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No longer is it necessary to pay attention to my 2019-2020 ramblings/warnings of a global economic reset. Instead, as of June 3, 2020, you can now hear it directly from the source: the World Economic Forum (#WEF).

The World Economic Forum: home of the #FourthIndustrialRevolution as designed and desired by the ruling classes in tandem with the world's most powerful and ruthless corporations and institutions.

Leveraging #COVID19 (& global #protest) for all it's worth, the virus is indeed the new war on terror.

"The Great Reset" - "A better #capitalism and a better world—to help shape the recovery from COVID-19, the Forum has launched the Great Reset Initiative"

Read 32 tweets
We're now beginning our 3rd panel with the City's civilian-led police accountability system: @SeaCPC, @SeattleOPA, and @SeaOIG. These three offices make up the "three legged stool" of our police accountability system.
Co-chair Prachi Dave starts by "acknowledging historical and generations of trauma, and that community has asked for fundamental change" and that they are "reviewing the many pictures and posts of what has been shared" from Seattle's #JusticeForFloyd demonstrations
OPA Director Meyerberg starts by sharing that "we have received about 15,000 complaints and that number is growing. A lot are related to the pepperspray incident. Monday night's dispersal and gas. Right now we have 14 separate investigations, each with individual case numbers
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Next up, we are joined by Deputy Mayor Mike Fong, Chief Scoggins, Chief Best, and @SeaNeighborhood Director Andres Mantilla.

Chair Herbold reminds us they cannot answer questions regarding ongoing investigations, but will speak to #JusticeForFloyd demostrations.
Deputy Mayor Fong acknowledges the long road ahead of the work around accountability and reform, that an after-action report will be developed, and that he looks forward to working with Council on these issues.
Seattle Police Department's Chief Best has joined us and acknowledges the complexity of what we are living through and what Black communities and communities of color have long lived through. But we cannot tolerate any amount of property destruction or assault on officers.
Read 20 tweets
Public comment round I has concluded, we are now moving onto agenda item #1 - Community Panel of #JusticeForFloyd demonstrators sharing their first-hand experiences of what they saw in response to demonstrations.
Powerful testimonial shared by our first panelist about his experiences of living while Black and a reminder that so-called progressive places like Seattle are not immune from the bias that harm Black people in other parts of the country.
Our 2nd panelists reminds us: Saturday's peaceful protest started peacefully, stayed peaceful, and ended peacefully. Shares there were bad actors who co-opted demonstrations and used them as a cover to behave poorly.
Read 10 tweets
🔴La manifestation était calme, jusqu’à ce que la police nasse les manifestants à Clichy, les empêchant de sortir avec des tirs de lacrymos.

@BFMTV n’a pas fait la même couverture aux USA

#JusticePourAdama #JusticeForFloyd #BlackLivesMatter
#Racisme #ViolencesPolicieres ImageImageImageImage
D’autres vidéos et témoignages explique que ce sont les policiers qui ont gazé et nassé les manifestants. 👇


D´autres personnes rapportent le même témoignage: la police a nassé et lancé de lacrymo sur les manifestants.

#BlackLivesMatter ImageImage
Read 4 tweets

El video filtrado de la deep web (PIZZAGATE).

(Por razones obvias solo coloco una captura de pantalla del video.)
Pizzagate es una teoría conspirativa, la cual se hizo viral durante las elecciones presidenciales de EE.UU en 2016. La misma ha sido desacreditada por muchas organizaciones.
La deep web (internet profunda) posee el contenido de internet que no esta disponible para los motores de busqueda convencionales.
Read 15 tweets
THREAD: many can't protest because they are #HighRiskCovid19, many can't donate because they don't have the means to.

Below is a list of #BlackLivesMatter petitions & calls to action which are free and can be done while #SocialDistancing.

Please add any I might've missed!

- Call your rep to demand they pass Reps Bass & Pressley's resolution condemning police brutality, racial profiling, & excessive/militarized force:…

-@NAACP #WeAreDoneDying call your reps…

- BLM petition…

- @ColorOfChange #JusticeForFloyd petition:…

- Call @HennepinAtty to demand Derek Chavin is charged w/ 2nd degree murder + that the other 3 cops are charged & arrested: 612-348-5550

Read 7 tweets
1/ These people are really out here tryinna start the boogaloo. (Translation: White supremacists are legit coming to Minnesota to provoke a race war.)
2/ Folks who know better than I are teaching & organizing folks to focus tonight on protecting their homes & their neighbors. Block by block.

Here's the neighborhood safety plan that came out of Powderhorn's community meeting today.…
3/ Here's a cliffs notes version of how to spend your next few hours before curfew.
Read 20 tweets
For 15 years, I’ve been studying 1960s civil rights protests with particular attention to how nonviolent and violent actions by activists & police influence media, elites, public opinion & voters. I'm thrilled some of that work was published last week. 1/…Image
These striking from photos from yesterday’s protests evoke some of the surprising lessons of 1960s. Consider the narrative these images construct for the larger public. How do these images fit our ideas of who is a “good guy” or who is a “bad guy”? 2/
Now, imagine a simple model in which activists opt to engage in nonviolent or violent resistance and then the state responds with typical or excess force. (To be clear, the world is more complicated but these simplifying assumptions helps us describe some common patterns.) 3/ Image
Read 34 tweets


George Floyd, 46, foi assassinado pela polícia em Minneapolis na última segunda-feira. Imagens mostram policial AJOELHANDO-SE sobre o pescoço do homem, que implorava pela vida: "I Can't Breathe" (Não consigo respirar) dizia. FBI investiga o caso.
Protestos estão ocorrendo desde então. Pessoas, como o jogador de basquete Lebron James, manifestaram-se sobre o caso, que mais uma vez escancara a violência contra negros nos EUA; Em 2014, Eric Garner morreu de forma semelhante. Ele repetiu "Não consigo respirar" 11 vezes.
A versão da polícia, divulgada em comunicado, afirma que os policiais respondiam uma denúncia de que um homem tentava usar cartões falsos em uma loja; e segue pelo caminho INJUSTIFICÁVEL de que "houve resistência" por parte do detido. Mais infos no link.…
Read 33 tweets
Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee into this man's neck yesterday while he was on the ground handcuffed.

The man repeatedly said "I cant breathe."

Bystanders were also begging the officer to stop.

The man died.

The officers are now on paid leave.
The man was arrested for "forgery"

He can be heard calling for his mother.

He wasn't violent at any point in the 6 minute video.

But the cop wouldn't take his knee off of the man's neck until after he was unconscious.

It hurts to watch.
The video is too disturbing to put on Twitter directly.

Go to the link if you would like to watch.

But it truly hurts to see it.
Read 9 tweets
La vidéo du meurtre d'un homme Noir par un officier de Police Blanc scandalise

Le policier écrase son cou pendant de longues minutes alors qu'il
gémit "Je ne peux pas respirer"

#BlackLivesMatter #PoliceBrutality #MoiAussiJAiPeurDeLaPolice
Minneapolis Police
Le FBI et le Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension enquêtent sur l'incident.

Darnella Frazier qui a tourné la vidéo :
"Une dame (pompier) leur a demandé de vérifier son pouls et ils l'ont complètement ignorée et ont été très désagréables avec elle"…
"Finalement, il a cessé de parler et est devenu silencieux. A ce moment, il avait l'air mort. Il semblait qu'il manquait d'énergie et de temps et était en train de mourir lentement. J'ai déjà vu la police être agressive mais jamais tuer quelqu'un devant moi»
Read 28 tweets

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