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This guy appears to be a buddy of Hunter Biden.
#J6 Hoax ImageImage
My #J6 RS findings- Video-…
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EXCLUSIVE: A top US Capitol Police commander failed to respond to repeated urgent calls to evacuate Congress on #Jan6, causing the loss of precious time that might have prevented the shooting death of protester #AshliBabbitt, a former USCP commander said.…
The delay caused by the radio silence from the Capitol Police Command Center was so urgent that the veteran lieutenant forged ahead with the evacuation anyway, saying he feared lawmakers would be injured or killed if he didn’t lead them to safety.
In a series of exclusive interviews with @EpochTimes, former Lt. Tarik K. Johnson detailed allegations that Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman failed to respond to multiple urgent calls for help.

“I begged for help all day on Jan. 6, 2021, and I feel I was largely ignored.”
Read 6 tweets
Every time Ashli Babbitt trends,I will remind you:

Ashli Babbitt never imagined the Capitol Police would shoot her because the police rarely shoot white women, unless it’s a cop who shoots his wife at home. #AshliBabbitt #January6th…
Babbitt's mother apparently thinks #Jan6th “was an inspiring, uplifting patriotic day. It was a happy moment in her life. She just got to see Trump speak," and blames Capitol police and the FBI for the violence of that day.
Even when they join an insurrection, even as they pummel their way through the doors that held back the mob braying for violence from the upper echelons of the U.S. govt, white women are still remembered for the best versions of themselves.
Read 8 tweets
Let's talk about #AshliBabbitt . This is Byrd the police officer that shot and killed an unarmed woman who collected $127,591 in a gofundme while he was on paid leave during the investigation. Top donor a democrat of course!
It took 8 months to come forward that it was him. 8 months before we knew who it was.
Read 14 tweets
It's Monday and #AshliBabbitt is delivering the sickest partisan burns on social media. This is why America can't have nice things.
Warning: Trumpers are slowly forming their collective dinosaur brain, injecting MAGAmemes to stimulate the "angry white guy talking to phone in car" elective dysfunction amygdaiae. A black man shot Babbit. The Steal is still real. A faux riot for the upcoming CAPD perp walk. Image
Half of the GOP is ready to DumpTrump. Donny has a shrinking window to diddle the ball sac of the disaffected. He knows riots are asymmetrical. The FBI might have to come up with faster, easier ways to de-sedition this nation.…
Read 7 tweets
The #January6thCommitteeHearings started on 6/9/22 evening with witness testimony & video footage surrounding the riot on the Capitol on #J6. The televised hearing is the 1st in a series that is expected to last through July.
I will ask the questions not being asked & quote many. Image
In all of the video shown on Prime TV by the #January6thCommitteeHearings, I didn't see a single frame w/ Ray Epps as he is seen in multiple videos on Jan 5 & #J6.

Why was Ray Epps encouraging people to go "into" the Capitol building?

Did the FBI hire Ray Epps?
Who is #RayEpps? Image
@BennieGThompson @RepLizCheney & @RepKinzinger
Does the FBI now, or has it ever, maintained a formal or informal relationship or point of contact w/ Ray Epps, whether directly or indirectly, including through intermediaries?
Who is #RayEpps
#January6thCommitteeHearings Image
Read 126 tweets
This hasn’t aged well.

The double standard and unmitigated hypocrisy beggars belief.

No buildings were 🔥 burned.
No policemen 👮🏻‍♂️ were killed.
No looting occurred.

Police opened the doors ffs!😲

Remember, America…

The same people blathering on about #Insurrection are the same ones who tried for FOUR years to convince you that #RussianCollusion was real and #BLM & #Antifa were ‘peacefully’ protesting in 2020.

Lest we forget…

Read 21 tweets…


EXCLUSIVE: First Hand Accounts Allege Officer #BrianSicknick Was Denied Critical Treatment By Police

One witness helped another offered life saving care

Jan. 13, 2022

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Two shocking eye-witness accounts corroborate something worse than we could have ever imagined. The @CapitolPolice appear to not only be responsible for the #death of multiple #protesters (which they lied about) but also for the #death of a fellow officer, #BrianSicknick.
Read 53 tweets
@DineshDSouza and @McBrideLawNYC refute @PolitiFact ( #PolitiFICTION ) regarding BRUTAL and LETHAL police misconduct against unarmed women at the Capitol on January 6.……

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i belive @JackPosobiec knows that #ashlibabbitt was not killed at Captiol.....
We have reached out to him and he will not respond....
Jack you got some splainin' to do!!!
jacks affiliation with alex jones goes back to 2017, could this be the start of his involvement?
alex jones knows asli babbit wasnt shot, jack posobiec is still carrying the torch.

waiting ....

Read 4 tweets
MAGA's are promoting DuckDuckGo which tells you all you need to know.
A mother speaks out on how she got caught in an QANON conspiracy world.
Trump just used us.…#qanon #oann oann #qnon #qanons…
How I got lured into QAnon on TikTok: Mother reveals how she was brainwashed by conspiracy theory group videos until she ended up 'so far down the rabbit role'
Read 14 tweets
Psyops in America
Ashli Babbitt DID NOT get shot.......

Before we begin, we must refresh our understanding of Psychological Operations.…
---“The purpose of psychological operations (PSYOP) is to demoralize the enemy by causing dissension and unrest among his ranks, while at the same time convincing the local population to support American troops. PSYOP units also provide continuous analysis of the attitudes and
behavior of enemy forces to the tactical commanders in the field so they can develop, produce and employ propaganda in a successful manner.” The US ARMY

No, this is not about the military, its headed another direction.
Read 40 tweets
Every time I see Ashli Babbitt trending, I will remind you:

Ashli Babbitt never imagined the Capitol Police would shoot her because the police rarely shoot white women, unless it’s a cop who shoots his wife at home. #AshliBabbitt #January6th…
She never imagined she'd survive fighting for regime change “over there” only to die fighting for regime change “over here.” A 14yr Air Force vet who fought in Iraq & Afghanistan, she was the only person shot by Capitol Police while trying to storm the Congress of her own country
So eager of a footsoldier of white supremacist patriarchy was #AshliBabbitt that she was the first to scramble through a window in a door separating the insurrectionists from an area where members of Congress were sheltering from the mob.
Read 9 tweets
Every time I see Ashli Babbitt trending, I will remind you:

#AshliBabbitt joined a mob incited by Trump. She never imagined the Capitol Police would shoot her because the police rarely shoot white women, unless it’s a cop who shoots his wife at home.…
So eager of a footsoldier of white supremacist patriarchy was #AshliBabbitt that she was the first to scramble through a window in a door separating the insurrectionists from an area where members of Congress were sheltering from the mob.
That Trump et al are turning #AshliBabbitt into a "hero" is a reminder of the innocence afforded white womanhood.

Even when they join an insurrection, even as they pummel their way through the doors that held back the mob from the upper echelons of the U.S. government...
Read 11 tweets
Breaking: new bulletin from @FBI, @DHSgov, NCTC paints a horrifying pic of the threat environment. Domestic extremists “citing partisan political grievances will very likely pose the greatest domestic terrorism threats in 2021..." #Capitol #CapitolSiege
The breach of the "Capitol Building very likely will serve as a significant driver of violence...and the death of (#AshliBabbitt) very likely will serve to galvanize...(extremists) who adhere to QAnon conspiracy theories..."
"...Extremists and others may also perceive the event as a step toward achieving their initiatives, and consider the death of a perceived like-minded individual as an act of martyrdom..."
Read 5 tweets
1/ #CapitolRiots fueled by #AlexJones’ propaganda.

Alex Jones paid $500K organize the event, admits he was directed by #Trump to lead the crowd to the Capitol.

.@FBI Pls Investigate Free Speech System’s & Trump’s communications, donors & pre-election funding of infowars.
2/ .@FBI please investigate. My kids were taken away for countermanding defamation & because I spoke out against infowars, which I used to own. Pls investigate due process violations in D-1-FM-15-005030 & official oppression to silence anti-Trump speech.
3/.@FBI investigate why Alex Jones’ DUI charge was dismissed w out trial and all Travis Co rulings to protect him, investigations not pursued by DA and (indicted) AG for racketeering, perjury. Investigate $6500 donation to judge prior to order entry...
Read 49 tweets
Ashli Babbitt wasn’t a victim. Ashlie Babbitt was a QAnon terrorist, a traitor attempting to subvert the Constitition she swore to uphold as a veteran. #CapitolRiots
Ashli Babbit posted “heated,” anti-migrant rants on Twitter and told politicians, she was “putting them on notice.” #CapitolRiots
“Where is Kamala?” In another anti-migrant rant, Ashli Babbitt, the QAnon terrorist who was stopped dead in the Capitol Building, was upset about Kamala comparing the KKK to terrorists. #CapitolRiots
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