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๐ŸšจThe exciting part of the year for Japanese politics is rapidly approaching: with the race for the leadership of the LDP upon us, the general election for the Lower House is getting closer and closer.๐Ÿ“†

Reports say that it could take place by Mid-October! Thus, this project:โž• Image
I would like to make a rundown on the 289 Single-Member Districts that compose part of the Lower House of the Japanese Diet.

Let's see the conditions of each district, the candidates & how the Japanese media & history see the race. Join me and follow along! In for a long ride๐ŸŽข
Yes. I'm THAT crazy. LOL

All in with the 289 districts. Let's do it for fun and in order to learn more (myself included) about JP politics.

Please don't hesitate to add info, point out mistakes or anything you want! #JapanPolitics
Read 109 tweets
#Japan #Mitoyo #Kagawa #AvianInfluenzer #BirdFlu #H5N8

The Kagawa prefectural government said Wednesday that cases of avian influenza were reported at a poultry farm in the prefecture of western Japan, the third outbreak of bird flu at a Japanese farm this year.
A highly pathogenic strain is thought to be the virus. Around 11,000 chickens raised on a farm in the town of Mitoyo will be slaughtered. After getting a warning from the farm on Tuesday that an increasing number of chickens had died,
the Kagawa government started an on-site inspection.
The first outbreak was confirmed on Thursday at a separate farm in Mitoyo. In two years and 10 months, it was the first highly pathogenic bird flu outbreak on a farm in Japan.
Read 4 tweets
#Japan #Kagawa #AvianInfluenzer #BirdFlu #Influenza #Culling #H5N8

At a poultry farm in Kagawa Prefecture, another case of bird flu has been reported, the prefectural government said Sunday, marking the country's second outbreak of avian influenza at a farm this year.
A highly pathogenic strain is thought to be the virus. In the town of Higashikagawa, about 48,000 chickens being raised at the farm will be culled.
Three poultry farms within 3 kilometers of the affected facility were ordered by the prefectural government not to move their chickens and eggs, while nine farms within 3 to 10 kilometers were ordered not to move their chickens and eggs outside the 10-kilometer range.
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