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Most recents (24)

How I made $76,000 just by repeating them ?💸

Here's my three-step system for identifying and tracking whale wallets 🐳

Repeat these simple steps 👇🏻👀 Image
2// This topic is about finding and tracking whale wallets.

Read this topic to the end and add it to your bookmarks!
3// My system consists of 3 steps:

Step 1: Find a wallet to copy.
Step 2: Make sure you have a constant profit.
Step 3: Setting up alerts.

The tools I will use:

- @bubblemaps
- @ArkhamIntel
- @etherdrops_bot Image
Read 12 tweets

新发现的一个项目,官推连 1,000 个粉丝都没有,但是两轮种子轮融了 1,900 万美元。


Not financial advice, #DYOR
#ALPHA #crypto
1/3 这个项目的目标受众是为持有 #btc 的美国公民提供以比特币计价的人寿保险,目前已经获得了百慕大金融管理局的许可,完全合规 & 受监管。

项目已经开放了 waitlist,但必须是美国公民。官网提供了一个例子,一位正常健康状态的 35 岁男性,保费在 10 个 #btc 左右,最高理赔金额是 25 个 btc 。

第一轮由 OpenAI #chatgpt 的创始人 Sam Altman 领投。

第二轮由谷歌 Gradient Ventures 领头,the block 的创始人 @mdudas 的 VC 公司 6mv @6thManVentures 也跟投了,项目创始人 Zac @ztownsend 是 YC 和麦肯锡背景。
Read 4 tweets
@blok_project is a decentralised real estate investment platform, aiming to make #RealEstate liquid using an SPV financed by a token on @MultiversX

They have already announced the first investment property in Orleans, near Paris.

Let’s spotlight what they are building!
🧵👇 Image
To achieve their purpose, @blok_project uses two tokens, one for utility ($BLK) & one as a security/bonds ($BLOK)

To acquire real estate, they use a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to be financed by offering a sale of $BLOK tokens as obligations.

An overview of the $BLOK token, potential earnings and its use cases is available at:

Both tokens are presented on their Whitepaper, together with all the other details, like the Team, roadmap and more:…


Read 5 tweets


#AI#ChatGPT 的加入可以让你的投研效率提升100倍!以前几个小时的工作现在5分钟就可以优雅完成。


通过实操,用8个问题手把手教你用ChatGPT轻松投研👇 Image
1/6 开始写这篇线程的时候,我想是需要一个框架/思维导图来让这个教学更清晰。所以我尝试让ChatGPT帮我梳理思路,构建框架。

所以这篇线程的作者除了我,还有ChatGPT。 ImageImage
2/6 开始之前,需要做一些准备:

2.使用接入ChatGPT的软件——我这里使用的是Sider AI

Read 8 tweets
In my 10+ years of Crypto experience, I have never seen that kind of market condition where #BTC is down only 3%, and major #altcoins are down 20-30% 😱😳

Let's take a deep dive to know what's going on in the #Crypto market 👇
🔻In the past few hours, the #altcoin market has crashed like there is no support.

🔻So let's take a look at the factors crashing the market, which also include some #FUD.
1. #Binance is selling its holdings.

🔻An account started the rumour that @binance sold mass amounts of coins over the last few months, which caused the market crash.

🔻He also claimed that Binance moved a large chunk of its reserves. Image
Read 15 tweets
The Recently Added section on @CoinMarketCap is used by many to find the next 100x

But many of those new tokens will go to zero

Use this hack to spot them in seconds 🧵↓ ImageImage
More than 50 tokens are added daily on @CoinMarketCap

One of them could be the new $PEPE

However, most of them will die or rug pull. Let's take a closer look at some of these tokens ↓ Image
$MXRP was listed on 10 hours ago

The top 5 wallets are connected through BNB transfers, indicating one owner.

With one person holding 30% of the supply, would you still invest?… Image
Read 6 tweets
Why are you, as a yield farming maxi, not optimizing your NFT lending? 🤔

This is the ULTIMATE 🅱️LENDING GUIDE for @blur_io 🧵

🔑 What APY & LTV to bid
🔑 Farm Blur Points
🔑 Lock-in high ETH yield

*From one of the most efficient Point & ETH lenders on Blend*

(RT & Bookmark) Image
First, let's review how to earn Blur Points:

> Place competitive bids 🎯 - Blur scales Point rewards based on the probability that the bid is hit.


> Avoid getting hit 🚨 - Blur halts Point rewards when a bid is hit, causing a loss of X pts/day from what you were earning.
After 300+ hours of 🅱️lending, here is the process that we’ve used to compete:

> Look at the APY / LTV playing field of bids, loans and auctions for the collection you wish to lend against
> Determine optimal regions on that playing field for lending
> Lend in those regions
Read 16 tweets
This #crypto wallet executed a great trade on the 4th of June

They ape'd $11,766 into a project and it's currently sitting at $122,095 🤯

So what did they buy? I’ll also teach you how to find profitable traders like this using @bubblemaps

Find out what they hold 🧵👇 Image
Quick notes 📝

How do you benefit from this?

• In the end ill add their address so you can track them
• You can track them to spot, trends, and projects early

Obviously, you should always DYOR and never copy blindly.
You can use this info to:

- Identifying market trends
- Making informed trading decisions
- Copy trading after doing your own research

What you can do for yourself is...

monitor a few trades from them

let's dive in...
Read 9 tweets
Understanding the Benefits of Financial Due Diligence In today's fast-paced business world M&A is commonplace. Here's a thread of financial due diligence, the key components, the process, and tips for conducting effective DD #FinancialDueDiligence #DYOR (1/14)
What is Financial Due Diligence? Financial DD is the process of analyzing a target company's financial health, legal compliance, risks, potential liabilities, and growth potential. It helps acquirers make informed decisions and maximize the value of their investment (2/14)
Key Components of Financial Due Diligence: Analyzing Financial Statements: Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement to understand financial position and profitability. (3/14)
Read 14 tweets
Everyone wants to find the 1 gem within 100 others🤯

How you can find the next 10x in minutes...⏰

A thread 🧵👇 Image
1/ Nearly every token that went to da moon was mentioned by a few gigachads on Crypto Twitter🤯

But how can you find the best calling accounts? How can you see mentioned tokens on aggregate? And how can you filter signal from noise?

Let’s make a smol deepdive↓
2/ Let me present to you, the “table of contents for degens”/how you can use AlphaScan for your trading strategy🎯

1. Find the best performing accounts
2. See what those accounts mentioned in the last few days and how to spot alpha
3. Research
4. Ape & pray Image
Read 11 tweets
In our rapidly evolving world, choices are everywhere. From personal to professional, decision-making can feel daunting. Let's explore how to effectively evaluate options & opportunities, to empower you to reach your fullest potential. A thread👇 (1/13)
Understanding the Importance of Evaluation: Decisions shape us & our futures. Evaluation helps us navigate through the sea of choices, boosting productivity, encouraging growth & steering us towards our goals. Let's dive deeper into its role. (2/13)
Personal & Professional Growth: Decision-making can mean the difference between a step forward or a setback. Evaluation minimizes risks & identifies growth potential. Think about a job offer - consider relocation costs, growth prospects, personal impact & more. (3/13)
Read 13 tweets
🧵Strap in your bindings, #crypto community! We're about to carve fresh tracks into a thorough exploration of the transformative #FlareNetworks. If you believed you've seen all the trails in crypto, time for a double take 🤙

This thread is about $FLR and its groundbreaking……
🚨⚠️ Warning: This tweet thread contains high doses of #crypto innovation and disruptive potential. Side effects may include an irresistible urge to ape into $FLR. Proceed with caution and always #DYOR. Let's continue... #FLR #DeFi 🚀🌕
The Flare Network introduces F-assets, a game-changer in the crypto world. F-assets are a truly trustless representation of other cryptocurrencies on the Flare Network, bringing smart contract functionality to coins like $BTC and $XRP. #FLR #Fassets
Read 16 tweets
Prepare for the groundbreaking launch of $JCO, the native token of @JennyCoInc.

World's first Web3 healthcare data exchange app!

On May 31st, witness the start of something monumental in the world of healthcare and blockchain technology.

A thread 🧵 Kindly RT #JCOtoken #DYOR
📚 If you want to know what @JennyCoInc can do and what they're planning for the future, you can read their whitepaper here:👇…

It explains an exciting way to change the industry, important information about their goals, and how their tokens will be used.
⚡What is @JennyCoInc?

It was established by a brilliant team of doctors, genetic scientists, AI specialists, and Web3 experts driven by the mission to enhance public health and provide personalized medicine to individuals. 📍
Read 15 tweets
【炒币必备,你必须要知道的币圈免费的神级工具 🔥】


🧵本篇线程再介绍最新发现了 9 个好用的工具,比如 ICO 平台、支持 8 条链上 100+ DEX 的聚合器、投研网站等等,而且全部免费使用!大家记得收藏。

#BTC #交易工具 Image
1. @spotonchain:聪明钱跟踪器


这个平台支持设置警报、跟踪某个代币的 top 持有者、跟踪 VC、鲸鱼动态。


(1/9) Image
2/ @matchaxyz:DEX 聚合器


这个平台聚合了8 条链的 100 多个 DEX,你可以用它轻松 swap 超过300 种代币。

同时这个平台通过 AMM 和 RFQ(场外询价)的方式,能提供最好的价格。

(2/9) Image
Read 10 tweets





Not financial advice, #DYOR #ALPHA #crypto #Bitcoin Image

@alphascan_xyz,是一个去中心化、以社区为中心的工具平台,旨在帮助币圈用户发现 alpha、跟踪市场活动,进行交易的一体化解决方案。

CEO Jonathan Graeupner 拥有耶鲁大学博士学位和 BCG(波士顿咨询)的工作经验;

CTO Peter Kim 毕业于斯坦福计算机系,是纽约一家价值 80 亿美元的量化对冲基金的前 CTO。

他们的 linkedin:……
Read 9 tweets
Wombex @WombexFinance has been making significant strides in recent weeks, establishing themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the world of #DeFi

I witnessed that team has been very active since its launch on @arbitrum

A recap of the most important milestones till now 👇 Image
1⃣ New Pools Added

🔹On April 8th, @WombexFinance pools were added to @DeBankDeFi, followed by new pools & yields added to @DefiLlama on April 12th

🔹On the same day, #Wombex added $BOB, $Frax, $MAI, and $MIM pools to the #Arbitrum Dapp Image
2⃣ Increasing TVL

🔹Just a day later on April 9th, #Wombex joined #Arbitrum X @WombatExchange AMA on Twitter, which helped to increase its visibility

🔹By April 29th, #Wombex had passed a total of $70M TVL on its platform, indicating strong growth & adoption Image
Read 16 tweets


值得一提的是, $LBR 目前虽然较最低点已上涨15倍,但市值才过千万美金,排名943,肯定会成为 #LSDFi 赛道的下一个百倍币

让我们深入了解 @LybraFlnanceLSD 这个早期故事中一个令人兴奋的新项目🧵 Image

@LybraFinanceLSD 是一个去中心化的稳定币协议。使用stETH作为抵押物来铸造稳定币。


• 稳定性
• 去中心化/抗审查
• 抵御通货膨胀 - 仅持有即可产生收入




而这个数字是巨大的(160亿美元!)。在LSD中锁定的金额已经超过了自动市场制造商(AMM)的金额。 Image
Read 13 tweets

币圈很多大佬都是通过布局早期项目实现暴富的,以下会分享 7 个早期项目,说不定下一个百倍收益的项目就在其中。欢迎大家收藏并关注一下这些项目,欢迎评论区里一起讨论。

Not financial advice, #DYOR
#web3 #crypto #bitcoin
1/8 @SeiNetwork
Sei Network 是专注于订单簿交易的一层区块链,有 8 亿美元的估值,在最近的两轮战略融资中获得了 3000 万美元。领投 VC 有 Jump、Distributed Global、Multicoin、Asymmetric、Flow Traders、Hypersphere 等。
2/8 @vela_exchange
Vela 是我在 @arbitrum 上长期看好的项目,虽然支持衍生品交易的 DEX 越来越多,但 vela 还支持外汇交易。且他们的流动性代币 $VLP 100% 由 USDC 作为抵押。Vela 在路线图里明确表示有空投。 Image
Read 9 tweets
#Chainge is a project that is set to redefine the way we shop & interact with retailers.

Let’s take a quick dive into how $CHNG aims to change the retail industry👇🏼🧵(4 min)

$CHNG #Chainge @FinanceChainge Image
What I will be covering in this thread:

-Disrupting the Retail Landscape
-Endless Possibilities, Limitless Growth
-Investing in $CHNG
-Shape the Future with Chainge $CHNG

Disrupting the Retail Landscape

Chainge $CHNG is not just another project.
It is a force that has the potential to disrupt the retail landscape as we know it. With a dedicated team of visionaries and a solid foundation, this project is gaining tremendous momentum and attracting investors from all corners.
Read 13 tweets
【6 个币圈财富密码,今年的牛市加速器!】

99.99% 的 memecoin 都会归零,虽然在币圈谈基本面分析很扯,但比起冲土狗我更愿意关注项目。下面是我认为大概率会爆发的六个叙事和 16 个项目,欢迎大家收藏并关注一下这些项目,欢迎评论区里一起讨论。

Not financial advice, #DYOR
#btc #LSD #crypto
1/14 叙事一:LSDfi
近几个月来,流动性质押衍生品 (LSD) 的受欢迎程度暴增,引发了 DeFi 的又一波浪潮。 LSD 是一种新的代币类型,使质押者能够通过释放其质押的加密货币(例如 ETH)的流动性来增加潜在回报。而基于 LSD 所构建的二层生态,势必会成为 DeFi 爱好者们都去参与的叙事。
2/14 相关项目:
• $USH
@unsheth_xyz 最近上线了平衡 LSD 协议之间的去中心化程度的治理系统 • $SD
@staderlabs 上线了 $ETHx,声称可以最大化 ETH 的质押奖励 • $FIS
@StaFi_Protocol• $PENDLE
Read 15 tweets
💎Are you farming @zksync transaction?

🔥This is how I fixed the gas from $1.8 to $0.37 per transaction.

1/ Image

I recommended using @syncswap to claim the OAT.

- Visit:
- Swap any amount Image

🎉This is how to fix the gas fees

1. Click Edit
2. Click Edit suggested gas fee
3. Input 1500000 in gas limit
4. Click Save

It shows $0.68, but the real gas I paid was only $0.37.
Check my transaction:… Image
Read 5 tweets

This tweet is not sponsored. #DYOR

Let's dive in! 👇

#Crypto #Altcoins #Web3
1/10 🧵

1⃣ zkLink

A unified trading layer across multiple L1s and L2s, revolutionizing decentralized trading with the first multi-chain ZK-Rollup. Image
2/10 🧵

Their latest achievements was to raise $10 MILLION from profile investors including @coinbase ventures

More here

Read 12 tweets
As a fellow gamer and lover of all things #CSGO 🤩

I’m excited to participate in the upcoming #IDO event hosted by $RUSHB - the ultimate gaming hub for all things CSGO Esport.

So, Let’s the game begin!! A thread @rushbhub 🧵 👇🏻

$ZKS #ZKsync #Gems Image
This thread will cover 👀

1️⃣ What is RushB Hub?

2️⃣ Key features

3️⃣ Tokenomics

4️⃣ $RUSHB Public sale

5️⃣ Conclusion - Kaff’s thoughts
1️⃣ What is RushB Hub?

▪️ RushB Hub is a blockchain-based platform built on Zksync Era that focuses on the upcoming major update of CS:GO 2

▪️ RushB establishes a decentralized marketplace for CS:GO gamers to trade in-game items, offering fast, easy, and secure trading. Image
Read 17 tweets
Gaming is one of the activities people
would continuously engage in.

The blockchain and gaming show a lot of potential.

@rushbhub is setting a base for blockchain Esports games.

Let's find out more 👇👇

🚨PRESALE tomorrow.

#gaming #Blockchain
What is Rushhub?

@rushbhub is the decentralized
marketplace for Esports gamers on
#zkSync that enables gamers to trade
in-game items without an intermediary.

Using the Blockchain technology,

@rushbhub has the following products for gamers and the community.
Read 11 tweets

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