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☀️Kim Jong-un and his daughter attended the 2023 nuclear missile parade.
#NorthKorean #Nuclear #KimJongUn Image
The newest nuclear missiles of the DPRK, including the Hwasong-17, were on display at the parade.
#NorthKorean #Nuclear #KimJongUn ImageImageImage
Some clips from 2023 DPRK Nuclear parade.
#NorthKorean #Nuclear #KimJongUn ImageImage
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Il sorvolo del #Giappone da parte di un missile balistico della Corea del Nord non è un inedito. Chiedere per capire ai residenti di #Hokkaido, già 5 anni or sono svegliati dagli altoparlanti che lanciavano l'allarme: "Lancio missilistico! Trovate rifugio sottoterra!".
Il pur inquietante suono delle sirene udite in 🇯🇵 è comunque meno allarmante della spregiudicatezza di #KimJongUn, leader alla perenne ricerca di attenzione da parte degli USA, attualmente impegnati su altri fronti e oggi richiamati a preoccuparsi degli umori di #Pyongyang.
D'altronde è una questione di interesse nazionale. Il missile lanciato oggi dalla Corea del Nord, forse un Hwasong-12, ha coperto una distanza di 4500 km, record nella storia del programma balistico 🇰🇵. #Guam, territorio USA nel Mar delle Filippine, dista "appena" 3380 km.
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#Taiwan: 3° giorno di esercitazioni della #Cina.

Buongiorno a tutti. Nella notte italiana Pechino ha condotto simulazioni di attacco contro l'isola di #Taiwan.
Il ministero della Difesa di Taipei afferma che sono stati rilevati oggi diversi caccia e navi dell'Esercito 🇨🇳
"intorno allo Stretto", con alcuni che "hanno attraversato la linea mediana" in un'azione di "possibile attacco simulato". Le forze armate di #Taiwan hanno utilizzato in risposta "trasmissioni di allerta, aerei, navi militari di pattuglia e sistemi missilistici terrestri".
Al festival della tensione non poteva non unirsi #KimJongUn. La Corea del Nord ha infatti criticato Nancy #Pelosi per la visita nella zona demilitarizzata fortificata, linea di confine tra Nord e Sud, definendola il "peggiore distruttore della pace internazionale".
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#ROK claims it's tried to improve human rights in #DPRK. Moon admin:

-Abstained vote on UN resolution on NK human rights
-Shut down legislation-mandated NKHR office
-No NKHR amb appointed
-Forcibly sent back 2 defectors tied up-gagged- blindfolded. 1/3
-Lied the two insisted on return to NK
-"Yes ma'am" to #KimYoJong #GagLaw command 26 min after she issued command 06/04/2020. Law passed in Dec; to take effect Mar 30.
-Crackdown on 100s of HR NGOs
-Defended #KimJongUn as "sincere, audacious, polite"

No surprise here. Why? 2/3
Bc Moon NK policy is variant on Kim DJ's NKHR denial:

“To affront North Korea with human rights issues in their face, with criticism, would not be wise–the greatest human rights issue on the Korean peninsula is that of the 10 million members of the separated families.”-DJ, 2001
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2 years ago today, #Trump walked out on #KimJongUn in Hanoi, w lunch all set on table. Greatest snub princeling-turned-deified dictator has ever faced. Trum walked away from a deal that would have enabled Kim to build more bombs undisturbed. but he also embarrassed himself by 1/ Image
saying at the presser Kim had told him that Kim didn't know about the hostage-taking, torture & unlawful killing of #OttoWarmbier, "and I will take him at his word." Otto's parents issued a statement: "We have been respectful during this summit process. Now we must speak out." 2/
"Kim and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son Otto. Kim and his evil regime are responsible for unimaginable cruelty and inhumanity. No excuses or lavish praise can change that."

Defending the #DPRK dictator a curious trend 3/ g
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#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #KimJongUn

The wristwatch worn by North Korean Kim Jong-un on the 10th anniversary of the 75th anniversary of the Labor Party was found to be a Swiss luxury watch worth 14 million won (€10,900 in Germany/$11,600) .
Luxury items such as expensive watches are subject to sanctions against North Korea by the UN Security Council. Looking at North Korea's Chosun Joongang TV, which some media broadcasted without editing,
Kim Jong-un took off his glasses and tried to steal tears from the people while crying out to overcome the disaster in his speech. The frame of his brother's watch flashed. As a result of this report, it was a product of'Portofino Automatic' by Swiss IWC. ImageImage
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#DonaldTrump (@realDonaldTrump )is the probably one of the rarest American presidents who hasnt started a war like his predecessors like Obama, Bush or Clinton. Instead he has hearlded a new era in thw Middle East brokering peace between #Israel & #UAE and #Bahrain.
Initiating a dialogue with #KimJongUn of North Korea. To give credit his clarity of #ForeignPolicy has been umatched as he goes after #China something which is broadly supported in #India #Japan #Taiwan #Australia & #Vietnam.
Last but not the least he has even initiated peace talks with #Taliban to end the #AfghanWar !!
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Because they criticized the economic policy of the North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un at a private dinner, five officers were apparently shot by a special squad.
The employees of the Ministry of Economic Affairs were arrested at the end of July and then executed. Those affected are said to have spoken openly beforehand about how bad the economy of the isolated country is and that industrial reforms are needed.
Both the economics minister and Kim himself are said to have been informed of the contents of the conversation. According to the report, the relatives of the dead are now in a camp for political prisoners.
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#AlexeiNavalny My question:-
Having been poisoned before & tea having been used as a vehicle for poisoning of dissidents, WHY DRINK TEA PREPARED BY ANYONE ELSE?! @AJENews
I, however, pray for Mr. #AlexeiNavalny's COMPLETE RECOVERY in the #GermanHospital he was flown to, belatedly, from #OMSK, #Siberia! 🙏
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#KCNA 8/14: #KimJongUn relieved Premier Kim Jae Ryong of #DPRK Cabinet & appointed Kim Tok Hun new premier.

Before much meaningless verbiage is spilled over the meaning of this, here's former NK diplomat @Thaeyongho on hierarchy & myth of "Military-First Politics." My tr. 1/
“Many N. Korea experts in the South assessed that in the wake of Kim Jong Il brandishing his “Military Politics” slogan during the famine of the late-1990s, power in the DPRK had shifted from the party to the military. Since Kim Jong Un came to power," 2/
"they offered up the analysis that power had shifted back from the military to the party. Some assess who is No. 2 and No. 3 etc. in the hierarchy based on nominal rank alone. All this is an empty feast of words due to ignorance of the role of the central party." 3/
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Former #DPRK Deputy Amb to the #UK @Thaeyongho on North Korea's nuclear deceive-and-stall strategy, from his 2018 memoir (in Korean). My own translation.

"The Sept 19, 2005 Six-Party Talks joint statement is the product of the Kim Jong Il’s deceive-and-stall strategy." 1/
“There are still folks in SK who blame the US for the breakdown of the Sept 19 Joint Statement. They argue that since the U.S. did not abide by the agreement and put pressure on NK, NK had no other option than to develop nukes. But, to this date, NK has not once stopped" 2/
"its nuclear weapons development. NK’s nukes are not something that can ever be stopped by statements or agreements.” (186)

DPRK embassy in London opened in April 2003. Ri Yong Ho was the first amb. FM Kang Suk Ju to Ri as Ri departed for the UK: “Do your best to use the UK 3/
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@Thaeyongho speaks at @Heritage 9:00am EST 8/12 & @CSIS 9:00am 8/13. A thread on the ex-#DPRK diplomat's take on NK ploys & #KimJongUn's 2018 post-provocation outreach plan etc from his fabulous memoir (in Korean). All ENG tr. my own. @BruceKlingner @SueMiTerry @VictorDCha
Page numbers in parentheses. Here we go.

I. #KimIlSung's "Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula" racket

#MaoZedong told Kim at dinner 4/18/1975 not to "even dream of developing nuclear weapons," as it "will devastate the economy and people’s lives will suffer.” (44) 2/
Kim was disheartened. From mid-1975 on Kim vociferously called for the withdrawal of US nuclear warheads from SK; announced a “Korean Peninsula Nuclear-Free Zone” & started his covert nuclear program. In 1980 announced with Japan’s Socialist Party in a joint statement 3/
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Some quick analysis on KJU & his latest politburo meeting on #COVID19 yesterday because this is not just about #NorthKorea reporting a potential outbreak for the first time, as significant & newsworthy as that is. Image
Background: Despite sharing a long border with China, #NorthKorea claims it does not have a single confirmed case of #COVID19, which is hard to believe. But without access, we have no way right now of knowing the truth, and I think we need to be skeptical of all info from #DPRK.
What I do see: KJU has been using fear of the #COVID19 pandemic as a way to rally his people against this outside threat. It’s part of a domestic political campaign to win the people’s loyalty after the disappointments of 2019. I wrote about this in Feb:…
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#USA #NorthKorea #Pyongyang #KimJongUn


Basketball star Dennis Rodman talks about his first visit to North Korea! In the "Hotboxin" podcast by boxing legend Mike Tyson (53), the eccentric ex-athlete reports on the encounter with Kim Jong-un.
After his first visit, Rodmann was always drawn to the cart of the North Korean dictator. Even became part of the crazy propaganda show through his appearances and visits. In total, Rodman has been to the isolated country five times.
With varnished fingernails, a baseball cap and his characteristic earrings and piercings in his nose and mouth, Rodman sits in the podcast studio, smokes a fat cigar and freely explains what he thought when asked if he wanted to go to North Korea: "Yes, cool ! North Korea.
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#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #KimJongUn

Deputy Chairman Park Bong-joo, Kim Jae-ryong, Kim Deok-hoon , and Park Tae-sung Deputy Chairman Kim Yeo-young and Cho Yongwon First-time Vice Chairman
Song Song-wol, who took the gold chair from the delegation, 'Closed Briefing'.
The six-person leader, Kim Jong-un, accompanied by a visit to the Suncheon Infertilizer Plant in Pyeongnam after breaking the stealth of 20 days on the 1st. From left to right, Park Bong-joo, Vice-Chairman of the National Assembly, Prime Minister Kim Jae-ryong, Deputy Chairman,
Deok-Hoon Kim, Chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly, Park Yeong-jung, First Vice-Chairman of the Party Central Committee, Jo Yong-won, First Vice-Chairman of the Party Central Committee. / Chosun Central Communication Chosun Central TV. Kim Jong-un,
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Le président des #EtatsUnis, D.#Trump, champion présumé de la #démocratie libérale se réjouissant bruyamment qu'un dictateur #KimJongUn, avec tant de sang sur les mains, soit vivant. Autre exemple du changement complet de doctrine US sur les relations internationales.
2) Parce qu'au delà du jeu stérile façon presse à scandales "Alors, Kim Jong Un mort ou pas?", on oublie la nature réelle du régime de #CoréeduNord et la responsabilité de celui dont #Trump célèbre la bonne santé. Rappel 1 peu ancien mais toujours valable.…
3) Rappelons d'ailleurs que l'administration #Trump a bloqué en décembre dernier la tenue d'1 réunion du conseil de sécurité de l'ONU sur les crimes de la #CoréeduNord de #KimJongUn contre les droits de l'homme.…
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#China #NorthKorea #북한민국 #Bejing #Pyongyang #KimJongUn #김정은

China's Commerce Department spokesman Gaofeng said on the 30th that "nothing is known" regarding media reports that North Korea is planning to send an economic mission to Beijing this week.
In a press briefing today, Gao denied that the two countries maintained friendly relations but did not know about the North Korean economic mission. He added that he hoped the media would provide responsible reports based on the facts.
Earlier, @Reuters news agency quoted multiple sources on the 28th that North Korea will dispatch an economic mission to China this week to discuss food and trade issues.
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#NorthKorea #북한 #Pyongyang #KimJongUn #김정은 #RodongSinmun

North Korean newspapers silenced by Chairman Kim Jong-un's "Health Abnormality" emphasize the spirit of self-renewal on the labor day, and "Let's believe and follow Kim Jong-un" I encouraged myself.
In the editorial titled, “All workers, let's shine the heroic struggle history and tradition and open the path of front-breaking vigorously,” the labor newspaper, the Labor Party's newspaper, was the only guideline and the lifeline of the comrade Kim Jong-un.
"You have to hold on to it and go through it thoroughly."Particularly, it attracts attention by emphasizing that "no matter what heavenly storm comes, you must become a loyal believer who absolutely believes in and follows only his leader."
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#USA #NorthKorea #WashingtonDC #KimJongUn #김정은

President Donald Trump noted that he knew exactly what was happening with North Korea's chairman Kim Jong-un in his State of Health.
"I know what's going on," President Trump said after being asked about Chairman Kim's status at an event held at the White House on the 30th (local time). But President Trump said, "I can't talk about Kim Jong-un right now." I just want everything to be fine. "
President Trump also emphasized, "I know the situation very well." The emphasis was placed on the fact that the US intelligence agency has accurate information regarding the outflow of reports on Kim's health ideals. Nevertheless, the contents were asked.
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#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #KimJongUn

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been invisible for more than 20 days, and news about his critical illness and brain death has spread.Korean media reported that the South Korean government issued Kim Jong-un's latest "signature"
order, but North Korean officials found that the so-called latest order "taste" has changed. North Korean sources as saying that Kim Jong-un usually gives orders to local party committees and government agencies every Wednesday or Thursday,
but the North Korean government has not announced it for the past two weeks until April 29 The order signed by Kim Jong-un was only issued, but the format and tone were different from before. The source said that Kim Jong-un's "hand-signed" order
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#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #KimJongUn

The U.S. Congressional Bureau of Investigation said Kim Jong-un, the first vice-president of the North Korean Labor party leader Kim Yo-jong, is likely to succeed Kim.
They also said there would be great implications for the interests of the United States if there was a power struggle in North Korea.
The US Congressional Research Bureau (CRS) in the United States Congress said in an updated report on US-North Korea relations that the length of time Kim Jong-un disappeared from the public eye was sparked by unconfirmed media reports that he was seriously ill or died.
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1) #Charlottesville Virginia, an area of less than 236k citizens (inc 7 surrounding counties) with WAY too many issues, too many connections to the top echelon of the Cabal that seemingly sets the tone for the rest of our country. There ARE no coincidences! Let's take a peek.
2) Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mtns, Cville and specifically the #UniversityofVirginia were once a beacon of hope, and represent #ThomasJefferson 's attempt to help fledgling America counter the black magik and control of the #Cabal, avoid indoctrination, and succeed as a country.
3) Charlottesville was named after Queen Charlotte. It is believed that her interest in claiming the area was due to the dark energy from the Ancient Aztecs and their extremely evil activities. TJ hoped to negate this influence by using occult knowledge to engage the light.
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#Southkorea #USA #NorthKorea #Seoul #KimJongUn #Airforce

It was found that the U.S. interceptor reconnaissance plane flew over the Korean Peninsula on the 30th. Kim Jong-un is a reconnaissance activity conducted every day from the time when the
North Korean leader's health ideals begin to turn. Inside and outside the military, there is an analysis that the United States is working hard on reconnaissance activities to identify unusual trends such as Kim's personal anomal. Kim Jong-un's thirsty information,
this time also launched the interceptor reconnaissance NLL. It was found that the U.S. interceptor reconnaissance plane flew over the Korean Peninsula on the 30th. Kim Jong-un is a reconnaissance activity conducted every day from the time when the
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#NorthKorea #China #Pyongyang #KimJongUn

North Korea ’s top leader, Kim Jong-un, is close to 20 days, triggering various speculations. According to the latest news from Radio Free Asia, ten days ago,
Kim Jong-un was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment in Pyongyang because of a ruptured cerebral blood vessel. The doctor initially diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage and is currently in serious condition.
This statement is different from previous rumours that the operation failed for a heart attack and hid in order to prevent Wuhan pneumonia. Free Asia quoted an official North Korean message obtained by a person from North Korea who was outside North Korea,
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