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UPDATE from Ret. Gen. Rio of TNTrio!

Why would COMELEC Chairman George Garcia tell the public that the May 9 Election Transmission Logs will be released when what were given are actually Reception Logs? It is precisely the Reception data of the Servers that are being questioned.
We need the VCM Transmissions data to check whether the unbelievable 20M+ votes counted in the Transparency Server (TS) in the first hour after voting closed at 7pm on May 9, 2022, were actually transmitted by the VCMs.
Of course, the Reception Logs will tally with what the TS received and showed the public. But will the VCM's Transmission Logs tally with the Servers’ Reception Logs? If COMELEC is deceiving the public, that means it is hiding something.
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#ImpeachComelecCommissioners @COMELEC @ChairGEGarcia


RECEPTION LOGS ang binigay nila at hindi TRANSMISSION LOGS #IMPEACH #BetrayalOfPublicTrust

@YsaacFranklin @EliseoRio1

@senatePH @SCPh_PIO Image
Eto po yong nirelease nila, RECEPTION LOGS. Image
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This speech will go down as one of the greatest speeches. @Schwarzenegger is right—Jan 6th 2021 was our Kristallnacht. Austria 🇦🇹 tried to resist Hilter takeover for years but succumbed because Hitler’s lies went unchallenged. We must #impeach now.
2) My wife @andreafeigl1’s 🇦🇹 great grandfather secretly fought Hilter’s Nazi regime & smuggled many Jews to safety as an aircraft engineer. He was thrown into a concentration camp.

She knows a few things about Nazi history—and today was downright fascist all the way. Read 👇
3) fun fact, my wife was born in same Austrian 🇦🇹 city as @Schwarzenegger.

Fun fact 2: she doesn’t talk like Arnold.
Read 5 tweets
Today, the President of the United States kept telling
absurd lies & refused to concede.
He incited acts of domestic terrorism.
Members of the @Cabinet should be quietly considering the 25th Amendment.
The House should open an impeachment inquiry, @RepJerryNadler @SpeakerPelosi
An inquiry is not a conviction.

It is the first, necessary step for Congress to hold a corrupt President willing to lie & incite his partisans to overturn an election accountable.

He incited a mob towards an insurrection that breached the @USCapitol, disrupting a Joint Session.

"With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, [Trump] has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must…impeach him, & the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, …bar him from ever again serving in public office." ?…
Read 70 tweets
Long important thread alert. Today, trump gave away the game again. He is actively working to destroy the sanctity of a free American election by undermining the USPS. He admitted it and now Congress must act to #Impeach him for it.
We have the chance for a new America.
To have the America we think America is. We have the chance to decide who we are as a nation. We have been given that chance by the most brazenly corrupt president in our history.
trump has gaslit the nation into believing in his image of success. He built a character. It is a facade. He is cosplaying what a child would think was a successful businessman turned president. Because he is still a child. His niece told us.
#Impeach Image
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Don McGahn, come on down! Remember 3 years ago, on May 21, 2017 McGahn was scheduled to testify to House Judiciary about Vol 2 of Mueller Report, donald trump’s Obstruction of Justice. He claimed absolute immunity. DC appeals court rules he can testify.…
As SCOTUS has ruled in the Mazars case, absolute immunity is not a thing. DC en banc rules he can be called to testify by House Judiciary. From the ruling it appears McGahn can still assert an invalid subpoena. That it is over broad, but he can’t use absolute immunity.
Now it is up to @RepJerryNadler to call him to testify about the president’s wrong doing relative to the firing of Jeff Sessions, and obstructions of justice outlined in volume 2 of Mueller’s report. Call him in Monday Jerry. If he doesn’t show, use inherent contempt. #Impeach
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I can’t help but feel this is building to something.

Why would Schiff want the transcripts of Flynn’s calls with the Russian Ambassador? Certainly not to bolster the DOJ’s case for dropping the charges against him. Charges he plead guilty to. Twice.
What could it be?
Judge Sullivan seems to have that case under his jurisdiction already. So why would Schiff want the current or next (Grenell/Ratcliffe) DNI to turn over the Flynn transcripts? Perhaps it is because he knows they won’t. Ratcliffe is brand new as DNI and he has to pay off.
He won’t deliver the documents and if he does, they will be heavily redacted. He will slow walk them, force a subpoena, force the committee to go through the courts or wait until SCOTUS rules on the subpoena cases.
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The Senate convenes now to try the President of the United States for impeachable offenses, namely, bribery to subvert the elections, and obstruction. #ImpeachAndRemoveTrump
The Republicans, under Mitch McConnell, will now try to set rules that will ram through a quick moot court without witnesses, in an historic first and a powerful gesture towards dictatorship #ImpeachedForLife
The rules would force the Democrats to present their case for twelve hours at a time and late into the midnight hours. Careful attention has been paid to make the procedure as visually boring as possible #ImpeachmentTrialRules #ImpeachedForLife
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🔥Senator ⁦@RogerWicker⁩ forgets that he said Firtash was a threat to Ukraine. Now that he knows ⁦@RudyGiuliani, Trump⁩ ⁦@DevinNunes⁩ and ⁦@PeteSessions⁩ were working with him via felons Parnas & Fruman will he vote to #Impeach⁉️…
🔥@rogerwicker wrote a letter to Jeff Sessions about the dangers of mobbed up Firtash, who is an underling of Mogilevich. Can @Olivianuzzi meet him for brunch and ask him how he feels now⁉️…
🤔What is Kurt Volker thinking now that he knows @DevinNunes and @RudyGiuliani we’re conspiring with Firtash through with Parnas, Fruman, Toensing and DiGenova. I’d like to hear his thoughts now too.…
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Hours after the House of Representatives cast their votes to #impeach Pres. #Trump, we put out a statement that was carefully prepared, thoughtfully considered, and consistent with requests from our membership to speak out in defense of ethics and norms.
As a grassroots organization that is committed to being nonpartisan, we reaffirm our faith in democracy, acknowledging that with our individual votes under threat, every citizen has a role to play and should speak out.
We would like to help any interested citizens amplify their own voices and communicate directly with their representatives in Congress. MWEG is planning a visit to the Hill in January to deliver copies of our statement, along with constituent letters, to Senate D.C. offices.
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Yesterday, @realDonaldTrump became the 3rd President to be impeached. In the debate of the impeachment article of the #Constitution, a challenge was posed: A senate which was of the same political persuasion as the President would never vote to impeach. /1
Alexander Hamilton responded forcefully that it would be the senators’ own political self-interest that would prevail. /2
Hamilton asserts that upon evidence of impeachable acts and the attempted manipulation of the trial by senate leaders, the senators will vote to convict the president or they will allow the president to become the author of their “mismanagement and disgrace”. /3
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Today we need to ask how anyone could defend Trump after all he's done! Clearly, Republicans would impeach a Democrat who did far less(see Bill Clinton)

#ResignTrump #ImpeachmentDay #impeachment
He's extorted Ukraine with taxpayer money!
#impeach #ImpeachTheMF #impeachTrump
#AdamSchiff is a national treasure! He lays out the case for the Constitution perfectly!
#ImpeachAndRemove Trump because he will do it again! Call the Senate every day! 202-224-3121 or Please Call Congress @ 202-224-3121 or text resist to 50409 to fax them.
Read 22 tweets
Some democrats from #moderate districts say the vote to #impeach the President is one they have to take, living up to their constitutional oath. But many say it's a risky vote that puts their 2020 elections in jeopardy. #Impeachment @NexstarDC ImageImage
@NexstarDC Congresswoman @RepKatiePorter was one of 7 CA Dems to flip Republican districts in 2018. She beat incumbent (R) Mimi Walters in a tight race. Here's what she told me this afternoon about her decision to vote YES to #Impeach President Trump #ImpeachmentEve #Impeachment @NexstarDC
@NexstarDC @RepKatiePorter Interesting response...
I asked Congressman Dan @RepLipinski whether he thought Dems pushing for #Impeachment during the #Russia Investigation might've undermined the credibility of calls for impeachment now, after #Ukraine matter. Here's what he said @NexstarDC
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Thread: Here’s the thing, friends. Fighting to save democracy isn’t fun. It’s not convenient. If you’ve found yourself feeling horrified and depressed by the state of our country over the last 3 years, it’s time to roll up your sleeves. If you claim to want Trump out /1
(even more than you dread a Pence White House), then you need to show up. On Tuesday night, ALL OVER THE US, folks are taking to the streets. I know you don’t feel like doing this. Gosh knows I don’t either. But don’t post on social media & vent to your friends and then sit /2
out an opportunity to make an impact. The reason your presence is critical is because the numbers and the visuals matter here and around the world. I look forward to seeing you there with your signs alongside me. And yes, I know, you’d rather be inside in your pjs wrapping /3
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<THREAD GOP CRIMES> Beginning April 2018 Trump, Giuliani, House Leader McCarthy and former Rep Pete Sessions took close to $1m in bribes from foreign agents Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman to take out the U.S. ambassador in Kyiv. #Impeach #FridayFeeling @NarativLive /1
Laws were broken but Republican avarice continued, illegally influencing the US election in 2018 by inviting foreign interference into a second election in a row. Kevin McCarthy took in so much money from Parnas/Fruman, it barely fits onto 4 full pages. #Impeach @NarativLive /2
Devin Nunes ended the year by using Parnas to coordinate meetings in what he claimed was Europe. Instead Nunes visited a Libyan warlord backed by Russia and Malta's president accused of killing a journalist who had exposed corruption.@NarativLive /3 .
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LAVROV STUNT: Russian Foreign Min Sergei Lavrov says he's read the Mueller Report and there is no proof of collusion. He offers to release secret 2016 communications when he says the Kremlin attempted to resolve the cyberattacs with the Obama White House.#Impeach
Last time Lavrov was here, it was the day after Jim Comey was fired and a few months after Russian asset Michael Flynn was fired as National Security Advisor. Here's how that meeting went. Sure Sergei, no collusion!. I'd like to read those docs, please send. @NarativLive
@NarativLive To be clear this is a Russian active measure, designed to start a cluster of confusion as Trump is being impeached. Nothing like adding fuel to the Ukraine fire and doing it while standing next to Pompeo and en-route to teh White House. Please call this out for what it is.
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Remember when I told you that the #Impeachment Inquiry was really about Russia? The same show I told you about Rudy and #Trump taking bribes. That was at the end of October.@NarativLive #ThursdayThoughts…
@NarativLive Then I laid out how Vladimir Putin seemed to be calling the shots as Trump and Giuliani were scrambling to deal with Zelensky's surprise election win. /2 @NarativLive. #Impeach #UkraineScheme…
I revealed how profits from Liquid Natural Gas plays a big factor in the #UkraineScheme and that Republicans were set to make a mint off Ukrainian LNG tenders. /3 #TrumpImpeachment…
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1/ My thread on #GOP defense of #Trump: General defense amounts to 2 arguments: 1. #Trump was genuinely concerned about #corruption in #Ukraine; 2) not enough evidence to #impeach. We have no evidence on the first & evidence to the contrary. Legally, there’s enough evidence.
2/ The strongest args #GOP makes - #Trump not caught on tape saying he was abusing his office for his personal gain. Ukraine history of corruption & publicly denied pressure. But you have to suspend reason & ignore a boatload of evidence to conclude he did nothing impeachable.
3/ #GOP on 7/25 call -#Trump didn’t reference reelection, Ukrainians happy it happened. #Volker didn’t see problem, NSC not complaining. Discounts #LtColVindman. Ignores #Pence aide thought it was “unusual” & #LauraCooper said Ukraine asked abt aid status same day after the call
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This TIME interview is really remarkable. Zelensky slams Trump for failing to realize how urgently Ukraine needed the aid Trump was withholding. He seems to question whether Trump is complying with U.S. foreign policy which makes Ukraine a strategic partner. @NarativLIve
@NarativLive 2. Zelensky does not hold back on criticizing Trump's assertion that Ukraine is corrupt, spelling out that his comments hugely damage Ukraine's standing in the world. #ImpeachmentHOAX
3. Worth recalling it's Putin and Victor Orban who fed Trump the whole Ukraine is corrupt lie. #Ukraine…
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Trump is lying about Zelensky's new interview. In fact, the Ukrainian president is scathing about Trump. Here's the interview from TIME Magazine.
#impeach #Ukraine #impeachmenthoax
@NarativLive Zelensky calls Trump's decision the "hardest of signals"…
@NarativLive Zelensky implies Trump is not playing by the rules and brushed aside any discussion of quid pro quo. My takeaway - why would discuss conditions when the whole thing ignores the rules. @NarativLive
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<Thread> NEW: A Ukranian millionaire with a longstanding relationship with Donald Trump is set to return to Kyiv to face justice. Oleksandr Onyschenko is accused by prosecutors of embezzling $125 million through a shady gas deal. @NarativLive #UkraineScheme #Impeach
@NarativLive Onyschenko told al-Jazeera he's known Trump for years through Trump's Palm Beach showjumping contest and they spent time together during the 2013 Miss Universe. Onyschenko is an Olympic show-jumper with a taste for a lavish lifestyle /2 @NarativLive #UkraineScheme #Impeach
Earlier this month, Spain refused to grant Onyschenko asylum. He has been living there for three years. /3 @NarativLive #UkraineScheme #Impeach…
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@SenCapito @FoxNews @BretBaier I’m tired of the lies & you know better, @SenCapito & #GOP
When the hearings were “private” the mems of the committees were following Repub rules passed in 2015.
Repubs could ask questions to those being deposed until the Repubs’ questions were asked find name of WB. 1
@SenCapito @FoxNews @BretBaier Your pres, trump, threatened & wrote intimidating Tweets so Rep Schiff had to step in to protect the WB. (I think trump knows the name of WB anyway). Trump and GOP demanded public hearings UNTIL it came time for the pub hearings.
If you feel the hearings is a divisive exercise,2
@SenCapito @FoxNews @BretBaier then you and the GOP should demand trump’s resignation. Congress must hold the president accountable for asking Ukraine to find “dirt” on his political rival & for his own personal, political advantage while illegally withholding military $$$ to Ukraine.
Ukraine had been 3
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Rudy's on a lot of people's payrolls but he's (was??) an official advisor on cyber security to the president of the US not just a personal lawyer. This isn't just an inconvenient conflict of interest it's corruption. @narativlive…
@NarativLive 2. On the podcast we've been digging into Rudy's associates and patrons. Part 1 took you back to Rudy's crackdown on the mafia in the 1980's. @narativlive #Impeach…
3. Trump points to Rudy's other clients. In Part 2, we look at oligarch Pavel Fuchs - a Rudy client who is also a Trump business partner. @narativlive #Impeach…
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1. There are many ways to watch the latest @narativlive podcasts. I expose how Vladimir #Putin and a Billion dollar natural gas deal are part of #Trump's #Ukraine scheme. Part 1 is here: #Impeach #ImpeachmentInquiry @narativlive…
2. Part 2 is about the natural gas deal lurking in the shadows of #Trump's #Ukraine scheme. @narativlive #ImpeachmentInquiry…
3. You can also get the episodes wherever you get your podcasts, the links veto apple podcasts are in this thread.
Read 4 tweets

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