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Disclaimer before it even starts- Lyme patients that fought to have the Lyme ‘vaccine’ removed from the market are NOT antivaxxers

I know this because I am 1 of them

Anyone who follows me KNOWS that I’m pro science, pro vaccine & pro public health
I wrote this very personal thread, despite hating opening myself up to the inevitable BS that will come from discussing 1) #LymeDisease in general & 2) anything to do w/ vaccines for 2 very specific reasons



Reason #1

Discussions of the Climate Crisis has brought about an uptick in posts about Lyme Disease & blaming antivaxxers for there no longer being a Lyme vaccine

I can 100% assure that antivaxxers had almost nothing to do w/ LymeRix being taken off the market
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A Personal Thread

I don’t talk about this much on Twitter because honestly it’s my escape from thinking about or dealing w/ the effects of Lyme disease & the associated tick borne illnesses

I mean it-ALL DAY, EVERY DAY my life is Lyme


Rage tweeting & ranting about politics is my break from just how devastating #Lyme & the associated illnesses is

& the frustration of having to fight basically the same sh*t every day for more than 2 decades with no end in sight

The first time I was diagnosed w/ Lyme disease was in 1982 when I was 10 yrs old.

I was fortunate to have been diagnosed at all. I contracted from a tick bite I received on summer vacation in the Hamptons. I was given some antibiotics & told I’d be fine

No real follow up

Read 60 tweets
Another Interview with @VirusesImmunity 🙏 @zeitonline
#LongCovid #MEcfs #Lyme #Infections #PostVac
#Excerpts #Quotes 1/x Long🧵@Karl_Lauterbach‼️

„Iwasaki: Eine Möglichkeit ist, dass es sich bei Long Covid um eine anhaltende Virusinfektion handelt.….
Es gibt mehr als hundert Veröffentlichungen, in denen Forscher Teile des Virus oder seines Erbguts noch Monate nach der Infektion in verschiedenen Organen nachgewiesen haben.
Die zweite Hypothese ist die sogenannte Autoimmunität. 2/x
Es ist bekannt, dass verschiedene Viren eine Immunreaktion auslösen können, die sich gegen den eigenen Körper richtet. Dazu scheint auch Sars-CoV-2 zu gehören.
Die dritte Möglichkeit ist, dass im Körper schlummernde Viren wie Epstein-Barr-Viren oder andere Herpesviren 3/x
Read 17 tweets
„Müdigkeit“ (LL)

Symptome: Auswahl:
- Entkräftung bis auf die Knochen
- keine Anstrengung möglich
- eklatantes Herzrasen / besonders bei aufrechten Postiionen
- Blutdruckentgleisungen
- Schwindel
- Atemnot
- Sehstörungen bis hin zu Drop Outs
- Kopfgefässgeräusche zum Bersten
- Tinnitus
- Muskel-, Sehnen-, Nervenschmerzen
- Brennen auf der Haut, in den Schleimhäuten, im Gehirn, in den Augen usw.
- elektro-schockartige Stromstösse
- Lähmunsgerscheinungen
- Muskelschwäche
- Hautveränderungen / Exzeme / Haut platzt auf
- Pins & Needles (überall)
- Haarausfall
- Verlust von Bindegewebe (auch keine Fingerabdrücke mehr)
- nicht fähig zu sitzen, zu stehen, nicht fähig mehr als 5 Schritte zu gehen
- nicht fähig autonom für sich selbst zu sorgen usw.
Read 4 tweets
There are over 400 peer-reviewed articles discussing the association between #Lymedisease and neuropsychiatric symptoms (continued in comments). #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth #Lyme
1/4 The biggest challenge for people suffering from mood disorders is most mental health practitioners are not trained to look for the underlying cause(s) of the symptoms – including Lyme disease.
2/4 Many people end up on mood-stabilizing medication for years – or a lifetime – without a known cause of their symptoms. In some with Lyme disease, mood symptoms may improve on psychotropic medication, but symptoms often relapse.
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I never would have thought that one would be left at home, seriously ill, without help.
I would never have thought that children have to suffer in the dark at home, that relatives would be mocked at the same time, instead of doctors providing help.
1/x Image
I never would have thought that #MEcfs sufferers had to fight so much and actually become a political issue.
I never would have thought that the so-called health care system could let people down in such an ignorant way.
I never would have thought that in addition to #MEcfs, devastating illnesses such as #SmallFiber #POTS #MCAS, CranioCervical Instability #CCI #Lyme #PostVac and poisoning by #fluoroquinolones #FQAD would also be swept under the carpet in the so-called healthcare sector.
Read 7 tweets

Nie hätte ich gedacht, dass man schwer krank zuhause liegen gelassen wird.

Nie hätte ich gedacht, dass Kinder zuhause im Dunkeln leiden, Angehörige gleich mit verhöhnt werden anstatt dass Mediziner Hilfe leisten.
Nie hätte ich gedacht, dass #MEcfs Erkrankte soviel kämpfen müssen und regelrecht noch zu einem Politikum werden.

Nie hätte ich gedacht, dass das sogenannte Gesundheitssystem Menschen so derartig im Stich lassen kann.
Nie hätte ich gedacht, dass neben #MEcfs, auch verheerende Erkrankungen wie #SmallFiber #POTS #MCAS, die Craniocervikale Instabilität #CCI #Lyme und die Vergiftung durch #Fluorchinolone im sogenannten Gesundheitswesen gleich mit unter den Teppich gekehrt werden.
Read 6 tweets
Ma petite Mam,
2 ans aujourd’hui que tu es partie 🕊️💕
Alors je voulais te raconter la suite de mes échanges avec ton MG, qui t’a 💉contre ton gré 😓 Image
Tu te souviens, vu qu’il n’y avait eu aucune traçabilité sur ta carte Vitale, ni aucun consentement éclairé signé, ni par toi, ni par tes enfants, je lui avais juste demandé le numéro de lot AZ que tu avais reçu : il était bien embarrassé…
Tu penses bien que je ne l’ai jamais lâché, et que je l’ai rappelé plusieurs fois 😬
Il a fini par me donner un numéro de lot au doigt mouillé qui, vu la date donnée par la pharmacie, ne pouvait pas être le bon ; alors je me suis fâché très fort …
Read 11 tweets
💚 May is #Lyme disease awareness month.

@CTurlington generously supporting the cause (pre-pandemic before anyone freaks out that we’re indoors).

I almost lost my life to Lyme after it went to my ❤️ while a dozen “top” docs just thought I was stressed 😠. Image
Chronic Lyme caused beloved, brilliant @dukemedicine oncologist/ scientist @drneilspector to lose his ❤️, have a transplant, and sadly, ultimately die in June 2020 from it.

He wanted everyone to know he died from chronic Lyme. He was one of my dearest friends. Image
. @drneilspector turned his attention to link between Lyme, bartonella, & cancer before his death. He believed these pathogens likely caused cases of various cancers, including some breast cancers.

He died from chronic Lyme.

His @DukeCancer obit:… Image
Read 5 tweets
[CASE REPORT] Brain biopsy detects #Bartonella in brain lesions: A 28-year-old woman presented to the neurology department with progressive vision loss in both eyes over the prior four months (continued in comments). #Lyme #Lymedisease
1/5 She had a history of #lupus and had been on high-dose prednisone. A brain MRI showed numerous lesions in her cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres.
2/5 A brain biopsy was performed, and Bartonella henselae was discovered. Antibiotics were started, her vision improved, and the lesions resolved.
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📣 SO proud to share I was an assoc producer on this stunning documentary on the ravages & coverup of chronic #Lyme.

Among others, it features esteemed Duke oncologist @drneilspector, who died from chronic Lyme.

Thank you, @MarkRuffalo for revealing your personal experience. The Quiet Epidemic document...
🔥 #2 now on iTunes top docs!! @QuietEpidemic is an award-winning documentary exposé about the hidden public health crisis of Lyme disease, and it is now available to stream on AppleTV, Prime Video and Vimeo On Demand.

Check out the trailer here: 🎬

Thank you also to the Bruzzese family for sharing your powerful, shocking story.

Julia is a warrior and an inspiration.

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@madeleinedaisyr Alan Steere took out the legitimacy & decades of research & progress for #MECFS & #fibromyalgia in 90s. He had published they & #lymeDisease caused serious neuroImmune illness. For the 1st #lyme #vax, he took all 3 out, saying all were hysterical Womens’ non-illnesses instead 2/
@madeleinedaisyr Why did he (#bigPharma) take out #MEcfs & #Fibromyalgia along with #lymeDisease when the goal was to change #lyme medicine knowledge so they could approve Lyme testing they knew wouldn’t work? Cause all 3 are caused by the same thing. Lyme results in MECFS & #fibro 3/
@madeleinedaisyr A #stanford researcher was looking into markers for #MECFS (2015-2020ish) & was funded & all was good. AS SOON AS he added #lymeDisease into his #MECFS research, he was suddenly taken out in a scandal & I don’t believe he did what accused of. When added lyme-that a coincidence?4/
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It might be shocking to people to learn that the original #LymeDisease vaccine, #LYMErix, was so bad & the diagnostic tests so inaccurate, that the surveillance case definition of #Lyme was changed to make them both seem effective. Not a theory; the FDA devoted a whole meeting. Image
It’s probably most shocking to the people who got LYMErix & experienced AEs, & people with #LymeDisease who have been tortured for years or decades without treatment because the “experts” who were in on the scam still control the dialogue to this day.
They’ve trained a whole new crop of gullible, easily indoctrinated, sadistic egoists to carry on for them. Any #LymeDisease “experts” coming out of Yale, UConn, Harvard, NYMC, Hopkins, Stonybrook, UMinn should all be treated with a healthy dose of skepticism.
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I saw the @QuietEpidemic yesterday at 1 of the premieres. It can be hard for lymies to get places, but if you’ve never been to a #LymeDisease film premiere, U are surrounded by #lyme peeps who’ve been through what you have, & know true suffering & what it takes to not give up 2/
2. The #lymeDisease film @QuietEpidemic is very well made, shows what it is to have #lyme, how it destroys lives, & that it isn’t confined to a few NE states. & it dares to share truths & show names & faces! These R the truths that WE must get known to the world. It’s up 2 us. 3/
3. It shouldn’t be, but it’s up to #lymeDisease patients, loved ones, & the few #doctors that treat #lyme (the few that actually understand illness & medicine & biology) to disclose the federal “health” agencies & #bigPharma intently made testing fail & caused illness in many 4/
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Los trastornos neurológicos funcionales (FND) son síntomas neurológicos que no pueden explicarse por una lesión neurológica subyacente u otra enfermedad médica y que no tienen correlatos neuropatológicos claros.

Aquí hay un 🧵 sobre por qué #LongCovid NO ES FND
Esta imagen muestra 5 formas en que los síntomas de LC pueden deberse a diferentes mecanismos sistémicos. 

Evidencia de que las personas con 
#LongCovid ahora tienen una fisiología diferente a las personas que no tienen Long COVID. Image
Desregulación inmunológica

Aqui un artículo limpio que no deja la puerta abierta al argumento de que el cerebro está controlando el sistema inmunológico.

Muestra virus persistente en el Tracto GI de aquellos con #LongCovid , en comparación con controles sanos. Image
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We are in our fourth year of work to understand #LongCovid and we now know things about it thanks to science. After being told again by a quasi-well meaning, if uninformed, clinician that LC is just functional neurological disorder (FND). Here’s a 🧵 on why LC IS NOT FND (1/)
So, what *is* FND anyway? Anyone who works in FND has to admit that over the years it has always been a problematic diagnosis with far too many unskilled and uninformed clinicians considering it to be synonymous with conversion disorder (read: “psychosomatic illness”) (2/)
More recently, those who know the field will acknowledge that a more nuanced point of view has emerged in regards to FND. Namely, skilled clinicians who are trying to treat FND in good faith hold the view that in the patient with FND, *some* change has occurred in the brain, (3/)
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Versuche gerade Laptop aufzuräumen, brauche Speicherplatz, finde Brief, den ich im Winter 2017/18 verzweifelt hilfesuchend aus einer Klinik an einen Arzt geschrieben habe-da war ich bereits Jahre krank, VOR der Charité Diagnose (Herbst 2018), #MEcfs &Co. kannte ich nicht.
Auszüge des Briefes; Symptome:
„- Ohren/Kopf: unverändert laut, sie schwanken, aber wie bisher von laut bis extrem laut, mal pulsierend im Herzklopf- Rhythmus, dann stolpert mein Herz - Töne setzen aus, (ganze Herzaussetzer, beängstigend)
- Diese eklatante Erschöpfung, es zieht mich vom Körper und Geist (Konzentrationsschwächen, Lücken im Gedächtnis) immer wieder runter und ins Bett, ich fühle mich schwach, als ob mir alles viel zu viel wäre, schon allein ein kurzer Spaziergang ist zu viel für mich,
Read 10 tweets
NEW RESEARCH: Herbal and enzyme formula effective at reducing #Biofilms. Biofilms are a polysaccharide matrix secreted by microbes to create a protective community. Think of a biofilm like Jello surrounding a raspberry in a dessert (continued in comments). #Lymedisease #Lyme
1/5 Biofilms can make bacteria up to a thousand times more resistant to antibiotics. #Candida and #Borrelia (the bacteria that cause Lyme disease) commonly produce biofilms.
2/5 This newly published research study examined the effect of an herbal and enzyme formula containing NAC, cranberry, berberine, rosemary, peppermint, and enzymes on biofilm mass on five pathogens.
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[CASE REPORT] The CDC reports a case of Borrelia miyamotoi in California man: The Center for Disease Control (CDC) just published a case report In their journal, Emerging Infectious Disease, of Borrelia miyamotoi in California (continued in comments). #Lyme #Lymedisease #TBRF
1/7 The man was on a drug for multiple sclerosis, so he was considered immunocompromised. He experienced fevers that lasted a day, every 10-14 days, nausea, and “visual changes.”
2/7 Borrelia miyamotoi is a close cousin of Lyme disease and part of the tickborne relapsing fever group (TBRF).
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#lymeDisease is being #imprisoned in a life of brutal symptoms for YEARS! It IS a sentence of #imprisonment. The corruption of #lyme medicine=innocent people convicted & unjustly punished for crimes committed by federal “health” agencies & #bigPharma representatives.For profit 2/
The CDC & #vaccine makers KNOWINGLY made #lymeDisease testing fail & reversed #lyme medicine science (began lying about all its impacts) in the 90s & then for the next 30 years told doctors not to test for Lyme & if they do, to use the test they made fail for their #vax trials.3/
For 30 YEARS, fed agency & #bigPharma representatives have continued to corrupt #lymeDisease medicine so their past remains hidden & can continue to make money off all the medicines sold to those suffering from illnesses CAUSED by the #lyme those reps caused to go undiagnosed 4/
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Since @US_FDA is dragging their feet posting my comments to… “Early Lyme Disease as Manifested by Erythema Migrans: Developing Drugs for Treatment; Draft Guidance for Industry” here you go. #LymeDisease
Breaking News: The incidence of #LymeDisease erythema migrans (🎯) rash is overstated by more than 10X.

This is done by sleight of hand in calculation method and reliance on the public to infer that the calculation is based on @CDCgov’s estimate of 476,000 cases per year.
Here are the last 2 pages of my document. The #LymeDisease “authorities” want the public to believe the 🎯 rash appears in 70%-80% of nearly half a million cases/year. In reality, the figure is calculated on *confirmed* cases, only about 45,000 in 2020.
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Will #BellaHadid’s sharing her excruciating & debilitating fight with #lymeDisease build awareness of the corruption that’s caused so many to go undiagnosed & through this same battle? For 30 YEARS doctors have been told not to test for #lyme & if do, to use failed testing.2/
#lymeDisease is a disabling multi-system illness transmitted congenitally (in the womb), sexually, & by mosquitoes, spiders, etc (not just ticks). It destroys the systems & organs it gets to & your immune system (making it deficient & reactive). Ur body can’t fight it awhile. 3/
Undiagnosed #lymeDisease works away at U & U are told it’s due to some other illness-then U have that illness or injury (like #covid) that’s the last straw & #lyme takes over. Doctors have been lied to about lyme for 30 years so if run failed testing they’ll tell u it’s neg. 4/
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A common myth about #LymeDisease is that serological tests work better after 3 weeks of infection because antibodies develop slowly. This is true for only about 15% of cases—those who have the HLAs needed to produce a strong & broad immune response.…
Notice the date: 1990. CDC’s #LymeDisease group knew this when they manipulated the case definition a few years later. They implemented a diagnostic scheme that only IDs that minority of highly seropositive cases.
That means #LymeDisease tests are *only* very accurate (especially after a few weeks) if #Lyme = a genetic predisposition to a strong immune response against Borrelia antigens.
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Beste @2eKamertweets,

Ik ben docent, gaf les met hart & ziel, werd door mijn leerlingen uitgeroepen tot beste docent vd school. Maar 12 jaar geleden werd ik ziek, griepje leek het, en hoewel ik snel genas werd ik in de weken daarna alleen maar moeier.
En die moeheid ging nooit meer over.

Ik probeerde via het opbouwen van activiteit en veel beweging weer beter te worden, maar dat maakte het erger. Post Exertionele Malaise (PEM) noemen we dat tegenwoordig.
Gezonde mensen hebben geen idee van hoe heftig zware vermoeidheid kan zijn. Ik was zo moe dat ik soms al in tranen uitbarstte van het idee dat ik onder de douche moest gaan staan, of dat ik moest gaan eten, omdat ik er gewoon geen energie voor had.
Read 15 tweets

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