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We discuss #UkraineCrisis with Pavel Felgenhauer, analyse Australia’s provocative plan in Antarctic with Prof Chen Hong @ECNUER, examine #IranNuclearTalks with Prof @gregjamesbarton & look at child-raising in China with @BJRliuyunyun.…
Australia's claim that it owns 42% of Antarctic has never been recognised by UN. UN does not recognise or acknowledge any claim of land on Antarctic to be owned by a single country. Rather, it’s owned by humanity at large. So Australia's claim is not legitimate. -Prof. Chen Hong
There're criticisms against Scott Morrison’s over-allocating budgets on Antarctic. Intended to deter China's regional presence, Australia's plan to spend as much as 800M on Antarctic is politically motivated, as the value injected onto this land is simply not worth it.-Prof. Chen
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