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Make no confusion.

We are in the midst of losing our municipal democratic rights in Ontario.

Here is a list of some of the services your municipality is responsible for that will no longer be democratically-controlled:


#ONpoli #TOpoli
🚇 Public transit

🚦 Traffic management

🚓 Police

🚑 Paramedics
🚒 Fire services

🏗️ Land use planning

🚽 Sewers

🏡 Community housing
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Just got told @OttCatholicSB has closed the special education classroom the boy should be moving into. Welcome to @fordnation’s #onted
And hey @OttCatholicSB shouldn’t you have told parents of special Ed kids and not have it casually mentioned to us?
And for all of those teachers and parents who vilified special Ed kids during the strike - this means kids like the boy will be fully integrated 100% of the time in a regular class with minimal or no support. No one is going to thrive. #onted #onpoli
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You may have seen the Ontario PCs spamming links to The Hamilton Independent.

So I asked the question, what is this new “news org” and after doing extensive research I have found the following EXPLOSIVE…. 1/

#cdnmedia #onpoli ImageImageImage
Just kidding, took two seconds and a single google search to find their connections to Jeff Ballingal and Canada/Ontario Proud. #CdnMediaFailed

HI is a fake news source basically putting out articles to benefit Canada/Ontario Proud and Jeff Ballingals clients (CPC & PCPO) 2/ ImageImage
The Hamilton Independent is also tied to The Niagara Independent, another fake news site. #CdnMediaFailed 3/
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A dental thread.

My parents are elderly.
They’re on a fixed income…with a very limited budget. They do their best to live very modestly.

Like many elderly people, their dental health has deteriorated.


They’ve both lost a lot of teeth and have resorted to using dentures. For now, they’re getting by with partials.

But as their dental health continues to deteriorate, the costs are mounting, and tough decisions need to be made.

My dad was at a point where he couldn’t chew food properly. The food he could eat became more and more limited and he started losing weight.

My mom is in the same boat, but not quite as bad.

Read 7 tweets
Therme does not belong at Ontario Place.

New revelations from legislative committee about this rotten deal (with many thanks to @jennkfrench):


* The Ford gov't extended the deadline for Ontario Place proposals six days before the original deadline. One of the late submissions? Therme

* Even after Ford awarded them Ontario Place, Therme applied to redevelop a decommissioned power plant in Niagara - if they like that site, why not build there?

Read 8 tweets
@fordnation @ONThealth
Dear Premier,
I gave the CMOH an opportunity to reply to my questions about the public health measures employed and withdrawn in 2022. Specifically, I requested information on how the health inequities of the most vulnerable & marginalized were mitigated?
I also requested information about the proposed procurement of high-quality masks for students in the fall of 2022? Why didn't that happen?

What were the considerations given to vulnerable children such as the immunocompromised?

How is SARS-CoV-2 like another respiratory virus?
My questions were not answered. I received an unsigned reply from the Office of the CMOH.
It was a generic statement that failed to address the questions in my April 7, 2023 letter.

This correspondence is included in the analysis of the documents I received in my FOIPPA inquiry.
Read 6 tweets
Today in #onpoli: Ontario NDP leader Marit Stiles asks Premier Doug Ford to commit to taking serious climate action in the wake of the wildfires. Ford says she is "politicizing the wildfires."

FACT CHECK: climate change isn't political. It's science & pretty undeniable right now
How does climate change cause more wildfires?

Temperatures are increasing because of emissions produced by human activity. This is causing dry conditions that allow wildfires to break out. They spread because we're cutting down more trees to build stuff so the ground is drier.
As much as the Ford government has been talking about its emergency preparedness team, the fact is I hahe been trying to talk to Ontario’s deputy minister of emergency preparedness for months, and been told repeatedly that he’s “unavailable” for an interview in any time frame.e
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A little weekend 🧵on police in schools, for those who wonder what is abuzz at @OCDSB. You may have seen coverage from @CBCOttawa @ctvottawa @OttawaCitizen (and other less reputable sources). This isn’t a “two-sides” issue, and shouldn’t be up for debate, IMO. #onted #onpoli
The previous @OCDSB board of trustees and community organizations put in tremendous effort to address harms caused by the presence of police in our schools.

The policy to remove police from schools was passed in 2021 by the @OCDSB (on a 10-1 vote) after extensive community 2/
consultations re the history of (and current) bias, discrimination, and trauma experienced by Black, Indigenous, and 2SLGBTQIA students, refugees, newcomers, people with disabilities, and other marginalized @OCDSB staff and students, and their families. 3/
Read 16 tweets
Waterloo Region manages source water protection, the Regional Official Plan, Education, Hospitals, Emergency Services, Police, Housing & Mental Health supports. It manages policies that formed the ESL and ESPAs to protect biodiversity, forests, fisheries and primary recharge.
Waterloo Region is the largest region in Canada dependent on groundwater and Ontario's second largest foodbelt. Irresponsible development, aggregate extractions & sprawl can put lives at risk especially in the age of climate change. ImageImageImageImage
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This map showing the 413 route and the Greenbelt is all you need to know about why Doug Ford wants to separate Brampton and Caledon from Mississauga... Image

To summarize:

Patrick Brown is compliant - he will do whatever Ford wants.

Bonnie Crombie is not - she actually pushes back against Ford.

Doug Ford wants to ram through his Hwy 413 plans and carve out Greenbelt land for his developer buddies as quickly as possible.
The land Ford needs for the 413 is mostly in Caledon and Brampton (only a very small piece on the southwest end of the 413 route is in Halton).

And - just look at the sheer size of Caledon vs. Brampton vs. Mississauga... and how much is developed vs. undeveloped. Image
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A brief thread on the evolution of Premier Ford's comments on the the Greenbelt.

2018 pre-election: "We will open up the Greenbelt, not all of it. We're going to open a big chunk of it up and we're going to start building."

2018 campaign: "Unequivocally, we won't touch the Greenbelt. I've heard it loud and clear, people don't want me touching the greenbelt, we won't touch the Greenbelt."

Dec 7, 2020: "I have committed not to be paving anywhere in the greenbelt."
Read 12 tweets
#ONpoli #CDNpoli

Seems like the media ONLY want to cover the Chinese influence story at the Federal level, but ignore it if Trudeau isn't involved.

THREAD 🧵 on Chinese influence tied to Doug Ford's Ontario PC Party, specifically 2 names:

Ted Zhou and Zhaoan Sui ImageImageImage
1/ Ted Zhou
- Attended Trudeau fundraiser in 2016, but mostly Conservative fundraisers since then
- CEO of Evertrust (developer w/ projects in Niagara & Bracebridge)
- Built companies worth over $2.6B in China
- Founded dozens of Canadian companies, including 10+ influence groups ImageImageImageImage
2/ Zhaoan Sui
- Runs the Canada Gansu Federation of Chamber of Commerce (CGFCC) and other influence groups
- Family runs Global Education Mihome Corporation (GEM), which operates Ace Acumen Academy (private college tied to St. Clair College) and also builds residences ImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
🧵The Landlord and Tenant Board is broken – and neither renters nor landlords can afford any more delays.

I support the Ombudsman’s recommendations to repair the inequities embedded in the LTB.

But to protect Ontario’s tenants, we must go much further.

For years, advocates on the front lines have been calling for real solutions to a broken rental system. Solutions like the ones Ontario Greens have long-championed:

Reinstate rent controls on all units to protect tenants from being unfairly priced out of their homes;
Implement vacancy controls to get rid of the incentive for landlords to drive out long-standing tenants in order to increase rents;

Build 182,000 new permanently affordable community housing rental homes over the next decade;
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As more than $1B (just the start) is being committed to a new reactors, critics say #nuclear’s cost overruns, construction delays and safety concerns outweigh its benefits. /2
#onpoli #cdnpoli… via @TorontoStar
Renewables such as wind and solar are cheaper, quicker to build and have no long-term radioactive legacy. /3
The last nuclear plant Ontario built was so expensive that it caused the bankruptcy of Ontario Hydro. /4
Read 14 tweets
The first bill for one month of therapy for the boy. The night I got this I stayed up all night crying and wondering how we could make this work. Thanks to @fordnation Lisa MacLeod and Amy Fee for freezing the list and gutting the program. #autism #onpoli Image
Imagine of you didn’t have a basement you could turn into an Airbnb, parents who would help and savings/retirement you could drain? There’s literally thousands of kids who are just waiting because they’re parents don’t have the same privileges. #onpoli #autism
if anyone wants to tell me the boy didn’t need this level of therapy. It was medically necessary and with this therapy he got into a public autism focused kindergarten the next year. He was denied entry before because his needs were so high. Therapy is necessary. #autism #onpoli
Read 6 tweets
Have you thought to wonder how 🇨🇦's #HousingCrisis relates to the transition from #feudalism to #capitalism, through the lens of #feminism? I did, so I asked ChatGPT to help, with focus on Silvia Federici's writings in her book, Caliban and the Witch. 1/11


#cdnpoli #onpoli
Canada's housing crisis today can be understood through the lens of the historical process of capitalist accumulation discussed in the book, Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici. 2/11
The book argues that the transition from feudalism to capitalism was not a natural or inevitable process, but rather a violent and coercive one that involved the dispossession of land, resources, and knowledge from common people, particularly women. 3/11
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.@metromorning Talking to Professor Summer from UofT about Science Centre being torn down & moved to OP, notes the Moriyama designed Science Centre shouldn't be torn down. Newer isn't always better. Let's repair and creatively reuse what exists. #topoli #Onpoli
If we thought of cities the way we do these heritage buildings, every city would look like Las Vegas. Neglect has led us here, it's worth investing to keep buildings like these. Prof doubts the Science Centre at OP will be better.
The Science Centre has interesting relationships with its surrounding, a symbiotic relationship with the buildings & landscape which will be very hard to recreate. (Sounds like the current Ontario Place!)
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Carmine Nigro, who is in charge of Ontario Place:

- Developer (35 Years)
- Attended Ford daughter's wedding
- Received MZO for Walmart/burbs project

Patronage Appointments:
- LCBO Chairman
- Invest Ontario Board
- Runnymede Hospital Board (gave Ford's daughter a job) ImageImageImageImage

LCBO strategy for Carmine Nigro:

1) Sell off the LCBO headquarters for condos

2) Privatize alcohol distribution - lobbied by Ford strategist and now Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman

3) Put booze in corner stores and cannabis in private stores… Image

The wedding photographer captured lots of photos showing Carmine Nigro with a seat at Doug Ford's table (with Cortellucci and Madeleine Bodenstein) at the reception, and right in front of Ron Taverner at the ceremony.… ImageImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
#topoli #onpoli Of all the many disingenuous claims made y'day by @fordnation and @KingaSurmaMPP re: Ontario Place & the Science Centre, the most egregious involve money/transparency. A great deal of public funding will be spent, and there has been zero transparency to date. 1/n
@fordnation @KingaSurmaMPP #topoli #onpoli The premier claimed the govt will release all the figures at some point -- I'm not waiting up! -- but I'd say that between the two sites, all in and accounting for the predictable under-estimation of capital costs, we're looking at $1b, not incl. private $$. 2/n
@fordnation @KingaSurmaMPP #topoli #onpoli What we don't know: the actual cost of site remediation; the murky financial arrangement btwn @ThermeCanada & the province, which is enabling side-loading of expenses; lease terms; and the source of the $100m the spa company claims it w/ spend on public realm. 3/n
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.@KingaSurmaMPP and @JonBurnside_DVE coming up on @metromorning shortly to discuss the Ontario Government tearing down the science centre and moving it to Ontario Place. #topoli #onpoli
.@KingaSurmaMPP up now, why move the Science Centre to Ontario Place? Usual PC government claim the Science Centre is in “disrepair”. We thought it would be appropriate to jam Science Centre into OP. Surma won’t confirm cost of repairing Science Centre. #topoli #onpoli
Surma ducks questions on when they will share cost of repair vs. Move of Science Centre. Mentions broken bridge at Ontario Place. Reporter notes they’d like to see business case soon, asks about value of OSC to community. “You don’t matter” is how they feel.
Read 14 tweets

When asked why he needs to open up the Greenbelt for developers, Doug Ford lies his face off like no politician I’ve ever seen!!!

(Thread 🧵 )
1) "This so-called Greenbelt"

Doug Ford is pretending like the Liberal government randomly chose 2 Million acres of land and slapped a Greenbelt label on it with no actual purpose to the specific areas chosen.

This is false. It took years to sort out. Image
2) "They changed it 17 times to suit their developer buddies"

There were small adjustments, but those added up to ONLY 370 acres (out of 2 Million!). One example was 5 acres for a power plant. Another was where half of an old building was on Greenbelt and half wasn't. Image
Read 7 tweets
Tuned into the OP to Science Centre press conference. Ford responds to a reporters Q. about how the science centre will fit, Ford notes that it will go into the pods, Cinesphere and a multi storey building. #topoli #Onpoli
Are you going to bypass the city if you don't get your way there? Ford implies yes. Goes to his favourite "little red apples" quote.
Ford repeats the lie that nothing is happening at Ontario Place. The million annual visitors would beg to differ. Ford notes province will pay for Ontario Science Centre move (add it to your tab, Ontario Taxpayer).
Read 19 tweets
#ONpoli #CDNpoli

Amazing how Canada's media will immediately assume every possibly Trudeau connection in the world is sending him money, but have entirely moved on from Doug Ford stories where billionaire developers actually gave his family envelopes of money.
Mary Ng gives friend a $17,000 contract:

Doug Ford gives friend and DECO Customer Apollo Health & Beauty $62,117,432 in PPE contracts:
Trudeau vacations with family friend and is cleared by ethics commissioner beforehand:

Ford and Lecce have Florida vacation with De Gasperis / Ford invites Cortellucci family to Stag and Doe & wedding, doesn't clear beforehand:
"no government business was discussed" ImageImage
Read 5 tweets

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