Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #JoeBIden

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Martedì #JoeBiden ha definito #XiJinping un dittatore, solamente un giorno dopo che il segretario di stato #Blinken aveva visitato #Pechino per stabilizzare le relazioni bilaterali, che secondo la #Cina sono "al punto più basso".
#Biden ha anche affermato…
che #Xi è stato moltoimbarazzato quando un pallone spia cinese sospetto è stato lanciato fuori rotta nello spazio aereo #USA all'inizio di quest'anno, facendo un commento personale sul leader cinese quando Blinken ha detto lunedì che il "capitolo" dovrebbe essere chiuso.. Non è
chiaro il motivo per cui Biden abbia fatto i commenti su Xi, il leader più potente della Cina dai tempi di #MaoZedong, dopo essersi assicurato un terzo mandato rivoluzionario come presidente e capo del #PartitoComunista..
"Il motivo per cui Xi Jinping si è molto arrabbiato quando
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Boom!!!!! Hunter Biden charged with failing to pay federal income tax and illegally having a weapon.... Let the games and distractions begin! ......
#WeWantAnswers #HunterBiden #JoeBiden #WhiteHouse Image
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Il comitato di supervisione della Camera ritenere direttore dell'#FBI #ChrisWray in oltraggio al Congresso
per il rifiuto di consegnare i documenti di Biden.

@liliaragnar @mariogiordano5
@RadioRadioWeb @ladyonorato @a_meluzzi
Il Comitato della Camera per la supervisione e la responsabilità ha chiesto all'#FBI di rilasciare documenti relativi a un presunto schema di corruzione durante il mandato di vicepresidente di Joe Biden sotto il presidente Barack Obama, e da allora l'FBI si è rifiutato...😡 Image
"Il Comitato di supervisione prenderà ora provvedimenti per ritenere il direttore dell'#FBI #Wray in oltraggio al Congresso", si legge in una dichiarazione del Comitato. Image
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Why #JoeBiden Will Get the #NobelPeacePrize - a thread 🧵

The #UkraineWar might be a blessing for the world in disguise by bringing about lasting world peace.

And, for this, we will have to thank the @POTUS

How? Because, no matter what the cost, Western countries are determined to supply more and more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine to fight #Russia.

#Biden has said that #American support for #Ukraine will continue "as long as it takes."

#Russia has been steadily destroying all this ammunition and these weapons, so much so that it is already summer (beginning of June) and the "spring #counteroffensive" of #Ukraine hasn't yet started, because they have no weapons to start any offensive.

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¡Muy buenas tardes! ¿Qué tal la están pasando?

Les invito a que me acompañen con toda la información más completa del día en #AzucenaxFórmula por el 104.1 FM, 1500 AM y o a través de tu estación local de @Radio_Formula

¡Les espero! Image
La consejería jurídica pidió a la ministra presidenta de #SCJN, Norma Piña, que antes de discutir si se invalida o no la primera parte del #planb, se resuelva la constitucionalidad del decreto sobre la ley general de comunicación social #AzucenaxFórmula
El presidente López Obrador insistió en que el gobierno de #EUA es injerencista al financiar, asegura, a organizaciones que él considera golpistas de su gobierno, por ello envío una carta a #JoeBiden en la que pide su intervención para detener este acto #AzucenaxFórmula
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Hunter Biden: The Super(Sperm)Man of the Joe Biden Family
In Batesville, Arkansas local court is hearing a case of Hunter age 53, and his one-time fling with a 32-year-old woman by the name of London Roberts (Ex Strip club dancer). She gave birth to a daughter who was fathered by……
Hunter Biden said, "he's had a material change in his financial circumstances and alluded to a sizable drop in his income". London Roberts accused Hunter Biden of violating numerous court orders and intentionally withholding key evidence. So the judge in this case Holly Meyer is……
The other thing that the woman London Roberts said she said in recent filings, Hunter Biden had never seen or contacted his four-year-old daughter, and that Joe Biden and the First Lady remain, quote, estranged from their grandchild. That girl is innocent.

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1/ THREAD (in aggiornamento) - UNIRE I PUNTINI.

Sono troppe le cose che stanno succedendo, tutte insieme e tutte molto velocemente.

Provo ad appuntare in un unico thread quelle che secondo me sono connesse tra loro. Image
2/ Attenzione alle notizie che arrivano dal #Sudan.
Perché? Qui una cronistoria che parte dalle bombe dei tempi del DEMONcratico #BillClinton che hanno aperto la strada a ▶️ USAID (operazioni più sporche) e a ▶️ certi "laboratori di ricerca farmacologica"

3/ È importante notare il fatto che, almeno fino al 1995, in #Sudan troviamo Joseph Cofer Black (trasferito come capo-centro CIA da Londra a Khartoum nel 1993, probabilmente per gestire la formazione di Al Qaeda).

Ma chi è Joseph Cofer Black? (segue)
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In five years, #JoeBiden will likely get the #NobelPeacePrize. But not because he did anything proactively for peace.

It is because a #Multipolar World will be more peaceful than a unipolar one, and Biden has done more than anyone else (albeit unwittingly) to further that. (1/n)
The US-led #sanctions against #Russia in response to the #UkraineRussiaWar have forced countries around the world to abandon the US dollar as a medium of trade. This is forcing the rest of the world (non-West) together. Banning Russia from #swift was most important in this. (2/n)
#India and #China desperately need oil. Because of sanctions, Russia is providing oil at cheap rates to both. Russia has now become India's largest source of oil, displacing Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Chinese imports of Russian oil have also zoomed upwards. (3/n)
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#ClintonMurders #ClintonSuicides

5 fundraisers, 5 doctors, 8 journalists, 11 staffers, 13 lawyers, 22 bodyguards, 23 witnesses, 40 acquaintances to name a few. They grow each year.

A thread 🧵 for awareness 👇

Remember when #HillaryClinton introduced her friend #GeorgeSoros and his interest to get involved in US elections…

America would’ve been much better without George Soros rigging campaign financing

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Thread #Ukraine #Biden #BidenLeaks

2020 hat Thomas Röper vom @SpiegelAnti ein 2 stündiges Interview mit Alexander #Onischenko geführt. Onischenko ist ein ehemaliger Vertrauter von Ex-Präsident Petro #Poroschenko und er war 2014 beim #Maidan an vorderster Front mit dabei.

Zu dieser Zeit war er ein enger Freund und Unterstützer von Vitali #Klitschko, dem späteren Bürgermeister von #Kiew.

In diesem Interview spricht er davon, dass der Maidan unter anderem von ukrainischen #Oligarchen und den #USA finanziert wurde.

Außerdem geht es um die #Korruption von #JoeBiden in der Ukraine, die kriminellen Geschäfte von #Poroschenko und um die Finanzierung des Maidan. Dabei nennt er jede Menge Namen und auch konkrete Summen, die damals geflossen sind.

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Auf "Truth Social "hat @realDonaldTrump eine Video mit lustigen Szenen von #JoeBiden gepostet.😂

Deshalb hier im folgenden mal die besten Joe Biden Memes, die ich noch so habe.😜

Wer will, kann gerne in den Kommentaren noch welche reinhauen!😉

#JoeBiden #POTUS #PresidentBiden
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Elon Musk thinks it's very important to elevate citizen journalism and to hear the actual voice of the people, not the filtered voice, and let the people choose the narrative, and let them determine the truth.

A thread on Musk & Twitter 👇 is inevitable. An everything platform. Secure encrypted communications, voice calls, video calls, content creation both long and short forms, payments and everything else.

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Das US-Verteidigungsministerium #DoD erteilte einen Vertrag für die #COVID19Forschung in der #Ukraine, drei Monate bevor die Existenz von Covid überhaupt bekannt wurde, also am 12. #November2019!
#Covid19Forschung in der #Ukraine als Teil eines umfangreichen Programms zur Eindämmung von biologischen Gefahren!
Eine Kooperation von #PeterDaszek & #EcoHealthAlliance und der #LabyrinthGlobalHealth und der mittlerweile bekannten, 2017 gegründeten Firma #Metabiota

Doch bereits in 2014 hatte eine Firma #Metabiota einen 18 Millionen Dollar Vertrag mit der #USRegierung als Subunternehmer der Firma Black & Veatch (#Georgien & #Ukraine) finanziert von #RosemontSenecaTechnology #RSTP von #HunterBiden.
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#BREAKING | Sensitive Content 🚨

Security footage released showing #transgender #Nashville shooter #AudreyHale driving & shooting her way into the school building.

Live on #FoxNews, an angry mom at the #Nashville School #Shooting #PressConference, steps in front of the mic and gives an incredible speech.

Meanwhile Fox News is caught off guard and panics, trying to not show her on air. I'm sure the gun lobby and NRA aren't too happy.…
The mass shooting in Nashville yesterday is the 129th mass shooting in the US so far this year. 6 people including 3 children killed the shooter captured here on CCTV. That’s a rate of 1.4 mass shootings per day in the US in 2023.

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A thread 🧵 on politics & politicians

List of all things that backfired on Joe Biden and his administration…

2.Energy Crisis
3.FTX implosion
4.FBI raid on Trump
5.Classified Documents
6.Hiding Hunter Laptop story
7.Dumping… Image
Joe Biden strangles Russia with worst sanctions…

Russia thrives, US banks collapse Image
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El presidente #AMLO se reunió, ayer domingo, con una delegación bipartidista de legisladores y representantes 🇺🇸 liderada por el senador #republicano por #Texas, #JohnCornyn, para tratar temas como el #tráficodearmas, #migración y #fentanilo.
El Presidente reconoció el trabajo de #JoeBiden y el gobierno de 🇺🇸 realizan en materia de #migración; tras celebrar la decisión de otorgar permisos humanitarios a personas #migrantes de #Cuba, #Haití, #Nicaragua y #Venezuela, opciones que no existían antes.
#MarceloEbrard destacó que, contrario a la idea de que 🇲🇽 recibiría 30 mil personas diarias a través del #Título42, los retornos de personas #venezolanas a nuestro país han disminuido hasta 99%.
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#RobertKennedyJr dice a Jimmy Dore che #BillGates finanzia l'OMS e sostiene il #GlobalViromeProject, che raccoglie e trasforma virus pericolosi in 150 laboratori biologici in tutto il mondo, e #JoeBiden sta concedendo all'OMS controllata da Gates
il potere illimitato di dichiarare #pandemie:
"Adesso hanno tutti questi #laboratoribiologici e Gates e altri sono coinvolti in questo progetto chiamato #GlobalViromeProject, in cui stanno cercando di raccogliere campioni di tutti i #virus del mondo
che possono essere usati come armi #PeterDaszak
e #USAID erano parte di esso...E poi stanno tutti lavorando in 150 #laboratoribiologici in tutto il mondo, quaranta in #Ucraina, in #Cina, in #Africa, stanno lavorando su Marburg, Ebola, Zika, Monkey Pox, Polio,
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Am 28. Mai 1975 schickte #JoeBiden einen Brief an #Hannah Arendt.

"Liebe Frau Arendt: Ich habe in einem kürzlich erschienenen Artikel von Tom Wicker von einem Vortrag gelesen, den Sie auf dem Boston Bicentennial Forum gehalten haben. 1/
Als Mitglied des Ausschusses für auswärtige Beziehungen des Senats bin ich sehr daran interessiert, eine Kopie Ihres Vortrags zu erhalten. Vielen Dank". 2/
Biden war 32 Jahre als er den Brief abschickte. Der ihm erwähnte Artikel von Tom Wicker war "The Lie and the Image", veröffentlicht in der New York Times am 25. 05.75. In dem Artikel ging Wicker ausführlich auf "Home to Roost" ein, einen Vortrag, den Arendt auf dem Forum hielt 3/
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Un axiome rappelé en une du New York Times: les opinions publiques démocratiques contemporaines se lassent vite d'un effort de guerre qui dure- même indirect. Et les #EtatsUnis de #JoeBiden ne font pas exception sur l'#Ukraine...1/…
2...en ce début de semaine, des élus républicains du Congrès US de la faction America First ont remis en cause, lors d'auditions de responsables du Pentagone par la commission des armées à la Chambre, le mésusage possible des armes envoyées à l'#Ukraine.…
3. Dans l'article du jour du New York Times, on apprend d'ailleurs que #Zelensky essaie de mettre sur pied une entrevue téléphonique avec Kevin McCarthy, le speaker républicain de la Chambre, afin de s'assurer du soutien US sur la durée...
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The overlooked but crucial role "Elite" Think Tanks play in our lives & on the Global Stage. I've gone deep into this on my Bitchute, but there isn't just the Bilderbergers'. There's: Wellcome Trust, Aspen Institute, Poynter, Sun Valley Conference, Tech Crunch, WestExec Advisors
(..cont) Milken Institute, WEF, Council on Foreign Relations, BMGF, Truman Project, Carneige Trust, Open Society, Alfalfa Club, Bohemian Grove, and more. For now, let's look at the SALT conference.
SALT is headed by Skybridge Capital and is aimed at Venture Capitalists/Investing.
#SALT has a remarkable list of speakers. The list changes a little from year to year. These are top Military, World Leaders, Major Investors, CEO's. AKA Elites. Take a look at recent years starting w/2017. #Joebiden was the featured speaker.. Image
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Et si finalement #JoeBiden n'y allait pas? Grand article de @politico qui met bien le problème en perspective: si jamais il décidait de ne pas se représenter, il faudrait que ce soit le plus tôt possible, au risque de laisser son parti désorganisé...1/…
...oui mais dans la temporalité actuelle, un #Biden qui annoncerait au printemps/été 2023 ne pas y retourner aurait 1 voix singulièrement affaiblie sur la scène internationale face à #Poutine, alors qu'il entend incarner la résistance internationale des démocraties...2/
...on a 1 sorte de hiatus inédit entre 1 #JoeBiden qui s'affirme sur la scène internationale comme chef d'1 coalition internationale des démocraties libérales contre la #Russie poutinienne projetée sur le long terme de la guerre en #Ukraine...3/
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La fille de l'ex-président #Trump, Ivanka, et son gendre Jared Kushner sont assignés à témoigner par le procureur spécial Smith dans son enquête sur l'insurrection du Capitole. On est dans de l'inédit historique aux Etats-Unis.
2. Comme conseillers officiels à la Maison Blanche, il sera intéressant, bien sûr, de voir si D. Trump empêche Ivanka Trump et Jared Kushner de témoigner au nom du privilège de l'exécutif. Et jusqu'où le procureur spécial Smith serait-il prêt à aller pour les contraindre?
3. Cependant, D. #Trump a laissé sa fille Ivanka et son gendre Jared témoigner devant la commission d'enquête parlementaire, et par ailleurs son invocation du privilège de l'exécutif pour empêcher 1 témoignage a déjà été déboutée par la justice fédé…
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Le discours du président #Biden à Varsovie réitère celui de Kyiv: en inscrivant l'aide à l'#Ukraine dans le temps long, comme indissociable de la valeur US fondamentale de liberté, il lance 1 défi à ceux à l'intérieur de son pays qui voudraient reconsidérer cette assistance...1/ personnalisant l'incarnation de la défense de l'#Ukraine, installant 1 duel avec #Poutine lui-même, #JoeBiden bâtit 1 argument majeur de son éventuelle campagne de réélection: comment changer de président en plein milieu d'1 tel combat pour la liberté et la #démocratie? 2/
Il y a néanmoins 1 double risque dans cette stratégie de l'incarnation de #JoeBiden: d'1 part, il prend un engagement personnel envers l'#Ukraine dont il n'est pas sûr qu'il puisse le garantir au-delà de 2024 ou s'il était rattrapé par son âge...3/…
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