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RECOVER released a paper playing into gaslighting & myths of disability fraud, promoting misleading “scoring” prioritizing #LongCOVID symptoms less common in other conditions - like loss of taste/smell - over those most common in LC itself…
This is repeating bad history: many were harmed and even killed by an #AIDS definition that excluded symptoms common in women and drug users. Diagnostic gatekeeping weaponizes our medical records, fuels care and treatment restrictions, sets patients against one another…
We need biomarkers for #LongCOVID but remember they likely won’t be perfect and will also expose those who don’t fit the profile - biomarkers are tricky in many complex chronic conditions that present in such diverse ways….
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1/10 Happy Red Day! 🔴 Hygiene during menstruation Image
2/10 Not all mothers can explain to their daughters the rules to follow and how to take care of themselves during menstruation, but it's very important! There are several essential principles to observe during menstruation: Image
3/10 Be prepared for the start of your period. Always carry spare pads and tampons with you. Many women always have everything they need with them - they may need it themselves, or for a friend, colleague, or even a stranger who wore white pants on the wrong day. Image
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🦴 Bad to the Bone 🦴

The 2020 SARS2/HIV research of University of Alberta scientist Shokrollah Elahi portended this. >

Teen boy died from leukemia just a day after diagnosis via @MailOnline
Want to understand SARS2?
Read Elahi.…
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Oggi #25aprile si festeggia la #Liberazione dal regime fascista e dall’occupazione nazista (inevitabile dopo il “tradimento” italiano dell’8 settembre).
Questa LIBERAZIONE purtroppo coincide con l’OCCUPAZIONE del nostro paese da parte degli #USA, occupazione ancora in essere.
Questo passo storico sfugge ai più, vittime inconsapevoli della propaganda e fruitori delle apparenti regalie dei nuovi padroni d’oltreoceano. Da quel giorno infatti non c’è decisione dei Governi italiani che non debba essere preventivamente avallata da #Washington.
Chiunque abbia osato opporsi a questo status quo è scomparso prematuramente in un incidente aereo, per una improvvisa malattia o per una via giudiziaria. #Olivetti #Mattei #Craxi sono solo alcuni casi eclatanti. La diffusa consapevolezza di queste CASUALITA’ nei primi 78 anni
Read 18 tweets
🚨"Lymphocytopenia is most often due to #AIDS, and recently #COVID19,... "

🚨"Patients have recurrent viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections."

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⚠️The most common causes for acquired lymphocytopenia include:

👉Protein-energy undernutrition
👉#HIV infection
👉Certain other viral infections

2/ ImageImage
Patients with #COVID19 frequently have lymphocytopenia (35 to 83% of patients).
Lower lymphocyte counts portend a poor prognosis and an increased likelihood of requiring ICU admission and of dying from the disease.
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💉 And The Band Played On 💉

Nick, @pizzapicklespur is one of the most knowledgeable researchers on a subject I've found. Follow him to understand the HIV origin propaganda.
"And the Band Played On" by Randy Shilts documents the silencing of AIDS patients and doctors by government bureaucrats, including Fauci. It is eerily similar to today's response to COVID, early treatment and COVID vaxx-injured. #TheyKnew…
Film based on the book:… Image
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"It’s been at least a year since @Stanford PASC clinic began prescribing LDN for some of their #LongCovid patients.. 'For some it has really changed their lives, & even if that’s a few people, that’s encouraging sign that needs to be investigated further'"…
"Since there’s little incentive for pharmaceutical companies to invest resources into LDN, some experts, including Geng, believe that the best chance of large-scale randomized control trials taking place in the United States is with federal dollars." #LongCovid
“It would be great if the @NIH could fund randomized controlled trials, because that would really give [the drug] a boost in credibility and rigor and reputation behind a scientific study in this area.” — Linda Geng, MD, PhD, co-director of the @Stanford #LongCovid Clinic
Read 23 tweets
AIDS is not over. As @USAmbPEPFAR has said: Africa remains the continent with the highest burden. More people probably died of #AIDS-related illnesses in 2021 than COVID on this continent.

-at the @NEPAD_Agency High Level Event on Health Financing at @_AfricanUnion #AUSummit Image
We celebrate our progress - over last 12 years or so, Africa is the continent that has made the fastest progress reducing new HIV infections & stopping AIDS-related deaths. We still have a challenge, and financing is critical part of it.
@NEPAD_Agency @_AfricanUnion #AUSummit2023 Image
We have been successful because of the political leadership of my predecessor @MichelSidibe who had foresight that @_AfricanUnion is the place where to mobilise political leadership to fight AIDS, forming strategic partnership w/AUC & Head of State to commit to targets. #AUSummit ImageImage
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Just 30 years ago the Daily Mail was discussing the extermination of homosexuality as a ‘hope’.
#LGBTplusHM Image
Me in 1993.
At the time the age of consent for gay men was 21, we could not marry or serve in the army and Section 28, banning the ‘promotion of homosexuality’, was in force.
Our communities were bludgeoned by homophobia and #AIDS for which then there was no effective treatment. Image
The parallels between the media treatment of gay men (in particular) in the late 80s / 90s and trans people now are obvious and chilling.
I fought for gay rights then.
I stand with trans people now. ImageImage
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#Gaslighting #LongCovid #MECFS

Für die, welche die Wissenschaft der chronischen Krankheit verfolgten – und die, die sie selbst erlebt hatten – war das Auftreten von #LongCovid so vorhersehbar wie der Sonnenaufgang der Morgensonne.…
Seit mehreren Jahrzehnten haben Wissenschaftler Störungen in den Körpern von Personen mit postinfektiösen Erkrankungen gefunden. Die spezifischen Signalwege sind zu zahlreich, um sie hier umfassend aufzulisten.
Studien zeigen, dass sie eine geschwächte Immunantwort aufgrund niedriger Konzentrationen virusbekämpfender natürlicher Killerzellen und eine verstärkte Entzündung umfassen, die durch erhöhte Konzentrationen von Signalchemikalien, den sogenannten Zytokinen, verursacht wird.
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#Moderna is quadrupling the cost of #covid #vaccines, from $26/dose to $110-130. CEO Stephane Bancel calls the price hike "consistent with the value" of the #MRNA vaccines. Moderna's costs are $2.85/dose, for a 4,460% markup on every dose:… 1/ Moderna headquarters in Cambridge, Mass. On the left side of
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Now, obviously the manufacturing costs are only part of the cost of making a vaccine: there's also all the high-risk capital that goes into doing the basic research. 3/
Read 25 tweets
THREAD: #Virology: Unmasking a 100+ Year Old Lie

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong.

#vaccinegenocide #vaccines #vaccinedeath #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #thread…
We Need To Base Our Understanding of Reality Upon Reality, Not Manipulation.

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong....
In order to understand the world around us as the truth about it is emerging from a 100+ year slumber, it’s going to be important to challenge ideas that have absolutely zero basis in reality.

I will start off by saying that we have been duped - ALL OF US.
Read 266 tweets
When you look back at the history of #HIV and #AIDS it took a massive publicity campaign & years to bring the public to the understanding that things had changed, that wearing a condom was now a habit they needed to adopt so they wouldn't get and spread a lethal infection. Image
And it was a different time, when people's media consumption was limited to TV, movies and print, most of which did not want to acknowledge the scale of the problem let alone promote a change to the status quo.

A lot of people suffered and died tragic, horrible, needless deaths
The scars from that era are still felt to this day. It took decades for an effective treatment to be developed, and in the beginning the attitudes from those in authority ranged from blasé to outright contempt and celebration at people's suffering.
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#Riboflavin (#vitamin B2) versus #covid19?

A series of molecular docking studies (modeling of biological actions by computer) indicate that plain old cheap old perfectly-safe old RIBOFLAVIN inhibits critical #SARS_CoV2 #proteases -- thus acting as potential #antiviral compound.
By analogy: viral protease inhibitors are the basis of anti-#HIV #ART (anti-retroviral therapy) - drugs used widely to maintain disease-free, #AIDS-free life, albeit at a cost: $25-50K per year. Plus headache, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, and a dozen other crappy side effects.
Riboflavin, if it proves to be effective in humans, or even if it doesn't, would cost perhaps $25 (twenty five, not 25 thousand) per year, with no headaches, nausea or the rest of that rot. Just so you know.
There is only slight chance that the definitive human studies will be
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Nunca vi vírus ou bactéria saindo pra perguntar ‘você é gay? Hétero? Bi?’ antes de infectar alguém.
IST’s não te escolhem por orientação sexual.

Achar que ‘monkeypox’, ‘HIV’, ‘sífilis’ são problemas só do outro, te dão uma falsa sensação de segurança.
E é aí que acontece com vc.
Obs: ainda não se bateu o martelo de que varíola pelo monkeypox seja exatamente uma IST (infecção sexualmente transmissível) apesar do vírus ter sido detectado em esperma, secreções anais e vaginais.
Qualquer contato íntimo pele com pele pode transmitir, inclusive sexo.
O início da epidemia de HIV teve concentração dos casos em alguns grupos vulneráveis, mas isso foi mudando através do tempo.

Como o tempo foi havendo ‘heterossexualização’ da transmissão, aumentando também entre mulheres e idosos.
Read 5 tweets
Nyt sitä saa. #Oulu #Kiuru-#Marin-#provisio-#piikittää kaikki, poliittisella päätöksellä.
- Ikää, lääkärilupia, #InformedConsent eikä myyntilupien perään kysellä.
- Virkavallalla on muuta kiireitä, #moporatsia't ja muutakin on.
- #Fimea ja @ValviraSoteValv vaiennettu.
@ValviraSoteValv Vietä ihana #Pharmageddon-#Joulu2022
#Oulu sai juuri lisää #krematorio -kapasiteettia, ei tarvitse röykkiöissä, lojua
#Joulu2022 koteihin ei tulekaan #Joulupukki -#Ivermectin -pakettien kaa, lapsiperheistä lähtee moni iskä ja äippä aikaisin #TaivaanKotiin
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chi ha ragione?

Ci siamo protetti troppo dalla covid e ora non siamo pronti per gli altri patogeni oppure la #COVID19 è la nuova #AIDS ?

A thread

Per chi ha fretta rispondiamo subito, entrambi gli argomenti usati come una clava (come direbbe il mio amico @StefanoBerto83) sono da buttare e non hanno nulla di scientifico, ma contribuiscono ad una polarizzazione ormai insopportabile.…

Queste due teorie (usate come clava) rappresentano i due schieramenti attuali: da un lato i minimizzatori del "è finita, e le misure contro Covid19 ci stanno ancora rovinando la vita" vs "Covid non è finito anzi, vedremo i veri effetti tra anni!"

Sono visioni POLITICHE

Read 21 tweets
Just read the @NYMag piece about #longcovid and I've got a lot of critiques of it - as a journalist, as an editor, &, of course, as a person living with complex chronic illness. Briefly, here are some of the issues I see, ones I think turn up in a lot of magazine pieces:🧵
First, the piece conflates patients with #longCOVID and #POTS who might be helped by exercise rehab (done right--itself hard to find) with those who will be harmed by exercise. There are different groups. Important to make fine distinctions as a science writer.
I am a patient with #longcovid and #pots who has benefitted from exercise, but for the first months of #longcovid my dysautonomia was so bad that exercise led to days-long crashes. This is not complicated to grasp/understand/message--backed up by research; see @PutrinoLab etc.
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Casos de Covid aumentando.
Subvariante Ômicron BQ.1 circulando no país.

Você já tomou a sua 4a dose?
Pessoa com HIV, já tomou a 5a dose?

Muita gente tá relaxando e esquecendo dos reforços.
Isso não deve acontecer.
Com reabertura e sem máscara, o mínimo é todo mundo se vacinar!
Ei, você com alguma alteração da imunidade. Já tomou a quinta dose contra Covid-19?

Temos uma nota técnica FEDERAL que permite isso.
Pessoas acima de 18 anos com imunossupressão (alteração da imunidade) podem receber mais uma dose da vacina contra a Covid-19, segundo nota técnica do ministério da saúde.

Para receber você pode levar um encaminhamento do seu médico, um documento que comprove
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Você se expôs.
Você tem direito a usar a PEP.
Mas serão 30 dias de angústia?

Não precisa ser.
A PEP é medida segura, que iniciada nas primeiras 24h tem 99% de eficácia. Poucos efeitos colaterais.

Ao final, vamos conversar: PrEP, PrEP sob demanda ou reforçar o preservativo?
PEP é janela de oportunidade.

É quando você examina, faz rastreio para IST’s (HIV, hepatite A, hepatite B, hepatite C, HTLV, sífilis, gonorreia e clamídia), dialoga, checa o cartão de vacinas e decide junto do paciente:

- Como posso otimizar sua prevenção a partir de agora?
Já vi muita gente perder a chance de usar por medo e falta de informação. Não façam isso.

Tava transando e o preservativo rompeu? Ou no calor do momento nem utilizou? Conheça a Profilaxia Pós-Exposição para o HIV.
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#Africa #Covid_19 #AIDS

"In effetti, queste disuguaglianze si sono manifestate anche nella scelta dei partecipanti alla recente Conferenza internazionale sull’AIDS di Montreal, in Canada, dove centinaia di brillanti leader africani del settore sanitario si sono visti negare il
diritto d’ingresso. Una leadership africana è essenziale per superare le pandemie globali...
...I movimenti della società civile africana hanno assolutamente ragione nell’insistere che tutte queste tecnologie siano condivise con tutti i Paesi a basso e medio reddito e che
dobbiamo investire nel rafforzamento delle capacità produttive in Africa.

Possiamo porre fine all’Aids come minaccia per la salute pubblica entro il 2030. Ciò che è necessario non è un mistero. Il pacchetto di misure basate sull’evidenza che è necessario adottare comprende:
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There's a *lot* of competition for the title of "Most On-The-Nose Symbol of Late Stage Capitalism," but I think there's a strong case for awarding the crown to #VaccineApartheid - the decision to deny covid vaccines to billions of poor people in the Global South. 1/ The Earth, floating in spac...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Here's how that went down: poor countries were arm-twisted into signing up to WTO on pain of being shut out of global trade (former colonies were forcibly converted to export crop economies that relied on rich-world countries for seed/agtech, so opting out wouldn't work). 3/
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O HIV não vai te impedir de ser pai!

Mesmo sem lavagem de esperma, fertilização in vitro ou reprodução assistida.
Basta estar indetectável há pelo menos 6 meses, com controle regular e rastreio para outras IST’s.

Direito reprodutivo é direito humano, para homens cis ou trans 🏳️‍⚧️
Ele, um pai vivendo com HIV, com carga indetectável há vários anos.

Ela, uma mãe que não vive com HIV e manteve relações sem preservativo com o desejo de engravidar. Não se infectou.

Um casal SORODIFERENTE para o HIV.

#saudedamulher #saudedoidoso
Uma pessoa vivendo com HIV com carga indetectável há pelo menos 6 meses não transmite HIV por via sexual. Indetectável = Intransmissível. Fontes: Estudos Partner, Partner 2 e Opposites Attract.
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