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💡 Bienvenidos a nuestro hilo sobre la ontología. La ontología es una rama de la filosofía que se dedica al estudio de la existencia y la naturaleza de la realidad. A lo largo de este hilo, exploraremos algunas de las teorías y conceptos más importantes de la ontología. Image
📚 Según Aristóteles, la ontología es la "ciencia de lo que es". ¿Qué es lo que es? Eso es precisamente lo que la ontología busca descubrir. #Aristoteles #ontología 💡
💭 Immanuel Kant afirma que la ontología es una "ciencia de la esencia pura". ¿Qué significa esto? #Kant #ontología 🤔
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Ein genialisches Buch, ein großer Wurf, ein bedeutendes Werk von gerade einmal 88 Seiten - so selbstbewußt auftretend, daß diese Seitenzahl es völlig gleichmütig lassen kann :) -
DAS NEUE VOLK von Simon Kießling, erschienen bei #Antaios als #Kaplaken 83. Eine Rezension als 🧵
Ist der Verfall noch aufzuhalten? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, der allgegenwärtigen Auflösung aller Dinge entgegenzutreten? Erfaßt die polit. Rechte die ihr gestellte Aufgabe richtig, wenn sie sich als #Katechon begreift? Oder verfehlt sie damit gerade ihre historische Mission? 2/15
Diese Fragen sind es, denen Kießling sich in diesem äußerlich schmalen, aber innerlich mächtigen Buch stellt. Und er beantwortet sie auch mit großer Klarheit und Überzeugungskraft: dreimal „nein“.
Doch dabei beläßt er es nicht, er weist auch einen Ausweg. 3/15
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#Heidegger je rekao da "metafiziku treba preboljeti". Naputak je na mene djelovao tako da sam bez komplikacija prebolio Heideggera. Zbog toga sam razvio imunitet na postmodernu; i, kako ne gledam stvari kroz maglu delirija, sasvim jasno vidim metafiziku gdje netko vidi biologiju.
#lgtbq metafizika ima, naravno, malo veze s biologijom bilo kao s argumentom za bilo kao s argumentom protiv. Istinabog, riječ je o mentalitetu koji ima malo veze s argumentima, jer je osnovna intuicija inverzija: A istodobno i u istom smislu jest ne-A.
A metafizika uvijek polazi od osnova koje se ne mogu staviti u pitanje. Dokazivati očigledno nije moguće i znak je neobrazovanosti (Aristotel). Otud su zagovornici korozivnih društvenih reformi iskreno konsternirani kad im se netko suprotstavi. Oni vide što mi ne vidimo.
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#TalDiaComoHoy de 1937, hace 84 años, el #PadreHuidobro, páter de la #IVBandera de #LaLegion, hallaba la muerte en el frente de la #CasaDeCampo. Su recuerdo aún perdura al repicar las campanas celestiales por la fogosidad e intensidad de su #ServirParaServir. Portada de la biografía del padre Tovar sobre el padre Huid
De familia humilde y con fuertes convicciones católicas, con otro hermano sacerdote y dos hermanas religiosas, su vida iba a concluir dando auxilio a uno de sus #legionarios de la #IVBandera de #LaLegion en la #CasaDeCampo. Ese triste final fue el resultado de una intuición.
Poco antes de hallar la Muerte y encontrarse ante Dios, había renovado sus votos en el #ColegioSanJose de #VillafrancaDeLosBarros , convencido de que el final de su trayectoria vital, como escribió en una carta, estaba próximo. El eco de la llamada del Todopoderoso le rondaba.
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#EnFinirAvecNietzsche [THREAD]
1️⃣ Voici venu le temps de #DémonterNietzsche à coups de 🔨 (philosophique).
Que ce #phallusophe protofasciste enseigné avec des trémolos dans les moustaches apparaisse pour ce qu’il est : un gourou d’extrême-droite !...👇
2️⃣ #Nietzsche, comme plus tard #Heidegger, fantasme son succès futur par et pour un public imaginé plus perméable à ses délires. Comme le nazi de Fribourg, il mise sur sa mégalomanie et sa mystagogie pour polluer l’esprit de ses futurs disciples, son œuvre est taillée pour ça. 👇 Image
3️⃣ Comme encore #Heidegger après lui, et les leaders nazis, #Nietzsche a la « culture » en haine, celle de l’humanisme et de la solidarité – trop « chrétienne », trop peu virile. « Nos femmelettes minées par la culture et l’hystérie... » : ainsi parlait le #phallusophe !... 👇 ImageImage
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Alongside the #ExeterTehranConvos I’m been thinking about the nature of philosophy and research in #Iran within the context of the reception of #European philosophy - thread on #philosophy in #Iran 1/ Image
And the ways in which continental philosophy dominated in an earlier period due to the influence of the #Heideggerians and the circle of #AhmadFardid (1909-1994) many of whom became prominent in the committee for the cultural revolution after 1979 2/ Image
But since then - and it seems perhaps a bit of a surprise that #Soroush was a major figure in the support of #analytic_philosophy then - #Anglophone philosophy is gaining an upper hand 3/ Image
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#EnFinirAvecArendt 1
La + intouchable des « philosophes ». Citée par tout l'échiquier politique comme un argument d'autorité. Parce que femme ? Parce que juive ? Parce qu'Allemande ? – Qu'importe. Il est temps d'en finir...
#EnFinirAvecArendt 2
Arendt est connue pour son travail sur le « totalitarisme » et ses jolis slogans, dont « la banalité du mal », ânonné en cours de philo comme une vérité sûre. Elle ne fait que reprendre la plaidoirie malhonnête d'Eichmann à son compte. Image
#EnFinirAvecArendt 3
Ce bobard immonde vise à lustrer l’ancien amant et professeur d’Arendt : #Heidegger, lequel lui confessa son #antisémitisme « universitaire » dès l’hiver 1932, soit peu avant son adhésion publique au mvt nazi.

VOIR 👉#SortirHeidegger
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My first encounter with the #Persian #Wittgenstein (1889-1951) in Iran was buying a copy of a translation of #PhilosophicalInvestigations at the Tehran book fair in 1999 - a thread on Wittgenstein in Iran 1/
This translation by Ferydoun Fatemi (d. 2008), a well-known translator of philosophical works with Nashr-e markaz seems to be based on the English 2/
Standard accounts of Wittgenstein do not tend to look at his reception beyond the English speaking context - but for that there are two two excellent introductions which partly problematise the 'early' vs 'late' and SEP entry… 3/
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It is not difficult to understand why Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) has been influential in Iran along with other major theorists in #phenomenology and #hermeneutics like #Gadamer - both visited #Iran in 2002 - a thread on #Ricoeur in #Iran 1/
Especially for those interested in religion and making sense of the word and the world, of text, action and hermeneutics, it is often the triumvirate of Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), Paul Ricoeur, Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002) and Emanuel Levinas (1906-1995) who come to mind 2/ ImageImageImageImage
The revolution of 1979 brought up issues of authenticity, a desire to reconcile one's political and social being with one's faith; it brought political theology to the fore; no doubt both the #hermeneutics of suspicion and #reconstruction of #Ricoeur were attractive 3/
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So what about #postcolonial #Bergson in #Iran? Just as in the case of #Heidegger it seems Ahmad Fardid (1909-1994) is the key figure publishing the first article in 1937 on #Bergson and #Bergsonism seeing in him an ally in his nativist project 1/ Image
His encounter would have been in Tehran and before he met #Corbin after the war (whose work on #Zoroastrian motifs in #Suhrawardi he translated into #Persian) and certainly before he left to study in Paris in 1947 - Ch11 of Mirsepassi book is the place to look 2/ Image
Around the same time as Fardid’s article, Buf-e kur (The Blind Owl) the existentialist novel of Sadeq #Hedayat (1903-1951) was published that seems to bear the influence of the notion of #duration… 3/
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Just got this wonderful book of interview reminiscences by Daryush Shayegan (1935-2018) with #RaminJahanbegloo 1/ ImageImageImage
#Shayegan was sent to school in #England after WW2 and then read philosophy, Sanskrit and literature at #Geneva 2/
#Shayegan was close to #Corbin and his life’s account is a wonderful journey in the #intellectual_history of #Iran and its encounter with #Europe 3/ ImageImageImageImage
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#Corbin was not a thinker whose influences and interests were easily compartmentalised but rather his #Protestantism, #existentialism interest in #mysticism #RussianOrthodoxPhilosophy all came together in his study of #IranianIslam 1/
With respect to #phenomenology and #existentialism from Germany as well as #Hegelianism these were mediated by Alexander Koyré and Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968) both Russian exiles trained in Germany and teaching at #EPHE 2/ Image
From Kojève he first came to understand the #phenomenology of #EdmundHusserl (1859-1938) who also taught #Heidegger as well as #KarlJaspers (1883-1969) who taught at #Heidelberg before being blacklisted by the Nazis 3/ ImageImage
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#Corbin was one of a group of young #Protestant intellectuals in #Paris who discovered the work of #KarlBarth (1886-1968) the Swiss reformed theologian whom he met in Bonn in 1931 1/
Barth was known for his dialectical theology starting with his Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (#DerRömerbrief) published in 1919; in 1934 he openly opposed Nazi authority insisting upon the absolute sovereignty of the divine and returned to Switzerland 2/
‘Faith is awe in the presence of the divine incognito; it is the love of God that is aware of the qualitative difference between God and man and God and the world’ 3/
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Most specialists of #Islamic #intellectual_history know about the connection between the philosopher and Orientalist specialist of philosophy in #Iran Henry Corbin (1903-1978) and the German philosopher #MartinHeidegger (1889-1973) - a short thread 1/
Corbin first met #Heidegger in #Freiburg in 1934 and took on the translation of Was ist Metaphysik? as well as some other works and entered into a correspondence and meetings on the work 2/
This was published in 1938 by #Gallimard in #Paris and reviewed in Revue neoscolastique 3/
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The Egyptian philosopher ʿAbd al-Rahman al-Badawi (1917-2002) is perhaps one of the most underrated thinkers of #ContemporaryArabThought - a major #Heideggerian_existentialist #Sufism and #IslamicPhilosophy specialist who studied at Fuad I (later #Cairo) University 1/
Many of us who study #IslamicThought know him for his editions of #ArabicAristotle #ArabicPlato #ArabicPlotinus as well as editions of the work of #Avicenna #IbnSabin #SiwanalHikma and others - without his efforts we would not have editions of the #PlotinianaArabica 2/
In the 1930s he studied in Cairo and obtained his PhD in 1944 supervised by #AlexandreKoyré (1892-1964) on the notion of 'existential time' that engages with #Heidegger - this like his other early works was published by #DaralNahdaalMisriya 3/
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The reception of #EuropeanPhilosophy in #Iran is around 100 years old and #Nashr_e_nay in #Tehran has been at the forefront of publishing translations - a thread on #translation in #ContemporaryIranianPhilosophy and the work of ‘Abdol-Karim Rashidiyan 1/
#Rashidiyan (b. 1948) is a professor of philosophy at #ShahidBeheshti university in #Tehran one of the best departments in #Iran and received his PhD from #Sorbonne in 1978; especially known for his translations of #continentalphilosophy 2/
Early on he translated the famous manifesto of William James (1842-1910) - Pragmatism 3/ ImageImage
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more books in #covid19times Mouchir Basile Aoun, Professor of Philosophy @LebaneseUni wrote this work around a decade ago on the problematic reception of #Heidegger in #ContemporaryArabThought 1/ ImageImageImage
Aoun discusses the book in this short video on the ontological problematic
#ContemporaryArabThought 2/ ImageImageImage
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#Heidegger, Aristoteles’te ”Metafizik” olduğu kanısına iye olan tüm felsefecilere sesleniyor:

“Tasarlamanın nesne-olmaklığı olarak Varolan ve tasarlamanın kesinliği olarak doğruluk ilk kez #Descartes Metafiziğinde belirlendi.
“Onun temel eserinin başlığı şöyle: Meditationes de prima philosophia, “İlk Felsefe Üzerine Düşünmeler”.
“Prote Philosophia, daha sonraları Metafizik diye adlandırılan şeyin #Aristoteles tarafından ortaya koyulmuş belirlemesi.
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