Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Influencer

Most recents (24)

#IA Ironique, le #Parlement EU interdit la reconnaissance biométrique #faciale dans les lieux publics.
Mais le Sénat français, lui l'a voté quelques jours avant.… suite⏬
Ils ont interdit les systèmes de reconnaissance faciale biométriques dans l'espace public. Mais autorisés dans le cas de crimes graves sur autorisation judiciaire a posteriori. Pareil pour la reconnaissance d'#émotions, mais "dans certains services".…
Le texte voté par les députés UE met en risque élevé les IA qui font une "atteinte à la santé ou aux droits fondamentaux", les IA pour #influencer les #électeurs/ résultats des élections. Vous allez interdire Instagram, Facebook,Twitter? Parce qu'ils le font depuis des années.⏬
Read 5 tweets
#memecoin market can be overwhelming, too many coins everyday to decide?

to navigate the current #memecoin euphoria,
$TICKR and $INNIT platforms are the go-to apps


a thread on how to find new launches🧵
eg: the hot degen plays in last 2 days👇 Image
in last 2 days we have 40/456 launches were worth considering, allows you to filter the coins as per their:

📈Market Data: MC, LP, ATH, VOL, etc
🗣️Social eng. over twitter and TG
🟢SAFU: HP, tax, LP🔒
💹Trends: $PEPE, #AI

$TICKR is COVERGENCE✅ ImageImageImage
In the example above to see coins we use filters like

Age< 2 days
LP> 20k (good lp is imp)
LP lock> 80%
ATH> 150k
taxes< 2%
honeypot check

and we see coins like
@WassieTokenETH $WASSIE
@tipjaai $TIPJA
@monkeerc20 $MONKE
@TheJeffCoin $JEFF
and many more Image
Read 8 tweets
1. Thread on Legend and Teigen - chrissy teigen, john legend... #johnlegend #chrissyteigen #luna Image
2. This is not a deep dive, it will mainly be a series of tweets from Teigen of a pedophilic nature that Chrissy Teigen was allowed to get away with in Twitter 1.0 #chrissyteigen #pedophiletweets Image
3. Chrissy Teigen likes seeing little girls do the splits half naked, knows its wrong but still tweets about it and was allowed to get away with it.... #chrissyteigen Image
Read 81 tweets
Il y a une théorie comme quoi #internet serait #mort vers 2017.
Pas mort fonctionnellement, mais parce qu'il serait presque entièrement pris, submergé par l'intelligence artificielle.…
Que la majorité des contenus seraient créés par des #IA...⏬suite
Internet serait mort, car la majorité des contenus que vous voyez seraient créés par des #IA, combinés à quelques employés ou influenceurs payés pour avancer un agenda. J'aime beaucoup cette théorie, même si difficile à vérifier. Mais pas mal d'éléments vont dans ce sens.⏬suite
Plus je creuse pour trouver des #bots trolls d'IA faux résistants Covid, plus j'en trouve. Je vous ai montré les plus évidents ci-dessous. J'en trouve beaucoup d'autres mieux #programmés. Mais ils ont des points communs ⏬
Read 5 tweets
Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will be dead in 10 years

Influencers are gaining power, and they’re tired of unequal economics and the constant threat of censorship

They’ll soon lead a “great migration” to decentralized platforms like @LensProtocol

Here’s why and how


🧵 Image

#LensProtocol is a decentralized “social graph” that allows users to own their online relationships and content (we’ll explain what this means below)

It has not yet released a token, but over 100K lens #NFTs trade on OpenSea with an average floor price of $108

This thread we will cover:

• What’s a social graph?
• The problem with social media
• How #Lens solves this problem
• How it works
• The Lens ecosystem
• How big is the market for Lens?
• Key competitors
• What is Lens’ moat?
• What’s its long-term potential?
Read 46 tweets
Today marks the first anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine #cyberwar that killed <checks Microsoft's & Mandiant's reports> no one.

Let's go over last year's mass cyberwar #panic. We'll begin with one of the earliest calls to #boycott @Kaspersky:
There was an immediate feeling that everyone must cancel all Kaspersky subscriptions, as if customers -- especially corporate clients -- had a competitor's product waiting in the wings to replace it in some trivial fashion:
Likewise, there was an immediate plea to [translated] "remove Kaspersky from your PC. Now. Immediately." Again, as if customers -- especially corporate clients -- could do it trivially and without serious consequences:
Read 36 tweets
The Grand Shift in Web3 Gaming A🧵

NO creating investor ponzi & play2earn games!
Inhale the power of Crafting Experiences for Gamers.

Founder, dev, CC, advisor, investor or VC in this space: This is for you.

Share this to help spread the word!
#Web3Gaming #InvestorPonzi
Start of a new year. I join a podcast of a major player in the "web 3 gaming" space. A question is presented to the guests about what this space needs to thrive this year.
Two instant Answers: "This will likely be a silent year" + "the markets need more liquidity first".🤯
These people were so lost it motivated me to educate everyone on the reality of the situation.

Web 3 gaming is a moneyhole for the VCs dreaming of exponential returns. Knowing Game tokens are chained to the markets they plan to invest now & exit once the markets go up.
Read 23 tweets
Alle die immer "mehr Waffen für den Frieden", gemeint ist den Frieden durch den Endsieg der ukrainischen US/NATO-Nazi-Marionetten-Regimes über Russland sind in meinen Augen Kriegsverbrecher!
Alle. Merkt sie euch gut!
Auch wer sich gegen Friedensverhandlungen ausspricht, ist ein Verbrecher - einzig im Dienste der Interessen der herrschenden Familien der gigantischen Vermögen, der Kriegs-Macher und -Gewinnler, sowie Faschismus-Macher. Image
Ganz vorne mit dabei beim Verbrechen Kriegstreiberei und Kriegspropaganda, die woke grüne Influencerin und der Talkshowdauergast Marina Weisband @Afelia
Read 53 tweets
Giorgia Soleri, secondo il social magazine The Wom, è tra i personaggi che sono stati di grande ispirazione nel 2022.
Motivazione: ha contribuito a presentare una proposta di legge sulla #vulvodinia. Ma non sono state premiate le altre #attiviste del Comitato. No, ad essere
premiata ogni volta è lei, che ha indissolubilmente legato il proprio volto alla causa. Lei e lei sola trae vantaggi e agevolazioni varie da questa che alla fine si rivela essere una gran bella pubblicità mirante a farne un personaggio intoccabile. Chi mai può mettere in dubbio
ciò che dice/fa se "grazie a lei" adesso si parla di quella malattia invisibile di cui nessuno prima di allora aveva parlato (cosa, tra l'altro non vera)? Andare contro la Soleri vuol dire andare contro tutte quelle povere donne malate. Chi se la prende questa responsabilità?
Read 5 tweets
#OnePlusBusiness thread!
1/ If you're not familiar with OnePlus, it's a Chinese smartphone company that's been making waves in the tech industry for the past few years. Their phones are known for their high-end specs and affordable prices.
2/ OnePlus started out as a small start-up in 2013 and has since grown into a global brand. They've released numerous successful #smartphone models, including the OnePlus 7T, 8, and 10T.
3/ So, what's the secret to their success? One key factor is their focus on customer satisfaction. They've created a dedicated community of "OnePlus fans" who help provide feedback and shape the development of their products.
Read 10 tweets
Hilfestellung bei "freundlichen" Besuchen von gekauften woken NAFO-Trollen,
Agent Provocateur,
PR-Accounts für US/NATO-Kriegspropaganda, US/NATO-Faschisten, -Rassisten,
Russland- und Putin-Hassern,
woke-Faschisten,-Rassisten,-Hatern, -Verschwörungstheorieexperten,
SAntifa... Image
Niemals vergessen
Auch gekaufte woke Trolle und Agenten (Nazis/Faschisten, Woke, Kriegsverbrecher, US/NATO/EU-Untertanen, Systemkarrieristen) sind und bleiben Menschen, die ihre Seele verkauft und verloren haben an die großen Vermögen und deren Kriegsverbrechen und Faschismus. Image
Read 237 tweets
@lolitataub Super grateful for the ask, @lolitataub!🤗

Hi everyone, we're hosting a virtual #preseed #startup competition in Q1 2023, powered by

👉 All eligible participants will get USD $25,000 worth of #AWScredits & 3 months free @roiquant Pro Plan subscription roiquant virtual preseed startup competition 2023Over USD $126,000 worth of equity-free cash and in-kind prizRegister now 👉 schedule: important dates
@lolitataub @roiquant Over 3 months (qualifying to semi-final rounds), participants will research, refine, build, #validate, & improve their conceptual ideas, #business plans, MVPs, & #pitch decks, then they'll #demo & pitch their business & solution offering to a panel of judges at the final round. Join our data-driven virtual preseed startup competitionDemo and pitch to top investors and gain opportunities to at
@lolitataub @roiquant We're looking for Community/University Partners:

👉 a #university considering to promote #business building with scientific and data-driven approaches

👉 an #organization looking to exhibit your products & position your #brand

👉 Partnership Prospectus:… We're looking for Community & University Partners to collabo
Read 9 tweets
"Man muss die andere Argumente ja nicht teilen. Aber sie nicht zuzulassen oder sie von vornherein als Propaganda oder Ähnliches zu diskreditieren, dass schadet der Demokratie, auf die wir doch zurecht stolz sind."
"Eine Demokratie muss es aushalten, dass gestritten wird, das geht ja auch respektvoll. Doch sobald sich eine Gesellschaft radikalisiert, ist es vorbei mit der Streitkultur. Und das geht so." Gabriele Krone-Schmalz
"Die Ideologisierung und vor allem die moralische Aufladung von Debatten läuft auf eine Polarisierung hinaus, die fast zwangsläufig zu einer Radikalisierung führt. ..."
Gabriele Krone-Schmalz
Read 144 tweets
"Im Krieg verlieren auch die Sieger: Nur der Frieden kann gewonnen werden"
Daniela Dahm Image
«Der Traum vom ewigen Frieden darf keine Utopie bleiben» – Daniela Dahn

"Es ist wieder Krieg in Europa. Und längst geht es nicht mehr um die Frage, ob wir involviert sind, sondern um das Wie.
Mit dem russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine ist die westliche Friedensarchitektur zusammengebrochen. Aber gab es sie denn jemals? Politiker Deutschlands, der USA, der NATO und die Leitmedien erklären unisono, in der Ukraine werde unsere Freiheit verteidigt,
Read 136 tweets
As a venture-backed founder, I frequently get asked what I actually do on a day-to-day basis.

In case you were wondering, here's a day in the life of a startup founder in Silicon Valley.

A thread 👇

Our beta for @ZetteMedia is launching soon, and engineering needs final approval from product.

I pore over the Figma mocks, greenlighting the ones I want to use for our upcoming beta launch.

Wow, our designer is so talented. I like the subtle use of newsprint gray. ImageImage

I get an email that our Zette water bottles are ready for pickup. We've been ordering a lot of swag lately for conferences.

Unfortunately, they're nowhere to be found. Maybe the package room needs a day to process the shipment?

I decide this is the most logical conclusion. Image
Read 16 tweets
This is How Influencers Make Money by Dumping on You.

A Thread….🧵

A Crypto Project / NFT Project is Getting Ready to Launch.⚡️🪙

The #influencer will tell you they are researching good projects that are 10X gems and 100x gems projects.

The project can be some NFT Project, Defi Project, Web3 & Metaverse Project, Gaming Project, etc.

#web3 #Gaming #Metaverse

Read 16 tweets
Teknosa'dan "Bi'linkle Influencer Sensin" Kampanyası📢

Teknosa'nın e-ticarette devrim yaratacak yeniliği ile;

📌Sıradan bir müşteri beğendiği bir ürünün linkini paylaşarak,

📌Bu linke tıklayıp alışveriş yapanların siparişlerinden komisyon alacak.

📌Hem de komisyon nakit para! Image
📌Artık sıradan kişiler de influencerlar gibi link paylaşarak para kazanabilecek.

📌Kullanıcılar, ürün sayfaların bulunan "Paylaş Kazan" butonuna tıklayarak kendilerine özel bir link oluşturacak.

📌Bu linki diledikleri platformda sevdikleriyle paylaşacak. Özel mesajlar da dahil
📌Paylaştıkları linke tıklayarak alışveriş yapan kişilerin alışverişinden her ürün için değişen oranlarda komisyon alacaklar.

📌En önemli nokta ise bu komisyon Teknosa kredisi ve cüzdan lirası değil, nakit ödeme olarak kullanıcılara ödenecek.
Read 4 tweets
Why #Financial #Influencer community is being hated so much?

What went wrong with them?

Let's answer all these questions in this #Thread🧵.

Tag your favorite influencers so that they can also learn from the mistake.

Like❤️ and Retweet🔄this tweet for the benefit of others.
Let's start with an analogy now.

Just imagine you are in a school and you are 6 years old. You don't have much knowledge of what is right or wrong.

Your teacher says that throwing garbage in open is bad.

So what's the probability that you will do this?

Least Likely, right?
If the teacher says that smoking and eating tobacco is not good for your health, then again you will prefer not to do this, even if your favourite actor/actress or any celebrity promotes this.

You will follow what the teacher says.
Read 27 tweets
When will we admit that “clash of civilizations” of Islamophobia narrative is not only false but dangerous. “War on Terror”=waging war vs Muslims but #J6 & #BuffaloMassacre reveal terror is not one religion. When Muslims are “legit” targets…that supremacist hate spreads further. ImageImageImageImage
Who was it “okay” to torture? (assumed is a terrorist?) Whose civil liberties disappeared 20 years ago? Muslims.

“But you all ‘deserve’ it” we’ve heard &: Why didn’t you stop terrorism? Why haven’t you apologized about x & y?

Now: consequences of that…
The “Great Replacement” is an extension of “Clash of Civilizations” that conflict/war is “inevitable” between “different” humans defined by race or religion. It dehumanizes some humans as “less than” or “threat.” Once you label as such, violence follows.…
Read 22 tweets
We added a new article on #URL #Database where the goal is to classify over 80 million #domain for their IAB #categories:…
A set of interesting links about #URL #Classification…
Read 6 tweets
Kripto Piyasasında olan herkese fayda sağlayacak ve stratejinizi kendinizin de belirleyebileceği hale gelmenizi sağlayacak web sitelerini sizler için derledik. Hadi başlıyalım.💫
#Bitcoin #AVAX #LUNA #lunaterra #kriptopara
1.Piyasada olan projelerin kontrat adreslerini bulunduğu, anlık olarak değer takibini yapabileceğimiz, kendi portföyümüzü oluşturabileceğimiz, kripto paralar için kendi kategoriye ayıran geniş kapsamlı sitemiz:
2. Site içerisinde kendi portföyümüzü oluşturup takibini kolayca sağladığımız coinlerin geçmiş verilerinin hangi borsalarda listeli olduğunu gösteren, #coingecko ile benzer bir site olan @CoinMarketCap
Read 23 tweets
Vor zwei Tagen sprang ein Funke über. Tausende Menschen in #Armut haben begonnen unter dem Hashtag #IchBinArmutsbetroffen ihre Geschichten zu Teilen, stellen sich vor und überwinden ihre Scham. Das verdient #Respekt, Anerkennung und Aufmerksamkeit.🧵
Was erhalten Menschen, die zu oft unsichtbar sind in ‹Einem Land, in dem wir gut und gerne leben›? Kaum Aufmerksamkeit, aber Häme und zu wenig #Respekt. Keine (!) Partei bezog Stellung. Welche Partei sollten #IchBinArmutsbetroffen wählen, wenn sie ignoriert werden?
Einige Kommentatoren unterstellen #IchBinArmutsbetroffen nur falsch gewählt zu haben – aber mal ehrlich, welche Partei sollten sie denn wählen, wenn keine Partei sie wahrnimmt, ernstnimmt oder mit ihnen spricht? Wisst ihr was schlimm ist?
Read 15 tweets
Many will be down bad in #crypto
Maybe you followed a terrible pick from an #Influencer & it dumped.

If you want to win in #crypto & you need to beat them.
You need to use the tools they do & find the best #HiddenGems first.

Here is a list of 15 essential tools you need 🧵👇

Always try to spot the next big macro trend or 'narrative' in #crypto. Just because #play2earn or #DEFI was hot in the past, doesn't mean it will be in the future.

The thesis by @twobitidiot at @MessariCrypto
is 1 of the best tools 4 this:…
2/ #CoinMarketCap

Once you have found a narrative, time to find some great potential projects that could run alongside it.

(Eg if #Defi is coming back, hunt for small-cap Defi projects)

@CoinMarketCap is one of the best tools 4 doing this.
Read 17 tweets

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