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#Bitcoin prices set to reach $45,000 this year, says report - Follow the 'fair value' roadmap for optimal #tradingstrategy ⬇️🧵

Sub to our TG for the latest:… Image
1/10: Despite recent #volatility, #Bitcoin prices are where they should be according to our #CPI/#FOMC roadmap laid out in Feb.
2/10: Based on the Jan. Effect, #Bitcoin could finish the year around $45k, which seemed optimistic at $22k, but is now achievable. Image
Read 12 tweets
1/🧵 Die Entwicklung des US-Dollars beeinflusst den #Bitcoin-Preis stark. In diesem Thread zeige ich komprimiert die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem US-Dollar, dem DXY-Index und Bitcoin. 🇺🇸💵📉📈 #BTC #USD
(Den Deepdive gibt es im Video)
2/🔎 Drei Blickwinkel auf den #Dollar:
a) Heimische Währung der US-Wirtschaft
b) Indirekte Weltreservewährung
c) US-Dollar-Index (#DXY) als Vergleichsmesswert für Bitcoin
3/🇺🇸 #Inflation in den USA beeinflusst die Geldpolitik der Federal Reserve und hat Auswirkungen auf die globale Wirtschaft und Finanzmärkte.💲🌐 Image
Read 10 tweets

Jest wiele technik inwestowania i zarabiania na #krypto. Sporo osób stawia na maks. bezpieczeństwo, omijając #trading czy ryzykowne #GEM'y.

#HODL to bezpieczny zysk w długim terminie ale jak go połączyć z regularnymi wypłatami w czasie gdy kapitał czeka na hossę?

🧵👇 Image

Osobiście uważam, że kluczem do zyskownego inwestowania jest pełna dywersyfikacja ale to temat rzeka na zupełnie inny wątek. Skupmy się w tym momencie na portfelu #HODL (mój koszyk krypto zawiera jeszcze #GEM (long/short term), #TRADING oraz rotacyjny #BTC / #ETH.

Idąc dalej każdy z nich również jest odpowiednio dywersyfikowany. Tak samo jak zapewne Wasze portfele long term nie zawierają tylko #Bitcoin .

Jak nie redukując torby pod Hossę systematycznie czerpać zyski? Kluczem jest stałe utrzymywanie części portfela w Stabelcoin'ach!
Read 12 tweets

Ostatnio było tu trochę zamieszania w temacie 'zarabiania' przez projekt.. podzielę się więc z Wami stroną z której korzystam, żeby wyłapać najlepiej zarabiające projekty. Przyda się łowcą #GEM'ów i krzykliwym #HODL'erom🤭

zapraszam na wątek 🧵👇
1/7 Image
#tokenterminal to doskonała DARMOWA strona z której korzystam do przeprowadzania research'u. Posiada wiele przydatnych funkcji ale dzisiaj skupię się na filtrowaniu dobrze zarabiających projektów i tych których przychody gwałtownie wzrastają w krótkim czasie. Image
W zakładce 'Metrics' znajdziemy wiele przydatnych narzędzi np takich jak:

-Krążąca kapitalizacja rynkowa
-Wolumen handlu tokenami
-Postawione aktywa
-Aktywni programiści (każdy projekt długoterminowy musi posiadać wysokiej klasy programistów)
-Przychody Image
Read 8 tweets
Miesiąc temu na YT, zrobiłem zestawienie 3 #krypto na które warto uważać w marcu i nie tylko.

Przed chwilą wyciągnąłem wkład na jednym z nich co już zrobił 150%

Jakie to są #kryptowaluty i ich wyniki?⬇️🧵
1/ $OP - pozycja zdecydowanie na #HODL, szczególnie po zapowiedzi BASE - Layer 2 zbudowany przez #coinbase na tej właśnie sieci.

Cena w dniu publikacji materiału 2.4$

Aktualna cena 2.21$

W tym czasie była przyjemna okazja na akumulacje w okolicach 1.8$

Lecimy dalej⬇️🧵
2/ $CFX - również potentat na HODL w związku z Chinami otwierającymi się coraz bardziej na #kryptowaluty

Jest to JEDYNY w pełni zgodny z tamtejszymi regulacjami #blockchain +mocne partnerstwa

Zakupy na lokalnym dołku zaliczone
+150% zysku i wkład wyjęty

Zobacz co dalej⬇️🧵
Read 5 tweets
From this point of view, even in terms of a simple payment method, we can see the importance of privacy.

Do you have something to say to those who want to join the Zenvangelist program or any crypto community? #Horizen @horizenglobal $ZEN Image
Read 9 tweets
🚀🚀🚀 #Litecoin is gearing up for its next halving event and it’s a great time to consider holding #LTC. Here’s why: [1/6]
In 2019, the previous halving year, #Litecoin outperformed many other assets, including #BTC and #ETH, with a YTD increase of +93% and a peak of +368%. [2/6]
Halving events have historically had a positive impact on the price of cryptocurrencies. With the reduction in block rewards, the supply of new coins decreases while demand remains constant, potentially leading to an increase in price. [3/6]
Read 7 tweets
Dear #SuperHodl plebs: important update going forward on the algorithm experiment I'd like to share 🧵

Context: $DLLR is now live! It gives Zero users an option to buy #bitcoin directly, like we did as part of the original #SuperHodl algorithm. ⤵️
As introduced earlier, #StableHodl is a new version that leverages the stability pool as a place to hold our reserves (as we have been doing with #SuperHodl, too, since the @babelfishmoney did not allow further ZUSD in their pool).⤵️
Through $DLLR and the stability pool, we can start to do #StableHodl and buy #bitcoin again like the algorithm intends, while actively gaining #bitcoin on the downside as well (at very low prices). ⤵️
Read 10 tweets
1/ 📚 Welcome to the world of crypto slang! In this thread, we'll dive into the most popular terms and phrases used in the #crypto community. Buckle up, and let's get started! #CryptoLingo $QUACK
2/ 🤗 HODL: A misspelling of "hold" that became a popular term in the crypto world. It means to hold onto your cryptocurrencies rather than selling them, even during market fluctuations. Stay strong, HODLers! 💪 #HODL $QUACK
3/ 😱 FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out. This term describes the anxiety people feel when they see others profiting from an investment or trade, making them want to jump on the bandwagon. Remember, always do your research before investing! 🧐 #FOMO $QUACK
Read 11 tweets
Saving this thread to use in my Social Media Marketing lectures and also my "woke marketing" lectures.

As someone who remembers that brief idealistic world, this resonates.

A lot of our current problems online are cos we want 25 year olds to grow taller iykwim.
I love this thread cos I've said so much of this in class!

I use this completely made up Steph Curry story to illustrate what went wrong with social media and how it's an endemic problem with our capitalist system. That my students should know.

Completely made up story.

Steph Curry goes to McBostonDerson Consulting with a problem. Steph says, I want to remembered as a better player than LeBron. We both have 4 rings. We both carry our teams most seasons. We are both nice guys. But yet people rate Lebron higher!
Read 21 tweets
It’s Saturday night #crypto is supposedly done for & going to zero 😂 DB is unfazed why? I know what I #HODL 💪

$TEL $DFX $MATIC #Web3 #Staking #altcoins #AI #100xgem #polygon #GSMA #Fintech #Defi #Crypto #Stablecoins @telcoin @P4Cap @DFXFinance @CotyKuhn @kevinzhangTO @0xNegi
I know @magnifintech knows what they #HODL appreciate your $TEL $DFX RT💯 my friend 🤝
I know @EddieSuarez70 knows we #HODL’s appreciate your $TEL $DFX RT💯 my friend 🤝 those bad a$$ $DFX socks 🧦 will be on the way soon my friend 🔥
Read 5 tweets
🧵5 Hey crypto traders, I've got a HOT🔥TAKE for you today. Sometimes it's easy to get bogged down in technical analysis and overthink. But right now, I think there's a simple play that could work well 🚀

#BTC #Bitcoin #trading #tradingstrategy #HODL #crypto #CryptoNews
1/5 I've been swinging almost any asset and working strictly from the long side as long as $BTC is above $21,600.

#crypto #tradingstrategy #takeprofits #bitcoin #hodl #BTC
2/5 I'm not paying attention to indicators, resistance levels, or other factors at the moment. Instead, I'm looking for strong levels and buying for a rebound or further growth. I've loaded up on long positions, with more than 20% of my portfolio at risk.

#crypto #BTC #trading
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Here it is.. 🤯

This is my WAGMI HODL-list 🧾 for this upcoming next bull run 💎🐈🚀

It’s gonna be a long thread but I guarantee it’s gonna be well worth your precious time 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼

I’ll add new Gems 💎 over time at the end so bookmark and revisit 📖

#WAGMI #HODL #100x #Gems

This HODL-list aims at crypto portfolios in the 6-figure range.

You can use this list as a starting point to DYOR 👨🏼‍🔬🧪 or just as confluence or simply pick coins you like and invest according to your risk management.

My goal with these picks is to average a 100x during the next bull run 🔮

Profits will be not taken before new ATHs on the coins itself and probably not before ETH is above 10.000$.

Will revisit and update the projects when ETH is at 10.000$.
Read 49 tweets
Crypto has a branding problem.

It’s been 10 years since Bitcoin was launched… but still no cryptocurrencies have replaced traditional payment methods!

If crypto is the future… why is no one using it to pay for things?

A new paper by Luke Kowalski may give us some insight 👇 Image
If you want to skip the summary and read the whole article check it out here.

Lackluster Adoption of Cryptocurrencies as a Consumer Payment Method in the United States—Hypothesis: Is This Independent Technology in Need of a Brand, and What Kind?…
Bitcoin has been sold as a new payment technology better than existing payment solutions.

But no one actually uses Bitcoin for payments. Digital gold is stored, not spent.

Sure, some governments have made Bitcoin legal tender, but the uptake has been tepid at best. Image
Read 15 tweets
The Ultimate #Crypto Playbook🏆: Maximize Your Crypto Earnings and Minimize Your Risks!
This assumes you've read all of the previous threads. A lot of it can be hard to accept. Particularly if you're coming from a fan club #crypto project. You may have even gotten this far and be thinking, "This can't be true!"
"My project will do X; it will solve a Y problem that will be big in the future because Z," "I'm in this for the long term." "Not short-term gains," "people get wrecked when they don't HODL." Most people in #crypto start out falling for this stuff.
Read 20 tweets
Gm dawno nie było, żadnej rozkminiki 😄 więc prezent odemnie pod chonikę 🎄
dzisiaj sprawdzę strategię wychodzenia z $btc i $eth do coinów wchodzących do top120 podczas hossy 2020.

Czy z 10k$ dało radę zarobić 1 mln pln? 😊

#krypto #bitcoin

1/17 Image
Wejście na szczyt będzie 1 szlakiem:
a) czarny kupuje na bessie $btc i $eth

inwestuje 10 000$
czyli 50% / 50%
a) kupuje 1.31 $btc - 27.72 $eth

tutaj powstają problemy:
- co powinno być sygnałem do pierwszej wymiany na #alts, czy rozpoczęcie hossy okolice sierpnia 2020, czy przebicie szczytu $btc grudzień 2020. $eth i $btc dają nieskorelowane sygnały.
- nieznana jest ilość alt-ow która wejdzie do top120.

Read 17 tweets
#ZenCat $ZEN @horizenglobal holiday photoshoot under the Christmas tree 🎄

#HODL $ZEN run secure nodes or super nodes, hold your own keys in cold storage. Support bleeding edge technologies with decentralization, security, cryptography at its core with #zeroknowledge #zendoo IT
He’s a #HODL $ZEN cat that’s for sure @horizenglobal 🎄🐈😻
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What is a #DAO and how is it shaping the future of #Crypto and #finance?

This crypto guide as well as other free guides & project reviews can be read more clear on my website:

1/ 🧵👇
2- The whole #Crypto #DeFi community believes in a decentralised space with no centralised entities governing their finances. Users in the #DeFi world have complete control over their #crypto but do they have control over the future of the protocols they've invested in?
3- In some cases, yes! It is called a #DAO, which stands for 'Decentralised Autonomous Organisation'. A #DAO allows the community to make every future decision regarding the protocol through proposals and voting!
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Mini hilo:

Bueno, les voy a explicar un poco. No se de donde salio el termino HODL, Hold o ese invento que alguien se le ocurrio para cagar gente. Pongamosle que Tuviste suerte y compraste hace 7 años, perfecto. Ganaste mucho dinero. Pero vamos al gran caudal de gente
que viene hablando de HODL desde hace unos años. Si holdeas y nunca vendiste desde el 1 de diciembre de 2017. Es decir hace 5 años exactos, en este momento tenes un 17% abajo (sumada a la inflacion acumulada).
Si holdeaste en noviembre de 2017 , tenes un 15% arriba luego de 5 años.
Read 10 tweets
I was able to make 1000x of my capital last bull run with launchpads.

For the newbies, lets look into their meaning

Read on a thread🧵👇🏻
Crypto launchpads are essentially platforms that help launch crypto projects. They serve as incubators for crypto companies, providing a way for investors to gain an early foothold in projects before they issue tokens in a public ICO.
What they do basically is they allow you to buy crypto tokens of projects before they are listed on exchanges thereby maximizing your profits when they list
Read 6 tweets
We have had $WBTC aka "Wrapped Bitcoin" for some time, we now have a powerful alternative in $BTC.b.
This is a 🧵to explain what $BTC.b is, how to get it, why it's a great alternative to $WBTC & how to earn yield from it.
BTC.b is a token representing BTC that was bridged from the Bitcoin native blockchain (".b") over to another chain, initially only Avalanche. the (".b") standing for an asset bridged from the native network of Bitcoin.
Why BTC.b over WBTC? Whilst both are tokenized versions of BTC, WBTC is controlled by a centralised entity, not ideal. BTC.b has the native asset held up & controlled by a smart contact at a rate of 1:1. BTC.b is less likely to depeg from the native value.
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#VagaChain thread - financial investors / speculators view:

For investors, $VAGA, the native currency of #VagaChain is pretty interesting my opinion. Lets start with basic aspects:
► Great tokenomics:
Only around 40 mio $VAGA will be circulating at mainnet launch on 6th December 2022. Over time the max. circulating supply will be 80 mio $VAGA. Total supply will be 200 mio $VAGA. Low supply is good for price development imo.
► Usage of the network:

1) #VagaChain is not a theoretical draft on the paper. It brings real utility and impact into the economic world with a real product that fits the market needs. Its the same in another way as @Ripple is. Both are independent of bull or bear markets.
Read 28 tweets
Crypto = taking arguably the worst idea humanity ever had, already causing multiple recessions - glorifying & incentivizing wealth gained through pure speculation - spreading its high risk far & wide using our tech advances, and adding a hefty carbon footprint on top.
If you read a lot of business and economics history like I do, you see that LITERALLY every single recession or depression or crash has been caused by that particular generation's choice of what's the cleverest way to get wealthy through speculation.
But at least in the past, the speculation bubbles were linked to something tangible. Cotton, sugar, trains, oil, Internet,...all boom & bust cycles here at least left something tangible but with low profit margins.

Crypto is literally just a collective delusion of value.
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1) In his brief and excellent speech in Amsterdam, @knutsvanholm touches upon some very interesting Bitcoin ideas. I would like to give my take on some of these ideas in this thread 🧵...
2) Just to prove that I'm not stealing anyone's thunder, I tweeted about a similar idea, albeit briefly in the form of an aphorism, before Knut first wrote about this (as far as I know). It just gives the idea more merit as far as I'm concerned:
3) The idea is that #Bitcoin is teaching, or making humanity rediscover, something that would've been obvious if it weren't for all the layers fiat/fear programming we have been subjected to for so many generations...
Read 16 tweets

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