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1/ Image: EFF https://www.eff....
Saving the news from Big Tech with end-to-end social media: The final installment in my EFF series on saving the news.

2/  Image: EFF https://www.eff...
Hey look at this

* Logistics Co Recruiting in American Truck Simulator Amid Driver Shortage…

* Social Case for Bright-Line #Antitrust Rules…

* #Ontario #NDP hearings to lower phone bills/improve ISPs

3/ Image
Read 16 tweets
1. We have come out with our grand report titled :

"The BRI Status: A Grand Report" on Its Present and Future.

Here is a thread on the same.
#BRI #China


@ShawnG927 @jenny_kjacobs @tiffanymeier_ @NoCCPGenocide @UMM1776 The status of the Belt and ...
2. "The #BRI Status: A Grand Report on Its Present and Future" sheds light on numerous challenges faced by BRI like:
cost overruns,
environmental damage,
funding issues,
repeated delays,
lack of progress,
and poor quality of development.
@Santos4Congress Image
3. According to our investigation, 62.8% of the countries that have joined the #BRI are #developing countries, while around 17% are #developed countries.

This suggests that the BRI is primarily focused on developing countries.
@GundamNorthrop @Byron_Wan Image
Read 24 tweets
Licha ya cha changamoto nyingi zilizozikumba uchumi wa Dunia Nchi nyingi za Africa zimeonyesha ustahimilivu katika ukuaji wake.E.g #Tanzania 4.6%, #Kenya 5.2% ,#DRC 8.6% n.k kwa 2022. Pongezi za Dhati kwa @mofURT @BankOfTanzania @mwigulunchemba1. Image
Uchumi wa Sub-Saharan Africa unatagemewa kushuka kufikia 3.1% in 2023 kutoka 3.6% in 2022 (IMF forecasts) kama ikishindwa kuwa 'resilient' kutokana na persistent sluggishness of the global economy na kutegemewa kupanda tena kufikia 3.7% ,3.9% kwa 2024,2025 respectively.
Kupanda huko kunategemewa kuletwa na ongezeko chanya katika uchumi wa Dunia baadaye mwaka huu huku #India na #China zikitarajiwa kuwa chanzo kikuu cha ukuaji wa nusu wa uchumi wa Dunia zikitarajiwa kukua kwa 5.4%( India) na 5.2% (China).
Read 12 tweets
Long Thread:

China's “Pearl of Strings" Vs Bharat's “Diamond Necklace"!

Modern day wars are not to conquer Land Parcels, but to control Trade & Economies!

#China was lucky to be given a Free Hand by #UPA govt of CONgress which literally slept over Strategic Issues.

#China increased it's presence in Indian Ocean rampantly till 2014 through its Debt Trap Diplomacy to suit it's #StringsOfPearls strategy to contain Bharat's hold in Indian Ocean.

It created a ring around Bharat through strategically placed Nations.

How was it being done?

Via debt-trap policy! China lured strategically located nations around #Bharat to borrow Infra Loans. Once indebted, #China pressurized them to support its Geostrategic interests. This way, China got Control over Chittagong
(Bangladesh),Karachi &Gwadar Port(Pakistan) and...

Read 19 tweets
"The Solomon Mahlangu Campus (SMC) initially started in April, 1979 as an educational facility for the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa being known as ANC School, Mazimbu"… Image
"Following the execution of a famous ANC freedom fighter, Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu by the then apartheid regime in South Africa, the ANC School was renamed Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO) in honor of the freedom fighter’s contribution to the liberation struggles"-Ibid. Image
Read 17 tweets
LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"In #EquatorialGuinea, WHO is on the ground with partners, supporting the Ministry of Health to respond to the #Marburg outbreak. We have deployed teams to assist with case finding, clinical care, logistics, and community engagement"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "The number of officially reported #Marburg cases remains at 9, with 7 deaths, in three provinces. However, these three provinces are 150 kilometres apart, suggesting wider transmission of the virus"-@DrTedros
Read 22 tweets
#MarburgVirus Ausbruch in #Tanzania - ein paar Fakten zur Einordnung: Das Marburgvirus gehört zur Familie der Filoviren, zu denen auch Ebola gehört. Es löst im Menschen ein schweres Krankheitsbild aus, an ca. 50% Infizierten verstirbt, bei manchen Ausbrüchen auch mehr (bis 88%).
Der Name kommt tatsächlich von der Stadt Marburg/Hessen, wo in den 60er Jahren das Virus erstmals entdeckt wurde. Es kam dort zu einem Ausbruch unter Labormitarbeitern (auch in Frankfurt & Belgrad), die infizierte Affen aus Uganda als Versuchstiere erhalten hatten.
Seitdem beobachtet man regelmäßig Ausbrüche in Afrika. Das Reservoir des Virus sind Nilflughunde, die damit infiziert sind, selbst nicht krank werden, aber das Virus ausscheiden. Menschen infizieren sich idR in Höhlen (Minen für Gold, Rohstoffe), in denen die Tiere schlafen
Read 12 tweets
LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"On Tuesday, #Tanzania confirmed its first known cases of #Marburg virus disease. So far, 8 cases have been confirmed, including 5 deaths. More than 160 contacts have been identified and are being monitored"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "National responders trained jointly by WHO and the @CDCgov have been deployed to the affected region to carry out further investigations, monitor contacts and provide clinical care"-@DrTedros #Tanzania #Marburg
Read 33 tweets

Africa's Emerging Energy Producers

Significant oil and gas discoveries in Africa could soon see big money coming the continent’s way.

#oilandgas #gas #Africa #energy
Africa already boasts major producers like Nigeria, Algeria and Libya. But new players are poised to join the party.

#oilandgas #Oil #Africa #Europe #Nigeria #Algeria #Libya
Senegal’s potential is huge. It recently found reserves of more than 1bn barrels of oil and 40tn cubic feet of gas.

#Oil #Senegal #oilandgas #Africa
Read 10 tweets
Compilation of world leaders congratulating @anwaribrahim on his appointment as 🇲🇾 Malaysia's 10th Prime Minister. #pm10malaysia #AnwarIbrahim

This is a 🧵

*This thread excludes wishes from foreign missions, embassies, and world bodies.
The first to congratulate, President of the Republic of #Indonesia @jokowi 🇮🇩

President Jokowi called @anwaribrahim via phone and later tweeted his congratulation wishes.

President @RTErdogan of #Turkiye 🇹🇷 called moments before @anwaribrahim starts his press conference. Anwar Ibrahim puts the call on speaker in front of the press.

Read 52 tweets
November 20 in the #History of #Eritrea.
1. On Nov. 20 1989, #EPLF & the #Ethiopian gov/Derg began peace talks in #Nairobi, #Kenya under the auspices of @CarterCenter & by the invitation of President Arap Moi of Kenya. The peace talks lasted until November 29.
2. At Nairobi Peace talks, they agreed on 3 issues that weren't agreed upon in #Atlanta, cleared the way for substantive negotiations, agreed to invite ex #Tanzanian Pres. Nyerere to be co-host wz Carter during the main talks & the 2 agreed to choose the sec & support staff.
3. The most difficult issue that the Parties discussed & finally agreed was "who would serve as int'l observer" during the main talks. 7 observers, 2 by each Party & 3 by mutual consent. #Kenya, #Sudan, #Tanzania, #OAU, #Zimbabwe & #Senegal were invited & accepted the invitation
Read 5 tweets
1)How does a #rebellion start?Where do they get funds?One missile shot can cost as much as 1 million$!#Rebels & #superpowers sit down & bargain!Rebels wants to get in power & superpowers wants to #loot your country's #natural #resources almost for free!Then #contracts are signed!
2)Right now were are talking about #M23!Obviously they already signed contracts with superpowers to loot Congo's natural resources freely. Congo to defend itself is also obliged to sign contracts to sell its resources to get funds for war. So M23 is pushing Congo into slavery!
3)Many times #rebels can sign #contracts to invade neighboring countries in the future!When you see a war in your neighboring country, be careful,you don't know where it will end to!As you watch #African #wars on #TVs,better know rebels may have actually sold all of you!Trust me!
Read 25 tweets
Mwalimu,without prejudice to your core argument,I beg to differ about the claim that is all that you learn cf.the history of the teaching of history at the University of Dar es Salaam and its influence on the teaching of history in schools in #Tanzania,…
Read 6 tweets
1)Do people know the war in Congo 🇨🇩 is directly related to the war in Ethiopia 🇪🇹 ? On the picture is Meles Zenawi, the president of Ethiopia until 2012! He was a Tigray by tribe and an ally of Kagame and Museveni in their Hima Tutsi Empire project! Zenawi was recruited into it! Image
2)When Abiy Mohamed became the prime minister of Ethiopia from Oromo tribe,Kagame,Museveni and their sponsors became frustrated. The empire they were building was based on the agreement with Tigrayans.That's why obviously they have been supporting Tigray war against Abiy govt! Image
3)When there was a #coup in #Burundi against Peter Nkurunziza,it was an effort to bring Back Pierre #Buyoya,former president,who was with them in their thirsty to build an empire in the region!The coup failed,#Tanzania knew their games and supported #Nkurunziza back on power! Image
Read 6 tweets
Call an immediate #generalelection #Petition - Country List for 16th October 2022

Current: 852,789 signatures
Previous: 616,389 signatures.
Difference: 236,400 signatures.…

#NeverVoteConservative #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis #GTTO
1) #UnitedKingdom 842,029 (+232,982)
2) #France 2,298 (+660)
3) #Spain 1,285 (+361)
4) #UnitedStates 840 (+283)
5) #Germany 798 (+279)
6) #Australia 773 (+262)
7) #Netherlands 423 (+133)
8) #Canada 402 (+138)
9) #Ireland 387 (+130)
10) #Switzerland 320 (+110)
11) #NewZealand 306 (+113)
12) #Italy 233 (+79)
13) #Belgium 209 (+64)
14) #Portugal 206 (+71)
15) #Sweden 192 (+70)
16) #Denmark 131 (+47)
17) #Japan 113 (+34)
18) #Greece 106 (+33)
19) #Norway 104 (+33)
20) #IsleofMan 97 (+33)
Read 16 tweets
Call an immediate #generalelection #Petition - Country List for 16th October 2022

Current: 616,389 signatures
Previous: 606,921 signatures.
Difference: 9,468 signatures.…

#NeverVoteConservative #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis #AntiGrowthCoalition
It is sad that a time like this a poll like this doesn't get millions of signatures 🙁
1) #UnitedKingdom 609,047 (+9,327)
2) #France 1,638 (+25)
3) #Spain 924 (+24)
4) #UnitedStates 557 (+7)
5) #Australia 519 (+8)
6) #Germany 511 (+10)
7) #Ireland 290 (+5)
8) #Canada 264 (+3)
9) #Netherlands 257 (+11)
10) #Switzerland 210 (+2)
Read 16 tweets
Call an immediate #generalelection #Petition - Country List for 15th October 2022

Current: 606,921 signatures
Previous: 570,208 signatures.
Difference: 36,713 signatures.…

#NeverVoteConservative #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis #AntiGrowthCoalition
Parliament will debate this petition on 17 October 2022.

You'll be able to watch online on the #UK #Parliament #YouTube channel

Need the petition to be at least 1 million signatures by then.
1) #UnitedKingdom 599,720 (+36,255)
2) #France 1,613 (+88)
3) #Spain 900 (+45)
4) #UnitedStates 550 (+43)
5) #Australia 511 (+24)
6) #Germany 501 (+36)
7) #Ireland 285 (+23)
8) #Canada 261 (+28)
9) #Netherlands 246 (+16)
10) #Switzerland 208 (+16)
Read 15 tweets
Call an immediate #generalelection #Petition - Country List for 9th October 2022

Current: 570,208 signatures
Previous: 555,757 signatures.
Difference: 14,451 signatures.…

#NeverVoteConservative #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis #AntiGrowthCoalition
1) #UnitedKingdom 563465 (+14286)
2) #France 1525 (+36)
3) #Spain 855 (+14)
4) #UnitedStates 507 (+17)
5) #Australia 487 (+15)
6) #Germany 465 (+13)
7) #Ireland 262 (+6)
8) #Netherlands 233 (+7)
9) #Canada 230 (+5)
10) #Switzerland 192 (+5)
11) #NewZealand 177 (+4)
12) #Italy 143 (+4)
13) #Portugal 132 (+5)
14) #Belgium 125 (+1)
15) #Sweden 107 (+3)
16) #Denmark 79 (+1)
17) #IsleofMan 72 (+3)
18) #Norway 67 (+1)
19) #Greece 66 (+1)
20) #Austria 58 (0)
Read 15 tweets
East African leaders have agreed to assemble troops to combat armed groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of #Congo #DRC.

What is this joint force and what are its objectives?

@PMvandeWalle takes a close look in our latest Q&A.

[Thread] 🧵👇…
The East African Community (EAC) @jumuiya is composed of #DRCongo 🇨🇩, #Tanzania 🇹🇿, #Kenya 🇰🇪, #Burundi 🇧🇮, #Rwanda 🇷🇼, #SouthSudan 🇸🇸 & #Uganda 🇺🇬.

The EAC’s joint force was designed to respond to the rampant insecurity in eastern DRC, a serious concern for the entire region.
Cyclic violence, displacement and insecurity due to the presence of armed groups has been plaguing the region for almost 30 years.

Yet an actual deployment of a regional force is unprecedented.…
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Breaking: In an embarrassment for #PatriceMotsepe, the @CAF_Online President, @SAFPU_Official, #SouthAfrica’s Players Union, declare their strong opposition to CAF’s plan for an #AfricanSuperLeague, which will be put before the CAF congress in #Arusha, #Tanzania on August 10th.
In a separate discussion I had with a top executive of @AlAhly @AlAhlyEnglish on Friday, he told me @CAF_Online was yet to give his club “concrete details” of how the Super League proposal will work.
“We were invited to #Cameroon for the last #AFCON, where the preliminary plan for the #AfricanSuperLeague was put to us & selected clubs from across the continent. But no concrete details, on the finances and other important details, have been given, up till now.”
Read 4 tweets
Our paper is out!
Current #adaptation projects do not automatically enhance #gender equality | need to be intentionally brought in at planning & implementation stages.

23authors|9sectors|17739 literature|countless meetings

Delighted to have brainstormed👇figure with @Joyashree9
Embedding gender considerations and facilitating #women’s participation in project design and implementation along with #inclusive #policies, training, information access, planning, and monitoring is needed
Additional course correction for #SDG5 is needed.
Our #SDG5plus (SDG5+) approach takes into consideration #intersectionality and gender aspects beyond #women alone, & can help #adaptation actions move towards meeting #genderequality and other #climatejustice goals.
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NEW: #China "proceeding to increase their access & influence on the continent" & seeks to establish more military bases in #Africa, outgoing @USAfricaCommand Commander Gen Stephen Townsend tells @GWUPMNS
"Some of the most lethal terrorists on the planet are now in Africa...#alQaida & #ISIS " per @USAfricaCommand's Gen Townsend
"We've prevented strategic distraction" per Gen Townsend on his time at @USAfricaCommand - says US has been able to address threats in #Africa without taking focus on primary challenges, pacing threat from #China and also #Russia
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#Tanzania⚡️Katika hatua za kuboresha Mfumo wa Haki Jinai nchini Mhe. @SuluhuSamia amefanya mabadiliko ndani ya Jeshi la Polisi (@tanpol) nchini kwa kumteua aliyekua Kamishna wa Polisi Camillus Wambura kuwa Inspekta Jenerali na Mkuu mpya wa Jeshi la polisi nchini (IGP).
IGP Wambura anachukua nafasi ya IGP- Sirro (mstaafu) ambaye ameteteuliwa kuwa Balozi nchini Zimbabwe.
Moja ya jukumu kubwa la IGP Wambura no kuigeuza taswira ya @tanpol na kuhakikisha Jeshi la Polisi nchini linabaki kuwa kiungo muhimu cha kulinda Haki, Ulinzi na usalama wa raia.
IGP Camilius Wambura kitaaluma na kiutendaji ni mpelelezi aliyebobea, pia ana weledi katika nyanja ya upelelezi, ni mara chache sana kusikikia malalamiko kwenye kazi ya upepelezi ya aliyekuwa Kamishna Wambura (IGP).
Tunategemea IGP -Wambura ataendelea kusimamia Haki na Weledi.
Read 6 tweets
46 years ago today, on July 4, 1976, elite Israeli forces flew over 3,218kms & rescued hostages in the “Entebbe Raid”. It set off a series of events that eventually ended Uganda military dictator Idi #Amin’s rule in April 1976 #EntebbeRaid #1
The mostly-Israeli hostages were on board an Air France Airbus A300 airliner with 248 passengers that was hijacked June 27 by Palestinian militants. During the rescue, the Israelis destroyed most of Amin's Airforce planes – barely 3kms away was Amin’s State House #EntebbeRaid #2
A wounded and humiliated Amin lashed out. A new long bout of killings, including of the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda Janani Luwum in February 1977, started. After the attack #Amin upped his threats against Kenya, from where the Israelis had refueled #EntebbeRaid #3
Read 8 tweets

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