batch of transactions. However, proof generation for complex smart contract transactions can be expensive, leading to several limitations in functionality
2/ firstly, let's dive into the typical rollup tx flow ⬇️

⚙️ Users send transactions to a centralized #sequencer on #L2

⚙️ The sequencer executes transactions, packs (& orders) them into a #rollup block

⚙️ Centralized #prover generates a succinct proof of the sequencer's batch
Read 21 tweets
Scroll #Airdrop Strategy🎯

Scroll has raised a total of $80M in funding💸

Will There be a Token in future?👀
Maybe, but we have to do some actions to get their Airdrop in Future🎁

You should not miss this one 💎
A complete thread 🧵👇 Image
🔴Scroll is a zkEVM-based zkRollup on Ethereum that enables native compatibility for existing Ethereum applications and tools.

🟠their mission is to scale Ethereum through decentralization without sacrificing any of Ethereum’s inherent security features. Image
The project left the PreAlpha Testnet phase and entered the Alpha Testnet phase. The next step is Mainnet, and with this account, the airdrop task will probably be determined by Q3/Q4! Image
Read 16 tweets
#L2 #Taiko #Testnet #ETH #Airdrop

@taikoxyz 是一个基于以太坊的完全去中心化的ZK-Rollup,类似L2 扩展解决方案;

该项目获得Vitalik的高度关注,是由国产之光路印协议 @loopringorg 原班人马打造;

目前alpha-2 测试网已经上线,教程如下:
1⃣添加 Sepolia 和 Taiko 测试网络


🌟搜索Sepolia,点击Add Chain,钱包批准授权

🌟搜索Taiko,点击Add Chain,钱包批准授权


Read 8 tweets
An Eth researcher and digital asset portfolio manager walked into a podcast. Epic conversation ensued.

In @vaneck_us recent space,
Pranav Kanade - @pkan90 is joined by
Justin Drake - @drakefjustin to discuss $BTC, recent events, @Ethereum Foundation, Shanghai upgrade & more.
1/ Ordinals And Bitcoin

There’s no $BTC bridge from the Bitcoin main chain to the roll-ups.

$BTC isn’t as extendable and usable as a data availability layer compared to @ethereum

When converting $BTC to fiat, you still need to use a CEX.
2/ $BTC’s issuance will eventually go to zero and the blockchain will have to be secured through transaction fees.

If there are no interesting things going on in $BTC, there will be no incentives for miners to be validators.
Read 20 tweets
⚡️Today's Featured Summary Note⚡️

In @zksync's recent Twitter space, the team of @OpenZepplin and @code4rena discuss securing the future of #Web3 with #zkSync.

A 🧵
1/ Security Approaches And Challenges

@OpenZeppelin works on building secure code with clients.

@code4rena incentivizes researchers to find bugs.

Decentralized protocols face decision-making challenges during attacks.
2/ Trade-offs exist between fast response and decentralization.

Protocols are in the early stages and users should be aware of risks.
Read 14 tweets

Jak wiecie, korzystaliśmy razem z @arbitrum na testnetach, potem już na produkcji, żeby finalnie popsuć tą sieć przy okazji #ArbitrumOdyssey 🙃

Dziś "krótko" jak zamierzam rozegrac #airdrop 🪂
1. Zastanów się nad ceną jaka Ciebie zadowoli przy sprzedaży twojego dropa.. 20c , 50c , 1$ , 2$ ?

2. Spisz na kartce i połóż ją przed sobą, żeby w trakcie odbierania tokenów i ich sprzedaży nie włączyła ci się chciwość. Wtedy głowa jest spokojna i podchodzisz "na chłodno"
4. Pamiętaj jak wszyscy zaczną claimować tokeny zrobi się tłok i paraliż na stronie. Warto tutaj skorzystać z rady Dobrego Wujka @tomkowalczyk żeby być na czele pelotonu 🚴‍♀️

Read 13 tweets
这次连续2个空投,让市场又焦虑了不少。不用去羡慕,接下来认真的做。接下来那些 zkSync、starknet、Scroll、L0、0L、Sui这些都会比较卷。下面给

#Crypto #ETH #BTC #Airdrop #Testnet #NFT #Giveaway #Alpha #L2 Image
1)Arbswap (@ArbswapOfficial
Arbswap 是 Arbitrum 上的自动做市商 (AMM) 和去中心化交易所 (DEX),它将通过为所有用户提供本地流动性选项来提高协议的采用率。

传送门 Image
thirdweb 是一个完整的 web3 开发框架
如果领不到 领完后 跨链
传送门 Image
Read 10 tweets
What is the "L2 WAR" and what does it do? 🤔

Let's dive in to congratulate @Arbitrum for finally announcing their tokens and to explain Arbitrum's potential in the near future!

#Arbitrum #Airdrop #Polygon #Optimism #L2
Ethereum's L2 networks adoption grew impressively, 4% of gas consumed by L2s & surpassed base layer in t/sec.

Arbi, OP, and Polygon are the key players behind 80% of total value locked, offering faster speeds, low fees & safety.
Growing adoption of Ethereum's L2 networks is a testament to its scalable ecosystem. 🎚️

With continued growth, Ethereum can become more efficient & accessible to users.

You can't see this progression especially with the progression of daily active users on the 4 blockchains.
Read 11 tweets
You can feel it ? Everything will be change on $BTC

♟️ $BTC Layer2s coming soon
♟️ Growing Ordinal NFTs
♟️ Roll-ups on $BTC

I wanted to tweet this earlier because I didn't have complete information about all the details :)
But you should know that once upon a time, my opinion about #Bitcoin was that until it reaches a point where there is no progress in technology... it cannot be called technology!
But now I'm seeing that it's slowly getting closer to that position and its ecosystem is getting organized, but again, my suggestion is not to buy $BTC , I'm looking at its ecosystem.
Read 23 tweets
ZK-fever is spreading in the #blockchain community!

Let's catch you up on the latest developments in this blooming #ZKrollups ecosystem 🔥

1/ Do you struggle with high gas fees & slow tx times on #Ethereum?

Fear not, because Ethereum CAN and is scaling up!

Instead of doing all tx by itself, Ethereum now has a blossoming #L2 ecosystem of fast & inexpensive off-chain execution environments to ramp up users. 📈 Image
2/ Popular L2s, like #ZKrollups, use zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) to verify tx off-chain, allowing faster processing while keeping data secure.

ZKP uses cryptography to prove a statement w/o revealing extra info, which strengthens security & privacy in blockchain.

Example here👇🏻
Read 8 tweets
Saw THE NERDIEST THING EVER --> Friend downed a cup of gin over a ZK-EVM debate at 2am the other day.

Figured I better do my homework before meeting them next.

Mini 🧵summarizing @VitalikButerin 's "The Different Types of ZK-EVMs"…
@VitalikButerin 1/ There's been a lot of buzz recently about "ZK-EVM" projects.

Projects like @0xPolygon, @zksync, and @Scroll_ZKP have all made announcements, alongside others.

We will explore key differentiation between ZK-EVM & hopefully it brings your zero-knowledge up to some-knowledge!
@VitalikButerin @0xPolygon @zksync @Scroll_ZKP 2/ The goal of these projects is to use ZK-SNARK technology to make cryptographic proofs of execution of Ethereum-like transactions.

This could make it much easier to verify the Ethereum chain itself or to build ZK-rollups that are much more scalable.
Read 14 tweets
#Claudia‘s Notes


昨晚的Space回放已经超过了5000人,结束后还有很多人在回味。后台有很多人在DM我出一期回顾,今天我整理了前半段(没被炸前)的Quick Notes,供大家参考。

1. 投研先分板块,看技术路线进展,按价值轮动规律做。板块重要性高于alpha。从正确的板块里找alpha。大资管,不在乎小容量的alpha,要赚到的是行业以年为单位的beta。最难的是分配板块资金、完成板块切换。
2. 公链主要价值:#稳定币#借贷#DEX#NFTFi。因为最重要的杠杆就是稳定币、权益代币、LP pair。

3. 团队:路径依赖不好,赛道三天不看就很难跟上了。跟踪某个赛道每天的变化,知道这个赛道要起来了。团队每个人负责跟踪一个角落,这是团队的意义。
Read 10 tweets
The @optimismFND ecosystem is buzzing again 💢

@Coinbase has launched Base, its #L2 Blockchain.

🏗️Built on $OP

Here are the main takeaways⬇️


@optimismFND @coinbase 1/ It's official.

@coinbase proposed and @BuildOnBase said yes🚀

Base is an Ethereum L2 that offers a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly way to build dapps. It is not a token & will use ETH as the native gas token.

@optimismFND @coinbase @BuildOnBase 2/ @BuildOnBase offers full EVM equivalence at a fraction of the cost & is committed to pushing forward the developer community.

⚡Powered by Coinbase
🔐Secured by $ETH.…
Read 11 tweets
The next big thing for #crypto? Interoperability. In order to truly connect the entire world, different blockchains need to be able to exchange data and assets.

In this thread, we'll take a look at how close we are to achieving it, and who is helping us to do so!

While there are dozens of Layer 1s solving a myriad of different issues, you can't use both simultaneously or easily. A #web2 equivalent of it would be having to use one browser to access Google Docs, and another one just to purchase something on Amazon!

The worst part is that in order to use different chains, you have to send your liquidity around with either:

a) On-chain bridges, which are relatively unsafe (look at how many exploits we've had last year!)
b) Using centralized exchanges and spending unnecessary fees.

Read 14 tweets

Timing the #crypto narrative cycle.
Which #alts I bought, and when to accumulate again?

Narratives, #alpha & charts for my favorite #altcoins.

The final stage of the #BearMarket is where you build the foundation for future #wealth.

1/ 🧵


#bitcoin $BTCUSD Image
#AI narrative

The parabolic move already played out, we are in the final stage before major correction.

$FET, $AIRI (degen play)

2/ Image
#LSD narrative

The parabolic move already played out, a second wave will start with $ETH Restaking @eigenlayer

$FRX, $SD (degen play)

3/ ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
You may have heard about "Modular" blockchains...
What are they?

"The future is modular." - @fuellabs_

🧵 Thread Image
In this thread, I will go through:
1️⃣ Modular VS Monolithic.
2️⃣ What Fuellabs is.
3️⃣ The FuelVM.
4️⃣ Parallel transaction Execution.
5️⃣ Sway Language.
6️⃣ The Modularity.
7️⃣ Fuel as a L1.
8️⃣ Fuel as L2.
1️⃣ First: What do "modular" and "monolithic" mean?

🧩 Modular: A flexible arrangement composed of software or hardware modules that can be altered or replaced without affecting the remainder of the system.

🗼Monolithic: Characterized by massiveness, rigidity, or inflexibility.
Read 19 tweets
2022 Recap🎊

This Crypto Report by @coinwirehq and @tkdotventures is a treasure trove!🤩💰

Infographics, stats, deep metrics analysis everything is ready for you✅Seek ALPHA here 👇…

⚛️#Cosmonauts #CosmosEcosystem $ATOM #CryptoReport2022 Image
Take a look at the content

This report contains all the hot topics and notable events of the past year including #BTC price preformans, Terra, ETH Merge, FTX, #NFT & Web3 Gaming, #DeFi apps, #L1 and #L2 solutions🥵

Let's dive in!🧵⬇️ ImageImage
2022 was a really tough year for crypto in general, but there are some Blockchains that suffered more than others and lost a big percentage of their value:

$FTM -93%📉
$SOL -92.7%📉
$NEAR -90.7%📉
$AVAX -89%📉
$DOT -82.6%📉 Image
Read 13 tweets
0/ I have covered many privacy-focused projects in one way or the other since I've started my Twitter journey 🥷✨

a thread of threads featuring $ALEO, $MANTA, $MINA, $AZTEC, $DUSK, $ZEC, $RAIL, $SCRT & $ROSE

(0/13) 🧵👇
1/ let's quickly remind ourselves why #privacy matters 👇

2/ so, let's have a look at the projects that enable privacy on public blockchains. Many of them rely on #zk technology, so it might be worth revisiting the below thread 👇

Read 14 tweets
Threαd of threαds α.k.α. ₿ook of αlphα 🧙‍♂️✨

- Scaling Ξthereum on rollups
- Modulαr αrchitecture (Celestiα, Eigenlαyer, +)
- Privacy tech (Aleo, Aztec, +)
- zk tech (zkSync, Stαrknet, Scroll, +)
- DotSαmα / Cosmos
- DeFi αnαlysis
- AI & Big Dαtα

Bookmark this (NFA) 📈 🚀
Cryptography - #Privacy-preserving technologies 🥷

Read 56 tweets
0/ @aztecnetwork is a #zk rollup that acts as a privacy shield for ERC20 token transfers & $ETH smart contract interactions 🥷✨

zk & #privacy is the next bull narrative & @aztecnetwork enables private txs & #DeFi in the biggest ecosystem

dont sleep anon 👀

$AZTEC 🧵 (0/33)👇 Image
1/ first of all, let's quickly recap the basics. @aztecnetwork is a zero knowledge rollup

similar to optimistic rollups, zk rollups are scaling solution that "rolls up" transactions into batches on an off-chain execution layer rather than executing on L1

2/ from a tech perspective, it is worth mentioning that @aztecnetwork's rollup is secured by a PLONK-based #zk proof system

learn more about #PLONK in the thread linked below 👇

Read 34 tweets
Ethereum will launch the "Shanghai Network Upgrade" in March 2023. What will be changed on @ethereum or, more generally, the #crypto ecosystem with this coming upgrade?
1) What is Shanghai Upgrade?
Conventionally, the upgrade of the @ethereum mainnet is named after the city, such as "London upgrade", "Paris upgrade", etc. The Shanghai upgrade will be another major update of @ethereum.
First, EIP 3540 will be introduced in the Shanghai upgrade will. EIP 3540 is an improved protocol designed to address changes in the Ethereum Virtual Machine Object Format (EOF) separating code from data, which is greatly beneficial to validators on the @ethereum network.
Read 12 tweets
An Ethereum-equivalent ZK-Rollup, also called ZK-EVM, is the holy grail of #L2 scaling solutions because they do not compromise on security or compatibility. Among the many ZK-EVM projects, @Scroll_ZKP is the one that cannot be ignored.
1)  Introduction to @Scroll_ZKP
In the current ZK-Rollups technology practices, this solution has an Achilles' heel, which is the lack of #EVM compatibility, causing that all ZK-Rollups have to build unique developer tools and infrastructure from scratch.
In this context, ZK-EVM is considered by many to be the "ultimate game" of #L2 scaling, because it allows ZK-Rollups to integrate the network effects of #EVM while exerting its own performance advantages.
Read 10 tweets

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